The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 616 The heroine who was counterattacked (5)

After He Tiantian finished her practice, her dantian was full of spiritual energy.

Her cultivation has also stabilized, and the heroine's luck has not continued to flow.



The stomach started to rebel again.

He Tiantian sighed, this body has been hungry for seven days, and it has already been depleted.

She looked at the sky outside, and observed the surroundings with her divine sense, and determined that it was temporarily safe. She hurriedly took out a self-heating rice bowl and a bottle of mineral water from the space.

Fill the box with water, place the self-heating pack, and close the lid.

After a while, the vent hole of the cover began to emit hot steam.

It belongs to the fragrance of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mixed with the fragrance of rice, and it exudes instantly.

After a few more minutes, the meal was finally ready.

He Tiantian didn't delay, she took out a set of tableware from the space and started to eat.

Crystal clear, steaming rice, served with scrambled eggs with soft and rotten tomatoes, is truly a must.

Three to five and two to two, He Tiantian devoured a box of rice bowls.

She still threw the empty boxes and bottles back into the space.

Then, she drew a cleansing talisman in the void, eliminating all the smells in the room.

After doing all this, the sun has risen outside.

King Liang didn't come over, and the servants were all standing outside the door and by the window.

Yes, in order to prevent He Tiantian from escaping, not only the door was locked, but even several windows were nailed, and a maid was arranged to guard.

He Tiantian successfully introduced qi into the body, and after having a full meal, the feeling of weakness in the body due to starvation was relieved.

She wandered the room slowly, watching carefully.

This is the residence of the original owner and the main residence of the entire palace.

Therefore, no matter the location of the house or the decorations in the house, they all echo the status of "Princess".


He Tiantian stood in front of the bed, raised her head, and met the yellow talismans attached to the top of the bed frame.

In addition, there are similar talismans on the beams in the middle of the house.

"Suppressing Evil Talisman!"

Hehe, King Liang really regarded the original owner as a demon!

But for his own ambitions, he clearly believed that the original owner was a monster, but he still put on an affectionate look and became a loving couple with the original owner!


He Tiantian didn't know whether to praise him for his courage, or to scold him for making him dizzy and bewildered!

Of course, King Liang dared to take risks, and it was these yellow talismans that gave him confidence.

He Tiantian raised her hand and waved, and a yellow talisman fell from the bed frame like a fallen leaf.

He Tiantian took it in her hand and looked carefully.

She has worked as a magic stick, is proficient in all kinds of talismans, and is an absolute insider.

Therefore, she could see at a glance that this talisman must have come from the hands of a real Xuanmen master, not a ghostly talisman used to deceive people on the rivers and lakes.

These talismans can indeed suppress evil spirits and exorcise demons!

Originally, the original owner was not afraid of these, she was not really evil.

However, with the success of He Yingying's counterattack, the world consciousness of this world actually agreed with the statement that the original owner might plunder the luck of others.

In this way, the original owner has really become a monster contaminated with evil spirits.

The original owner's good luck against the sky was really suppressed by Fu Lu.

And King Liang's trump card is more than these talismans. He wears a jade pendant that was personally blessed by Master Huitong, the host of Fajue Temple.

"Oh, look at how well prepared they are?!"

King Liang never regarded the original owner as his wife from the beginning to the end, but the original owner foolishly believed in some bullshit true love.

He Tiantian sneered, and gathered a group of spiritual energy on her fingers.

She wiped it casually, and the spiritual power on the yellow rune paper was destroyed.

At the same time, Master Huitong, who was meditating in Fajue Temple, dozens of miles away, his heart suddenly jumped a few times.

He opened his eyes suddenly, twirled the rosary quickly, and after a while, his eyes were full of surprise—


The evil-suppressing talisman he drew was actually backlashed!

What is the origin of the other party?

Is it a thousand-year-old demon, or a hermit master?

Master Huitong calmed down a little, and suddenly realized that his talisman was broken, and logically, he should suffer a certain backlash.

But apart from being induced, he himself was not hurt in any way.

The other party... doesn't seem to be an existence that pays attention to money and pays back, but rather has the tolerance and generosity of some masters and seniors!

Could it be that his evil-suppressing talisman was not used to suppress evil spirits, but instead collided with a master of the Tao, or a big man with a great history? !

Master Huitong was a little confused.

