He Tiantian:  …

She and Zhou Zixuan may be really at odds with each other, obviously they don't have any grudges, but they just don't like each other.

In the past, Zhou Zixuan still maintained the restraint of a "beautiful writer". Instead of directly tearing up with He Tiantian, she secretly wrote novels and cursed He Tiantian, or provoked dog-legs to target her.

However, since He Tiantian began to change, she changed her hairstyle and actively participated in class activities, and she became a man of the seventh class.

Also known as "He Xian'er".

All kinds of scenery stimulated Zhou Zixuan, who was already very jealous, and his envy and jealousy towards He Tiantian almost reached its peak.

Surrounded by all kinds of negative emotions, Zhou Zixuan's restraint could not hold back.

No, people will go into battle in person today, yin and yang will target He Tiantian strangely.

"What crooked and evil way? Zhou Zixuan, if you don't know the truth, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhou Zixuan, as He Tiantian's best friend and the one who knew the truth about He Tiantian's "journey to the capital", naturally could not listen to Zhou Zixuan's slander.

Moreover, because of the grievances in the name, as well as the discord in terms of personality, three views, etc., the straightforward and sunny Zhou Zixuan is the most incapable of seeing the tea-like appearance in Zhou Zixuan's tea!

"I don't know, you know! Then tell me, He Tiantian, a senior in high school, is approaching the college entrance examination. Not to mention studying hard at school, but taking more than a month's leave in one go, what did she do?"

Zhou Zixuan dropped the pen in his hand and said in a questioning tone.

Zhou Zixuan rolled her eyes directly, "Cut, you live by the sea, so wide?!"

Zhou Zixuan: "Zhou Zixuan, don't make jokes and deliberately confuse the facts!"

"What facts? Zhou Zixuan, enough is enough for you. Who do you think you are? The old class approved He Xian'er's leave, but you are here to force Lai Lai?"

Zhou Zixuan blushed with anger, what forced Lai Lai?

It's so ugly!

She is a famous little talented girl in the first county, and a beautiful writer who has appeared on the county TV station.

But she didn't think about it. Now her face is full of jealousy, almost distorting her pretty facial features. Where does it fit her status as a beautiful writer and a talented girl? !

Zhou Zixuan may know that she is not good-looking now, but she is too angry.

In addition to being jealous of He Tiantian for being special and being able to take a long vacation, Zhou Zixuan also has a little bit of thought.

I heard that Gao Xiang was accepted by the university in the provincial capital in advance. During the winter vacation, he went to participate in the competition on behalf of the university.

Throughout the holiday, Gao Xiang was training and competing in Beijing.

At this time, He Tiantian also ran to the capital for no reason.

Did she run to find Gao Xiang? !

Are they-

Zhou Zixuan is a sensitive and thoughtful little girl. She has a crush on Gao Xiang, but she doesn't dare to confess.

He didn't have the courage to confess, but he was jealous of those girls who were involved with Gao Xiang.

Sweeter than how!

She is the one who had a "gossip" with Gao Xiang.

Zhou Zixuan was jealous of He Tiantian's beauty, and she became the most famous person in the class.

Coupled with Gao Xiang, she is full of malice towards He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ... Dear, too much brain supplementation is a disease, and it needs to be cured!

"Anyway, it's not right for He Tiantian to ask for leave for no reason!" Zhou Zixuan was left speechless by Zhou Zixuan's run.

It took a long while for her to react, and she said angrily, "I'm in the third year of high school, not to mention studying hard, but still—"

"I went to Beijing to attend the Beijing University's winter camp!"

He Tiantian is not a white lotus bitch, she will not hide behind other people's backs, she is innocent and pitiful.

She didn't wait for Zhou Zixuan to continue to help her speak, if she said it directly.

"What? Beijing University's winter camp?"

The students in the class were bombed.

They are not three aunts and six grandmothers who don't know anything, especially after Gao Xiang was recommended, they have also studied about the recommendation.

And one of the many recommended ways is to participate in the summer camp or winter camp held by XX University.

He Tiantian participated in the winter camp of Beijing University, does it mean that,

Can she be recommended to go to Beijing University? !

"He Xian'er, have you been recommended to Beijing University?"

"No, that's Beijing University! I heard that even if you participate in the winter camp, you must make excellent grades in a certain subject!"

"What do you mean? Are you saying that our class He Xian'er is not good enough? She is a foreign language expert who is proficient in four languages!"

"Yes, yes, and archery! Oh my god, I still remember He Xian'er's volley arrow!"

