The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 644 White Moonlight VS Stand (9)

Gu Hong's eyes were red with anger, and his fists were clenched and rattling.

The rich second generations who were watching the excitement didn't doubt at all that if someone provoked them at this time, they would definitely beat them violently.

Of course, there are also Gu Hong's true friends among them, and they are very worried about Gu Hong.

However, worry is nothing to worry about, they still disapprove of Gu Hong's act of using a substitute before.

They also sympathize with such an innocent girl as "He Mengtian".

They were really worried that Gu Hong would do something irreversible to "He Mengtian" under his anger.

At that time, it will not be a simple bloody thing between men and women, but will involve morality, law and so on.

Don't look at the gossip about playboys causing trouble in the news, in fact, most of the rich second generation are very "sensible".

They are not so law-abiding, but they understand what they should and should not do.

Now is the era of advanced information. Although there are no short videos a few years later, certain blogs and certain careers still play a certain role in the supervision of public opinion.

Not to mention, Gu Hong is not an ordinary rich second generation, he is the executive president of the Gu Corporation, once a scandal occurs, it will have a greater impact on the Gu Corporation.

"Oh, old Gu, forget it!"

"That's right, we are all big men, why bother with a little woman!"

"Break up, let's break up, let the past go!"

Three or two of Gu Hong's buddies rushed forward and grabbed Gu Hong's arm.

There was a young man from a rich family who was wearing glasses and looked very gentle. Instead of Gu Hong, he smiled and said to He Tiantian, "Miss He, don't say anything about paying back the money!"

"No matter what happened between you and Lao Gu, I believe that when he gave you the money, he must be sincere, and he never thought of asking you to return it!"

"In the future, don't worry, Lao Gu will never bother you again!"

"It's good to get together and get together, everyone is safe!"

After saying this, the man with glasses didn't forget to tug on Gu Hong's arm, gave him a veiled look, and reminded him, "Old Gu, am I right?"

Gu Hong: ...

Anger still surged in his chest.

However, Gu Hong still received the reminder from his good brother.

He took a deep breath, this matter is already embarrassing enough, we can't make it worse.

"Yes!" Gritting his teeth, Gu Hong agreed.

It is true that he can find trouble with "He Mengtian" without knowing it, but he is the president of the Gu Corporation after all.

Even if he couldn't cover the sky with one hand in the provincial capital, it would be no problem for him to quietly clean up a family of ordinary people.

Qin Anran was standing right in front of Gu Hong, so naturally he did not miss the flickering cold light in his eyes.

Originally, she didn't want to get involved in the sadomasochistic love between the hero and heroine, and I'll run after you, but her three views and bottom line still can't sit back and watch someone bully others.

Not to mention, He Tiantian called out the privacy of Gu Hong's stand-in in public, and Qin Anran, as another party involved, was also the object of offense.

If she didn't show anything, wouldn't she be misunderstood and her Qin family to be bullied?

Having been humiliated by Gu Hong to such an extent, she must have an attitude.

This kind of stand-in game is not an affectionate attachment to her, but a blasphemy against her!

She ignored Gu Hong and his two or three brothers, but turned to He Tiantian and asked curiously: "He Mengtian, Ms. He, I just heard you say that if you give you a month, you can earn money three million?"

"I didn't mean to offend you, I was just curious, what method did you use to earn three million, oh no, it should be more money!"

"After all, you just said that you have to pay back the money with interest!"

Gu Hong and his brothers: ...

What does Qin Anran mean?

Asking this on purpose, is she unwilling to expose this matter easily?

Or, she wanted to support He Mengtian!

In other words, even if they all resent Gu Hong at this moment, they may not be able to become friends.

Not all enemies of enemies can form alliances.

Qin Anran and He Mengtian are more like rivals in disguise!

"I can speculate in stocks, and I can also bet on horses!"

He Tiantian looked at Qin Anran with a complicated expression.

Her "complexity" this time is not acting, but really a little confused.

As smart and astute as her, how could she not feel that Qin Anran was helping her? !

By the way, this person is a wild writer, shouldn't she counterattack the heroine?

There is a natural opposition between her and the original heroine.

Even if she abides by the three views and the bottom line, and doesn't want to take the initiative to frame her, she will deliberately keep her distance, let alone help.

Doesn't she want to complete the task?

Qin Anran: ...Of course I want to!

