The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 617 The heroine who was counterattacked (6)

"Come on, the princess wants to take a bath, get some hot water!"

King Liang stood up and shouted to the outside.


The maid waiting outside the door agreed and hurriedly went down to prepare.

Not long after, several maids filed in.

Some of them carried the imperial concubine's bath tub, some carried cloth towels, bath beans, etc., and some carried steaming buckets.

The maids came to the clean room on the inner side, put the tub in place, and poured hot water into it.



The maids who carried the water made two more trips before filling the big tub 70% full.

"My lord, are you ready! Do you need slaves to serve the princess' bath?"

The leading maid respectfully said to King Liang.

She said "Serve the princess", and seemed to respect the princess He Tiantian very much.

But she didn't seem to see the princess in her mouth, who was curling up on the ground at this moment.

That pitiful appearance did not have the slightest honor of a princess. Instead, it looked like a weak and helpless patient.

"No, the king himself came to bathe the princess!"

King Liang said "showing love", but there was no warmth in his tone.

Although the maids felt weird, they didn't dare to disobey, they responded in unison, and then withdrew respectfully.

That big maid, after going out, closed the door tightly and asked everyone to retreat into the yard.

What, stay farther away, so as not to hear voices that should not be heard, and even more so as not to spoil the prince's interest!

When King Liang heard the maid's order, he was secretly satisfied. He deserved to be the person he valued, and he was so smart and witty.

The servants all retreated into the yard, and even if the house screamed and wailed, they would not listen too carefully.

King Liang became more and more relieved.

He bent down, reached out and raised He Tiantian.

The original owner was a petite girl. She was hungry for seven or eight days and lost a lot of weight.

The current He Tiantian is estimated to be only seventy or eighty pounds.

Although King Liang was pampered, he was a big man, and in order to perform in front of the emperor, he was proficient in riding and archery, and he had a lot of strength in his hands.

With a little force, King Liang took the thin and thin He Tiantian in his hand, and walked a few steps to the clean room.

"Princess, are you sure you don't want to help me?"

King Liang put the person next to the tub, "the ceremony first, and the soldiers later." Instead of rushing to do it, he asked again.

He Tiantian leaned half of her body on the tub, she lowered her head, and the condescending King Liang couldn't see her expression clearly.

However, seeing He Tiantian's body trembling slightly, King Liang knew that this woman was afraid.

Just know to be afraid!

So you can be obedient!

However, before King Liang was happy for too long, he saw He Tiantian shaking his head hesitantly.

"He Shi, this is what you forced me to do!"

King Liang gritted his teeth, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.



A bunch of bubbles appeared in the water.

He Tiantian deliberately struggled, as if choked by water.

In fact, she who took Dragon Ball in reality was not afraid of water at all, but was very close.

Traveling to the world of novels, He Tiantian still inherits the dragon's racial talent.


For her, it was not a punishment at all, but a pleasure.

However, He Tiantian initially made a choking appearance.

Just when King Liang was secretly complacent, He Tiantian seemed to be used to this kind of torture.

King Liang was startled, and hurriedly pulled He Tiantian out of the water.

He put his head close to He Tiantian and carefully observed her reaction.

There is no pain, no embarrassment, and naturally there will be no surrender!

"you you?"

King Liang's eyes were full of surprise, could this woman really be a monster?

Hungry, starving!

Drowning or drowning? !

King Liang's mouth was dry, his heart beat faster, and the whole person was in a state of panic.

But soon, King Liang thought of something and forced himself to calm down again——

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! I have Master Huitong's talisman, and I, I, and the jade pendant he blessed!"

"Yes! I still have a jade pendant!"

King Liang threw away He Tiantian, took a few steps back, and grabbed the jade pendant hanging from his waist.

As if he had caught a life-saving straw, he lifted the jade pendant and pointed it at He Tiantian, "Demon girl, this king and this king are not afraid of you!"

He Tiantian raised her head and brushed off the wet locks of hair stuck to her face, revealing a sweet smile.


He Tiantian felt that she smiled sweetly.

But in the eyes of King Liang, it was extremely strange.

King Liang's eyes widened, and the hands that clenched the jade pendant couldn't help but tremble.

"You, don't come here, this jade pendant was personally blessed by Master Huitong, and has a profound—"

Before the word "mana" was uttered, King Liang was like a duck strangled by his neck, and his voice suddenly disappeared.

