The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 643 White Moonlight VS Stand (8)

Qin Anran is here?

He Tiantian showed a curious and complicated expression.

She seemed to know that Qin Anran was her ex, but that was all she knew.

She looked very simple, what was on her mind was clearly expressed on her face.

Several rich second generations who thought she looked familiar and vaguely guessed Gu Hong's disgusting plan all looked at her with pity.

"Poor thing, this little girl probably hasn't seen Qin Anran yet, let alone know that she was used as a substitute by that bastard Gu Hong!"

"Damn it, what age is it, Lao Gu is still playing stand-in!"

"Tch, let me just say, Gu Hong is such a proud person, if there is no special reason, it is impossible for him to fall in love with a petty citizen!"

"Old Gu, you really know how to play! I don't think An Ran should know, otherwise she will definitely be disgusted to death!"

The rich second generations exchanged glances with each other, but no one spoke.

There are a few people who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they are even more eager to try, waiting with great anticipation for the famous scene of "genuine products vs counterfeit products".

Zhao Qingming, who kept his head down all the time, gloomy like a transparent person, raised his head instantly when he heard the name "Qin Anran".

He looked at the entrance with burning eyes, that eager little appearance slightly diluted the femininity and coldness of his whole body.

Gu Hong simply forgot that he still had a "fiancée" by his side, just like Zhao Qingming, waiting eagerly and longingly.

In the complicated eyes of everyone, a delicate figure slowly appeared.


"Oh, An Ran, I haven't seen you for a few years, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

"An Ran, your outfit is so beautiful, it matches your temperament perfectly!"

"That's right, that's right, she is indeed our Miss Qin, with an aura of 2.8 meters, she is a proper queen!"

Everyone greeted them one after another, and they kept saying greetings, compliments or weird words.

He Tiantian didn't move, as Qin Anran approached, her eyes suddenly widened.

The originally peaceful and elegant expression began to become puzzled and shocked, and then a sympathetic suddenness and heartbreak!

She saw Qin Anran's appearance clearly, and focused on her clothes and makeup.

It seems that these are very familiar to her and very important.

She stared at Qin Anran fixedly, and after a long while, she suddenly turned her head to look at Gu Hong again.

She seemed to have guessed something, but she was unwilling to believe it, trying to get an answer from Gu Hong in a humble and pitiful way.

Gu Hong didn't look at her, but looked at Qin Anran burningly.

The eyes are lingering, and the face is full of affection and nostalgia!

What else do you not understand?

"He Mengtian" is pure and simple, but not stupid.

She also has the intuition and sensitivity unique to women.

Her face turned pale, her figure was a little shaken, and she seemed to be shocked by a "truth" she had just discovered.

A group of rich second-generation people, some of whom like to make troubles, exchanged pleasantries with Qin Anran, and at the same time did not forget to pay attention to observe He Tiantian.

Seeing her ugly face and swaying figure, they all showed excited expressions——


A good show is about to be staged!

I just don't know if this little sparrow will have the courage to settle accounts with Gu Hong after realizing that he has been used and tricked.

Hey, cry, make trouble and hang yourself? Fall out with Gu Hong in public?

Or bear with the grievances and act as a white lotus and green tea bitch on the spot?

Several people are looking forward to it.

He Tiantian lived up to their expectations.

Biting her lower lip hard, she rushed to Gu Hong with a tear in her voice, "Brother, you, you don't have anything to explain?"

Gu Hong didn't look at He Tiantian at all, so naturally he didn't notice anything unusual about her.

His eyes kept chasing Qin Anran, but he still pretended to be "I don't care".

He was so busy that he couldn't care less about "He Mengtian", a stand-in and tool man.

Hearing He Tiantian's accusation now, he subconsciously frowned,

Impatiently said: "Explain what?"

That tone seemed to be asking: What should I explain to you? It can be explained!

Being too contemptuous and disdainful will definitely make He Tiantian, who is already injured, even more sad and painful.


He Tiantian seemed to be more stimulated, her complexion became uglier, and her figure swayed even more.

She pulled Gu Hong's arm hard, and shouted out of control, "Her makeup! Her dressing style, and her smile!"

He Tiantian's voice was loud, even shrill.

In the originally lively greeting scene, it seemed very abrupt.

Qin Anran and the rich second generations were startled, they shut their mouths one after another, and cast their gazes over.

