The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 620 The heroine who was counterattacked (9)

The queen is not sure if she can help her son.

But she always felt that it was better to befriend someone with great luck than to offend others.

Moreover, her confidant eunuch, from the mouth of Master Huitong, vaguely heard that it seemed that King Liang's bad luck had something to do with Princess Liang.

The queen doesn't know what happened to Liang Wangfu, but the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

This point, the queen who has lived in the deep palace for a long time and is well versed in the way of palace fighting, can't be more clear.

She didn't expect to get anything in return with a single reward, but if you show it well first, and then slowly figure it out, there may be unexpected surprises.

"His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness, the imperial doctor has received a new prescription, saying that he can help the prince to treat his leg injury!"

Just when the queen was secretly calculating, a maid from the East Palace came to announce the good news happily.

Queen: ... so effective?

She just gave a generous gift to Princess Liang, who is full of merit and golden light, and there is good news on her son's side?

As soon as this thought popped into her mind, the queen denied it herself.

So absurd!

It's too bizarre!

However, negation is negation, and the queen still has such an idea in her heart.

It doesn't take a lot of trouble anyway. In the future, um, she will just take care of Princess Liang more.

In addition to the great luck on the other side, the queen is also more than happy to block her old enemy Concubine Shu every day.

The Empress knew very well that Concubine Shu especially despised He's daughter-in-law from the people.

Otherwise, she would not have specially rewarded the palace maids to block others!

Concubine Shu disliked Concubine Liang, and the queen lifted her up.

As long as Concubine Shu can be made unhappy, the queen will be happy.

In the past, the queen wanted to do this, but it was because there was no excuse.

After all, her image has always been virtuous, generous, gentle, and kind. Even if she treats her concubine as her own son, she can't go beyond the concubine's biological mother and get too close to the concubine's daughter-in-law!

Well now, with the words of Master Huitong, this is the situation for the Crown Prince again. The Queen, as a loving mother who believes in Buddhism, is desperately ill and goes to the doctor.

...Perhaps, the emperor also has the intention to win over Princess Liang.

Therefore, he should be able to understand the queen very well, and not associate the queen's actions with jealousy and wives and concubines!

The queen is worthy of being the original wife of the emperor. The two have been with each other for more than 20 years, and they really know each other best.

The eunuch in the Queen's Palace had just left the palace on the front foot, and the emperor received the news on the back foot.

At this time, Master Huitong had already told the emperor everything he had seen, heard, and guessed.

The emperor didn't believe it at first, because it was too incredible.

Although I know that there are ghosts and gods in this world, there are also karma, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

What kind of luck?

Is it even more powerful than his emperor?

There is an inexplicable jealousy and rejection in the emperor's heart - he is the emperor, the most noble and special existence in this world.

Now, suddenly there is a good person from the past, who seems to be very powerful, and he is a little unhappy.

But soon, the emperor began to convince himself: In fact, there is a good person reincarnated as a citizen, this is also the good fortune of his dynasty, it is some kind of auspiciousness.

Moreover, I didn't listen to Master Huitong, my daughter-in-law, because of her great background, is deeply protected by God.

Those who are close to her can be blessed.

Those who are malicious to her, or who hurt her, will get backlash.

His own silly son, King Liang, is an example.

Oh, by the way, I heard that there is still a slave in Prince Liang's mansion. Because of disrespect to Princess Liang, he suddenly sprained his waist.

Perhaps these are also coincidences, but the emperor dare not gamble with his own health and safety, and the country's society and crops!

It's just to care for a woman, you can do it with your mouth open, it doesn't take much at all, the emperor thinks he can give it a try!

"The second child's condition?"

The emperor still wanted to confirm his son,

In the end is the disease, or the evil.

He called the hospital waiting for a group of imperial physicians again, and repeatedly asked about King Liang's situation.

The hospital was grimacing, and he knelt down and kowtowed in fear, "Wei ministers have little knowledge and little knowledge, and there is really no way to deal with the prince's illness!"

The hospital's medical skills were first-class in the Imperial Hospital, and he admitted it, and the other Imperial Physicians did not dare to take the lead and apologized.

"Then he can only do this after that?"

In a coma, like a living dead?

Is it his son who has been spoiled for nearly 20 years, or his own, how can the emperor not feel distressed?

"..." Yuanzheng didn't dare to speak, his forehead pressed against the bluestone floor.

Yes, no answer, that's the default.

The emperor was a little disappointed.

But then, he thought of what Master Huitong said.