He sighed and recited the scriptures silently, only then did he stabilize his mind.

Don't worry, don't worry.

That senior just wiped out the spiritual power of his talisman, and didn't make a "counterattack", which was enough to show that the other party didn't care about him.

I just don't know, the talisman I drew for which Tan Yue collided with this senior!

Master Huitong's Dharma is exquisite and compassionate. When someone comes to ask for a talisman, no matter how high or low the other party is, or whether the other party has money or not, he will basically be satisfied.

Therefore, for a while, Master Huitong himself could not lock the "target".

However, Master Huitong quickly thought that if Fu Lu "failed", that Tan Yue should come to him again.

By then, he should be able to know who it is.

Then, he can personally apologize to the senior.

Thinking of this, Master Huitong let out a sigh of relief and continued to meditate and cultivate.


He Tiantian wiped away the aura of all the talismans in the room, and these evil-suppressing talismans were all turned into waste paper.

Without the confinement of spiritual power, He Tiantian vaguely felt that there was a little less restraint on his soul.

Of course, with He Tiantian's cultivation, she can directly shake off these restraints, but if she does, it will directly cause a certain backlash to the person who draws the talisman.

He Tiantian didn't want to provoke cause and effect for no reason.

The person who draws the talisman just wants to suppress evil and exorcise out of kindness, and has no intention of harming others.

It's just a good thing, which was used by King Liang to harm others.

He Tiantian has a clear grievance, she knows who she really wants to take revenge on!

In addition, He Tiantian still has some tricks, she also wants to use the person who draws the talisman to achieve her goal!

"Well, I hope that person is smart enough!"

He Tiantian thought to herself.

King Liang never showed up. He probably wanted to torture He Tiantian for another day.

At night, when He Tiantian was about to endure the pain of hunger and thirst, he suddenly appeared again.

Whether it is the sweet spring water or the fragrant food, it is the second injury to He Tiantian.

Ordinary people really have a hard time getting through this.

Even He Tiantian, when she first wore it, was also affected by the remaining will of the original owner.

The hunger that goes deep into the bone marrow has become the obsession of the original owner.

It's like a starving person who subconsciously eats nothing but eats.

King Liang was indeed scheming and ruthless.

After a whole day, not only was he not allowed to bring food to He Tiantian, but he didn't even have a sip of water.

He Tiantian: ...good! The tougher the better! Otherwise, if she gets revenge, she might have a psychological burden!

At noon, He Tiantian took out a bottle of mineral water and a self-heating hot pot from the space.

Meimei ate a meal, and the remaining obsession of the original owner was also satisfied.

Apart from eating, He Tiantian spends the rest of her time practicing frantically.

The aura around is really strong, and the location of Prince Liang's mansion is very close to the palace.

The palace, as everyone knows, is full of dragon spirit.

He Tiantian did not absorb the aura that belongs to the emperor, but transformed the dragon energy that overflowed from the palace into his own spiritual power.

Perhaps these dragon qi are not pure enough, but they also contain traces of purple qi and national fortune.

More pure and powerful than ordinary aura.

In just one day, He Tiantian broke through from the third level of Qi training to the fourth level of Qi training.

In a whole small realm, He Tiantian has not yet established the foundation, but has completed a hair washing and marrow cutting.

The original owner grew up to sixteen years old, eating whole grains, and accumulated some impurities in his body.

After training, He Tiantian used the spiritual energy to flush the body's meridians over and over again, and all these impurities were expelled.

However, the original owner is a koi girl, and even if there are impurities in her body, it is much less than ordinary people.

After shampooing and cutting the marrow, He Tiantian's body did not have too much dirt, nor did it have too much pungent stench.

At most, it just doesn't look very clean, as if I haven't showered for ten days and a half months.

"What is the taste?"

King Liang was pampered, and all around him were clean and fragrant people.

So, as soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he wrinkled his nose.

"Oh? This king almost forgot, the princess hasn't bathed for seven or eight days!"

King Liang saw He Tiantian curled up on the ground, as if he had fainted from hunger.

A flash of disgust flashed in his eyes, he walked to He Tiantian's side, stretched out his thumb and directly pinched He Tiantian's people.


It hurts!

He Tiantian followed her body's instinct and took a sharp breath, her body also trembling.

"woke up?"