However, the way to complete the task is not absolute and unique.

There is another way.

If it wasn't for the fact that "He Mengtian" in front of him was too innocent, Qin Anran might not have softened his heart.

Alas, she really isn't a decisive writer.

It is a shameful face control!

Huh, seeing He Mengtian crying just now, she seemed to see her favorite Akina Nakamori from the Showa era.

That kind of broken beauty, that kind of pitiful and pitiful, it's simply too amazing!

Qin Anran thought, if He Mengtian still imitated her appearance, she might not be so sympathetic.

But today's He Mengtian seems to have the "encouragement" of engagement, instead of continuing to be a copycat, she has restored her original temperament and appearance.

This made Qin Anran, who already thought she was innocent, couldn't bear to target her!

Afterwards, "He Mengtian" erupted and even slapped the scumbag twice, which was even more to Qin Anran's appetite.


Just do it!

Qin Anran hated and resented the masochistic heroine who "allowed you to abuse me thousands of times, and then I could easily forgive her".

Born to be cheap.

You deserve to be abused!

And "He Mengtian" is obviously not such a speechless "love brain". She was indeed lost in love, but after recognizing the essence of a scumbag, she awakened.

Hey, even slapping Gu Hong twice, Qin Anran wanted to do this a long time ago!

But she, who claimed to be a queen, failed to do it. On the contrary, a fragile little woman of ordinary background did it.

Qin Anran couldn't help giving a big thumbs up why sweetly in his heart.

"Stock trading? Betting on horses?"

While Qin Anran sighed secretly, he did not forget to pay attention to He Tiantian's answer.

She couldn't help being a little surprised.

Hey, there seems to be no such description in the original plot.

However, the original novel mentioned that the heroine He Mengtian is a smart, capable, self-respecting, and independent girl.

Gu Hong and Qin Anran resumed their relationship, she did not get entangled, but left decisively.

However, the novel does not describe in detail what He Mengtian did after leaving, it seems that life is not bad.

Without Mr. Gu Ba's care, he still supported himself and his family by relying on his own ability.

If it wasn't for Qin Anran continuing to be a monster, deliberately pretending to be sick, and forcing Mr. Gu Ba to arrest He Mengtian and use it as a blood bank and a mobile organ bank, he would have lived well.

Of course, Qin Anran did not overly believe in the original script.

Because from the moment she wore it, the plot changed——

She did not pester Gu Hong like the original owner did, but decisively chose to break up.

Such a major change will definitely cause a series of butterfly effects.

For example, in the original script, Gu Hong was not engaged to He Mengtian.

But now, Gu Hong is not only engaged, but also dumped by his fiancée in public!

...So, the script or something is just a reference.

"Yes! I love, him, and I want to get better so I can deserve it!"

When He Tiantian said this, she deliberately showed a sad expression.

This fragility disappeared in a flash, and she soon became strong again, "Mr. Gu gave me one million, and I used it to enroll in many classes."

"Then, I discovered that I am quite talented in stock trading, horse betting, etc.—"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, Bai Fumei with pink ears sneered, "Tch! Talent?"

Qin Anran glanced at the other party. This person was called Liu Lina. She went to a foreign country to get a gold plating. She didn't learn anything else, but she got an English name of "Lina".

Liu Lina is also a female cannon fodder in the original novel. Because she has a crush on Gu Hong, she not only targets the heroine He Mengtian, but also hates the female lead Qin Anran.

Of course, such vicious cannon fodder will not end well.

He Mengtian will not and has no ability to take revenge on Liu Lina, but Qin Anran is not a kind person.

Not to mention, she was accompanied by a crazy paranoid Zhao Qingming.

Liu Lina was directly tortured to death by Zhao Qingming, and received a box lunch very early.

Breaking away from the original script and returning to the present, Liu Lina likes Gu Hong, and naturally and instinctively dislikes Gu Hong's "fiancée".

And when He Tiantian lashed out at Gu Hong just now, Liu Lina almost rushed up to beat He Tiantian.

If she hadn't been held back by the little sister around her, if she hadn't been afraid of exposing her secret love, she would have really failed.

However, she didn't do anything, but deepened her hatred for "He Mengtian" - she didn't know what to do! I don't know how to be grateful!

What happened to using you as a substitute?

You are a petty citizen, Gu Hong treats you as a stand-in, it's all to flatter you!

