The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 601: False real 0 gold (22)

The latest website: Ma Shi endured the complaints, accompanied by a smiling face, and sat at the palace banquet according to the grade.

Sitting in the high position is the queen, who is the first wife of the current emperor, two years younger than the emperor, and just forty years old this year.

However, as the first noble woman in the Dafeng Dynasty, the queen has the best enjoyment.

She is well maintained, her skin is delicate and her features are exquisite, and she looks like she is in her thirties.

Today is probably the New Year's Day, and the Queen's complexion is getting better and better.

Even Princess Qi, who was sitting at the bottom, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"What's wrong with Princess Qi? What's wrong with Ben Gong's face?"

The Queen's attitude is intimate, but her words are faintly thorny.

In other words, it has been a long time since the Queen looked down on Princess Qi.

In the past, it was okay, Princess Qi was just a favored daughter of the royal family. Relying on the fact that her mother was the eldest princess of Anle, she was very public in the capital and the palace.

The queen remembered the kindness of Aunt Anle who strongly supported the emperor's enthronement, and Princess Qi was a little girl, so she was more tolerant.

However, within a few years, Princess Qi married King Qi and gave birth to a son and a daughter.

There is only one princess in the palace.

The emperor has the intention to adopt the prince of Qi, not only the queen knows it, but even the people in the court know it well.

When her own son wanted to become the next emperor, Princess Qi, who was already flamboyant, couldn't keep a low profile even if she wanted to keep a low profile.

Because she is not ostentatious, some people will take the initiative to surround her, flatter and please in every way!

Especially in some public social occasions, sometimes the queen is not as decent as Princess Qi!

Empress: ... Ben Gong is the mistress of a country, but was overwhelmed by Princess Qi.

Now the emperor is still alive, she is still the queen.

If the emperor dies and the new emperor ascends the throne, then the empress dowager she is in the harem is probably just a decoration.

The queen is not reconciled,

But there was nothing she could do.

She couldn't give birth to a child herself, and the young and healthy girls arranged for the emperor one after another didn't move either.

It seems that there is no other way than adoption!

Therefore, in the past, no matter how much the queen complained, she could only bear it, and could only watch Princess Qi chatting, laughing and hugging at the palace banquet that belonged to her.

...but, that was before!

The queen's hand secretly caressed her belly.

Her menstrual period is already a month late, the imperial doctor quietly diagnosed the pulse, happy pulse!

Of course, there is no woman in the harem who has changed, and she is not the only one.

Not to mention others, just her old friend, the noble concubine, seems to be--

Not urgent!

The queen was in no hurry.

She knew what was most important to her right now.

First give birth to the child safely, if it is a little prince...

The queen clenched her fists hard, her eyes full of determination and determination.

The throne can only be her son.

Even if there is no biological son, the concubine who has "bereaved the mother" can also!

However, the queen concealed it very well, her emotions flashed by, and in an instant, she was still the gentle and generous queen!

Princess Qi, Mrs. Ma, etc. were not aware of it.

However, Ma was familiar with the plot. After waiting for the palace banquet for a long time, she still did not hear the good news from the front hall, and she was a little flustered.

"The emperor didn't adopt the Prince of Qi?"

"This, is this my butterfly effect again?"

It shouldn't be, the real and fake daughters of Prince Qi's mansion are also in the original script.

Ma just changed people, how did it cause such a big change?

Or was there something wrong in the palace that she didn't know about?

Ma was full of surprise, but didn't know where to start.

Once again, she hated the evil feudal system. Women were trapped in the inner house. Unless they had their own connections, it was really difficult to understand what was going on in the court.

Ma's family is restricted by her status, and her biggest network is Qi Wangfu.

There is no sense of crisis on the side of Prince Qi's Mansion.

They are fearless!

The emperor has struggled for more than ten years, and there are not one hundred or twenty or thirty women in the harem, but there has never been a prince.

As for the emperor, who is in his forties this year, he will know the destiny just by looking at it.

The Prince of Qi is closest to him by blood, and has the face of Princess Anle, so the emperor will definitely adopt this nephew.

It's just a matter of time.

Everyone in Prince Qi's mansion has such a perception, so they are not in a hurry.

In addition, the eldest princess Anle is not very healthy, the entire Qi Wangfu is busy going to the princess residence to take care of this ancestor, and has no intention to pay attention to other things.

Ma can only be in a hurry, and even Gu Jingyuan can't take care of it for a while.

"Mrs. Three Young Masters, are you really not going to take a look?"

"Three young masters these days, often go to the pharmacy shop to find He's daughter!"