Because He Tiantian stretched out her hand and snatched the jade pendant, her thin hand squeezed hard.


The solid jade pendant was actually crushed into pieces and scattered from He Tiantian's hands.

King Liang opened his mouth wide and looked at He Tiantian in disbelief.

Those eyes were full of horror.

He wanted to shout for help, but He Tiantian took a step faster and grabbed King Liang by the collar as soon as he reached out.

King Liang only felt that a force brought him to the tub.


I don't know how long it took, King Liang felt that he was about to die, and the voice of He's daughter came from his ears——

"My lord, why are you so careless?"

"Oh! Be careful! Your Majesty!"


King Liang only felt a sharp pain in his head, as if he had hit something hard.

Then, there is no then.

King Liang was completely unconscious.

He Tiantian looked at King Liang, who fell to the ground, and performed the exercises to absorb the increasingly strong dragon energy from his body.

Without luck, there is only scarlet blood, and King Liang will not only get more and more unlucky, but also suffer huge backlash.

For example, He Tiantian just lightly dropped his head, and he couldn't be hurt directly.

If one fails, this King Liang will become a living dead!

He Tiantian has endured until now, just to wait for this moment - she did not intend to take revenge, but woke up in self-defense!

He Tiantian walked out of the clean room and shouted in a panic, "Someone! Come on someone!"

Her voice was shrill, with endless panic.

However, the maids outside didn't seem to hear it.

No way, in fact, they have all been immune in the past few days.

The lord had already instructed that no matter what the princess shouted, they were not allowed to pay attention.

He Tiantian: this considered self-inflicted evil?

He Tiantian wanted to have someone come to "rescue" King Liang earlier, but because of King Liang's arrangement, He Tiantian's call for help was ignored.

However, He Tiantian still has follow-up plans, and she wants to perform a full set of acting.

"...Come on, someone, the lord passed out!"

He Tiantian rushed to the door and patted the door desperately.

If she just knocked on the door for help, the servants outside would still not have any reaction.

But she shouted "The lord passed out", although the maids were still a little hesitant, but they moved in the end.

The leading maid was named Jin Yu. She was a palace maid given to her son by Concubine Shu, the mother of Liang Wang, and the most useful maid by Liang Wang's side.

She cares about King Liang the most.

Hearing He Tiantian's cry at this moment, although she doubted whether it was the princess shouting indiscriminately, she was more worried about her own prince.

Jin Yu didn't dare to delay, and rushed in with a few people.

At the door, he saw He Tiantian, who was half-wet, and Jinyu shouted at the two little maids, "You're 'serving' the princess!"

The two little girls knew each other, and they "protected" He Tiantian from the left and the right.

After arranging these things, Jinyu rushed into the clean room quickly, just in time to see King Liang who was also wet but fell to the ground.

"My lord!"

Jinyu was almost scared to death.

He rushed to the front, squatted down, and carefully probed the breath of King Tang Liang with his fingers.


And the heat!

Jin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly shouted to the outside: "Go and get the imperial doctor!"

Afterwards, Jinyu greeted several stout old women, carefully carried King Liang to the bedroom, and put the person on the bed.

While waiting for the imperial doctor, Jin Yu first wiped King Liang's body and took off his soaked clothes.

Immediately afterwards, she came to He Tiantian and asked with a bad expression, "Princess, what happened?"

"Why did the lord, the lord get hurt?"

When wiping King Liang, Jinyu naturally found a bulge on Queen Liang's head.

Although there was no blood, the fact that the egg-sized bag was able to bulge out was enough to show that King Liang had suffered a heavy blow!

But there is only one bathtub in the clean room, oh, yes, there is Mr. He.

But Mrs He was so thin and starved for several days. Even if she wanted to take the opportunity to attack the prince, she, she couldn't do it.

How did their prince get hurt?

He Tiantian seemed to be frightened, and her face was in shock.

Hearing Jinyu's questioning, her eyes flashed even more blankly, "I-I don't know either. The lord said he wanted to help me take a bath—"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian deliberately made a shy and twisted look.

Think about it too, this kind of little love between husband and wife, in ancient times when folk customs were conservative, it is really not suitable to tell a third person.

Jin Yu didn't believe it.

If it had been a few days ago, Jinyu might have believed that her prince really had a deep-rooted love for a village girl.

