The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 632 The heroine who was counterattacked (21)

"A real person? In addition to being able to walk clouds and rain, can you exorcise evil spirits?"

Looking for a chance, Concubine Shu met the real Qingfeng.

After meeting, Concubine Shu found that the other party was indeed an old immortal with an immortal style and a childlike appearance.

She couldn't tell the other party's age, and felt that he should be very old, very old, but he looked very young.

The younger sister-in-law hurriedly reminded her in her ear, "Niangniang, this old immortal has already lived for more than 130 years."

Rejuvenation? !

It is indeed a land fairy!

Concubine Shu felt more and more that this person was reliable, so she not only wanted the other party to ask for rain, but also wanted him to help wake up her son.

Although before, Concubine Shu had to give up King Liang.

However, if there is a chance to save someone, Concubine Shu is more willing to rely on her own son.


Gentleman Qingfeng is light-hearted, simple and natural, but with a hint of the reservedness of an expert in the world.

He nodded, as if it was an easy little thing to wake a living dead who had been in a coma for months.


Concubine Shu was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to the real person Qingfeng: "My son will ask the real person!"

Qingfeng Zhenren nodded reservedly, without dodging, and accepted the full ceremony of Concubine Shu calmly.

"Niangniang, this Qingfeng is too arrogant. You are a dignified Concubine Shu, he is a Taoist priest in the mountains, but--"

After sending Qingfeng Zhenren away, the mama next to Concubine Shu couldn't help but muttered.

Concubine Shu turned away from the modesty and geniality she had just been in front of Qingfeng Zhenren. She didn't have the slightest smile on her face, and even had a bit of sternness on her face.

"It doesn't matter! People who have the ability have a bit of a strange temper!"

"Besides, it's a mule or a horse, just pull it out and try it out."

Concubine Shu pursed the corners of her lips, and there was a glint in her eyes.

She asked Qingfeng Zhenren to "wake up" King Liang. Besides she really cared about her son and wanted him to recover, she also wanted to test Qingfeng Zhenren.

Whether this person is a real expert or a real magician, give it a try.

If he can wake up King Liang, he is someone who has some real skills. Even if he can't ask for rain in the future, Concubine Shu can still operate one or two.

If he can't even save King Liang, Concubine Shu will question his ability.

When recommending to the emperor, Concubine Shu would not give too much admiration, but adopted a prudent method of attacking and defending.

So, whether this person can do it, go to Liang Wangfu to try it first.

"By the way, send someone to Prince Liang's mansion and call Mrs He to this palace!"

In order to prevent He's destruction, Concubine Shu endured the fear of this daughter-in-law, and ordered the person to be taken to the palace.

"Mother, this, this—"

The mother beside her was a little worried.

Princess Liang is really evil. Every time she enters the palace, Concubine Shu will have some "accidents".

It wasn't a fall, it was being scalded by tea, choking on cold water, choking on snacks, being...

All kinds of unbelievable accidents were actually staged one by one on Concubine Shu.

Many times, the people around Concubine Shu wanted to go to the Taoist temple or the temple to ask for some talismans to come back.

Their fear of Princess Liang has reached its peak.

Not to mention them, it is Concubine Shu who has suffered a few times and learned to behave well.

Even if he hated her in his heart, he would not dare to call her into the palace lightly.

Today, my lady-

"Don't be afraid, it's just that Ben Gong can't see her!"

Concubine Shu is not stupid, so how could she "know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to the mountains"?

Moreover, after several accidents, Concubine Shu also discovered that as long as she tried to discipline and spar with He, she would be attacked.

As long as she doesn't do anything to Mr. He, she will be fine.

The previous Concubine Shu might not have made such a discovery.

But she couldn't help it.

As soon as she saw He's face, she would think of her poor son and the appearance of He's embarrassment with the queen.

She hates it!

She wished she could beat the He family to death!

hatred in my heart,

No matter how restrained she was, she couldn't help but explode.

And when it erupts...

Heck, this time is different.

Concubine Shu has a talisman given by Qingfeng Zhenren, which should be able to resist He's backlash.

In addition, Concubine Shu had already made up her mind that when Mrs He came, she would hang people in the side hall.

She didn't go to see each other, so naturally there would be no conflict.

He Tiantian:  …

He was summoned to the palace by the cheap mother-in-law, but he didn't even see anyone.

Sitting in the side hall, she was not punished for standing, kneeling, or deliberately sparring.

Not only hot tea, but also delicious snacks.

The little palace maid who served was even more considerate and thoughtful.

