The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 619 The heroine who was counterattacked (8)

The heroine took the villain's script, Chapter 619, the counterattacked heroine, a good person like the heroine, who has so many merits and virtues. She is definitely a lucky person, and she is deeply protected by heaven.

She won't hurt anyone, but if someone tries to hurt her, she will suffer a strong backlash!

Master Huitong took back his consciousness and observed He Tiantian with the naked eye.

He found that the Princess Liang, who was envied by everyone in Beijing, seemed to be in a bad situation.

The body is thin, the face is pale, and the eyes are shrinking... The whole person does not look like the much-loved and distinguished Princess Liang.

Instead, he looks like a miserable, abused and hurt person.

I didn't see that she was very afraid of even a maid like Jinyu.

Master Huitong did not think so.

Not to mention anything else, just the layer of scarlet evil spirit lingering around King Liang's body, let Master Huitong know that this second prince and dignified prince, who was favored by the emperor, was definitely not a good person.

As for Jinyu, there is not much respect for Princess Liang.

Outsiders may be deceived by rumors and think that King Liang is really a good man with infatuation.

The disguise of King Liang is not uncommon in the royal family.

And such a good man who is said to dote on his wife and love his wife secretly tortures and abuses his concubine, Master Huitong does not find it strange at all.

He committed many murders, but no one noticed, but thought he was a humble and gentle gentleman.

Master Huitong often deals with the royal family, and he knows that the inside of the royal family is not as gorgeous and beautiful as it looks on the outside.

Tsk tsk, it is not an exaggeration to say that the darling of heaven!

King Liang is just a prince with a little dragon energy, but he tries to hurt a person who is covered in golden light of merit.

If it were an ordinary person, he might have been killed silently by King Liang.

However, Princess Liang is not an ordinary woman, but the reincarnation of a good person from many generations.

Otherwise, he provided King Liang with a talisman and a jade pendant, and properly "helped Zhou to abuse", he should have suffered backlash along with King Liang.

Just erased the aura on his runes,

Without going too deep into it, it shows that Master Huitong is facing a "good man", not some evil demon!

Who does Tiandao clean up if he cleans up?

There is also Master Huitong. It is estimated that he usually does good deeds and accumulates virtue, and he also has merit and golden light to protect his body.

When she mentioned "My Prince", she was concerned and had instinctual fear, as if that man was not only her husband, but also the existence she feared the most.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, Master Huitong became more and more sure of his guess - Prince Liang really hurt Princess Liang!

"Master, what happened to my prince? Is he, is he okay? Can you wake up?"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended not to see Master Huitong's inquiry and contemplation, and asked timidly.

He obviously married a darling of the heavenly path who is full of merit and golden light. As long as he treats others well, he will be able to contaminate the good fortune and be prosperous and rich for a lifetime.

As a result, he didn't know how to cherish it, but he wanted to die!

What is self-inflicted can't live?

King Liang is it!

Master Huitong has always been merciful, and even if he is really wicked, he can't speak ill of each other.

He will enlighten and persuade, so that the wicked can put down the butcher's knife.

He angered Tiandao, was attacked by the golden light of merit, and directly became a living dead.


Master Huitong was very polite to He Tiantian and comforted a few words softly.

"Then, thank you Master!"

But at this moment, in the face of such a self-defeating King Liang, Master Huitong couldn't help it, and he uttered a foul language in his heart.

"The situation of the lord is more complicated. However, please rest assured, princess, I will definitely help!"

Jinyu couldn't see He Tiantian appearing in front of people, so she was about to send He Tiantian out in a few words.

Seeing this, Master Huitong couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look at Jinyu——

He Tiantian curtseyed timidly.

"Princess, your health is not very good, you should go back to rest first!"

Your lord still has the innate dragon energy to protect the body, and you are just a slave, and there is no luck at all, otherwise you would not sell yourself as a slave.

With such a status and such luck, she dared to provoke Princess Liang, who was full of merit. She died that day without knowing the reason.

Geez, what an ignorant and fearless slave!

Even a person with great opportunity like Princess Liang dared to humiliate easily.

No, there is no condemnation or doubt in Master Huitong's eyes, but a kind of pity!

Mercy for what?

Jinyu: ... Master Huitong looks at me strangely?

Do you think she is too presumptuous?

She said that if the princess was to be driven away, the princess would obediently retire!

Jin Yu was puzzled and proud, but at the same time she made a sound.

Although she is a servant, she is the servant of the palace, and she also holds the power of stewardship of the palace.

Now even the noble princess has to live by her face.