Gu Hong felt that "He Mengtian" had embarrassed him, and he was a little annoyed. He was even more afraid that this silly girl would yell out some inappropriate words in public.

He tried to stop He Tiantian, "He Mengtian, pay attention to your identity!"

"Identity? What is my identity?"

He Tiantian looked greatly stimulated and completely devoid of reason.

Her delicate face was already filled with tears.

It makes her look even more lovely and charming, which is a pity for her already somewhat broken and beautiful temperament.

Not to mention men, even the few Bai Fumei, seeing her like this, couldn't help feeling pity for her.

"Gu Hong, I am your girlfriend, your fiancée!"

He Tiantian seemed unable to see everyone's reaction, she was immersed in her own sadness.

When talking, he did not forget to raise his left hand, revealing the small diamond ring worn on the middle finger, "I love you, I know you have an ex, and I still miss her!"

"But I thought, as long as I love you enough, I can slowly melt your heart!"

"So, even if there are no flowers, no kneeling on one knee, and no parents' blessing, I still agree to your marriage proposal!"

"... I, I really never dreamed that you not only don't love me, you, you are just using me and deceiving me!"

He Tiantian cried beautifully, not the kind of embarrassment mixed with tears and snot, but like the heroine in Qiong Yao's drama.

The tears were crystal clear, falling down one by one.

He is good-looking, with a fragile temperament and extremely broken beauty, and he looks so good-looking when he cries...

Qin Anran couldn't bear it: He Mengtian is really innocent and pitiful.

Such a heroine, even a writer on a mission would not bear to hurt her.

Well, actually, it doesn't have to be counterattack and slap in the face, right?

There is another option, but it is harder and more difficult.

Qin Anran couldn't help but feel a little shaken!

"He Mengtian, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Gu Hong didn't care what He Tiantian was complaining about, he didn't want to hear what He Tiantian said that he never forgot about his ex.

Uh, it's true though.

But such words must never be said in public, especially in front of Qin Anran!

Let Qin Anran and everyone know that President Gu Honggu is a person who can't let go and stalks his ex. Do you want to save his face?

Gu Hong was so ashamed and annoyed that he reached out to stop He Tiantian.

He Tiantian, taking advantage of Gu Hong's approaching and bending over, raised her hand and gave him a slap.


The slap is loud!

Not to mention that Gu Hong was beaten to the point of being stupid, even the eyes of everyone present widened.

"Awesome! Warrior! How dare you beat Gu Hong!"

"Fuck, fuck! I thought it was a poor little white flower, but I didn't expect it to be a mighty overlord flower!"

"Beauty, you are really my idol, you have done what I have always wanted to do but dare not do!"

"Uh, Gu Hong won't explode. Hitting a woman in public is hard to say..."

The faces of the rich second generations were full of surprises, but they had various reactions in their hearts.

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice this, and continued to complain——

"I'm your fiancee, but what have you done?"

"Let me wear clothes that don't suit me, heavy makeup that doesn't suit me, and jewelry that doesn't suit me!"

"In the past, I only thought of you as a man with straight men's aesthetics, and I didn't understand these things about girls!"

"I didn't know until now, you don't understand, you simply understand too much!"

"You, you actually let me imitate others all the time!"

"Gu Hong! You are too much! You, you—"

In the end, He Tiantian could hardly control her body and almost fell to the ground.

However, she still held on.

He raised his hand and gave Gu Hong a slap in the face with extreme hatred!


Another loud slap.

This made Gu Hong, who had finally come to his senses and was about to settle accounts with He Tiantian with a dark face, bewildered again.

Got beaten!

He is a dignified President Gu, a dignified man, and he was beaten by a little woman who is a head shorter than himself? !

It was still the face that was beaten!

Not too harmful, but extremely insulting!

Gu Hong's eyes were about to burst into flames, wishing he could kill He Tiantian immediately.

The rich second generation were in an uproar——

"What? Gu Hong really regarded this Cinderella as a stand-in!"

"Fuck! He's too good at playing. Not to mention using people as substitutes, he's forcing them to imitate Qin Anran!"

"Ouch! If I were Qin Anran, I would vomit to death!"

"...I really don't understand Gu Hong's brain circuit. Does he love An Ran, or is he disgusting?"