"Moreover, every time I go there secretly, dodging and dodging, it seems that I am afraid that people will see it!"

"...According to the slave maid, he must have gone to have an affair with the He family!"

Fei Cui said bitterly, she became more and more disdainful of Gu Jingyuan, the male protagonist.

Alas, what a pity the third young lady of their family.

Backed by Princess Qi, she became the most enviable lady in Beijing. I don't know how many people couldn't flatter Princess Qi and Princess Yongning, so they all came to befriend the three young ladies.

During this time, Jade, who was the first confidant of Mrs. Three Young's, was quick to accept all kinds of invitations and invitations.

Mrs. Hou, Mrs. Da Shao and the others also valued Mrs. San Shao very much.

Jade has experienced this firsthand, and with it, her "vision" and temperament are much higher.

The honor of his young lady has brought a lot of help to the Hou Mansion, and even the official position of the third young master is due to the blessing of the young lady.

As a result, instead of being grateful, the third young master ran to break the connection with He's daughter!

Fei Cui really got angrier the more she thought about it, and while she was talking, she didn't even have the slightest respect for Gu Jingyuan, the third young master.

Ma Shi couldn't care about this, and waved his hand casually, "Leave him alone!"

The eldest princess of Anle is finally old, and she left a dark disease when she gave birth to a child in her early years.

This time, it was originally just a minor illness, and no one cared about it.

But she never expected that in less than half a month, her old man became seriously ill and fell into a coma for a time.

The eldest princess Anle is the most respected aunt of the emperor today, and she also has the grace to help the emperor.

Her importance is self-evident.

The emperor would value King Qi so much, not only because King Qi was the only younger brother with the same mother, but also because of the eldest princess.

If the eldest princess goes, the emperor can't say that he will change his mind of succeeding the prince of Qi, but the weight of the prince's palace will be reduced.

Therefore, the entire Qi Wang Mansion, including the real daughter of Yongning County Lord, who had just "recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry", went to the Princess Mansion to serve the disease.

Marcus:  …

Regret, she really regrets that after completing the task last time, when she chose the reward, she did not choose medical skills.

It’s alright now, when the book is ready, I will hate it less, I don’t know medical skills, and Ma’s family has no chance to help.

As for helping to find a magician?

Hehe, she is a fourth-grade official, whether it is power or financial resources, can she be compared with the honorable eldest princess, Qi Wangfei, etc.?

I heard that Princess Qi has found Hedong, Central Plains and other areas in search of a magical doctor.

Even some "strange people" who knew some remedies and secret recipes were invited to the Princess Palace by Princess Qi.

He Tiantian, bearing the name of the Medicinal Lady, also mingled in it.

However, there are too many "strange people", and He Tiantian directly stated that she would not seek medical treatment, but only a few remedies to regulate her body.

Therefore, she didn't even see Princess Qi's face, and she was brushed off when the housekeeper passed.

He Tiantian: ...I was worried that if Princess Qi saw her face, she would be suspicious.

Now it seems that she is really worried for nothing.

Not to mention that as He Tiantian, she couldn't see the honorable Princess Qi at all, but she did. Since Princess Qi was only caring about her mother, she didn't think too much.

Instead of wondering why a woman looks like me, I might as well do something for my mother.

For example, asking to see the emperor and asking him to visit the eldest princess.

Emperor: ... I don't want to see Aunt Anle.

Because the emperor knew that at this time, if he went there, he would definitely be "persuaded" by his aunt to adopt him!

He doesn't want to take over!

His queen, noble concubine, and five or six young concubines were all pregnant.

In a few months, the baby will be born.

Seven or eight pregnant women, even if there is only a half probability, there will be three or four princes.

He will have his own son soon, why should he adopt someone else's son?

Neither can the nephew or the grandson of the benefactor's aunt!

Rather than rejecting my aunt face to face, I might as well go away, to save everyone from being embarrassed.

It's not that the emperor really has no conscience and refuses to see his aunt for the last time.

The hospital of the Taiyuan Hospital is located in the Princess Mansion, and he reports the condition of the eldest princess every day.

It's really the last lesson, the emperor will invite him to visit and send his aunt the last ride!

For the rest, forget it first.

Of course, the emperor could not directly refuse Princess Qi's request.

He is simply "sick"!

King Qi and his wife are disappointed again, and have faint expectations in their hearts.

If the emperor is directly seriously ill, he may directly adopt it and establish his own son as the crown prince.

In this way, the eldest princess can rest in peace, and their Qi Wangfu can also get the honor and wealth they deserve.

