The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters fake real 0 gold (15)

The latest website: Gu Jingyuan came out of the main courtyard, and his heart was empty.

The picture of him getting along with "He Dian" always flashed in his mind.

This is how people are, maybe they all have the potential to be cheap-

When the other party was still there, he never cherished it;

When people leave, they will think of each other's good, can not help but miss, reluctant to give up.

During this period of time, Gu Jingyuan was attracted by the prosperity of the capital and the social interaction of the powerful circle, and he forgot his "wife" for a while.

Now, that freshness has passed, and he has successfully reintegrated into the circle of dandy in Beijing.

When he returns to the "family", he finds that his lover is gone!

That kind of loss, that kind of remorse, gnawed at Gu Jingyuan's heart like a worm.

He returned to Huaiyuan, and involuntarily raised his legs and entered the East Crossing.

It was still that small courtyard, but there was no trace of the beautiful woman.

People go empty!

The servants did not do it deliberately, but the daily cleaning gradually erased the traces of people living here.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar room, Gu Jingyuan felt more and more pain in his heart.

"Adian, you, you are so cruel. You just left me like this?!"

"As the saying goes, 'one day husband and wife a hundred days of grace', you and I have been husband and wife for several months, and I have long regarded you as the most important person in my life, but you—"

The more Gu Jingyuan thought about it, the more sad he became. He knew that he owed Adian, but he had difficulties.

He just came back and needs time to settle in.

When everything is on track, he will give Adian an explanation.

But she didn't even give him this time!

"However, I know that you should also be reluctant to leave me!"

"...Adian, you misunderstood me, I didn't mean to neglect you, I just wanted to adapt to the status of a rich and noble son!"

Gu Jingyuan sat on the bed that had been replaced with a new quilt,

Desperately looking for He Dian's residual breath.

He didn't blame He Dian blindly, he could understand her mood to some extent.

The more he understands, the more reluctant he is!

With a thud, Gu Jingyuan stood up, ignoring Madam Hou's warning just now, and walked out of the Hou residence.

He found the shop on West Street, which was a courtyard with a front and a backyard.

The front shop had its doors closed, and it didn't seem like it was open for business.

But in the back yard, there was a sound.

Gu Jingyuan turned around in front of him, took a good look at the location, went straight to the back alley, and found the backyard corresponding to the storefront.

The door to the backyard was closed, but Gu Jingyuan couldn't be beaten.

Although his martial arts are not as good as his eldest brother, he is still a servant of Qianniuwei, and he knows a little bit of martial arts.

He was lucky in his dantian, and his whole body was two or three feet above the ground when he pointed his toes.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked the wall with one foot, and with strength, he jumped up several feet, and he reached out and touched the top of the wall.

Then there was a neat roll over, and he fell off the wall.


Gu Jingyuan's skills are fairly agile, but he is not a master.

He tried his best to control his body, but when he landed, he still made a sound.

Gu Jingyuan felt a little guilty. He was not afraid of disturbing He Tiantian in the house, but worried that it would attract the attention of the neighbors on the left and right.

Stopping his steps and holding his breath, Gu Jingyuan carefully listened to the reactions around him—

Ugh, no response!

The neighbors on the left and right are still either cooking or educating their children, all busy with their own affairs.

No one heard the heavy landing sound in the evening.

Even the "He Dian" in the house seems to have not been found.

Gu Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the hem of his clothes, raised his footsteps, and tiptoed closer to the candlelit room.

When he came to the door, he wanted to push the door and enter.

His hand was on the door panel, but he didn't move.

He didn't know what to say after seeing Ah Dian.


to blame?

Or tell the truth?

Neither seems appropriate.

No matter how selfish and self-justifying Gu Jingyuan is, he still can't look like he has no guilt in front of "He Dian"!

His palm hung on the door, hesitating again and again, but still didn't knock.

After a while, he gave up knocking on the door or pushed the door directly, and instead clawed at the door panel and observed the situation in the room through the gap.

Under the dim candlelight, the room seemed to be covered with a warm filter.

In this background, a slender woman is concocting medicinal materials.

She lowered her head with concern, revealing her slender neck, cleaning, cutting, or crushing, busy and orderly.

Obviously it is a very monotonous work, but it is inexplicably quiet and warm.

Gu Jingyuan suddenly remembered that when they were still in the small house at the foot of the mountain, they lived such a simple and happy life.