"Has Concubine Shu changed her tricks? Or did she have other plans?"

He Tiantian did not open the perspective of God, and did not have Xiao D to help monitor it. Naturally, he did not know that he had just left Liang Wangfu on the front foot, and a group of people rushed in on the back foot.

She knew that Concubine Shu had bad intentions and there was no possibility of reconciliation with her.

But she didn't know that Qingfeng Zhenren jumped in front of King Liang's couch and really woke King Liang.

However, He Tiantian placed a ban on King Liang.

At the moment when Qingfeng Zhenren awakened King Liang, the ban was triggered, and He Tiantian sensed it.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

He Tiantian frowned slightly, she didn't want to think too much, she quickly pinched her hands to make a decision, and drew a talisman in the void.

Liang Wangfu.

King Liang's soul has been imprisoned in a small dark room.

For several months, he could hear the voices outside and feel the changes in the outside world, but he just couldn't open his eyes.

Stimulated by He Tiantian every day, his spirit was almost blackened, and he desperately collided with the imprisonment.

He Tiantian didn't notice it, so she didn't intervene.

After King Liang's attack again and again, the confinement became a little loose.

At this moment, Daoist Qingfeng waved a talisman.

One by one, the scarlet runes rushed towards the imprisonment that bound King Liang.


A hole was broken in the confinement. After King Liang's spirit was discovered, he was surprised and delighted, and rushed out desperately.

One-third of a group of souls stained with black gas had already rushed out of the confinement, and he was able to escape in just a few breaths.

However, a shackle fell from the sky, reinforcing the broken prison.

King Liang's soul, only one third escaped!

On the body, he opened his eyes and just spit out the word "He", and suddenly there was no sound.

If He Tiantian was present, she would know that King Liang should have wanted to say "He's hurt me".

It's a pity that he couldn't finish speaking with just these four words.

However, the situation of King Liang at this moment has been much better.

His eyeballs can move, and there are obvious emotional changes on the face of the person he sees, and a whining sound can be heard in his throat.

Compared with the previous state of unconsciousness, there has been a huge improvement.

The people sent by Concubine Shu all cried with joy when they saw King Liang's appearance.

"My lord, you are finally awake!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuously, during the period of time you were unconscious, how worried your mother was about you!"

"That's right, if the maiden finds out, she will be very happy!"

Several people wiped away their tears, but did not forget to show their merits to their masters.

Liang Wang's numb face: ...

Yes, the mother-in-law is worried about me.

Afraid that I wouldn't be able to wake up, I directly found a palace maid to give birth to a child!

King Liang knew that He said this to him in order to stimulate him and provoke the relationship between their mother and son.

But King Liang couldn't help but care about it - the concubine did love him, but she always loved herself the most!

Therefore, when he heard these people gossip about Concubine Shu's loving kindness, he was moved, but still had a grudge in his heart.

"Ah! Ahh!"

King Liang has too many things to say.

He tried his best to open his mouth.

However, his mouth did open, but he couldn't spit out a clear word.

King Liang:  …

Wake up, but can't speak, it is better not to wake up!

This feeling of being unable to speak made King Liang even more resentful.

Concubine Shu's people couldn't understand King Liang's grief and anger, they were all overjoyed, and they admired Qingfeng Zhenren from the bottom of their hearts.

"A real person! You really are superb in Taoism, and have immortal means!"

The leader was Concubine Shu's younger brother. He relied on Concubine Shu's relationship to get into the last-class title of Yong'en male.

Yong Ennan was very convinced of Qingfeng Zhenren, and at this moment he was even more impressed.

He clasped his fists with both hands, and saluted towards Qingfeng Zhenren again and again, "Thank you Zhenren for awakening King Liang, and I will report to Concubine Mingshu later."

"At that time, not only will the maiden have a thank you gift, but also your Majesty's side will—"

Yong Ennan talked nonstop, but there was no surprise on Qingfeng Zhenren's face.

"Huh? How could this be?"

Gentleman Qingfeng does have some real skills, he has successfully cultivated, and he knows some techniques.

He clearly felt that King Liang's soul was bound, and he used a "spirit breaking talisman", which logically could break this spiritual bondage.

In fact, his rune did break that barrier.

However, it was not completely smashed, but just opened a small hole.

Moreover, the man who cast the spell was so powerful that he discovered it right away and made a remedy in time!

More than half of King Liang's soul is still bound. Now, although he is awake, he is still a living dead.

Such a situation is simply a failure for Qingfeng Zhenren.