However, in the past seven or eight days, Jinyu has witnessed the various tortures of the prince to the He family, and she does not believe that the prince has any friendship with the princess.

If you don't even have feelings, what kind of mandarin ducks will you play in the water? !

"How did the lord get hurt?"

Jinyu interrupted He Tiantian directly, and continued to ask.

"I said it all, I don't know!"

He Tiantian's face was full of innocence, "The lord helped me take a bath, I was busy dodging, and I didn't see it clearly for a while, and the lord slammed into the tub and passed out!"

Jinyu: ...I believe in you! Wang Ye is not a fool, nor is he a cripple, how could he fall for no reason? !

Facing Jinyu's silent questioning, He Tiantian became more and more innocent.

She just doesn't know!

However, the world will soon know how unlucky King Liang is!

No, the servant Jinyu sent out to find the imperial doctor was usually the smartest, but when he ran to the stable, he fell on the ground and injured his leg.

The steward secretly said "bad luck", but did not dare to delay, and found another servant.

The servant didn't fall any more, but the horses in the stable seemed to have suddenly eaten something bad. They were either weak or had diarrhea and cramps. None of them could be used.

The steward scolded "unlucky" again, so he had to find a fast-legged servant who ran wildly all the way to the Tai Hospital.

The imperial hospital originally had an imperial doctor on duty.

And depending on how favored Prince Liang was, as long as the servant came with his famous post, there would be an imperial physician coming to Prince Liang's mansion.

But, it is so "smart".

The imperial concubine in the palace was a little uncomfortable, and the prince also complained of leg pain, and all the imperial doctors left behind went to take care of the two.

The little servant turned around like a headless fly in the imperial hospital for several times, and finally found a little eunuch and ran to the palace to report to Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu hurriedly ran to beg the emperor, and only then did an imperial physician come out.

When the imperial physician arrived at Prince Liang's mansion, it was already midnight, and two hours had passed since Prince Liang was injured.

The imperial doctor diagnosed Liang Wang's pulse, and the process was not smooth.

When the imperial doctor heard that Queen Liang was injured on the back of the head, he asked people to turn King Liang's body over, and he wanted to carefully examine the wound at the back.

As a result, a few rough maids who were used to physical work accidentally lost their hands when flipping King Liang.


King Liang's forehead hit the bedpost directly, and a big bag suddenly swelled up.

Not to mention that a few maids were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, even Jinyu, the imperial physician and others were dumbfounded!

This, this is too unfortunate.

He Tiantian: Where did this go?

If you dare to use the luck to harm others, you must endure the backlash of this mysterious power!

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, the imperial doctor didn't know whether to look at the injury on the back or check the big bag on his forehead.

"The doctor, why don't you look at the back first!"

Jinyu wasn't quite sure, but she opened her mouth anyway.

In the world's cognition, the back of the head is more important than the forehead.

And King Liang was unconscious because he hit the back of his head.

This time, Jin Yu didn't dare to tell others, but did it herself. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to hug King Liang's upper body and help him sit up.

The back of the head was exposed for examination by the imperial physician.

The imperial doctor touched it with his hand first, oh, what a big bag, not smaller than the bag on his forehead at all.

Afterwards, the imperial doctor carefully checked and found that although the bag was relatively large, there was no bleeding.

However, the brain is too complicated. It is said that the medical treatment is backward in ancient times. Even in modern times, with the development of medicine, people dare not say that the research on the brain is very accurate.

The imperial physician was at a loss, and stretched out his hand to open King Liang's eyelids to take a look.

"... Imperial doctor, what happened to our prince? Is it serious? When will he wake up?"

Jin Yu asked a series of questions eagerly.

Imperial Physician: ... Hehe, I also want to know wow, but I don't know!

"I, I'll prescribe an analgesic and anti-inflammatory prescription first—"

The imperial physician can't say that he can't do anything about it. King Liang is one of the emperor's favorite sons.

Concubine Shu in the palace is also quite favored.

The imperial physician did not dare to offend, so he could only try carefully.

If you are injured, it is always right to prescribe an analgesic prescription.

After a night, maybe King Liang will be able to wake up.

If it still doesn't work, then ask the hospital or a more skilled imperial physician.

The imperial doctor thought about it like this, and then he prescribed a prescription.

In the process of boiling the medicine, there was another series of accidents, and the imperial doctor couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that King Liang was haunted by a ghost, why was he so unlucky? !

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