The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters fake real 0 gold (14)

The latest website: Not a princess, but better than a princess!

When the Yongping County Lord was still the County Lord, she was the number one daughter in Beijing.

If the young son of Prince Qi's mansion is crowned the crown prince, she will become more and more arrogant.

"He Dian" is a rural aunt, and it is not easy to be a concubine for the third son of the Houfu.

Now, as long as she nods her head and acquiesces to the words of the Wei Yong family, she can replace the Yongping County Lord and become the most honorable lady in the Dafeng Dynasty, no one!

There should be no one in the world who can resist such a big temptation.

The Wei Yong family's eyes were full of madness, and their hearts were even more certain—

This "He Dian" was originally an ambitious and scheming girl.

There is no opportunity, everyone can create opportunities to drill.

Now, Wei Yong's family almost sent the ladder to the other side's feet. "He Dian" doesn't have to do anything, just lift his foot slightly, and he can step on the Qingyun Ladder.

As long as He Dian is not stupid or crazy, he will not refuse.

He Tiantian: ... I was so stupid that I agreed to conspire with you. This is scheming with the tiger. With the handle in the hands of the Wei Yong family, even if he becomes the county owner, he will be threatened and blackmailed by the Wei Yong family!

He Tiantian wouldn't do such stupid things controlled by others!

If you want to be rich and noble, and want to become a high-ranking person, He Tiantian can rely on herself, instead of using this kind of deceitful means!

"No! I said it before, I can never be Princess Qi's daughter!"

"I am very aware of my background, I am the child of the He family!"

Why is He Tiantian so determined, because the original owner has known her life experience since she was a child.

She is indeed not the daughter of He's father, but the niece of He's father.

Father He had a younger sister, and when he was young, he and a young scholar had a private life agreement, and the two of them ate the forbidden fruit.

The scholar promised that he would come back to marry her after he passed the exam.

As a result, it was never returned.

When a scholar is not successful, he becomes a heartless man.

But on the way to rush for the exam, because of the death of the wind and cold, everything has not yet had time.

Aunt He was pregnant.

Although they are in a remote mountain village, they don't need to be too strict.

In order to survive, widows can remarry, women do not need to seek death after being divorced, and they can marry in another place.

However, being unmarried and pregnant is still intolerable.

Aunt He, remembering her lover's promise, refused to have an abortion.

Father He couldn't, and he felt sorry for his own younger sister.

He simply let his wife pretend to be pregnant, and found an excuse to move the family to the foot of the mountain far away from the village.

A few months later, Aunt He gave birth to a girl.

He's father happily ran to the village to announce the good news, "My wife has given birth. It's a girl. She's fat and plump, but she looks good!"

Villagers: ... a loser deserves such joy?

However, let He's father preach like this, and everyone in the village knows that the He family has added a daughter, named He Dian.

When He Dian was three years old, the aunt of the He family finally received the news of her lover's death. She couldn't bear it for a while, and she died of depression.

Father He was deeply distressed. Although he blamed his younger sister for only knowing love and love and ignoring her relatives, she was his own sister after all.

He gave his sister a funeral and buried her next to her parents' graves.

The younger sister died, and Father He loved the only blood and bones left behind by the younger sister.

Later, He's mother died of dystocia, one corpse and two lives, leaving only He's father and He Dian to live together.

He's father is very good to He Dian, and no one doubts that he is not He Dian's biological father.

Before his death, Father He took the hand of He Dian, who was crying so much, and told her intermittently, "...Your aunt is your mother, and I am your uncle!"

Father He did go to the capital, but he did not bring back any baby girls from the capital.

As for He's mother, she only "born" one child, that is He Dian.

Therefore, He Tiantian is very sure that there is no problem with the original owner's life experience!

Wei Yong's family: ... Ma Dan, even if you know it's fake, don't you want to fight for power? !

He Tiantian's attitude is firm, let alone cooperate, she almost ran out to report Wei Yong's family.

The family of Wei Yong didn't dare to insist any longer, and deliberately pretended to be lost, and murmured, "Yes, there were several people in the ruined temple back then. It wasn't you, maybe it was someone else—"

Therefore, the scam of true and false daughters, Wei Yong's family is not willing to give up.

It's just that it's not easy to find someone who looks like "He Dian", oh no, who looks like Princess Qi!

Wei Yong's family has already given birth to ambition because of this plan, and she really doesn't want to give up unless she has to.

Mrs. Ma, who was eavesdropping outside the door: ... Coincidentally, I have a girl in my hand who looks like Princess Qi.