This is how Ah Dian handles medicinal materials, while he packs tools such as sickles, bows and arrows, and sometimes handles prey.

The days were very hard, but also really fulfilling.

Unlike his life in the last half month, he was a flamboyant, sensual, flamboyant man who looked lively and extravagant on the surface.

But when all this is over, instead of having much fun and enjoyment in his heart, he has a deep sense of emptiness and loss!

Of course, Gu Jingyuan will definitely not be able to return to the "past", he still prefers this kind of life that may be empty but rich.

But he wanted to keep the beauty of the past, so he no longer hesitated, stood up straight, and opened the door.

He Tiantian:  …

As early as when Gu Jingyuan was wandering outside the backyard door, He Tiantian was keenly aware of it.

The subsequent puff told her that someone had jumped over the wall.

However, she pretended not to find out, and continued to be busy with her own business.

She wanted to see Gu Jingyuan's choice:

In the end, I just don't worry, I sneak over to take a look;

Still not reconciled, I want to have a relationship with He Dian.

Obviously, Gu Jingyuan chose the latter.

This person is as selfish as she sees it, and has the inferiority of a man——

Both fish and bear's paws want, the red flag at home will not fall, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside!

Gee, who do you think you are?

Does the earth revolve around you?

He Tiantian complained frantically in her heart, but she had to look surprised.

She was startled at first, and subconsciously made attacks and defensive actions.

When she saw who the "intruder" was, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and her eyes shone with surprise.

In the end, all the emotions turned into a simple sentence: ", why are you here?"

"I'm coming to see you!"

Gu Jingyuan caught the fleeting surprise in He Tiantian's eyes, and he was secretly happy: I knew that Adian was also reluctant to bear me.

"What to look at? What do I have to look at? Aren't you busy going out drinking, hunting, and soaking in hot springs with your brothers!"

He Tiantian said angrily like a little woman who had a cold war with her partner.

"Adian, in my heart, you are the best looking! I was wrong before, I always wanted to get used to the status of Young Master Houfu as soon as possible, and I ignored you for a while!"

Seeing He Tiantian "acting like a spoiled child", Gu Jingyuan felt inexplicably happy.

Don't be afraid of women crying, just be afraid that people won't cry or make trouble.

If a woman is still willing to mess around with a man, it shows that she still cares about him.

Once the woman is numb and doesn't care about anything, the two are not far from parting ways.

Gu Jingyuan licked his face, smiled and apologized, "I'm sorry! Adian, I apologize to you for this husband!"

While talking, he deliberately made an exaggerated gesture of apologizing when the actor was singing!

"Don't dare!" He Tiantian was almost amused, but she still held her face stiffly, and said yin and yang, "I am just a village girl in the mountains, thanks to your third young master, I came to the capital and entered Hou Hou. Mansion, I have seen the glory and wealth that I have never seen in my life!"

"Just like what your Mozhu said, me, you need to know the proportions, you need to know how to avoid suspicion-"

When the word "avoidance of suspicion" was mentioned, He Tiantian seemed to recall some bad memories.

The smile on her face disappeared instantly, and there was no joke. Instead, she said without comparison, "People are right, you and I should really avoid suspicion!"

"Third young master, I have already received this shop and one thousand taels of silver from Mrs. Hou. It is considered that I have ended my life-saving grace to you!"

"From now on, I have nothing to do with the Hou Mansion!"

"As for your third young master, you have a virtuous wife from a famous family, smart and sensible children, a loving mother, a filial son, and a harmonious brother. The family is not to mention more and more beautiful!"

"I'm an unruly and humble village girl in the mountains, I really don't deserve the noble you! I don't have the face to destroy your happy family!"

"In the future, don't come to me, the three sons. I don't owe each other with the three sons, so let's all be safe!"

While talking, He Tiantian stood up angrily, waving the pestle in her hand, and drove Gu Jingyuan from the house to the yard all the way, and then opened the courtyard door and pushed him out.

Gu Jingyuan: ...

This tornado-like plot is developing so fast!

He didn't respond, didn't even say a word of rebuttal, and was kicked out just like that.


The courtyard door closed directly in front of Gu Jingyuan.

The loud closing sound of the door awakened Gu Jingyuan.


Gu Jingyuan subconsciously shouted.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the surroundings gradually became very quiet.

Gu Jingyuan's shouting sounded a bit abrupt.

