The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 621 The heroine who was counterattacked (10)

Before there was no better way, the emperor decided to stay away from Princess Liang for the time being!

As for Concubine Shu, the emperor would try his best to stop her from seeking death.

However, if the other party insists on doing this, the emperor has no choice.

Perhaps, he can continue to verify Princess Liang's "magical power" through Concubine Shu, and find loopholes in it.

With the emperor's suppression, on the surface, the capital seems to have returned to calm.

The news of King Liang's accidental injury, which led to his becoming a living dead, spread in Beijing for a few days, and was replaced by new gossip——

"The Queen Mother found a genius doctor who actually cured the prince's leg!"


It has disappeared from the public's attention for nearly two months. In the court, there have always been ministers writing letters, suggesting that the prince should be deposed.

Just when everyone believed that the prince was destined to become a lame man, a crippled man, he, he actually recovered!

Not only can he walk like a normal person, but he can also run, jump, and ride a horse.

Seeing the prince deliberately galloping down Suzaku Street on purpose, passers-by, and the dignitaries who heard the news later were stunned!

The queen wept with joy, secretly repaying her vows and kneeling to many gods.

Among the many rewards, the Queen found an excuse to send some "rewards" to Princess Liang on a whim.

The queen didn't really think that her son's recovery was due to Princess Liang's blessing.

However, if there are dates and no dates, who knows which cloud will rain?

The queen is just doing what she wants.

However, the queen repeatedly showed her favor to Princess Liang, and He Tiantian could not fail to give back.

During the upcoming Qianqiu Festival, He Tiantian embroidered a heart sutra and gave it to the queen as a birthday gift.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the emperor and the empress saw the embroidered scriptures, it seemed that golden light was floating.

The emperor hurriedly asked Master Huitong to help him check.

When Master Huitong saw it, his eyes suddenly lit up. After listening to the origin of this embroidery, he looked at the queen with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Such a spiritual treasure is comparable to a mysterious magic weapon.

It can't talk about returning to life and changing lives against the sky, but it can also exorcise evil spirits and ward off evil spirits, and bless peace!

When the emperor saw such a master as Master Huitong, and saw the embroidery sent by the He family, he was very rare, and he couldn't help but have some ideas.

The queen and the emperor have been married for more than 20 years, so she knows her husband very well.

Seeing the twinkle in the emperor's eyes, she knew that her man valued this embroidered Heart Sutra.

Reluctant to give up, the Queen still maintained a virtuous and virtuous character, and smiled sincerely: "This heart sutra, let's dedicate it to Your Majesty!"

Emperor: ...he's moved!

However, in the end, the emperor still did not let go of the pride of the ninety-five.

With a reserved smile, the emperor said, "This is the birthday gift that Mr. He Jin presented to Zitong, how can I take people's favor?"

"Furthermore, my longevity festival is coming soon, and He Shi's pure filial piety should also carefully prepare birthday gifts for me!"

Even if He couldn't think of it, the emperor would have someone remind him.

He won't force it, but as an elder, it's not an exaggeration to ask a younger generation a birthday gift!

He Tiantian: ... not too much!

This is the big boss of the dynasty. He Tiantian wants to counterattack He Yingying in turn. The emperor is also a powerful helper!

Moreover, thanks to the emperor's blessing, He Tiantian's days in Prince Liang's mansion were much more comfortable.

King Liang continued to lie on the bed as a living dead, and Jinyu had been moved out by her and left on Zhuangzi to recuperate.

He Tiantian did not kill her completely, but hired a doctor for her, arranged for the little maids to serve (ahem, those who follow Jinyu), and also allocated medical expenses, nutrition and other expenses.

He Tiantian is absolutely righteous, even if Concubine Shu in the palace wants to pick on her, she can't find it.

No matter how noble Jinyu is, or given by elders, in the final analysis, it is only a slave.

The slaves were injured and could not work or serve the master. He Tiantian, as the hostess, did not drive people out, but sent them to the general of Zhuangzi to raise them.

Already very kind.

Not to mention slaves, even some unloved wealthy daughters, sick and injured, are just this kind of treatment.

Therefore, when the news spread, the ladies in Beijing agreed very much with He Tiantian's approach——

It not only saved Concubine Shu's face, but also sent out the bullying Diao slaves, yet she has not lost the slightest bad reputation!