It's just that this is just the best wish of King Qi and his wife.

The emperor was indeed ill, but it had not reached the level of lingering sickness.

When people are recovering from illness, they can also summon the ministers of the Zhengshitang to discuss government affairs and handle some important government affairs.

But the eldest princess really couldn't hold it any longer, and she was dying soon.

The emperor dragged the sick body to the princess mansion.

The eldest princess looked eager and wanted to say something, but she was so weak that she couldn't even utter a complete sentence except for a few scattered words.

The emperor pretended to be stupid on purpose and only said nonsense like "Aunt, don't worry, you will be fine".

The eldest princess:  …

Don't rest your eyes.

She took her last breath with concern for her daughter and grandchildren.

The emperor cried bitterly and held a funeral for the eldest princess.

Concubine Qi's soul seemed to have followed the eldest princess. She survived the funeral in a daze, and escorted her mother's coffin to the imperial mausoleum in person.

On the way back, Princess Qi slowly recovered before she suddenly realized that her mother's funeral was considered a national mourning, but the queen and concubine seemed to only show a few faces in a hurry.

No cry, no wake, this, this...

"It's weird! Something must have happened in the palace!"

All of Princess Qi's sanity came back, and she suddenly became vigilant.

But, it's too late.

She wanted to ask to see the queen, but was rejected by the other party on the grounds of "keeping filial piety".

Princess Qi used the nails buried in the palace to investigate, but there was no news.

On the contrary, at the back door of the palace, the bodies of many eunuchs and palace maids who died violently were quietly thrown out.

In addition, the queen also released many elderly palace maids and eunuchs on the grounds of praying for the eldest princess.

Among them, there are naturally the connections that the eldest princess and the mother and daughter of Princess Qi have managed for many years.

"My lord, things are going bad! There must be something big happening in the palace!"

Without the eyeliner, Princess Qi really smeared the palace, and her anxiety became more and more intense.

In fact, not only Princess Qi, King Qi also had a premonition that it was not good.

Not to mention anything else, only the emperor's attitude towards him has changed.

It can't be said that the royal brother suddenly neglected him, but he didn't seem to be as indulgent as in the past.

After the Spring Festival, the officials of the Ministry of Personnel changed greatly, and several officials of the Qi Palace camp also rose up and down.

This, is this the rhythm of suppressing the Qi Palace?

Should not be!

King Qi is the emperor's younger brother. The emperor has no children, and he still needs an adoptive nephew to inherit the throne.

Not to mention that King Qi and his wife were secretly suspicious, even the courtiers couldn't see it through.

But, soon, the answer was revealed——

After six months, a baby cry could be heard in the palace.

The queen gave birth to a son.

Before waiting for the courtiers who were shocked by the news to react, news came out one after another in the palace:

Concubine Shu gave birth to a second princess;

A certain Zhaoyi gave birth to a second prince;

A certain talent gave birth to three princes;

The concubine gave birth to a daughter;

a showgirl...

For two or three months in a row, the good news in the palace continued.

Either a prince or a princess.

King Qi and his courtiers were completely beaten.

In just three months, the emperor who originally had only one sick princess suddenly had four sons and three more princesses!

The eldest son is still the direct descendant of the middle palace, the proper eldest son, the most orthodox heir!

Ma Shi: is it possible!

The emperor is almost infertile, how can there be so many children born?

who is it?

Who is it? !

By this time, Ma Shi no longer doubted the "butterfly effect".

This is not at all a change that she can cause as a small person.

But something happened somewhere she didn't know.

For example, someone cured the emperor's infertility.

In fact, it's more than Ma's suspicion, even the Qi Wang couple who are about to collapse also want to know the reason.

It's just that the emperor is well hidden, and without the greatest help of the eldest princess in the Qi Palace, it is impossible to investigate the emperor!

However, the emperor did not let everyone doubt for too long.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor found an excuse to canonize the king of Dongchang County as the Prince of Dongchang, and his two daughters had to be crowned the county owner.

Among them, Mrs. Wei, the second young wife of the Nanning Hou Mansion, was married!

"It's him! The Duke of Dongchang! It's the ghost he made in secret!"

King Qi's hatred, he never took this half-brother in his eyes, but he didn't expect that he secretly gave himself such a heavy blow.

On Ma's side, there is no suspicion of Wei's body yet.

The plot seems to have collapsed, things have gotten seriously out of control, and Ma's mentality has also collapsed.

It just so happened that at this time, Fei Cui went back and forth again: "Young madam, the third young master is too outrageous, he went to meet that slut privately again..."

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