The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 602 False real 0 gold (End)

The latest website: Ma Shi has a total of two tasks:

First, get away with the scumbag Gu Jingyuan, but not get a trace of infamy;

Second, take good care of parents and children, so that they can have a stable and wealthy life.

The emperor suddenly had his own son, and the prince of Qi Wang couldn't succeed, and the Qi Wangfu was even involved in the right and wrong circle of winning the succession.

He has become the eldest son of Prince Qi's son, and it is difficult to escape easily.

The second task seems to have the possibility of failure.

"..." Ma Shi gritted her teeth, she must seize the first task.

Before, she sent people to follow Gu Jingyuan, so that she could one day succeed in catching the rapist.

It's just that she has been busy with the affairs of Prince Qi's mansion and ignored it for the time being.


I didn't say one word - catch the rape!

Ma took the people and went to the medicinal food shop in a mighty way.

However, she has not completely lost her mind.

Before she went to the yard behind the shop, she ordered Feicui to go to the shop in front of her to explore the truth.

"Young madam, the slave has seen it, that bitch is not in the shop."

"The slave also asked the man and said that she had just returned to the backyard!"

"Young madam, that bitch must have gone to meet the third young master privately. Hmph, they are so presumptuous and shameless!"

Jade blushed with anger, and kept talking in Ma Shi's ear.

Ma was impatient to hear this, she was fishing before.

Now that the fish is hooked, she just wants to close the net as soon as possible.

"Go! Go to the backyard!"

Ma glanced at the pharmacy shop that was very prosperous, and his eyes were dark and inexplicable.

I have to say that the emperor acted very cautiously, every time he came to get medicine,

They all asked Gu Jingyuan, a personal guard, to come here.

Neighbors or passers-by who come and go see him, they just speculate on color matters, never thinking that he is actually working for the emperor.

The person Ma arranged to follow Gu Jingyuan did not find anything unusual.

He squatted in the corner, keeping a close eye on the closed back door.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that his master, the villain, had been killed, and he hurried up to meet him, "Reporting to the young lady, the slave has been guarding the door, and the third young master has never come out!"

For some reason, the man added, "No one went in, it seemed that there were always only the two of them in the room!"

Ahem, a man and a widow live in the same room.

what are they doing?

Think with your toes.

"Young madam, they, they are too much!"

It's still daytime.

Bai Rixuan is so embarrassed!

Emerald was angry and embarrassed, she wished she could rush into the yard and drag the pair of gangsters out and beat them.

Ma's heart is very calm, and there is no anger at all.

She was really looking forward to it: it is best to catch the rape in bed, so that she can get away smoothly.

And when such a scandal happened in the family, Ma could also take the opportunity to pull his son out of the circle of right and wrong in Prince Qi's mansion.

The big deal is not to pursue a career in the future, to be a rich man with fields and money, it should be considered to have completed the task!

On the way to "catch the rape", Mrs. Ma had already controlled her emotions and alienated all the situations in her mind.

She finally found a way to break the game - trouble!

Then catch the pretext of rape, and make a big scene.

Perhaps the reputation will suffer a little, and even with three children will be pointed at.

But, it's better than failing her mission.

"Ma Xin, go over the wall and go in, go to the window and listen!"

Ma has a decision in his heart, and his actions become more and more thorough.

When she came to the backyard, she didn't break in with much fanfare, but wanted to get a better grasp of the situation.

"Yes, young lady!"

The little servant Ma Xin agreed, looked carefully, found a good wall to climb, and deftly turned over.


When Ma Xin landed, his voice was a bit loud. He was very clever. After making a sound, he hurriedly meowed a few times.

A woman's voice could be vaguely heard in the room, "...It turned out to be a wild cat!"

Ma Xin secretly let out a breath, then he crept close to the window, put his ear to the window paper, and listened carefully—

"Oh, take it easy!"

"...Adian, you are amazing!"

"Be careful, oops, Gu Jingyuan, why are you so clumsy?"

"I'm sorry, Adian, I didn't mean to. But Adian, you are really amazing, I, I have never seen a woman like you—"

This dialogue, listening to another scene, doesn't seem to be a problem.

But Ma Xin was preconceived, thinking that the men and women in the room were having an affair. Hearing these words, he thought even more crookedly.

He didn't continue to listen, for fear that no matter how much he listened to, he wouldn't be able to bear it anymore.

Swallowing secretly, Ma Xin crept to the front of the courtyard again.

