The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The six hundred and thirteenth chapter was counterattacked by the heroine (2)


There was a burning pain in the stomach, and there was a roar in the stomach!

He Tiantian has never felt so hungry before.

Her mouth was also dry, as if a handful of sand had been poured into her throat, which was dry and astringent.

Hungry and thirst, the most primitive desire of human beings, frantically tortures He Tiantian.

Rao is because she is determined and mentally strong, and at this moment she can't help but be vulnerable for a moment, and wants to succumb to the most instinctive needs of human beings!

"Want to eat? This king has already asked the chefs of the palace to prepare more than a dozen delicious dishes. As long as you obey this king, this king will immediately ask them to bring the food over!"

Just when He Tiantian was so hungry that she was dizzy and wished she could put her hand into her mouth and bite, a male voice sounded in her ear.

The king?

The palace? !

He Tiantian is indeed a well-informed and powerful writer.

The body that has passed through is suffering from the torment of cutting off water and food, but he can still separate a touch of mind to analyze and think.

...I have crossed over to the Guyan Channel?

The person who is threatening me on the other side is still a prince? !

These guesses quickly flashed through He Tiantian's brain, but before she could think about it, there was another series of grunts and grunts in her stomach.

I'm hungry!

really hungry!

He Tiantian suffered poor treatment from her aunt and adoptive mother in her early years, but it was only cold and violent.

She can basically eat and wear warm clothes and maintain a minimum standard of living.

As a writer, he began to travel in various novel worlds. He Tiantian has experienced escape from famine and has also been reduced to the bottom of society.

However, she was still able to eat her stomach.

This time, it was definitely the first time in He Tiantian's life that he felt the pain of hunger!

It's so uncomfortable,

Her sanity was almost wiped out by this most basic and primitive need.

"Mr. He, this matter is not difficult for you. Isn't that what you used to be like?"

"Oh, maybe you were unconscious in the past, and now you need to target someone!"

"But, the essence is the same, it's all about hurting others and strengthening yourself."

"... Mr. He, this king's patience is limited. If you can't bring enough benefits to this king, this king will not be able to tolerate you as a country girl!"

The man was still talking nonstop.

He seemed very urgent, not only using hunger to "punish" He Tiantian, but also began to threaten verbally.

Is this the rhythm of the picture? !

He Tiantian was unbearably hungry. She didn't want to be coerced by instinct, so she deliberately diverted her attention to think about it.

She curled up and fell to the ground, not responding to the man's words.

The man frowned, and muttered to himself, "Could it be that I fainted from hunger? It's only been seven days since I haven't eaten, so why—"

He Tiantian: ... Ma Dan! I said why I was so hungry, but I was starved for seven days!

For seven days, I have to bear not only physical pain, but also psychological fear and worry.

The body that He Tiantian passed through seemed very young, probably no more than twenty years old.

For such a teenage girl, this kind of torture can definitely break her down!

The man leaned over to He Tiantian's side, bent down, put out his fingers and tried on He Tiantian's breath.

The warm breath made the man temporarily relieved: "It's okay! It's not dead!"

As for whether the woman was really fainted, or was pretending to be fainted on purpose, men also had a way to test it.

He didn't even think about it, so he shouted outside: "Come on, bring some food here!"


The maid outside agreed and hurried down.

When He Tiantian heard the word "meal", even though she tried her best to endure, she couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit.

Hungry, she is really hungry.

She just wore it, she didn't know anything.

Moreover, the man beside him exudes a strong malice all over his body!

He Tiantian has sensitive six senses. After wearing it, she found that the body she had passed through seemed to be strange.

Make her seem sharper.

If He Tiantian wasn't too dreadful, she could secretly run the exercises and use spiritual energy to relieve that unbearable hunger.

However, He Tiantian did not dare to act rashly, she had to determine certain issues before—

Just go hungry first, think about those people who lose weight extremely, they can live for a month after "bigu".

She is only seven days old and has not yet reached her limit!

He Tiantian thought so, the body's desire for food was temporarily suppressed.

However, the movement of her swallowing and spitting just now, and her slightly disordered breathing, was still discovered by the man!