Jin Yu's face instantly turned pale, and her body froze on the spot in a weird posture.


She sent He Tiantian and turned around to ask Master Huitong something, but as a result——



It hurts her!

Her waist was sprained inexplicably!

Jinyu only felt that her body was broken into two sections, and the huge pain made her unable to stop crying: "Come, come! Come on!"

Seeing Jinyu being "returned" with his own eyes, he was not surprised at all, and even had a feeling of "should be like this".

The palace was in chaos again, the prince was unconscious, and Jin Yu, who was the only one who could manage things, also fell.

Woohoo, her waist won't really break, will it?

Master Huitong:  …

The steward was stunned. He was working in the outer courtyard and did not know that the prince had abused the princess.

He only thought that the princess was sick and was of humble origin, and didn't understand Zhongkui, so she was robbed of the stewardship by the Jinyu girl who was rewarded by the palace.

"Let's invite the princess!"

Master Huitong couldn't bear to see more "ignorant people" suffer backlash, so he reminded the steward.


In terms of name, she is indeed the righteous hostess of the palace.

However, now Jinyu hurts her waist, she can't take care of herself, let alone a housekeeper.

The palace cannot be chaotic, and a person who can manage and manage is needed.

However, Master Huitong made a rare speech, "The concubine is the wife of His Royal Highness Mingmi, who is married to Princess Liang who is on the jade plate."

Just four words can absolutely crush everything!

But can she shoulder the heavy responsibility of managing the palace?

The steward hesitated.

People who have been good people in many lifetimes with golden light of merit and virtue, and those who have a great chance, should make offerings and respect them well.

King Liang has already suffered a backlash. With such a bright example, the emperor, and even Concubine Shu, who loves his son, will definitely not repeat the same mistakes!

In addition, Master Huitong will also enter the palace and truthfully report what he saw and guessed.

He believed that according to the wisdom of the emperor, he would never do something as stupid as King Liang.

After sending Master Huitong away, he hurried to invite He Tiantian out.

"Oh? Jinyu sprained her waist?"

"Yes! Thank you Master for reminding me!"

The steward woke up like a dream, and quickly thanked him.

What can be said?

He didn't even know why Jin Yu sprained her waist so well.

He Tiantian pretended to be surprised and said, "Why? Well, why did she get sprained?"

The steward hunched over and smiled, but didn't say anything.

Jinyu said that she was serving the prince, but she was just talking about it, and she had her own little maid and mother-in-law to work!

Jinyu's days these past few days are actually more moisturizing than in the past.

To say that she was exhausted from serving the prince these days would be nonsense!

There are so many maids in the palace, and the people who serve the prince are even more group after group.

The steward can only say that Jin Yu is a "loyal servant", the prince is possessed by a mildew ghost, and she, the most useful maid, is also unlucky with the master!

"Oh, whatever!"

Think about it too, the "wife in charge" of the dignified prince's mansion is more respectable and powerful than the princess.

As a result, it was such a good day of being served and complimented by others, but Jinyu was still able to sprain her waist—

Jin Yu naturally refused, but she couldn't even move.

Some of her dog legs want to struggle.

He Tiantian pretended to be helpless and sighed, "It's a troubled time for the palace right now. Although I don't understand Zhongkui and come from humble backgrounds, I'm still a princess, so I have to come out and take care of everything!"

After all, He Tiantian ordered someone to go to Jinyu to get the matching cards, warehouse keys, account books and other items.

She slammed the table and said in a cold voice, "What a slacker! This princess used to take into account that you were a reward from your mother, so I looked at you a few times. I didn't want to, but you forgot your identity!"

He Tiantian's style has not broken the character design.

They did not clearly oppose the princess, but stood silently in front of the Jinyu bed, looking like a guardian.

Hearing the reply, He Tiantian sneered secretly.

And in the backyard, with the love of her husband, everything is there.

The people are also very respectful to her.

Although the original owner was born in a farm family, because of his good luck, he was petted and used by his grandmother and the He family since he was a child.

When she married Queen Liang, King Liang deliberately acted, making her mistakenly think that she was deeply favored by her husband.

Following the original owner's nature, she will definitely take the opportunity to fight back.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian acts flamboyant, domineering and arrogant, those maids who know the inside story will not doubt it, and will only regard her as a villain.

She used to be timid or shrinking, but she was afraid of being tossed by King Liang.

But now, King Liang has fallen, and even his most proud maid has become a victim of injury, so he can no longer show off his power.

On the contrary, Jin Yu, who was spoiled by the prince and respected by the princess, really lost her sense of proportion.