In other words, since he got a volume of cheats and started to practice, the first setback he suffered!

Qingfeng is unwilling and unhappy.

He is a land fairy, and now he can't even save a living dead!

"What? Real man, what did you say?"

Yong Ennan vaguely heard Qingfeng real person speak, but did not hear what the other party was saying.

He was respectful and attentive, Baba asked.


Qingfeng Zhenren waved his hand, and he would not tell others that he "failed".

Anyway, he has awakened people, and he has completed the task.

Didn't see Yong Ennan and these people very happy.

Qingfeng Zhenren continued to maintain his restraint as a master of Taoism, and said lightly: "Fortunately not to be humiliated, Pindao has successfully awakened King Liang!"

King Liang: ... wake up?

You call this a wake-up call?

I just opened my eyes, but I still can't speak or move!

"No! No no!"

King Liang's eyes were wide and round, and the two eyeballs almost protruded from their sockets.

His eyes were full of anger, and he was full of reprimands.

Naihe, after tossing for a long time, except for a few whimpers, he couldn't say a word.

Also because of this tossing, saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Yong Ennan turned his head in disgust, not looking at his nephew's embarrassed appearance.

He continued to compliment Qingfeng Zhenren, and while touting, he eagerly sent people out of Liang Wangfu.

Of course, Yong Ennan was King Liang's uncle after all. Before leaving, he didn't forget to leave a few people to wait on for King Liang.

He also warned a few words, "You serve the prince well!"

"Your Highness has just woken up and needs to rest in peace, so no idle people are allowed to disturb you!"

The pronunciation of the words "Xianzaren et al." was particularly heavy. He didn't say it clearly, and everyone present knew it.

This is alluding to the He family, Princess Liang!

The few people who stayed behind felt bitter.

This is Prince Liang's mansion, not Concubine Shu's palace, nor the mansion of Baron Yongen's mansion.

Although King Liang opened his eyes, he couldn't speak.

The person in charge of the palace is the hostess, Princess Liang.

Yong Ennan made them fight against Princess Liang, and even stopped them from seeing Prince Liang!

Sir, slaves are no longer human, so they can't be sent to be cannon fodder like this.

Complaining is complaining, the master's order, several servants have to obey.

"Yes! Your Majesty, the slaves will surely serve the lord well!"

Several people agreed, and watched Yongen man leave with Qingfeng Zhenren.


"King Liang is awake"!

This news instantly became the hot list of Beijing gossip.

Another piece of news that accompanies it is, "The real person Qingfeng from Qingfengguan is indeed a master of Taoism, even more powerful than Master Huitong"!

For a time, the Qingfeng View built for Qingfeng Zhenren by the Baron Yongen House became the focus of heated discussion among the nobles and common people in Beijing.

And many people even went to Taoist temples to burn incense, pray for blessings, and ask for talismans.

"Really so effective?"

He Yingying couldn't help but secretly doubted when she heard the news.

Now, she is in Fu Wangfu, but her status is awkward.

She is the wife of King Fu, but not a princess.

People could only call her "Mrs." vaguely.

He Yingying: ...Go to your mother's wife!

I am the wife of Changsheng Mingmei, who was supposed to be a princess, but now I have a concubine whose identity is unknown!

He Yingying only felt frustrated.

In other words, since He Tiantian's whitewashing, everything went wrong for her.

He knew the plot well and wanted to invest in advance, but He Tiantian destroyed it.

Yes, He Tiantian!

He Yingying is very smart. After marrying Xu Changsheng, she learned from his words that before she "ran into" Xu Changsheng, He Tiantian had sent a maid to find Xu Changsheng.

What's even more hateful is that He Tiantian didn't let that maid directly tell Xu Changsheng his life experience.

Instead, there came a hesitant to speak, with a strange expression.

This hint of deliberately revealing flaws is sometimes more lethal than clearly stated.

She directly planted a seed of doubt in Xu Changsheng's heart.

When He Yingying came to meet by chance and created opportunities again and again to get closer to Xu Changsheng, Xu Changsheng was not throbbing or rejoicing, but was on guard subconsciously.

"No wonder Xu Changsheng has been refusing, he has long suspected that I have wicked intentions!"

He Yingying is called hate.

In addition to hatred, she also has deep worries—

Xu Changsheng is an important supporting role in the script. He has doubts about himself and will attract the attention of the world consciousness!

If the world consciousness discovers her as a stowaway, it will throw her out of this small world.

Her mission failed.


She had to find a way to remedy it.

And the appearance of Qingfeng real person gave He Yingying inspiration...

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