The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 633 The heroine who was counterattacked (22)

Under normal circumstances, He Yingying would not cooperate with the real person Qingfeng.

Because of such a magician, there are too many unstable factors on his body.

Once on board, it is easy to capsize with each other.

Now, He Yingying is a little bit careless.

After coming to the capital, she was keenly aware that this small world had faintly rejected her.

He Yingying knew in her heart that she should be an important character in the script, and she had doubts about her, which caused her, a stowaway, to be rejected by the world consciousness.

It's not the worst.

He Yingying knew that those who doubted her were probably just wondering why she had to marry Xu Changsheng, who was obviously unsuitable.

They are probably already speculating that she may be a "prophet".

And He Yingying, as a native country aunt, has lived a very simple life in the past ten years.

There are no Taoists, hermits, or powerful figures nearby.

Her "transformation" is somewhat unreasonable.

And He Yingying didn't show excellence "different from ordinary people" since she was a child, she seemed to become powerful overnight.

He also knows how to do business, and he has several secret recipes.

Even He Yingying's parents, He Youtian and his wife may not have doubts.

However, He Yingying can bring them a rich life, and they get real benefits.

Some details were ignored.

As for other people, it's none of their business, and they won't meddle in their own business.

Only Xu Changsheng and the Empress, the existence of He Yingying affected their real interests, and they would inevitably care about and speculate on He Yingying's words and deeds.

If He Yingying can't explain why she is "unpredictable", Xu Changsheng and the others will begin to question whether she is He Yingying's deity.

Once the characters in the play have such doubts, He Yingying's existence will attract the attention of the world consciousness, and then she will be thrown out of this small world directly.

"..." He Yingying bit her lip, she found that she was really becoming more and more passive now.

Knowing that Qingfeng is unreliable, he still had to run to seek cooperation!

Damn it!

It was always going well before, why did it suddenly become so difficult?

He Yingying's heart was full of frustration, and she even had a bad hunch: She might fail in this mission!


"Changsheng, you have already recognized your ancestors and returned to your clan, so you should think about your wife's affairs!"

On this day, the queen called Xu Changsheng into the palace.

She looked at her son, who had a similar appearance to her, with a face full of love.

"He Shi, what do you want to do with it?"

The queen asked softly, but when she said the word "disposal", a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Such a woman who is seriously unsuitable for her son is still an ambitious and scheming girl. The Queen really wishes she could disappear immediately.

In the royal family, it is not too simple to let a woman in the back house leave silently.

The queen wanted to deal with He Yingying for a long time, but she was worried that her son might have some feelings for this woman, and that she would hurt the relationship between mother and son if she did it easily.

Throwing it out, the queen has been hesitant all this time.

"Mother, Mrs He is weird!"

It has been more than two months since Xu Changsheng was taken back to the capital, and he has slowly adjusted to his status as a prince.

For the Empress, the initial fear and alienation are gone.

Perhaps he is still unfamiliar with his parents, but he has begun to know how to approach and respect them.

He saw that his mother cared about his marriage lovingly, without hiding it, and slowly expressed his doubts.

"You mean, do you think the He clan should have long known that you might be a prince in a civil society?"

The queen frowned slightly and her expression became serious.

"Yes. She approached me too deliberately!"

Xu Changsheng said in a deep voice, "Mother, it's not that your son is belittling himself. Before his life experience is exposed, his son's situation is really not good!"


He also won't play a bachelor for so many years.

At the age of twenty-two, even the most ordinary farmers in Xujiaping looked down on him, and did not want to marry their daughter to him and suffer.

He Yingying is good, young and beautiful, rich and capable, and has a cousin of the princess, but she is rushing to post.

Xu Changsheng was so indifferent and refused several times, but He Yingying seemed to recognize him. In the end, she even resorted to tricks and cooked rice with raw rice.

Being calculated like this by a high-quality unmarried woman, Xu Changsheng was not flattered and secretly complacent, but had an indescribable panic and suspicion—

"She, what the hell do you want me to do?"

"I'm poor, I'm illiterate, I can't do anything but hunting? Or I have rogue, blood-sucking parents?"

Xu Changsheng said slowly, "Mother, I can't figure it out, and her words and deeds are also unreasonable!"

"So, when the person you sent revealed the mystery of my life experience, Mrs. He was not too surprised, so I doubted her!"

