The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 614 The heroine who was counterattacked (3)

After drinking a bottle of mineral water and a can of sweet eight-treasure porridge, the hunger that was driving people crazy was relieved a little.

He Tiantian threw the empty bottle and can back into the space, and then walked slowly to the bed.

She put down the curtain, curled up on the bed, and began to accept the script and merge the memories.

This time, He Tiantian was still worried that there would be energy fluctuations that would attract the attention of wild writers, so before entering the novel world, she blocked Xiao D.

However, although Xiao D couldn't communicate with He Tiantian or enable any functions in the novel world, he gave the script to He Tiantian in advance.

However, similar to this task of expelling wild writers, the script has been changed into a mess, and the original plot does not have much reference value.

Therefore, He Tiantian did not unlock the script in advance.

But in what He Tiantian expected, she would face such a critical situation as soon as she came, but she didn't know anything!


She has failed!

Secretly remembering the lesson this time, He Tiantian began to accept the script——

The original novel is a popular koi group favorite in the early years. The heroine was born in an ordinary farm family in an overhead dynasty.

The night before she was born, the patriarchal grandmother, Mrs. Li, had a dream that a golden light was thrown into the courtyard of their old He's house.

The next day, Mrs. Li had just woken up from the dream of the He family enjoying wealth and glory when she heard her second son, He Youliang, shouting, "Mother, mother, Daya, her mother is about to give birth!"

Li Shi's thoughts moved, and somehow he thought of the golden light in his dream last night.

Could this dream be applied to the second daughter-in-law?

Oh no, exactly, on her grandson?

Thinking of this possibility, Li was so excited that Gulu turned over and got off the kang.

She went to see her second daughter-in-law first, and saw that her amniotic fluid was broken and her stomach was sinking so badly, she should be about to give birth.

Li didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly asked the second son to invite the village's wife Wen.

After the mother-in-law came, without too much delay, the second daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby girl.

Afraid that Mrs. Li would not give the money, Granny Wen deliberately praised the child, "Oh, this child is a sensible one. Knowing that his mother suffered, she came out quickly."

"Besides, this child is different from other children. As soon as he hits the ground, he is white and clean, and he looks lucky!"


Li's dream of the wealth and glory of the He family sounded again, and she believed her guess more and more.

It was rare and generous to give Wen Po a few eggs, which was considered a reward for the other party.

Madam Wen left happily. She originally thought that the second daughter-in-law of the He family had given birth to another loser, and Madam Li would definitely be angry.

Unexpectedly, she just said two good words casually, and she coaxed Mrs. Li to give a thank you.

A few eggs may not seem like much, but in their poor little mountain village, it is already a rare good thing.

Mother Wen left, and Mrs. Li regretted it again.

She did believe that her granddaughter had a background, but the patriarchal preference in her bones had already formed an instinct in her.

A girl's film, a proper loser.

Granny Wen didn't even dare to ask for a thank you, but she was so overwhelmed that she actually gave several eggs.

These eggs, whether for grandchildren or selling for money, are excellent teeth.


Li Shi was regretful and annoyed at the same time, but she temporarily forgot that dream and no longer treated her second daughter-in-law any favors.

The He family was poor, and the second daughter-in-law gave birth to two daughters in succession. She felt that she couldn't hold her head up, and she didn't dare to ask for any preferential treatment.

The clear soup lacks water, and she can't even eat an egg. After the child is born, her milk is pitiful.

Although He Youliang was disappointed not to have a son, he still felt sorry for his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Seeing that her daughter was so hungry and crying, He Youliang, who was always honest, actually ran to the small river at the head of the village to catch fish according to the broken bamboo basket at home.

Hejiagou is remote and poor, but the back mountain is rich in products, but there are wolves and bears in the mountains.

A few years ago, a villager went to the back mountain to hunt, and half of his body was directly eaten by a bear. The villagers did not dare to enter the mountain easily.

As the saying goes, rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to drink water.

The villagers in Hejiagou can't eat the mountains, they can only drink water.

Therefore, the fish in the river are almost caught by the villagers, and there are basically no big fish.

Everyday is some skin boy, running to get a few small fish to satisfy his cravings.

Adults, not so much.

He Youliang was also forced to have no choice. He thought, even if there were no big fish, if he caught some small fish and made some fish soup for his daughter-in-law, he would be able to breastfeed.