He raised the corners of his lips, revealing a cold sneer: Very good, this woman did not faint.

In this way, the man is relieved.

He stood up and paced to the side table and sat down.

After a while, the maid's reply sounded outside the door: "My lord, the food box is back!"

The man did not hesitate, and directly ordered: "Bring it in!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The little maid responded respectfully, pushed the door and walked in.

Passing through the main room and entering the inner room, I was not too surprised to see the woman curled up on the ground.

It seems that she has seen such a scene.

Or, people are well-trained and don't panic, no matter what strange pictures they see, they can maintain their duties as maids.

"Put things down!"

The man tapped the table with his fingers and motioned the little maid to put the food box down.

The little girl agreed again, "Yes, my lord", and then put the food box on the table.

"Okay, back off!"

The man waved his hand and sent the little maid out.

The little girl stepped back in a disciplined manner and carefully closed the door.

Hearing the "creaking" sound of the door panel, the man slowly opened the food box and brought out all the food inside.

Perhaps it was just cooked, or reheated, and the food was steaming white.

And that rich scent spreads throughout the room with the steaming heat.

Gollum! Gollum!

He Tiantian, who was already rebellious in his stomach, could hardly control himself when he smelled such a tempting meal.

want to eat!

Woohoo, she really wants to eat!

She swallowed her saliva desperately, and with these scents, the corresponding delicacies began to appear in her mind.

This is meaty, it should be braised pork, fat but not greasy, bright color, mouth full of oil.

There is also fish, which seems to be fried, wrapped in a thin batter, and has a sweet and sour fragrance. Is it squirrel mandarin fish, or sweet and sour carp?

However, no matter which one it is, it is fried first, and then topped with the sweet and sour sauce that has been adjusted.

That taste, when you eat it in your mouth, not to mention how delicious it is.

...and the sweet aroma of pastries, it's cheese, the rich milk aroma, like little hooks, to hook out all the greedy worms in He Tiantian's stomach!

"Want to eat?"

The man heard the sound of chaotic breathing and the sound of swallowing mixed with it.

He held up a plate of steaming sweet and sour fish, which had the most domineering fragrance and brightest color, making it very suitable for "lure".

Gu Ran

He came to He Tiantian and put the plate in front of He Tiantian, "Look, this is Chef Liu's specialty dish in our palace, he is from Qizhou, and he is best at Qizhou cuisine, this sweet and sour carp, It's his genius!"

"The fish is the most authentic Yellow River carp he chose, and the sweet and sour sauce is his ancestral secret recipe, not to mention the craftsmanship..."

The man spoke incessantly, his voice full of charm.

He is like a devil who seduces mortals.

He Tiantian really couldn't take it anymore, every cell in her body was screaming, "Eat! I want to eat! I want to eat fish! I want to eat!"

I-I'm so hungry I want to eat myself!

"As long as you promise me, these are all yours!"

"...Not only these, you can really enjoy the honor of the princess!"

"He, don't you really want to help me? We are husband and wife!"

"One glory and one loss, one loss and one loss, if this king is good, you can be better."

"Hello, your relatives in your hometown will also live a good life together, right?"

Threats are useless, and men begin to induce and sensationalize.

He Tiantian: ...Fuck! Is this body still a princess? !

However, He Tiantian soon realized that something was wrong.

Just now, she clearly heard the man say "Country Country Girl", which means that the woman she has traveled through is not of noble birth.

In ancient times when the hierarchy was strict, everyone agreed with the concept of "matching families", and it was impossible to have a love story between a prince and a village girl.

Well, not necessarily.

In real ancient times, there is no such "legend".

But in the novel, there was a time when the plot of the prince falling in love with the girl was very popular.

No way, Cinderella's stalks have been tried in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Even if the readers are madly complained in the later period, there are still endless online articles such as "The Overbearing President Falls in Love with Me" and "The Demon Lord and the Little Village Flower".

He Tiantian travels through the world of novels, so birth is nothing at all, and true love can defeat everything.

But, it's not right!

Because the man in front of him, his attitude towards his body is not like true love at all, but like a big villain forcing women to submit!

Could it be that this prince has other plans for marrying "self"?

