"Build a high-speed rail station? Or build a highway?"

Yuan Mei fixedly looked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian nodded with a smile, "Yes, our small county is too small to have its own train station. If you want to travel, you must first go to the city or the provincial capital."

"If you want to be rich, build roads first! With a high-speed rail station or expressway, the development of the county should be able to speed up a lot!"

In this way, she not only benefited the village, but also added a political achievement to Zhou Zixuan's father.

And she can also accumulate some merit.

He Tiantian has experienced life after life in the world of novels. He Tiantian can't say that he has experienced the glory and see through the world, but he is not very persistent about those material enjoyments.

Second, she believes that the country Baba will not treat everyone who contributes to the country.

No, the country gave her many rewards without her own request.

She has a courtyard house in the capital, her own island in the East China Sea, and several state-led companies have her dividends.

To say that she is not afraid of being scolded and forced, for her, money or something is really just a number.

Therefore, she has black technology and developed new technology, and did not take it for herself to make a fortune, but directly handed it over to the country.

First, she is not so thirsty for money;

Aircraft, starships, as long as she wants, as long as she has enough points, she can have them!

...Money, to He Tiantian, is really, really, really not that important.

Now, she first builds a high-speed rail station or a highway for her hometown.

As for what cars, cruise ships, private jets, etc. the rich enjoy...

He Tiantian said without exaggeration that if she wanted, she could make one by hand, both in function and appearance, far exceeding the most high-end and sophisticated products of this era.

Well, even if she is too lazy to do it herself, she can exchange it directly from the Dianniang mall.

"Okay! I'll handle this!"

Yuan Mei saw that He Tiantian's attitude persisted,

It's not like the idea that comes to mind when the mind is hot, and then agrees.

In fact, Yuan Mei said "I will do it", not really relying on herself.

In the future, she can also support out-of-school girls or families with serious illnesses.

Doing good deeds without asking for reward.

He Tiantian not only learned various skills in the novel world, she also understood such a truth.

For nothing else, I just hope that He Tiantian can devote all her energy to scientific research.

It's not that the relevant departments are too exaggerated, it's that He Tiantian's importance is too high.

Not to mention her artificial intelligence and small nuclear reactor technology, only one genetic enhancement liquid has benefited the country a lot.

Without He Tiantian's knowledge, the "assistant" team was expanding, and Yuan Mei was no longer alone.

Behind He Tiantian, there is already a team.

They are responsible for He Tiantian's safety and help her handle everything.

The same gene-targeted drug, in China, can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan a bottle.

In foreign countries, the price is much cheaper.

Today, Huaguo also has its own genetic black technology, which can not only get rid of the double-standard behavior of some international companies, but also earn foreign exchange in turn!

Relevant researchers have developed gene-targeted drugs on the basis of gene-enhanced solutions.

This has given millions or even tens of millions of patients with genetic diseases in China hope of recovery.

The point is that with such technology, the country will no longer be blocked by foreign countries or be treated with double standards——

Domestic patients are rejoicing, and some foreign companies and forces are facing great enemies.

However, regardless of the reaction of each room, the advent of gene-targeted drugs is of great significance.

The biggest contributor to all this is He Tiantian.

After all, He Tiantian's gene-enhanced solution is far stronger than the gene drugs produced by those international companies.

The efficacy is also immediate.

Once the gene-targeted drug of "Huakang" biopharmaceutical company was launched, it caused a sensation in the world.

Alas, it is a child in the end, if you think about it, you will come out.

However, this child has a pure heart, and is very close and loving to the country.

She treats the country like this, and the country will not treat her badly.

What is unexpected is that such a black technology is just a gadget that He Tiantian makes at will when he is interested.

There is also a small nuclear reactor that has just been handed in. He Tiantian will study nuclear energy, which also originated from the inconvenience of electricity on his own island!

Leaders from all walks of life:  …

Building high-speed rail and expressway for the hometown is not only not a bad thing, but a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

Yuan Mei naturally responded positively and asked the team behind it to cooperate fully!

He Tiantian:  …

Therefore, under the instructions of the big leaders, relevant departments specially set up a "project team" for why Tiantian.