The He family has a great history, and King Liang bumped into her, and this was the backlash.

So, if the royal family rewards the He family, lifts her up, and respects her, will there be a trace of good fortune to be distributed to King Liang? !

After all, they are husband and wife, and Mrs. He herself doesn't know her origin, but as a woman, she should also like her husband to recover.

Moreover, the husband and wife are one, and the King Liang and the He family are both prosperous and damaged.

If He wanted to have a better life, he still had to pin his hopes on King Liang.

"Come here, go and pass the decree, and say that the He family has done a good job in taking care of King Liang, and he specially canonized her as a first-class prince concubine, and rewarded her with 1,000 taels of gold and 24 pieces of tribute satin!"

The emperor had an idea and ordered the eunuchs around him to declare the decree.

For the emperor's question, not to mention the reaction inside and outside the palace, only Concubine Shu is not happy.

It stands to reason that the He family is her daughter-in-law. The emperor rewarded the He family to give respect to King Liang, and she, the mother-in-law, has a bright face.

However, Concubine Shu really didn't like He's country girl.

Especially now that his son is in a coma and has no life or death, His Majesty does not say that he is thinking about how to find a genius doctor or an expert to treat his son, but Baba's canonization of the He family.

Concubine Shu felt uncomfortable.

She didn't even think about it, the emperor rewarded the He family so much for the good of King Liang.

This is like an ordinary family, the son is not good, in order to win over the daughter-in-law and stay by the son's side, the in-law's family will be very kind to the daughter-in-law!

Concubine Shu: Hmph, the royal family is an ordinary family.

There is only a reason for the royal family to divorce their daughter-in-law, and there is absolutely no woman who wants to divorce or remarry!

If you marry the prince, unless the prince does not want it, then you will be a royal all your life, and if you die, you will be a royal dead!

Slowly, her Erlang is only in a coma now, and even if he really, really leaves, He will stay with him for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Concubine Shu was very confident, and she was not afraid of not being able to keep her daughter-in-law.

Not only did she not show affection and win over, but she also angered that He did not take good care of her son!

"As expected, she's an uneducated and uneducated country girl who can't even serve her husband!"

"My Erlang, how could you have such a strange disease?"

"...When will you wake up?"

Concubine Shu finally begged the emperor to allow her to come out of the palace to visit her son.

Looking at King Liang lying on the bed, there was no need to wipe the ginger water, and the tears fell down!

"He's! How on earth did you take care of Erlang?"

"He's fine, why did he fall?"

"And, where's Jinyu? Why didn't I see her?"

Concubine Shu cried for a long while guarding King Liang, her eyes were a little swollen.

But King Liang still didn't respond, as if he didn't hear his mother's cry.

Seeing a good son in this state, Concubine Shu felt distressed and annoyed at the same time, and she directly turned her anger on her daughter-in-law.

"Reporting to the mother-in-law, I, I don't know why the lord is like this!"

He Tiantian deliberately made a shrinking appearance and said timidly.

"My lord just knocked on the tub, just, just—"

"And Jinyu, she was injured. I heard that she accidentally twisted her waist!"

He Tiantian is like an angry little daughter-in-law, cowardly and petty.

When Concubine Shu saw it, she only felt that it was piercing her eyes.

She looked away in disgust, as if she had seen some garbage.

"I don't know anything, what do you want Princess Liang to do?"

"Go! Go outside and kneel!"

Concubine Shu angrily issued a punishment.

"...Yes!" He Tiantian pretended to be aggrieved and fearful, and choked up and agreed.

Then, she turned around and was about to go outside and kneel.

Here, Concubine Shu ignored He Tiantian.

After the command, he continued to guard King Liang.

Seeing that King Liang's lips were a little dry, she felt distressed.

For a while, the loving mother had a heart attack, and she didn't tell the maids to do it, but got up and poured water for King Liang herself.

Outside, He Tiantian just knelt down and the moment her knees touched the ground—

Concubine Shu, who was in the room, just took two steps to get a water cup from the table, but suddenly her left foot stumbled on her right.


Concubine Shu fell flat and her head hit the corner of the table.

Concubine Shu only felt a flash of golden light in front of her eyes, and then she passed out.

On the fair and clean forehead, there was a bulging bulge in blue and purple.

Everyone panicked and hurriedly carried Concubine Shu to the Luohan bed outside.

"Please go to the doctor, go and call for the doctor!"

The maid next to Concubine Shu shouted loudly.