The queen's brows tightened, "Is this the case?"

In fact, she had similar suspicions in her heart.

However, she did not doubt that He Yingying was a prophet, but she was still pondering that He Yingying's cousin was a good person for many generations and had good luck against the sky.

Does He Yingying have similar atmospheric luck?

However, at this moment, after listening to her son's detailed description of his past with He Yingying, the queen had other worries.

Could this person be some kind of lone ghost or demon?


Just when the words "Lonely Ghost and Wild Ghost" flashed in the Queen's heart, He Yingying only felt that her soul was beginning to be unstable in the Fuwang Mansion a few blocks away.

not good!

The world consciousness seems to have discovered her as a stowaway and began to reject her wandering soul!

He Yingying didn't dare to delay any longer, and while Xu Changsheng was away, she sneaked out of the Fu Palace.

In the evening, when Xu Changsheng returned from the palace, he still had in his arms a few amulets and a magic weapon that the queen had given him.

These are all requested by the queen from Fajue Temple. They were drawn by Master Huitong, which can resist all evil.

Although Xu Changsheng had a talisman and a body protection tool, he was still a little apprehensive.

Is He Yingying really a monster? Or what evil?

But, no matter what she is, she is definitely not a real country girl.

Xu Changsheng grew up in a small mountain village, so he knew what a real village girl looked like.

Not to mention appearance, just the kind of temperament, you can find abnormalities at a glance.

A real village girl, because she is illiterate and has little knowledge, may not be able to leave her hometown after living her whole life.

Once you go to an unfamiliar and prosperous place, you will involuntarily feel inferior and cowardly.

As for He Yingying, she has never experienced such fear and anxiety.

As if overnight, she became very confident and very powerful.


She is so abnormal!

He Yingying: ... the mud is dirty, don't be so sharp, okay?

The more unstable her spirit became, the more urgent she became.

Therefore, when negotiating with Taoist Qingfeng, she was at a disadvantage.

There is no way, the person who wants something is her, not the godly stick Qingfeng, she can only let the other party handle it.

"Join my Qingfengguan, become my lay disciple, and help me to become the national teacher of the dynasty!"

The breeze is like a lion's mouth.

It was obvious that he was helping He Yingying to tell a lie, and he didn't even need to say anything, just acquiesce.

But he still made a lot of requests very rudely.

He Yingying resisted inwardly, but she did not refuse.

She really has no other choice.

If Xu Changsheng and the Empress were allowed to suspect, she would definitely be thrown out of this small world.

Damn it!

It's all He Tiantian's fault.

If she hadn't sent a little maid to make trouble, how could she have caused Xu Changsheng's suspicion?

She had already made a lot of preparations. If He Tiantian hadn't made a fuss in advance, she would have become Xu Changsheng's goddess and his redemption!

...everything was ruined by He Tiantian!

The hatred in He Yingying's heart.

But she forgot that she was the first to take the initiative to the original girl.

She slandered others, and at the same time they were whitewashed, they counterattacked her with their backhand... This in itself is based on one's ability.

If you lose, you should admit it, not blame others.

As a wild writer, He Yingying may not have such a concept, but she has repeatedly retreated, and now she is in a panic of mission failure.

Her mentality is inevitably a little broken, and her actions are chaotic.

Qingfeng's lion opened his mouth, and He Yingying passively agreed.

She also reached an alliance with Concubine Shu's maiden home, Baron Yongen's mansion, according to Qingfeng's intention.

He Yingying could no longer think about whether she and Concubine Shu would get too close to the empress' line of dissatisfaction.

Anyway, the queen didn't like her from the beginning, and she wanted to wash away a certain suspicion, which in itself would arouse the disgust of the queen and Xu Changsheng!

No one wants to be calculated!

The method for He Yingying to wash away her doubts is to tell everyone plainly: I just calculated Xu Changsheng.

Therefore, she and the queen and others have already stood on opposite sides.

Now, adding someone close to the enemy and eating inside and out is nothing.


"What? He Yingying is actually a lay disciple of Qingfeng Zhenren?"

After He Tiantian came back from the Salesian Bureau, he first went to King Liang's office, and successfully closed his eyes, who was staring at him, and passed out. Only then did he return to his courtyard contentedly.