Instead of going over the wall stupidly, he opened the latch directly from the inside.

"Young madam, the slave only heard the voices of the third young master and He's daughter."

"They, they—"

Ma Xin didn't know if he should tell the conversation between the two directly, so he hesitated.

There was not a single fool present, the more Ma Xin hesitated to say anything and avoided his eyes, the more angry Jade and others became.

"Young madam—" It's too much, it's absolutely unbearable!

Jade couldn't wait to roll up her sleeves immediately.

Ma no longer hesitated, with a cold face, and said coldly: "Go!"

Go get raped!

A group of people stormed into the yard in a mighty manner, without any scruples.

Ma's family didn't make a big noise, but this movement still caused the neighbors to the left and right and passers-by to gather outside the gate of the small courtyard.


Ma Xin kicked open the closed door.

Ma Shi and others rushed in directly.

The melon eaters at the back, some very lively and daring, actually followed into the courtyard.

They probed their brains, talked a lot, and paid close attention to the progress of the "suspected rape scene".

"Oh, this is the lady of that family, who came here to catch rape?"

"What are you catching? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. This is the home of the medicated lady!"

"Medicinal lady? Is that the Guanyin who sent the child?"

"Bah! What are you giving off Guanyin? Before, I saw that she wasn't a good person because she was charming and enchanting, and there was always a man who came looking for her. Now it seems that she is indeed a vixen!"

"...Mother Chen Kang, I think you are deliberately slandering the medicated lady. Who doesn't know about you, your ex-daughter-in-law who went out because she had no children, just gave birth to a big fat boy, your son is so ashamed You don’t dare to see people for months, you don’t blame your son for being deceived, but you speak ill of other people’s medicated lady!”

In the crowd, several people who lived nearby pointed their fingers.

One of them, a mean woman in her fifties, was a little embarrassed by being run on by her acquaintance neighbors.

"When did I slander people? Isn't this group of people here to catch rape?"

"Hmph, I'd like to see with my own eyes, whether the medicated lady you treat as an offering from your ancestors is being blocked on the kang by the lady at the front of the house!"

The mean woman, also known by the neighbors as Chen Kang's mother, Zhou Qianniang's former mother-in-law.

The face of being run on is ugly, and he pushed through the crowd regardless and rushed into the house.

The women who were quarreling with her and helping He Tiantian to speak, glanced at each other, worried, and followed.

However, when they squeezed to the door and saw the scene in the room, their eyes widened.

With Ma Shi and the others who just broke in, Qi Qi turned into a dumb wooden chicken.

what's the situation?

Didn't get raped in bed?

Nothing slick? !

In the house, there is not even a man and a woman.

Besides Gu Jingyuan and He Tiantian, there were also three or four apprentices aged twelve or thirteen.

These apprentices are male and female, all of them are honest and well-behaved.

And there is no "big bed" in the house, but a pile of pickle jars.

"You, why are you here?"

Gu Jingyuan was being called as a strong laborer. He was also responsible for moving things and helping to deliver tools. He was very busy.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and his wife, with a frosty face, led someone in!

Gu Jingyuan wasn't smart, but he wasn't stupid either.

After being stunned for a moment, he reacted.

"Ma's, you, you don't think that I came here to be a coward with people, right?!"

His question was filled with obvious anger.

Ma: ... what else can she say?

If you fail to catch rape, you have fallen into a passive state. No matter how much you talk about it, it will not help.

"Good you Ma Shi! You, you are so filthy, so despicable!"

"I know that during this period of time, you have joined the Prince Qi's mansion and become a hot lady in Beijing. Even your maid dares to slap me!"

"But I, Gu Jingyuan, am not a rubbish who eats soft food. No matter how bad I am, I am also the son of the dignified Marquis's mansion, and I am the general of the Qianniu Guard under His Majesty's command!"

"You have climbed a high branch, if you dislike me, you can get away with me directly, why are you pouring dirty water on me?"

"It's okay to slander me. I'm your husband after all, and I should endure everything from you. But you should never go to the pharmacy shop to make trouble!"

If Gu Jingyuan wanted to renew his relationship with "He Dian" in the past, but was ordered by the emperor to come to get the medicinal meal in person, Gu Jingyuan knew that A Dian was no longer the A Dian of the past.

She is a person that the emperor and the King of Dongchang value, and she is no longer a person she can afford.

He even kept her in the outer room, hehe, Gu Jingyuan was so embarrassed that he could secretly slap himself twice!