However, to He Youliang's surprise, he just swung around the river with a bamboo basket, and there were two or three big fish weighing one or two catties.

This was because his bamboo basket was too small and too broken. If it were bigger, he might have caught more fish.

There is no reason, He Youliang has this feeling.

Returning home happily, He Youliang gave the fish to Li.

Lee:  …

In any case, his second son is the most honest.

Ahem, to be honest is to put it mildly, but in fact it is useless.

The second child can't do anything, except for farming where he will die.


He won't anymore.

However, at this moment, the second child ran back with three big fish.

Is the second child enlightened?

Suddenly become smart?

Just when Mrs. Li was thinking about it, He Youliang rubbed his hands together and discussed with his mother carefully, "Mother, Da Ya's mother's milk is low, Er Ya is so hungry that she's crying—"

"Then what, I caught three fish, two for the family to eat, and the remaining one will make some fish soup for Da Ya and her mother, let's drink milk!"

Li was stunned for a moment, then asked dumbly, "What did you say?"

When she asked this, it was purely a guess that flashed through her mind, and she wanted to verify it.

The honest He Youliang misunderstood, thinking that his mother would not agree.

With a bitter face, he said almost begging: "Mother, I know that Daya her mother gave birth to a daughter again, you are not happy. But Erya is my own child after all, and she has been born, so I can't starve her. Die!"

Besides, he caught this fish in the river without spending a penny at home.

He didn't even think about leaving it all for his wife to eat, just one piece, it wasn't too much.

He Youliang felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

However, Mrs. Li grasped the key point - the second child's family had no milk, and the child was starving, so the second child ran to catch fish, and as a result, he caught a big fish.

A thought suddenly popped into her mind, could it be that this girl's film is really a person with a history and a lucky person.

God couldn't bear to starve her, that's how—

As soon as Li Shi thought of this, he shook his head vigorously.


It's ridiculous!

how could it be possible!

If this child is really lucky, he should be reincarnated into a wealthy family, and grow up in fine clothes, jade food, and gold.

How could he be reincarnated in such a poor peasant family as their He family?

He Tiantian: ... This rant makes sense! What do you think of the authors who wrote the koi group pet essay? !

Li's suspicion turned into suspicion, but He Youliang's "record" of catching fish was really weird.

Li wanted to try again.

She deliberately said to the second child's house, "Who said I'm going to starve Erya to death? The fish soup does produce milk, but there is no oil and water!"

"Then what, second child, if you go to the mountains to hunt a rabbit or a wild bird or something, I'll make up for your daughter-in-law!"

He Youliang's eyes widened. He didn't speak, but his shocked expression seemed to say:

Dear mother, you really look down on your second son!

I, a farmer who only knows how to farm, you still want me to hunt rabbits in the mountains!

In other words, hunting is technical work, He Youliang really doesn't know it!

However, when the old lady said something, He Youliang also really felt sorry for her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth, and he really went up the mountain.

However, when he came to the mountains, He Youliang was trapped.

He doesn't even have a bow and arrow, what does he use to hunt?

Do you use the sickle in your hand?

Tsk, if he had this ability, he would have been a hunter long ago.

Rather than relying on the sickle in his hand, he might as well sit under the big tree and wait for some silly rabbit to come to the door.

This whimsical idea just flashed in He Youliang's mind.

He Youliang was shocked to see a fat rabbit, rushing over quickly, and crashing into the big tree beside him.

He Youliang:  …

At this moment, he couldn't help but wonder: Am I the illegitimate child of God? What are you thinking about? !

He Youliang was in a dream state, carrying a rabbit, erratic down the mountain, and returned to He's house.

Lee:  …

She was hit even harder.

Her heart was beating fast, and her face was flushed with excitement.

However, Mrs. Li still couldn't believe it completely, because it was too incredible.

She stewed fish soup for the second daughter-in-law and made rabbit meat. The second daughter-in-law ate in fear, and uncomfortably breast-feeding the child in front of her mother-in-law.

Li Shi didn't look at her, but stared straight at the white and tender little baby girl.

She thought frantically: "Child, if you really have a great history, then let me pick up a big ingot, and I will believe you!"

"In the future, the milk will treat you as a darling, oh no, as an offering to an ancestor and a bodhisattva, and I will never treat you badly!"