"You're not afraid of attracting attention, you just keep yelling!"

Across the door, He Tiantian lowered her voice and said coldly.

Gu Jingyuan: ... Of course I am afraid that others will find out.

But he still wanted to explain it to his Adian, and didn't want to be locked out.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was afraid that if he couldn't control the volume, he would be heard by the neighbors on the left and right.

Scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, he turned around at the door, and Gu Jingyuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he wanted to "replay the old tricks" - over the wall!

However, before he could act, He Tiantian on the other side of the courtyard said coldly, "Don't think about going over the wall, I will call 'catch the thief'!"

Gu Jingyuan: ...

He was a little frustrated, how did Adian become so bitter?

Is she really angry with herself and wants to draw a line with herself?

Or is she playing hard-to-get? !

Fortunately, He Tiantian couldn't hear Gu Jingyuan's inner voice, otherwise he would definitely laugh at him and scold him as "a man of ordinary faith".

"Okay, it's getting late, and the curfew will be imminent, you better hurry up!"

He Tiantian didn't want to continue entanglement with Gu Jingyuan, and directly reminded, "Also, you should have just returned from Wenquan Zhuangzi today, and the third young lady must be waiting for you at home."

If you have a good wife and children at home, don’t steal your tongue outside!

When He Tiantian moved out of Hou's mansion, he really didn't want to have anything to do with Hou's mansion, instead of doing something to advance by retreat.

Gu Jing saw that He Tiantian insisted, and the time was indeed getting late. He didn't want to be caught by the officers and soldiers who were patrolling the curfew, so he could only walk away in despair.

"Three young masters, where are you going? The third young lady asked you just now!"

The little servant Mozhu had been at the second gate for a long time, and when he saw Gu Jingyuan coming in, he hurried up to meet him.


Seeing Mo Zhu, Gu Jingyuan suddenly remembered the words He Tiantian angrily rebuked.

He didn't react at that time, but on the way back, he thought about it carefully and realized that it should be embarrassing the slaves, that's why Adian moved out of the Hou Mansion and resented himself so much!

A Dian must have misunderstood, thinking that Mo Zhu was under his own orders, and that was why she bullied her in every possible way.


It was too late for him to cherish A Dian, so how could he insult her?

What a scumbag!

Blame Mozhu!

Gu Jingyuan was directly beaten out by He Tiantian, and he was already angry.

On the way back to the Hou Mansion, he was worried about encountering the officers and soldiers on patrol. He ducked, sneaked, and got angry!

At this moment, he finally saw the "culprit", and all Gu Jingyuan's anger was directed towards Mo Zhu.


He flew up and kicked Mo Zhu to the ground: "What are you shouting? Where am I going, do I need to report back to you?"

He didn't mention the reason for He Dian, because in the Hou Mansion, the relationship between Gu Jingyuan and He Dian was not so honest.

Especially in Huaiyuan, under the eyes of the Third Young Lady Ma Shi, Gu Jingyuan felt even more guilty.

He simply made an excuse at will, and kicked Mo Zhu several times before he dared! Three young masters calm down! Minions, slaves only care about you, this is—"

Mo Zhu felt that he was wronged, but he was a slave, and if his master wanted to punish him, he could only admit his mistake and beg for mercy.

"Hmph, okay, get out of here."

After kicking several times, Gu Jingyuan stopped when he saw Mo Zhu's face pale and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

With a casual curse, Mo Zhu was sent away.

Mo Zhu endured the abdominal pain, got up from the ground with difficulty, and made a careful gesture to retreat.

Gu Jingyuan suddenly remembered something and asked, "What did you just say? Did the young lady ask me?"

Mo Zhu hurriedly stopped, ignoring the pain in his body, gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes, young master. Just now, the young lady asked you where you were going, and she said that no one had sent invitations to the mansion!"

Gu Jingyuan's heart skipped a beat, what did Ma Shi mean when he said this? Did she find something?

Gu Jingyuan was secretly surprised, but he still maintained a reserved smile on his face, "Okay, I understand, you should step back."

Just as he was about to turn around, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Mo Zhu's pale face and cold sweat, and he felt a little soft-hearted for a while, and added: "Find a doctor and take a good look!"

After all, he threw a purse to Mo Zhu.

Bamboo:  …

As a slave, what else could he say?

Although the third young master beat him, he also gave him medical expenses, which is already much better than many playboys!

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