Who said that Princess He, Princess Liang, was a country girl who didn't know anything?

People's fighting skills are still quite high.

Without Jinyu and her son-in-law, the emperor also sent a higher-ranking old mama, and He Tiantian had a firm foothold in the palace.

"My lord, your Jinyu has been given away by me!"

"Oh, by the way, the crown prince has fully recovered. I heard that he was employed in the Ministry of Housing. A few days ago, he even went to inspect the river embankment on behalf of the father!"

"...The courtiers highly respect the prince. Half a month ago, the ministers wrote a letter asking for the dethronement of the prince, as if it had never happened!"

"In addition, there is another good news from the East Palace. The crown princess is pregnant, and her bosom is very good. Maybe she can win a man in one fell swoop!"

And once the prince concubine gave birth to a son, he would be the eldest grandson of the emperor, and maybe he would be named the grandson of the emperor, becoming another help to the prince.

On the other hand, King Liang——

Hehe, the former modest gentleman, the contender for the throne who was respected as the "virtuous king", can only lie on the bed like a living dead now.

King Liang didn't even know if he was alive or dead, and he was still empty under his knees.

Let's talk about my son, I don't even have a daughter.

Even if the emperor had only one son of King Liang left, it was impossible to choose him as his heir.

Not to mention, the emperor is not only King Liang, but there are more outstanding and more orthodox princes!

"Oh, yes, last month I went to the palace to greet the concubine. Alas, the concubine accidentally burned her hand with the hot tea!"

He Tiantian leaned into King Liang's ear and continued to "chat" with him.

"It's all my fault. I can't satisfy the mother-in-law. Pour some tea for the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law thinks it's too cold or too hot."

"I was punished by the mother and concubine, and I didn't complain. Who made my hands and feet not quick enough!"

"It's just that as soon as I knelt down, the mother-in-law scalded her hand. This, this... Although it has nothing to do with me, it is I who pissed the mother-in-law!"

"My lord, you said that the mother-in-law won't blame me! You shouldn't blame me either, right?"

King Liang: you!

His current state is very strange.

His spirit seemed to be trapped in a dark and narrow box.

He can't get out, and outsiders can't get in.

But he could hear voices outside.

For example, the hateful and vicious woman around him was the one who harmed him, and as a result, he had to listen to her every day to say something more exciting to him!

Jinyu, Concubine Mu... the people who cared about him the most were all harmed by this woman.

Knowing that this woman has strange abilities, he was lucky, thinking that he had the talisman and jade pendant given by Master Huitong and could protect himself.

He never imagined that this demon girl was so powerful that even Master Huitong's talisman could not suppress her!

Now, he is trapped in his body, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to speak, and being stimulated and humiliated by her every day.

King Liang's soul is almost blackened!

He wished he could rush out and strangle He Shi, the demon girl, alive.

Blame her!

It's all her fault!

King Liang, who was good by himself, became a crippled man, and even the emperor did not want to come to see him.

There is also the prince, who obviously had a broken leg, why did he suddenly recover?

It must be Mrs He, who helped the prince.

One time, when Mrs He was standing in front of her bed, she whispered a prayer: "The Empress has given me a reward again, she is such a good person!"

"Oh, by the way, when I entered the palace to express my gratitude, I heard the empress ramble on, saying that the princess and the prince had been married for several years, but there was still no news. She and the prince were really anxious..."

"In the past few months, the Empress has been very good to me, and she even asked Duke Feng En to send someone to take care of my maiden's family, so let her get it done!"

Hearing He Tiantian's words, King Liang, who was trapped in his body, almost felt blood dripping from his eyes.

Good Ho!

She actually helped the enemy!

And the Queen Mother, did she also discover He's "abnormality" and deliberately "talk" in front of He's.

Baimeng Book

What ramble, is clearly a hint.

After all, this kind of thing was done by King Liang in the past!

Of course, what Prince Liang hated the most was the He family. She knew everything, but she helped the crown prince to recover, and even sent the eldest grandson of the emperor to the East Palace!

hate it!

King Liang hated it to the depths of his soul.

He didn't reflect on how he used and hurt He Tiantian, he only blamed himself for not being cautious enough and underestimating He's ability.

If there is a next time, he will definitely be careful, and he will not let the He family have the opportunity to fight back!

Xu is that King Liang's hatred is too strong, almost breaking through He Tiantian's spiritual bondage.