This group of rich second generations, especially the girls, couldn't help substituting themselves when they heard He Tiantian's accusation.

Young people in the new era are pursuing individuality and self.

Not to mention these young masters and ladies who have been pampered since childhood, they all feel that they are unique and irreplaceable.

They don't feel "honored" when they see someone make a stand-in for themselves and imitate themselves everywhere, they just feel offended and humiliated.

And for the person who made all this, they are very disgusted—what do you mean? Is it true that labor and capital (old lady) are replaceable?


Laozi (Lao Niang) is the most unique existence in this world!

The rich second generation feel disgusted and disgusted just by substituting it for a while.

As the "participant", Qin Anran was naturally even more angry.

Originally, she didn't want to get involved in the messy affairs of the male lead and the female lead, let alone get involved with the scumbag Gu Hong.

But now, hearing He Tiantian's public accusation and involving herself, she can't stand on the sidelines!

"Gu Hong! Is what she said true?"

With a cold face, Qin Anran rushed to Gu Hong, "You let her imitate me? From makeup to clothing? Copy and restore one by one?"

Gu Hong: ...

He did.

But this kind of thing can't be said in public.

Especially not to Qin Anran.

Otherwise, his pride, his self-esteem, and the cruel words he said to Qin Anran before would all become a joke.

Gu Hong's face was a little distorted, and his cold facial lines became more angular and full of cruelty.

Of course, his coldness and ferocity are not for Qin Anran, but for "He Mengtian".

He took a deep breath, suppressed the violent factor surging in his heart, and shouted word by word: "He, Meng, Tian——"

Do you know what you are doing?

Of course, He Tiantian knew what she was doing. Enduring her nausea, she acted with Gu Hong for these days, just for today.

Gu Hong looked extremely angry and ready for a storm, but He Tiantian was not only not frightened, but also showed an angry and stronger appearance than him.

She took the small diamond ring off her finger and slammed it hard into Gu Hong's face.

Originally, such a small thing was so light that it was unrealistic to want to hit a certain place.

But He Tiantian poured strength into her hands, which looked like a "coincidence", but she actually did it on purpose.


The small ring hit Gu Hong's forehead, and then flew to the ground beside him.

It was too painful to talk about, but the sense of humiliation was almost driving the domineering CEO Gu Hong crazy.

"Gu Hong! Our engagement doesn't count!"

He Tiantian didn't care about Gu Hong's appearance of a beast that wanted to eat people, and said in a cold voice, "From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other!"

"Don't worry, in the less than a year we've been together, you've spent a total of three million on me, asking me to study courses, to buy clothes, jewelry and bags..."

"The money has already been spent, but I won't renege on it. You give me a month, and I'll pay you back the principal with interest!"

"From now on, let's make a clean break. Although I, He Mengtian, am not some noble daughter of a wealthy family, I am also a child who grew up held in the palm of my parents' hands!"

"I love you, but I'm not that cheap, I won't let you be a substitute, a tool man without self-esteem or bottom line!"

Gu Hong: ...

The anger value is simply going to explode.

What does "He Mengtian" mean?

Why return him with interest?

He, Gu Hong, is a domineering boss, not those top-notch stingy men who go after their girlfriends for money after breaking up on the Internet!

If "He Mengtian" is really asked to return the money to him, he will never want to be in the rich second generation circle in the future.

If the news gets out, it might even become the laughing stock of the entire business world!

"Haha! Three million! Tsk tsk, our President Gu is really generous!"

Qin Anran was full of anger, and after hearing He Tiantian's words, he immediately had a way to vent.

She made an unbelievable look on purpose, and said with disgust, "Tsk tsk, this girl has been in love with you for a year, and even got engaged to you, so you just use three million to fool things?"

"There is no house, no car, and no decent jewelry, Gu Hong, even if you want to act, you have to prepare the props!"


The rich second generations who were watching couldn't bear it anymore.

"He Mengtian"'s crit was already ferocious enough, but Qin Anran didn't expect to make up for it.

However, Gu Hong was indeed a bit stingy.

Since you want to play stand-in and raise a canary to comfort yourself, at least you have to be a little sincere.

It's only three million, and after the breakup, the girl will be forced to repay the principal with interest...

Alas, it's too low!

Gu Hong: ...Which of your riding ears heard that I forced her to pay back the money? !

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