"Yes, archery. I heard that this is also a sports specialty. Could it be that He Tiantian, like Gao Xiang, also went to Beijing University to become a sports student?"

"I can't. This requires an athlete's certificate, and the top three results in national or international competitions as a standard."

"Oh, no matter what the reason is, now He Tiantian has been admitted to Beijing University for free!"

"Yeah, you don't have to take the college entrance examination in two months, and you don't have to scribble through the exams. What a blessing!"

"...He Xian'er, cheating!"

The classmates talked a lot, either surprised, envious, or happy for He Tiantian.

Only Zhou Zixuan and her "good girlfriends" all changed their faces when they heard the news of He Tiantian's "walking".

"That's right! We He Xian'er were admitted to Beijing University without examination, or early admission, and even the school status and files have been transferred by Beijing University!"

When Zhou Zixuan saw that He Tiantian took the initiative to admit that she went to the winter camp, she knew that she didn't need to help keep it a secret.

She simply told all the situation, which attracted another burst of exclamation from the classmates.

"He Tiantian! Zhou Zixuan! You, you bully people!"

Zhou Zixuan burst into tears, covered her face and ran out.

"Yes, you are too bullying!"

Liu Qian and several other girls glared at Zhou Zixuan and He Tiantian, and followed Zhou Zixuan out of the classroom.

With a question mark face, He Tiantian pointed at herself, "I bully others? When did I bully Zhou Zixuan?"

She just stated a fact that she didn't have DISS Zhou Zixuan, how could she become a "bully".

Zhou Zixuan knew what was going on, shook her head, and said casually, "Isn't there a gossip last year that Zhou Zixuan's family wanted to help her transfer to a foreign language middle school in the provincial capital?"

Zhou Zixuan wanted to take the shortcut of being recommended by a foreign language school, but I heard that her family was very troubled.

It was spending money, trusting relationships, and secretly taking Zhou Zixuan to the provincial capital for an "interview".

But after two or three months of tossing, a lot of money and energy were spent, but it was not done!

Think about it, since it is a "shortcut", there are many people who want to go.

Zhou Zixuan's family may have some energy in the county town, but when they went to the provincial capital, tsk tsk, nothing!

"After winter vacation, when I go back to school, Zhou Zixuan's condition is not very good, and I can't hear the word 'walking'!"

Zhou Zixuan said softly.

He Tiantian:  …

Therefore, she said that she was recommended to go to Beijing University, and she really poked Zhou Zixuan's lung tube!

"..." He Tiantian was silent.

If it was to take care of some classmates' friendship, or to create a kind and beautiful image of her, she should apologize a little and say that she should not put a knife in others' hearts.



He Tiantian suddenly laughed!

Just kidding, she's not the Virgin.

Zhou Zixuan did so many little tricks to her, although it didn't cause any real harm to her, but He Tiantian still couldn't treat her as an ordinary classmate.

Naturally, there is no way to talk about "classmate friendship"!

Besides, the other party's glass heart, do you have to let it go and coax it? !


He Tiantian is not her mother, let alone owes her.

"Haha, it's interesting, isn't it?"

Seeing He Tiantian smiling, Zhou Zixuan also laughed softly.

She didn't say much, but the expression already said everything: if you don't have the princess' life, don't get the princess' disease! It's the first time to be a human, why are you used to her? !

The next day, the teacher freed up a physical education class and asked the classmates to go to the playground to take graduation photos.

Originally, such graduation photos were basically the class teacher, the class teacher, and the highest level was the teaching director.

However, today is extraordinarily special, the principal also showed up.

He Tiantian knew the reason, but she was not too proud, but took a group photo with her classmates.

After the whole class is photographed, I will then take a few familiar classmates or teachers with whom I have a good relationship and take a photo together.


Click click!

With the sound of the shutter of the mobile phone camera, He Tiantian's high school life has come to a successful conclusion!

After taking pictures and receiving a high school diploma, it seems that He Tiantian no longer needs to stay in the county No. 1 middle school.

If she stayed in the class, she might also affect other students.

Just imagine, everyone is studying hard, but He Tiantian is alone. With such a huge difference, students can still maintain a good attitude.

He Tiantian can not care about Zhou Zixuan's glass heart, but he can't deliberately stimulate the classmates.

So, she should leave.

Not only her, Zhou Zixuan will also return to the capital in another month.

Her household registration is in Beijing, which is not considered a college entrance examination immigrant, but a reasonable and legal return to her hometown.

"My dad is about to be transferred, and as soon as my dad leaves, my mom will be transferred with him!"

It was not until this time that He Tiantian knew that Zhou Zixuan's father was actually the leader of the county seat.