Not long after, the imperial physician invited him, and when he passed the steps, he saw a thin, thin figure kneeling down the corridor, frowning slightly.

But the affairs of the royal family are not something that their courtiers can intervene.

He hurriedly turned his eyes away, not daring to look any further, the imperial physician went straight into the main room.

"..." How could Concubine Shu's illness be similar to that of King Liang?

Could it be that "Mother and Son" can reach this level?

Even injuries and coma can be contagious? !

As soon as such a thought popped into his mind, the imperial physician hurriedly shook his head and threw out these messy guesses.

He began to examine Concubine Shu's pulse, but there was no problem with the pulse.

Uh, this is also very similar to King Liang.

The imperial doctor suppressed the absurd thoughts in his heart and began to try other methods.

Acupuncture, feeding medicine, pressing acupuncture points... I tried all of them, but it didn't work!

The imperial doctor was helpless, and it was worth ordering someone to go to the palace for help.

The emperor was shocked and helpless when he heard what happened in Prince Liang's mansion.

Alas, Concubine Shu and Prince Liang are mother and son, really, really don't know what to say about them!

"I've made it clear, Concubine Shu fell down just after punishing Princess Liang?"

The emperor carefully asked the eunuch who went to investigate.

"Yes! The servant asked, and the lady blamed Princess Liang for not taking good care of the prince, so she ordered her to kneel on the porch outside the door!"

"Prince Liang just knelt down when Concubine Shu fell down and her head just hit the foot of the table!"

The little eunuch did not know the "truth" and reported it truthfully.


Ha, where are there so many coincidences?

Concubine Shu wanted to deliberately spar with good people, but she was attacked by the golden light on her body!

Originally, the emperor had some doubts about Master Huitong's words, but Concubine Shu personally gave the emperor a "demonstration", and the emperor had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

"Someone, take Concubine Shu back to the palace."

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the emperor commanded in a deep voice.

"In addition, in the name of the Empress, I will reward the two maids in the He's palace."

"Oh, just Mammy Wang and Mammy Liu that my grandmother used."

In order to prevent Concubine Shu from running to find death, uh, if Concubine Shu can still wake up;

It was also in order to prevent the self-proclaimed royal nobles from being backfired because they went to trouble the He family. The emperor had to send a useful nanny to the Liang Wangfu.

In the name of the Empress Dowager, the old man who once served the Empress Dowager is sent to the old lady, and it is said that they are noble ladies of the royal family.

In this way, there will be fewer people who have "strange diseases"!

However, what reassured the emperor a little was that his reward had just arrived at Prince Liang's mansion, and he helped Princess Liang to rest in the inner room, when Concubine Shu woke up.

Concubine Shu also seemed to be frightened, afraid that she would become a living dead like her son.

The son is the prince, and there is still her concubine in the palace. Even if she is unconscious, she will not be slowed down or abused.

But if she also becomes like this, the only thing waiting for her is death!

She doesn't want to die.

Not only for herself, if she dies, what will happen to her son?

"... Erlang, you, you take good care of your injuries, the mother and concubine go back to the palace to beg your father!"

"Your father, the emperor, is the emperor, who owns the world and the world. If you search all over the world, you will definitely find a genius doctor and an expert!"

"Don't worry, mother will never leave you alone!"

Concubine Shu wiped away her tears while explaining to Prince Liang, and then left Prince Liang's mansion as if running for her life.

Concubine Shu didn't know the "truth" of her son's injury, but as a witness, she only felt frightened.

This palace is too strange, maybe there is something unclean.

She and her son were both harmed by this evil spirit!

Concubine Shu gritted her teeth, and on the way back to the palace, she began to think about how to break the situation.

However, there was a slight pain from time to time on her forehead, which reminded her deeply: even if you want to break the game, you have to be careful and careful.

Otherwise, next time, she might really have to become a living dead like her son!

Concubine Shu secretly calculated, but the emperor was slightly relieved——

so far so good!

This virtuous person is not too fussy.

In other words, the golden light of merit on her body is very "measured", as long as outsiders do not deliberately bully her, they will not be backlashed.

Moreover, if it can be stopped in time, or corrected, it can also minimize the damage!

This is more reassuring.

Otherwise, if the power of the He family is too strange and uncontrollable, the emperor will not be able to feel at ease sitting on the dragon chair.

He is the honor of the ninety-five, and holds the power of life and death in the world. Although he will not deliberately make things difficult for a woman, when he thinks that someone is an existence that he cannot move.

As an emperor, he is really uncomfortable...

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