The key is that Ma Shi, who is familiar with the plot, also used his skills to concoct a birthmark on the girl.

And this birthmark is exclusive to the Eldest Princess Anle.

Ma also wanted to use this birthmark to prove that the girl he found was more in line with the identity of the granddaughter of the eldest princess and the daughter of Princess Qi than "He Dian"!

There is no DNA in this era, and it is also possible to make false confessions by blood.

To judge whether a person is biological or not, the inheritance of certain characteristics has become the most credible evidence!

However, Ma did not expect that this time He Dian did not agree with the Wei Yong family's plan.


Why did He Dian refuse?

Not to mention her conscience found out, or she still has at least three views and bottom lines.

He Dian is clearly a vicious villain who is shrewd and selfish, greedy for vanity, and ambitious.

and many more--

shrewd? !

Yes, He Dian is very smart and knows how to judge the situation.

In the original plot, she would collude with Wei Yong's family. She was probably pregnant and had nowhere to go, so she had to marry Gu Jingyuan.

And this time, He Tian had an accidental miscarriage without knowing it, and she could marry someone else.

In addition, she also caught up with Wei's line, so she didn't necessarily have to hang on the crooked-neck tree like Gu Jingyuan.

Pretending to be a real daughter can indeed make her reach the sky in one step, but there are also too many risks.

In case it is discovered, the crime of confounding the royal bloodline and deceiving the king is enough to loot the family and destroy the family!

Moreover, the cooperation with Wei Yong's family is not peaceful.

Wei Yong's family planned such a big conspiracy, not only for revenge, but also for the enjoyment of glory and wealth.

She would hide behind the real daughter and manipulate the real daughter like a puppet.

With the real daughter's "intercession", Princess Qi not only ignored the guilt of Wei Yong's family at the beginning, but also rewarded her.

The family members of Wei Yong's family can also come to the sky with a chicken and a dog.

In this way, He Dian has completely become a tool person of Wei Yong's family. Even if he looks good on the surface, he will be controlled by Wei Yong's family secretly.

In the original script, these plots were not written, because He Dian was not the protagonist himself.

The protagonists of the story are the next generation, such as He Dian and Ma Shi, who only exist in the chats of the protagonists.

Therefore, the author does not pay much attention to her.

After entering the world, Ma discovered that even a small supporting role is a living person with a complete life.

The details that the author did not write are all according to the setting, and it really happened.

Just like the mystery of He Dian's real life experience, it was not written in the text, and it was Ma's who came to eavesdrop to find out.

...for a while, Ma Shi didn't dare to be too superstitious about the script!

Ma Shi also has a sense of uncertainty about his own task——

The original owner's wish is to stand on the moral high ground and accuse the scumbag (Gu Jingyuan) and the scumbag (He Dian), and then distance himself from these rubbish.

Take three children by yourself, live in the capital, and take good care of your parents and relatives!

Before, the Ma family was afraid that He Dian was the real daughter of the palace and the future "eldest princess", so he pre-provisioned a "substitute" and wanted to mix the fake with the real.

As a result, He Dian himself is a fake, and now he is at most exchanging fakes for fakes!

"It's not impossible! The Yongping County Master is indeed not a good person, and she was so domineering in the past, relying only on her family background."

Ma Shi is not like He Dian. She has been wearing it for a while, and when she goes out to socialize, she has encountered Yongping County Lord many times.

This noble lady was indeed spoiled to the point of disrespect.

To a wealthy lady like Ma's family, there is no politeness at all.

On closer inspection, the Ma family still has some grudges with the Yongping County Master—

A niece of Ma's family, at a banquet, wore the same dress of the same color as the county master of Yongping.

"Zhuangshan" or something is really embarrassing, and people with high identities feel even more offended.

However, most of them slap their face or say a few bitter words, and this matter is over.

The princess of Yongping is different. She is used to being domineering, and is most self-centered. How can she tolerate being offended by a young lady from a prince's family?

She actually made the girl undress in public.

That girl is unwilling, and she is also Miss Qian Jin, how can she undress in public?

Seeing the girl's rejection, the Yongping County Master became more and more annoyed.

Of course, the girl herself was also injured, and the welts all over her body made people feel distressed.

The most important thing is to lose face - the dignified daughter, but she was beaten all over the floor, her mouth was full of mourning, and her whole pair was broken into strands.

The girl who was the victim was sent to Zhuangzi in the suburbs to recuperate.

Princess Qi ordered someone to send an apology, but the family did not dare to accept it, and her parents had to go to Prince Qi's mansion to "apology".