Moreover, even if you are a stand-in, you were once Gu Hong's legitimate girlfriend and fiancee!

Such an honor, if not for special reasons, would not have fallen on you at all.

In the end you still—

He Tiantian \u0026 Qin Anran: ...Idiots! There are cat cakes!

"Yes, I am very talented!"

He Tiantian was not at all polite to a brainless cannon fodder.

She nodded very immodestly, showing that my sister is a genius.

Liu Lina was almost pissed off by the arrogant He Tiantian, she laughed back in anger, and deliberately looked He Tiantian up and down a few times, "Oh, I really didn't realize that Miss He is still a genius!"

"..." He Tiantian was probably irritated by the scumbag, she changed from her usual fragility and softness, and became extraordinarily flamboyant.

Facing Liu Lina's provocation, instead of backing down, she smiled calmly.

As if to say, you didn't see it, I don't blame you!

Liu Lina: ...

She rolled her eyes, and suddenly clapped her hands vigorously, "Oh, what a coincidence!"

"Miss He said that she is a genius for betting on horses, and the clubhouse we came to today has a racetrack. How about we go and gamble?"

"Well, since there is a competition, then there must be a lottery."

Liu Lina deliberately glanced at He Tiantian, full of provocation, "I don't want to take too much, just a hundred thousand yuan—"

Liu Lina felt that for a little sparrow like "He Mengtian" who wanted to climb high, 100,000 yuan was already a lot of money for her.

However, she did not expect that Qin Anran would continue to jump out to support He Tiantian.

Seeing that Qin Anran also imitated Liu Lina's appearance just now, he sneered, "One hundred thousand yuan?" How dare you use this little money to slap your face? !

Qin Anran didn't say anything about the latter, but the implication should not be too obvious.

Liu Lina's face turned dark instantly.

She gritted her teeth, and deliberately argued: "I'm not taking care of Miss He. In case the lottery I give out is too big, Miss He—" What if such a poor person is scared again.

He Poor and Sweet: "You don't need to take care of me, you can do whatever you want!"

Don't use me as a cover, don't pretend to be a boss if you don't have money!

Qin Anran snorted again.

She found out that this "He Mengtian" really suits her taste.

On the surface, she looks like a fragile glass beauty, but in fact, she is extremely strong inside.

There is also the potential to become a strong woman and a big hit!

Qin Anran's snort irritated Liu Lina even more.

Impulsively, Liu Lina shouted: "One million! Huh, I took one million as a lottery, but I didn't know that Miss He—"

Before He Tiantian could speak, Qin Anran turned to He Tiantian and said, "I'll lend it to you!"

He Tiantian: ... No, dear, we are really not allies, but potential enemies.

You help me like this, does your system know?

Seeing He Tiantian's surprised expression, Qin Anran explained, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to help you, but—"

She glanced at Liu Lina, then blinked at He Tiantian, without saying anything, but He Tiantian understood what she meant.

"That's right, Qin Anran and Liu Lina are not getting along very well. I guess at this moment, Qin Anran wants to use me to target Liu Lina."

"It's just that this elder sister trusts me too much. Doesn't she doubt whether I am a genius for betting on horses?"

He Tiantian thought to herself, and soon she thought again: Oh, I'm really addicted to acting as a poor girl.

Why did I forget that for a real Bai Fumei, one or two million yuan is nothing.

If you can make yourself happy, it will be easy to spend a few million.

"Okay! I'll write you an IOU!"

He Tiantian simply agreed.

When Liu Lina saw that their "rivals in love" had a lot to discuss, like a pair of good sisters, she became even more angry.

She suddenly thought of something and started to provoke Qin Anran: "Qin Anran, don't just lend money to Miss He. If you really believe in Miss He, you should play with her!"

Qin Anran understands that Liu Lina has bad intentions, but she is not afraid.

"If we play together, we will play together, isn't it a million dollars, I'm out of this bet!"

As soon as Qin Anran opened her mouth, Zhao Qingming, her loyal licking dog, would naturally not be left behind. Instead of being gloomy and silent just now, she leaned over and said in a low voice: "I also offer one million, and I will bet on whoever wins the bet on Anran." Who wins!"

Others, seeing that they really set up a gamble, all came to join in the fun.

"Haha, I'll join in too, one million!"

"Tsk, isn't it just one million, and I will follow..."

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