"Go! I'll go myself!"

As for the steward, he didn't know about the inner court, and naturally he didn't know the fear and cowardice of the original owner.

When he saw He Tiantian's announcement, he not only didn't doubt it, but sighed in his heart: It's Princess Liang after all, even if his background is not good, he still has a serious status.

Seeing that He Tiantian dared to stand in front of her with her head held high, Jin Yu's depression, which was already depressed by the pain, became even lower.

She was annoyed for a while, but she forgot to maintain the "honor and inferiority" on the surface, so she shouted "He's" to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian stood up, shouted, and rushed to the small cross-yard where Jinyu lived.

"You! Mrs. He, you—"

Some of them are responsible for guarding He Tiantian, so they know that the princess He is not valued by the prince.

When the original owner was starving, he once begged and cried to them.

He Tiantian was not polite, raised her hand and gave Jinyu a slap in the face, "Presumptuous! You really forgot your identity, how dare you disrespect this princess!"

The little maids who followed Jinyu were also servants in the inner courtyard.

Not to mention secretly, even in front of the original owner, they once called "He's".

But, all the time.

All kinds of pitiful, all kinds of embarrassment, they all see it.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to have any reverence and respect for the original owner, the princess.

The little maids looked at Jin Yu who was lying on the bed, unable to move.

Looking at He Tiantian, who raised her hand and slapped Jinyu in the face, but no one stopped her, for a while, she didn't know what to do?

In the past, there was a prince and sister Jinyu in the palace, so it was impossible for the princess to be the head of a peasant family.

But now-

The slaves were injured and were not even qualified to call an imperial doctor.

If the master is kind-hearted, just ask a doctor and prescribe some medicine, so that she can take good care of her.

Continue to protect Jinyu, and then be liquidated by the princess with her?

Only at this moment did the maids realize that no matter how powerful Sister Jinyu was in the past, she was just a slave.

Of course, Jinyu also has a backer——

"He Shi, how dare you hit me? I, I'm the person next to Concubine Shu!"

If the master is a little more ruthless, and directly removes people and throws them on Zhuangzi to fend for themselves, outsiders can't say anything!

This is the sorrow of being a slave!

"He Shi, you wait, Concubine Shu-"

Just as Jin Yu was gnashing his teeth and scolding and threatening, there was a loud noise outside.

"...The lord is ill, do you think you can act recklessly in the palace?"

"Dream! There is still a maiden in the palace, and madam will never let you go!"

He Tiantian raised one eyebrow.


"Reporting to the princess, there is a decree in the palace, and I will appoint you to receive the decree!"

A little girl came running out of breath and replied loudly.

I just don't know why this queen concubine specially ordered someone to pass the decree.

He Tiantian left Jin Yu, who was blue-faced, and the restless little maids, and went to the front court.

Queen's will?

Tsk, as expected of the emperor's original wife, the crown prince's biological mother, looking at the speed of their reaction, they are faster than Concubine Shu.

The middle-aged eunuch was a little fat, and when he smiled, his eyes narrowed, looking very kind and kind.

He didn't make a pretence, but smiled and said to He Tiantian, "My lady heard that King Liang was injured, and the princess took good care of her despite her illness, which is very gratifying."

The person who passed the decree was a middle-aged eunuch. Judging from the appearance, it was estimated that it was someone who was needed by the queen.

The so-called decree is not a formal decree, but just a few words from the queen.

The queen is so talented.

In name, it is to give medicinal herbs to Shuzi, but in fact, it is to reward He Tiantian.

"I specially rewarded the King of Liang with a thousand-year-old ginseng, and ordered to reward the concubine with a jade Ruyi, two boxes of blood swallows, four sets of jewelry, twelve pieces of palace satin, and a number of gold and silver nudes..."

He Tiantian was slightly surprised.

"His Royal Highness, it's enough for you to reward King Liang, why should you even reward that He Clan?"

The mama next to the queen couldn't hold back and asked.

Look at it, it's blood swallows, and it's jewelry cloth, especially the jade Ruyi handle, it's really worth pondering.

Not to mention that He Tiantian was a little surprised, even the palace people around the queen were very incomprehensible.

When Master Fang Caihuitong entered the palace, the queen ordered the confidant eunuch beside him to run to inquire, wanting to know the inside story of King Liang's injury.

Master Huitong naturally didn't say it, but reminded him: "Princess Liang has golden light of merit and virtue, and she is a person with great luck!"

The queen didn't say it clearly, but there was a flash of brilliance in her eyes.

She believes in Buddhism and has some friendship with Master Huitong.

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