And Zhou Zixuan's mother will be transferred to the county, mainly to take care of her husband nearby.

Zhou's father stayed in the county for five years, and has already served one term. During his tenure, his political performance was very good, and he should be improved.

"I'm just what I say, and finally don't have to move around with them!"

Zhou Zixuan looks like "Sister is finally liberated".

When He Tiantian saw it, she couldn't help but smile.

Zhou Zixuan seemed reluctant to follow her parents, but He Tiantian knew that their family had a very good relationship.

True marital love, parent-child harmony.

Zhou Zixuan is an only child. Now that the two-child policy is released, Zhou's mother, who is not too old, does not think about having a son.

As a leader, Zhou's father did not have the concept of patriarchal preference.

Compared with He Shengli, who claims to have an identity and needs an heir, he is definitely not a person of the same realm.


How could she compare Father Zhou with He Shengli, this in itself is a humiliation and blasphemy to other leaders Zhou!

Thinking of Father Zhou and this small county town, He Tiantian had an inexplicable idea.

Ever since he was sensible, He Tiantian has longed to escape from this place.

She always wanted to find a place where no one knew her, so that no one would point at her nose and call her "little vixen".

No one would comfort her in a sympathetic tone, "Don't blame your parents and your mother, they don't want you, but they can't do anything about it. Oh, who made you a girl!"

No relatives will reprimand her, "Even if your parents and your mother have done something wrong, they are also your parents. They gave birth to you and handed you over to your aunt to raise you, which means they have fulfilled their obligations to raise you. , you can't ignore your parents in the future!"

In this small county, He Tiantian has too bad memories.

It also bears too many moral kidnappings.

She dreams of leaving, away from all this harm!

But, when it was time to leave, He Tiantian suddenly felt reluctant—

Here is her hometown, the place where she was born and raised!

Although the small county town has its downsides, there are also moments that make her feel warm.

Unconsciously, He Tiantian walked to the small supermarket, where she grew up since she was a child.

When He Shengnan got married, he sold the small supermarket and took the money as a dowry.

Now, the small supermarket is still a small supermarket, but it has changed its owner.

"Sweet, come on!"

He Tiantian stood at the entrance of the small supermarket, hesitating whether to go in and have a look.

I don't want to, but an acquaintance came out of it--

"Sister Mei? Why are you here?"

He Tiantian was very surprised.

When she returned to the county this time, she did not let Yuan Mei go with her.

First, the small county is her territory, and they are all acquaintances, so there is no danger at all;

And she, a high school student, suddenly returned to the county seat with a stranger, which made her stand out.

Second, after Yuan Mei came to her side, she guarded her day and night, and did not rest even during the New Year. He Tiantian felt bad about it, so she gave Yuan Mei a strong holiday.

However, He Tiantian never expected that Yuan Mei would still chase after him, and suddenly appeared in the small supermarket.

A guess quickly flashed through her mind, "Sister Mei, this small supermarket?"

"I've already ordered it, and the house is also in your name!"

"Tiantian, don't rush to refuse, this is the concern of your superiors for you!"

"Although you are going to study in the capital, this is always your hometown and your roots!"

Yuan Mei said these words quickly, blocking He Tiantian's refusal in her throat.

The superiors knew that He Tiantian was a kind, selfless and loving child, but her family of origin was too bad.

So that the child does not have much sense of belonging to the family and relatives.

Of course, the superiors are not afraid that He Tiantian will have anti-social thoughts, or do things that endanger the country because of being too cold.

However, giving He Tiantian a little more concern will make her feel more nostalgic for the world, and it will also prevent her from being too lonely and miserable.

"...Yes, this is my hometown, and I can't give it up completely!"

He Tiantian said slowly.

Before that, she had an idea in her mind. Now that she heard Yuan Mei's words and saw the familiar small supermarket, she became more and more firm about that idea.

"By the way, Sister Mei, that biogene company has been officially established, and it's still profitable, right?"

He Tiantian asked suddenly.

Yuan Mei was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes! Do you need money? I can apply and withdraw the dividends for you in advance!"

If the dividends of this project are not enough, He Tiantian also has bonuses for small nuclear reactors and related project dividends.

Oh, and artificial intelligence!

My God... I don't know, Yuan Mei's calculation, she suddenly realized that He Tiantian's contribution to the country is really great and great.

"Well, I want to build a high-speed rail station for the county, or build a highway. I don't know the specific process or procedures, but I can pay."

He Tiantian can't help the world at the same time, but in Huize Township, you can still work hard...

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