This project team does not do special research, they only have one job, that is to protect and cooperate with He Tiantian.

He Tiantian's request, as long as it does not violate the principles and laws, will be satisfied as much as possible.

Maybe he hasn't reached the threshold of immortality, but He Tiantian's six senses far surpass that of a top martial arts master.

The moment those people appeared, He Tiantian discovered their existence and locked their hiding place.

Of course, He Tiantian didn't say anything, but pretended not to know what to do.

There were more people around him who were secretly protecting, and of course He Tiantian noticed it right away.

Her real world belongs to the era of the end of the law, and the spiritual energy is thin.

However, He Tiantian has a heaven-defying technique, and she has a bit of blessing from the mother's system, so she still cultivated spiritual power.

She also helped He Tiantian to move her little luggage from the dormitory of No. 1 Middle School to her home.

After staying like this for a few days, Yuan Mei felt that He Tiantian's mood was not very high.

She seemed to be caught up in the memories of the past again.

She just needs to make sure that those people are not malicious to her, that's enough!

"Sweet, what are your plans next?"

Yuan Mei accompanied He Tiantian back to "home" and lived in the old and dilapidated two-bedroom, one-bedroom house for a few days.

She just made an end to the past and said "goodbye" to everything in the past, not really addicted to it.

She will not be depressed!

Her psychology has already become strong and tenacious, and she will not be easily defeated!

And He Tiantian's past experience was not very good.

Yuan Mei was worried that the little girl would be depressed again, so she took the initiative to ask.

He Tiantian:  …

The matter of the small county can really come to an end.

This is her hometown, there is her home, and there are special memories for her.

She will not give up completely, but, for now, she is not suitable to stay here.

However, Yuan Mei's concern was felt by He Tiantian, and she was also grateful for this kindness.

"...Go to the first island, Duan Yong said, the construction of the island is almost done!"

He Tiantian thought about it and said slowly.

Let's go to the first island. That place was planned and constructed according to her wish, without anyone's breath, it belongs to her completely!

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

Yuan Mei agreed and started to book air tickets.

Because here, after all, it will remind her of those unpleasant pasts.

And from the bottom of my heart, He Tiantian is still estranged from here, and doesn't feel that this is her true belonging.


It has not been brought out before, mainly because the energy problem has not been solved.

Now that she has a small nuclear reactor, energy is no longer an issue.

The next day, He Tiantian arrived in the East China Sea by plane.

Seeing Yuan Mei busy on the phone, He Tiantian couldn't help but lift her chin: How about researching the personal aircraft? !

With this thing, it is much more convenient than a helicopter or a private jet.

He Tiantian came into contact with aircraft in the world of interstellar live novels.

"Sweet, do you want to buy a yacht or a speedboat?"

Yuan Mei saw He Tiantian sitting on the railing in a daze, and thought she wanted a boat.

Thinking about it, He Tiantian already owns an island. In the future, apart from going to school or filming, she should live on the island.

Then she took the speedboat that Yuan Mei "borrowed" from the navy and rushed to the first island.

"...Sure enough, you still need to have an aircraft. In this way, you can even save money on buying a yacht!"

He Tiantian was sitting on the speedboat, feeling the whistling sea breeze and sporadic water mist, and couldn't help thinking.

Going out to the sea, catching a fish, and enjoying the happiness of the ocean to the fullest is also a very wonderful enjoyment.

So, let's get a yacht, it doesn't need to be too luxurious, the three-tier one will do.

Yuan Mei began to think in her heart: "I remember that there was a state-owned large ship heavy industry enterprise in the East China Sea, or would you like to get in touch?!"

And the means of travel on the island is the boat.

Oh, and helicopters work too!

However, the boat is the most convenient, after all, in addition to the necessary transportation, you can also swim in the sea.

For now, traveling on the island still requires a boat.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements!"

Yuan Mei didn't know the real thoughts in He Tiantian's mind, and when she heard He Tiantian's answer, she hurried to call.

"Oh, I do want to buy one!"

It still takes time to "develop" an aircraft or something, and He Tiantian can't talk big.