Others don't know how the bunch of princes and princesses in the palace came to be. As the emperor's "confidant", Gu Jingyuan knows it better than anyone.

With this credit alone, He Dian can become the "Goddess of Mercy" in the eyes of the nobles in Beijing.

Not to mention, this room full of pickled vegetables can actually make a life-saving medicinal soup!

Many generals in the Sixteen Guards came to ask for medicine.

The emperor attached great importance to it, and specially sent him as a "confidant" to continue to help in the medicinal food shop.

... She and herself are no longer possible!

But fortunately, his family and He Dian did not completely change their faces, and he and she were still "brothers and sisters".

Gu Jingyuan restrained all his thoughts, forgot the past, and regarded He Dian as his own sister.

He had just transformed his mentality, but was caught by the Ma family with great fanfare.

Gu Jingyuan's inner shame and anger can be imagined.

In a hurry, Gu Jingyuan did not have too many scruples, and vented all his inner distress, dissatisfaction, and anger at this moment.

Ma Shi forcefully closed his eyes.


This time the "public opinion war", she failed.

Not only was she unable to stand on the moral high ground to crusade against Gu Jingyuan and He Dian, a pair of scumbags and scumbags, she became a vicious first-wife who was rich and did not want to be a "worse husband" and would not hesitate to throw dirty water on her husband!

If it were normal times, in such a situation, Ma would not easily admit it.

But recently, the series of defeats, especially the large ship of Prince Qi's mansion, began to leak and tend to capsize, and Ma's heart was completely chaotic.

Facing Gu Jingyuan's "complaint", Ma's not only did not refute it immediately, but only felt a burst of qi and blood rushed to his forehead——


Ma Shi closed his eyes and fainted.

Ma was ill, very ill.

Some people suspect that she has "heart disease".

There have never been any secrets in Beijing, let alone when Ma's arrest was so loud.

In less than half a day, most of the capital knew it.

She has everything, but the more deeply the image of the affectionate wife Ma created in the past, the stronger the backlash she suffered at the moment.

Marcus:  …

Her reputation was ruined, but she did not admit defeat completely, and she took the opportunity to bring her son back from the Qi palace.

It's just that she didn't get along with Gu Jingyuan.

It's not that she doesn't want to, and it's not that Gu Jingyuan doesn't agree, it's that she can't bear to have three children.

This is the Dafeng Dynasty, not the later generations.

Husband and wife can divorce, but the child will not be taken away by the woman.

Unless the man has serious faults, the woman has the power and power to overwhelm her husband's family.

As for these "favorable conditions", Ma's family did not occupy any of them, and she even asked Gu Jingyuan not to divorce.

In the end, Ma's family could only live apart from Gu Jingyuan (that is, the ancient version of separation), for the sake of their children and for the reputation of their parents' family, to be a good-looking couple.

Of course, there is still a glimmer of hope in Ma's heart-maybe the Qi Palace can win the battle for succession.

The emperor did have a prince, but the child was still young. In ancient times when the death rate was extremely high, it was really hard to say whether he could grow up smoothly.

And the emperor is getting old, in case—

As for the Prince of Qi, he has been trained as an "invisible prince" for several years, and he is thirteen years old this year.

There are not a few courtiers who are attached to the Qi palace.

It's really hard to say whose hands the throne will ultimately fall on!

I don't know if Ma's family has such a fantasy, but all the people in Qi Wang's mansion, including those who follow him, also think this way.

Therefore, King Qi has rebelled!

Taking advantage of Emperor Qiuwei's hunting skills, he tried to assassinate the emperor.

The emperor suffered serious trauma, and the fever persisted, and the imperial physicians were helpless.

Or Gu Jingyuan sent a bowl of medicinal soup, the emperor drank it, the high fever quickly subsided, and the emperor successfully saved his life.

The emperor was not dead, and the palace was not breached.

The rebellion in the Qi palace only lasted for three days, and was easily suppressed by the emperor.

The King of Qi was imprisoned, and the family members of Princess Qi, the Prince of Qi and other family members were imprisoned together.

The former Yongping County Master Wei Wuyou shouted that she was just the "adopted daughter" of Prince Qi's mansion and wanted to escape, but the "true daughter" Wei Jingniang, the owner of Yongning County, revealed a truth that directly made Princess Qi vomit blood-

"I'm not the daughter of Prince Qi's mansion at all, I'm just an ordinary peasant daughter in Wannian County."

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