After He Tiantian left, King Liang's fingers moved slightly.

However, there was no one in the bedroom, and the servant girls were all guarding outside.

No one found the abnormality of King Liang.


Ho Village.

"Separate! It's long overdue!"

The elder sister-in-law of the He family, contrary to her past meekness and kindness, said very toughly.

"Back then, Fu Bao, ah bah, what kind of Fu Bao is she, she is clearly a monster——"

Speaking of her once-favored niece, Mrs. He looked disgusted.

She was even more afraid--

In the past, she was really blinded by monsters.

It's like Sanya, oh no, it's what Yingying said, "Mother, everyone says 'the crops are good for others, and the children are good for their own'."

"I've never been a parent, but I can understand this feeling. Whether it's a child or a parent, they all take care of themselves."

"But you, you obviously have two daughters, but you like Er Ya very much."

"For Erya, you would rather wrong my sister and me! Mother, do you think this is normal?"

It's totally out of line.

As a parent, even if your child is a fool, you will not dislike it, but cherish it in every possible way.

As for other people's children, no matter how good they are, they belong to others, and they have nothing to do with them.

Although many parents like to talk about other people's children, in daily life, they still feel more distressed about their own flesh and blood.

This is human nature.

And the He family, because of Fubao's koi physique, all like her.

Needless to say, Old Man He and Mrs. Li, Mrs. Li believed in her dream, and she believed in testing again and again.

For the sake of her family's wealth, Mrs. Li directly regarded Fubao as a heart and soul and a baby bump.

The second child, He Youliang, was originally Fubao's biological parents. Although he was disappointed that she was not a man, he still cherished her.

They are all normal reactions.

The most abnormal is the big house.

They have daughters (sisters), Mr. He, Mrs. He and two sons, all of whom love Fubao's niece (cousin) very much.

It was He Yingying, when she first wore it, she was affected by an inexplicable force.

She can't help but want to be nice to Fubao and regard her as the most important person in her life.

He Yingying knew that this was the power of the plot.

She wasted a lot of energy to barely resist this mysterious power.

She is "sober" herself, but her relatives are still "in the game".

He Yingying began to work hard to find loopholes, not to mention, she really found a more reasonable explanation——

Fubao is not a lucky star, but a fortune-telling monster!

Energy is conserved.

Fubao has good luck for no reason, then there will be innocent people unlucky.

Just like in their He family, since Fu Bao was born, the life of the second room has been obviously much better.

The second uncle either picked up a rabbit or caught a fish.

As for the second aunt, in the second year after giving birth to Fubao, she gave birth to another man, fulfilling her long-cherished wish for many years.

Of course, it was Fubao who really made her stand up straight.

However, in the countryside, men are really indispensable. Even if there is a lucky star daughter like Fubao, He Youliang and his wife still hope to have a son in their hearts.

In the past, it was for the purpose of inheriting the lineage. After having Fubao, they were somewhat affected, and they thought that if they had a son, Fubao could also have a younger brother.

When she gets married in the future, there will be someone in her family to support her!

But, no matter what the reason, the second uncle and the second aunt are extremely eager to have a son.

Originally, when he was pregnant with Fubao, the He family was poor, and the second aunt couldn't keep up with the nutrition, so she lost her health.

Both the doctor and the woman said that she would have to be raised for a few years before she could give birth again.

The second aunt also knows that her body is not easy to get pregnant again.

However, just because of Fubao, the daughter who "wants to do what you want", the second aunt also realized what she wanted!

At the end of the new year, I became pregnant, and at the end of the year, I gave birth to a big fat boy.

Outsiders may not know the reason, but everyone in the He family believes that this is the good fortune brought by Fubao!

This time, Mr. He and his wife, who were not cold to Fubao, also regarded Fubao as a baby egg.

But after getting close for the first time, they seemed to have fallen in love, and they became more and more close, even more than treating their own children.

At that time, no abnormality happened to everyone. He Yingying reminded him several times, and was also taught by her parents in turn: "Sanya, although you are a younger sister, you can't be so ignorant!"

"Learn from your brothers and take care of Fubao, the family and the beauty, isn't it?"

He Yingying: ... not good!

What family?

Their big room and the second room are not a family at all.

Also, Fubao is the target of her counterattack. If she continues to follow Fubao as a sidekick like the original owner, how can she complete the task? !

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