She simply followed Yuan Mei's words and said, "It doesn't have to be too good, just buy a second-hand one!"

The speedboat arrived at the pier of the first island, which was very different from when He Tiantian first went to the island.

At the beginning, the first island was a deserted island without even a standard pier.

The speedboat can only be parked on the coast, people jump into the sea water, and then wading all the way to the sea before they can go ashore.

He Tiantian:  …

Hehe, it feels great to have a national Baba as a backer!

Everything is arranged clearly, and you don't have to worry about it at all.

Duan Yong stayed on the island for more than a month, and his whole body was tanned.

When he saw the speedboat landing, he jumped out of the pickup truck, grinned, showing his white teeth, and greeted He Tiantian excitedly.

"Thanks a lot!"

Now, with standard piers, speedboats can dock directly.

He Tiantian and Yuan Mei got off the boat, but there was still a second-hand pickup truck parked on the dock.


Duan Yong does not need to intervene in material scheduling, personnel management, or the laying of submarine cables.

He is a mascot representing He Tiantian, let alone a big living person, he can do it by pulling a dog.

work, not much.

Seeing Duan Yong's particularly white teeth against the black face, and looking at the sunburn on his bare arms, He Tiantian couldn't help but say something.

"Not hard! Not hard!"

Duan Yong hurriedly waved his hand, "The infrastructure of the island is in charge of a special company, I just want to help you see the scene!"

The point is, many of these people are from classes that he couldn't touch in the past.

Also, because of helping He Tiantian, his experience as a mercenary was also "washed white".

He himself has been officially "recognized"!

But the harvest was very rich. In addition to the high salary that He Tiantian called him every month, he also met a lot of people.

The person in charge of the infrastructure company, the coast guard in the nearby waters, or even the leader of a certain naval base...

After staying on the island for less than two months, Duan Yong did not have too many contacts.

Therefore, Duan Yong's gratitude to He Tiantian really reached its peak.

He may not be able to follow him to the death, but he is definitely He Tiantian's most loyal pony!

Duan Yong opened the car door with great enthusiasm, let He Tiantian and Yuan Mei sit down, and then drove straight from the pier to the first island.

You can't do this with money.

Every day on the island, Duan Yong is rejoicing: fortunately, I have a discerning eye and a pearl, and I have chosen the right boss.

In the days to come, Lao Tzu will be able to live happily and comfortably.

The courtyard is backed by a hill, and in front of it is a large flat land.

He Tiantian passed through this piece of land and thought to himself, "Well, this place can be reclaimed into farmland, grow some flowers, grow some vegetables, and then grow some food, and the first island will be self-sufficient!"

The house is built in an antique style.

The three islands have already passed a road, which is completely free to pass.

He Tiantian did not rush to take a tour around the island, but went to the main island first.

On the main island, on a spacious flat land, a two-entry courtyard was built.

In addition, there are small gadgets such as cabins, grape trellis, etc., which are also built according to the drawings she planned.

Push open the courtyard door and walk into the courtyard first. The house has been cleaned, and the furniture and appliances are all in place.

He Tiantian just needs to pack and check in.

On the other side of the courtyard is a three-story building.

Compared with the retro courtyard, this small building is a bit more modern.

He Tiantian knew that this was her "experimental building".

However, even the ingredients are prepared, and the pots and pans are all in place. This is Duan Yong's "heart".

Hearing He Tiantian's praise, Duan Yong said nothing, but his face blossomed with a smile.

That day, He Tiantian lived on the first island.

The refrigerator, the pantry, and even the piles of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs and rice noodles.

"Duan Yong, you really have a heart!"

Furniture and home appliances can't explain anything, after all, it's standard.

The moment he entered the island, He Tiantian felt the slightest aura.

It is still thin, but it has been purified a lot by the big cities in the interior.

He Tiantian didn't want to waste it, she turned her five hearts up, and started to run Little Martial Uncle's Promise...

She chose the main room in the second courtyard, and Yuan Mei lived in the east wing.

Duan Yong and the helpers from several nearby fishing villages he hired lived in the first guest room.

At night, He Tiantian did not fall asleep, but sat cross-legged.

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