As soon as I sat down, I heard Jixiang whisper back.

He Tiantian was a little surprised, but soon, she understood why He Yingying became Qingfeng's apprentice.

She had to find a plausible reason for her "prediction".

Dreaming or something is too vulgar, and it sounds unreliable.

The ancients were not fools, and they would rather believe that He Yingying learned from her teacher Qingfeng and learned the art of face-to-face, and would not believe any predictions in dreams.

"Back to the princess, it's spread all over the world, and Mrs. He even went to Qingfengguan to salute the real person Qingfeng!"

Jixiang has become the most useful maid around He Tiantian. In addition to paying attention to the trends in the palace, she also works part-time to inquire about news outside.

She bowed to the side and replied, "I heard that Mrs. He met Qingfeng Zhenren who traveled around the world a few years ago, and learned a little face-to-face from him!"

Speaking of this, Jixiang became more cautious and said in a low voice, "There are rumors in the market that Mrs. He saw that His Royal Highness Fu had a good history in advance, so she relied on him in advance..."

He Tiantian:  …

If He Yingying did this, it would definitely be considered a self-inflicted loss.

She did lift Xu Changsheng, the queen and others' doubts about her, but she also completely tore her face with her "husband" and "mother-in-law".

Under the anger of the queen, it is very likely that she will order He Yingying to be driven out of Fu Wangfu.

However, He Tiantian can still understand He Yingying's approach: she has reached a desperate situation, if she can't find a way to struggle, she will directly fail the mission.

Moreover, He Yingying should not really want to be a lucky princess.

She's a wild writer and doesn't covet the riches of the fiction world.

Her ultimate goal is to defeat He Tiantian, the original heroine, and continue to counterattack.

On the boat of Qingfeng, although there are great risks, it is not without the slightest benefit.

First, it is natural to have a convincing reason for one's "unpredictable prophet".

Second, He Yingying can use the breeze to overthrow Master Huitong's comments and characterize He Tiantian as a "monster" again!

As long as Qingfeng can prove that he has a higher cultivation level and more exquisite Taoism than Master Huitong, and brings Master Huitong down to the altar, He Tiantian will naturally be unlucky.

"Speaking of which, you have already succeeded a little."

He Yingying looked like a dog-headed military strategist, and slowly spoke to Qingfeng Zhenren.

He Tiantian was not bad, the queen was furious when she heard that He Yingying knew how to face each other and then deliberately relied on her youngest son.

He didn't even report to the Emperor Ming, so he directly issued a decree to divorce He Yingying, the poor wife, in place of King Fu.

Then, the queen asked He Yingying to be driven out.

Half the street was full of uproar, but the onlookers could understand the Queen's anger after hearing the cause and effect.

Romance Novel Network

I am not afraid that my daughter-in-law (uncle) has a humble background, but I am afraid that her character is not good.

As ambitious and eager for quick success as Xiao He, ordinary people do not want such a daughter-in-law.

Some people who are used to eating can't help but shake their heads: Since they have already seen the dignity of the degraded King Fu, why not tell the King Fu directly?

This is also a kindness, and the royal family will reward it well in the future.

It's better for Xiao He's family. He didn't go on a smooth road, and he insisted on taking a crooked way. Now that he has angered the queen, he deserves to be Hugh and kicked out of the house!

The queen took the place of her son and divorced her wicked wife, but it did not cause any public attack.

Although the royal family does not care much about these, the queen is still very happy to have a good reputation.

"Changsheng, don't worry, A-Niang will choose a gentle and virtuous wife for you!"

The queen was worried that her younger son would be sad, and tried her best to make a promise to her son.

"..." Xu Changsheng, who has become the King of Fortune, really doesn't care about that.

"It's all up to the mother to make the decision!"

He had already made up his mind that he wanted to be a good obedient son and a good brother.

He is illiterate and does not understand any big truth, but he has the instinct to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage.

He firmly believed that as long as he kept himself safe, his parents and elder brother would not harm him.

Sure enough, seeing Xu Changsheng like this, the queen felt more and more satisfied while feeling guilty. She began to figure out what kind of wife she should choose for her son.

As for the little He family who was driven out of the Fu Wangfu by her, the queen doesn't care where she is now.

Where else can Mr. He go?

Qingfeng Guan, after all, Qingfeng is her good teacher...

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