Afterwards, Mrs. Li felt that she might have fallen into evil, and she could even have such absurd thoughts!

In the evening, Mrs. Li almost forgot her "promise" and wanted to go to the back mountain to pick up firewood as usual.

As a result, she fell a somersault on the ground, and a reel rolled into a ditch. In a hurry, she scratched with both hands, trying to stabilize her body.

The roots or stones were not grasped, but a hard object was caught.

When Mr. Li stabilized his figure, spread out his hands, and took a closer look, the whole person was dumbfounded.

What he was holding in his hand was not a stone or any piece of wood, but a silver ingot stained with mud!

Lee:  …

Since then, Mrs. Li has regarded her second granddaughter as her darling.

She did not call the second granddaughter "Er Ya" following the name of the eldest granddaughter, but personally named her "Fu Bao".

When the third son read the book and began to name the children in the family, Da Ya named He Qingqing, San Ya named He Yingying, and Mrs. Li named her baby Fubao He Tiantian.

It means that her precious granddaughter has a sweeter life than honey!

He Tiantian, the Fu Baoer of the He family, is indeed a blessed person, and his life is very sweet.

When I was a child, I was not abused because I was a girl, but instead became the first favored person in the He family.

Not only her grandparents love her, her parents despise her, even her uncle and aunt, cousins ​​and so on all treat her as a treasure.

When he grew up, He Tiantian accidentally rescued an injured person.

As a result, this person was actually the king of Liang.

King Liang fell in love with He Tiantian at first sight, ignoring the difference in identity, Ming Media is marrying He Tiantian and becoming his princess.

Since then, He Tiantian has lived a fairytale-like life.

...this is the plot of the original novel.

The original author's writing is very good. Although it is a relatively vulgar stalk, it is still very well written.

Unfortunately, the novel ended unfinished, and it ended in a hurry when King Liang married He Tiantian.

Readers are still not satisfied, and have asked the author to re-write the siege in the comment area.

The original author pretended to be dead.

Dianniang Library has too many books, and there are not enough writers, so it cannot meet the great needs of this part of readers.

When Dian Niang was not satisfied, the evil forces took advantage of the situation and sent a wild writer to continue writing the novel.

It's just that the wild writers are stowaways. After they enter the world of novels, they cannot choose to travel through the target.

The result of "random landing" is that the wild writer did not cross over to the heroine He Tiantian (Fubao), but dressed as a cannon fodder female supporting role——

He Tiantian's cousin, He Yingying, the vicious control group.

Evil forces use virus loopholes to invade Dianniang's system in order to steal energy and plunder Dianniang's interests.

If you can counterattack the heroine and make your wild writer become a new heroine recognized by the world consciousness and readers, the dividends for the evil forces will be even greater.

So, He Yingying began to counterattack and slap her face, stepping on the original heroine He Tiantian under her feet!

He Tiantian:  …

From He Yingying's point of view, this is definitely a gorgeous counter-attack script for a big heroine.

Even if the readers read it, it is estimated that it will be very cool.

However, for He Tiantian and Dianniang Shuku, it is not a wonderful thing.

He Tiantian's crossing point is not very good, and He Yingying has successfully counterattacked.

She successfully defined He Tiantian's "koi girl" as a "monster".

Having said that, the original author must be blamed.

She just said that He Tiantian is born with a good life and can do whatever she wants.

Those who love her and are close to her can all contaminate her good luck.

And those who are jealous and hurt her will be unlucky.

As for why He Tiantian has such "magic", the author did not explain much.

Therefore, it gives a loophole for wild writers to make articles!

If there is no reasonable explanation, where does He Tiantian's good luck come from?

Conservation of energy, dear!

"She is not born with good luck at all, let alone a lucky star! She is a monster who plunders the luck of others!"

"She stole other people's fortunes, and she has good luck, while others can only have bad luck!"

"Think about it, is it that the better her life is, the more unlucky some people are?"

"Don't talk about people outside, just talk about our family, my father and second uncle went into the mountains together, but my father broke his leg, but the second uncle was able to pick up wild ginseng..."

"And me, I just quarreled with He Tiantian, turned around and fell a somersault, smashing my head!"

"Think about it carefully. Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are both compassionate and compassionate. How can they be so pretentious? Only those demons and ghosts will pay their respects!"

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