And there is something in "self" that the prince desperately needs? !

A lot of guesses popped up in He Tiantian's mind.

With this distraction and distraction, He Tiantian temporarily ignored the body's instinctive thirst for food.

Seeing that He Tiantian still didn't speak, the impatient man got angry, he stood up abruptly, and threw the plate on the table, making a clanging sound.

And the fish on the plate spilled on the table, and the soup splashed out.

The smell was even more exaggerated.

He Tiantian:  …

She could only swallow her saliva desperately, trying her best to suppress the clamor of her stomach!

"good very good!"

The man looked like a villain, and sneered at He Tiantian, "This king wants to see how long you can endure it!"

After finishing speaking, the man ordered again, "Come on, clean up these things."

As soon as the voice fell, a little girl agreed outside the door.

Soon, the little maid lowered her head, entered the interior in a proper manner, packed the table full of dishes into the food box again, and wiped the soup on the table clean.

The man stood aside with his hands behind his back, looking at him coldly.

Seeing that the little maid was properly packed and saluted in a proper manner, he said coldly to He Tiantian, "He's, this king's patience is limited, don't rely on your own ability, just repeat it again and again, again and again. And San's provocation!"

After all, the man flicked his sleeves and left the room.

When he walked out the door, he also specifically told the people guarding outside, "Take care of her, without the order of this king, no one is allowed to enter, and she is not allowed to come out!"

"Oh, by the way, don't give her water!"

Hmph, he wanted to see how this village girl could still be so stubborn after being thirsty for two days.


Several maids responded in unison, and the door was closed and locked with a copper lock.

He Tiantian lay on the ground and continued to curl up hard.

As if such a posture could ease her hunger pangs.

He Tiantian opened her eyes slowly after hearing the voice outside and confirming that there was no one else in the room.

The room is antique, the furnishings are exquisite and gorgeous, and the dress on this body is also of fine silk and satin.

Therefore, this novel world is indeed an ancient language channel.

And she seems to have become the "little wife" of the overbearing prince!

He Tiantian:  …


She was about to vomit first.

It's a pity that there is nothing to vomit except for bile in the stomach.

He Tiantian hurriedly ran Little Master Uncle's Promise.


She soon discovered that this small world does not seem to be a simple world of ancient words.

The spiritual energy around is quite full.

After He Tiantian ran for a week, she successfully introduced Qi into her body.

A stream of air flowed in the dantian.

With the nourishment of spiritual energy, He Tiantian's hunger that almost drove people crazy was slightly relieved.

However, this kind of thing is not a cure for the symptoms!

If you want to really solve the problem of hunger, you still have to eat!

He Tiantian got up with difficulty and glanced around the room.

This room is indeed very luxurious, the decorations are exquisite and elegant, and everything shows the dignity of the palace.

The items are dazzling, but there is not a little bit of food.

Not even water!

Thinking of water, He Tiantian couldn't help licking her chapped lips.

She has not yet received the memory, unaware that the body has been tortured for several days.

However, based on the dryness of her throat, He Tiantian guessed that "she" hadn't drank water for at least two days!

dog man!

It's still "her" husband!

Just, just torture "her" like this, it's so inhuman!

He Tiantian scolded a few words secretly, and then released her divine sense.

Make sure that there is no one in the whole room, and the maid outside is just guarding the door in a proper manner, He Tiantian is temporarily relieved.

As soon as she thought about it, there was an extra bottle of mineral water in her hand.

Hey, there is no food in the room, but she has space.

Although it is only 10 cubic meters, it is also stuffed with various emergency food and drinking water.

After gulping down a bottle of mineral water, He Tiantian felt as if she was alive again.

Her throat didn't hurt so much, and her shriveled stomach didn't seem to burn so much.

Of course, water is not enough.

He Tiantian mobilized her mind again, and a jar of eight-treasure porridge appeared in her hand.

In her space, there are also self-heating hot pot, self-heating rice bowl, all kinds of canned meat and compressed biscuits.

But He Tiantian took into account that the body she had traveled through had been hungry for several days, and her stomach was severely damaged, so she couldn't eat too greasy food at all.

Let's drink some porridge first and recover little by little...

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