Seeing He Tiantian slowly opening her eyes from the pain, King Liang curled the corners of his lips proudly.

"Hungry! I-I'm so hungry!"

He Tiantian pretended to be weak and in a trance.

"Want to eat? Yes! As long as you agree to this king's request, you can eat what you want!"

"Not only the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, but the wealth and glory in the future are also yours!"

King Liang took the opportunity to draw a pie for He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...hehe, later?

And later? !

When the prince had an accident, the original owner spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

King Liang was right in front of him and witnessed the original owner's tragic situation with his own eyes.

With his cleverness, he must have been able to think of a connection between the two.

It can also be realized: He Tiantian's "desire to come true" needs to pay a price!

But he still forced He Tiantian to "curse" the more noble emperor, which was enough to show that he didn't care about He Tiantian's life and death.

Perhaps, King Liang still has the plan of "killing two birds with one stone".

If He Tiantian and the emperor perish together, when he ascends the throne, he will not have to bother to kill his original wife!

Therefore, everything King Liang said before was nothing but nonsense to deceive the original owner.

He never thought of making He Tiantian his queen, crossing the river and demolishing bridges or something, only to echo King Liang's temperament.

"Princess, seeing you in so much pain, this king is also very distressed!"

"But, these are all for our future. Oh, yes, and children!"

"Don't you want our son to be able to ascend to that supreme position?!"

Seeing that He Tiantian didn't speak, King Liang endured his impatience and continued to persuade.

This time, he even used all the children without shadows as an excuse.

However, when he thought about the child, he felt more and more that this "excuse" was a good one.

He Tiantian used divine power to hurt the emperor, and he would be backlashed, and he might even lose his life.

This point, King Liang and the original owner did not say anything, but they understood each other in their hearts.

Therefore, the various beautiful promises made by King Liang could not really impress the original owner.

However, if there is a child, if the child can be made the honor of the ninety-five, the original owner may be moved——

It is impossible for her to obtain wealth and honor in this life, but her children can.

Although it is only a glimmer of hope, it can still make the original owner unable to bear his fantasies.

In this way, King Liang takes the opportunity to promise again, and the original owner may be moved!

Thinking of this, Liang Wang became more and more interested, and continued to think with He Tiantian: "Fubao, I do this really not for myself, but for our children!"

"The crown prince has always hated my mother and concubine for being favored by the father, and he is also jealous that I am more favored by the father. If he becomes the emperor, will we still have a good life in Liang Wangfu?"

"I'm fine. After all, I've enjoyed the best and most expensive. But what about our child? Do you have the heart to let him be reduced to a poor clan?"

"You have seen the embarrassment of the declining royal families in Beijing! Fubao, I don't want our children to become so pitiful!"

King Liang almost took the stance of coaxing the original owner, and did his best to sensationalize.

He Tiantian pretended to be moved, and seemed to be worried about her unborn child.

When King Liang saw this, he hurried to make persistent efforts, "Fu Bao! My good blessing, just try it once."

"It's not just for me, it's for our children—"

He Tiantian struggled more and more.

But soon, she seemed to think of something, shivered all over, and then slowly shook her head.

"I just had my menstrual period ten days ago—"

So, children or something, there is no shadow at all.

"Even if I am pregnant, it may not be a boy!"

The historical background of this fictional world has no precedent for women in power.

The queen or something, the world can't even think about it.

"Even if I gave birth to a boy, I might not be able to live to see him grow up!"

"As for you, my lord, there will be more children. No amount of vows can match the reality!"

He Tiantian's words in a row directly pierced King Liang's false lie.

Facing He Tiantian's incomparably sober eyes, King Liang became angry.

He simply stopped pretending, and said with a wicked smile: "He Shi, you are toasting, not eating and drinking!"

He Tiantian: ...I don't eat any wine!

King Liang originally wanted to say that he would be hungry for a few more days.

But seeing her pale face and weak body, King Liang knew that the He family had reached the limit.

If you starve for two more days, you may be starved to death directly.

Moreover, looking at He Tiantian's posture, it seems that he has passed the threshold of hunger.

The trick of cutting off water and fasting does not work!

King Liang narrowed his eyes, and an unpleasant smell rushed into his nostrils again.

A flash of light flashed in King Liang's mind, and suddenly he had an idea...

------off topic-----

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