The girl has recovered from her injury, but it is not easy to appear in Beijing, and she is sent by her family to marry someone in another place.

In her lifetime, unless there is any chance, she will never return to the capital, nor will she see her parents and relatives again!

Ma Shi and this niece are not very close, but they are a family after all.

In fact, even if they are not relatives, when they hear such a thing, people with upright views and bottom lines can't help but sympathize with the girl and scold Yongping County Master for being too domineering!

But this person has a backstage, the emperor heard about it, and just pretended to scolded the Yongping County Master, and then gave her a lot of gadgets.

As for the other girl, her life was ruined.

Ma used to have no way to punish such a wicked girl.

Now... Hehe, you only rely on being the biological daughter of Princess Qi to make a fortune, then I will destroy your support!

From the first noble girl in the top, to the abandoned baby in the mountains with unknown parents, how can you be arrogant in the future?

Ma feels that she is a chivalrous chivalrous person, she is not calculating, but killing harm for the people!

Maybe the method is not glamorous, but the result is good!

If she could, she didn't want to lie, but this was the Dafeng Dynasty, ancient times, and imperial power was above everything else.

In the face of real power, a noble lady like Ma could only bow her head.

Therefore, she can only find another way to save the country!

With such an idea, Mrs. Ma left He Tiantian and directly connected with Wei Zhong's family.

He Tiantian: you please, I won't mix it up anyway.

He Tiantian really didn't want to mix any real and fake money, and she didn't even want to stay in the Hou Mansion.

Just when the Ma family was conspiring with the Wei Zhong family, He Tiantian found Mrs. Hou:

"Ma'am, I have also stayed in the Hou Mansion for a while, and the Hou Mansion has been very kind to me!"

"I feel a little ashamed. Although I'm not a doctor, I know how to save the dying and the wounded. I saved the third young master out of instinct, and I never thought about asking for anything in return!"

"Actually, the third young master has also helped me a lot. He took me out of the mountain village and came to the capital, where he saw the prosperity and splendor, prosperity and wealth that I have never seen in my life."

"Not to mention that the nobles of the Hou Mansion are very kind to me, whether it is food and clothing expenses, or maids and servants, they have not treated me badly!"

"...But I'm not the serious master of Hou's mansion. I always live in Hou's mansion, which is really not suitable."

"It just so happens that I have a few remedies in hand. Madam Hou takes pity on me and helps me get a shop in Beijing so that I can make a living. I am grateful!"

Therefore, if the Hou Mansion still wants to repay its kindness, there is no need to recognize me as a righteous daughter, just give the money to the shop directly!

The money and goods are gone, and the grievances between them will be written off!

He Tiantian's words are very straightforward.

After hearing this, Mrs. Hou felt a little uncomfortable—her Hou residence was actually "disgusted" by a village girl in the mountains.

However, the awkwardness is only a little bit, and Mrs. Hou is more pleased.

This "He Dian" is a smart person with knowledge and interest.

Gu Jingyuan's estrangement, He Dian jumping up and down the Hou residence... Madam Hou saw it all.

Some things even have her handwriting.

She just wanted He Dian to retreat in spite of the difficulties, daring not to have any restless thoughts.

Now it seems that the effect is good, He Dian finally couldn't stand it and came to resign.

Mrs. Hou pretended to hold back a few words, but He Tiantian was very insistent, and even put on a "pray" posture.

When Mrs. Hou saw it, she accepted it and agreed to He Tiantian's request. She gave her a house with a front and a backyard, and gave her one thousand taels of silver, which was considered to have ended her life-saving grace with Gu Jingyuan.

Of course, she can also take away the clothes, jewelry, and some small gifts that He Tiantian received at the Hou Mansion during this time.

He Tiantian didn't tell anyone, just secretly greeted the second young lady Wei Shi, and moved out of the Hou Mansion alone.

When Gu Jingyuan came back from Wenquan Zhuangzi, he suddenly thought that he still had a "wife", and ran to the East Crossing Courtyard to find out that the person had already moved away.

Gu Jingyuan was in a hurry for a while, and ran to Mrs. Hou to ask a question.

But seeing Madam Hou's calm and awe-inspiring face, his full of anger disappeared again.

"She asked for a shop and a thousand taels of silver. From now on, she will have nothing to do with the Hou Mansion."

Mrs. Hou spoke lightly, her eyes full of warnings and reminders.

Gu Jingyuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he just let out a faint sigh, "...Er, got it!"

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