The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 647 White Moonlight VS Stand (12)

As a suitor, Ye Chengze drove He Tiantian back home by himself.

"Second Young Master Ye, thank you!"

Arriving outside the gate of the community where her home is located, He Tiantian opened the car door, and before getting out of the car, she politely apologized to Ye Chengze.

"Didn't you still call me Senior Brother just now? Why did you become 'Second Young Master Ye' again?"

Ye Chengze smiled gently, and his tone was very gentle.

He Tiantian said with some embarrassment, "When I was in the club, Second Young Master Ye was helping me save face, I understand!"

Now that there are no outsiders, the kind of "brothers and sisters" who are rounded up and rounded up should not be shamed.

After leaving the clubhouse, without those rich second generations, He Tiantian regained her cool and elegant demeanor.

For a stranger like Ye Chengze, she also maintained the minimum vigilance and politeness!

"..." Ye Chengze looked at He Tiantian fixedly, and after a while, he smiled and nodded, "Okay! Up to you!"

He knew that the heroine was not so easy to get close to.

But don't worry, he has plenty of patience.

"Although we are not serious seniors, we are already friends, right?"

Still looking gentle, Ye Chengze asked softly.

He Tiantian hooked the corners of her lips, showing a polite smile, "Of course!"

Ye Chengze doesn't feel very good to He Tiantian, he seems to have other plans.

However, He Tiantian is not afraid. The other party wants to use her, so why doesn't she want to use the other party?

She did slap Gu Scumbag in the face today, but it doesn't mean that she really defeated Gu Hong.

Gu Hong slapped her twice abruptly, and tolerated her jumping around in front of him for most of the day.

Not because he was afraid of He Tiantian, but because of many considerations.

In the next day, today's incident will gradually fade away, and Gu Hong will redouble his revenge.

What's more, He Tiantian will also implicate He's father, mother, and relatives and friends of the He family.

The domineering president is not just talking casually, he is domineering.

If He Tiantian wants to completely overthrow the scumbag, He Tiantian must have greater wealth and power than him.

With He Tiantian's ability, it is not difficult to do this.

But the problem is, He Tiantian can't collapse the human design.

The original heroine is indeed smart and capable, but after all she is a girl from ordinary background and ordinary studies.

Suddenly turned into a master in a certain field, hehe, not to mention that the world will be suspicious, outsiders who smuggle into this novel world will probably be the first to be alert.

This small world gave He Tiantian a weird feeling.

She didn't want to reveal her identity easily.

To become stronger, there must be a reasonable reason, and the existence of Ye Chengze becomes important.

He Tiantian took out her mobile phone and shook it, and said to Ye Chengze, "I have added your V letter, if there is something to do, I will send you a message, and I hope you will not be annoyed."

Ye Chengze's smile became brighter and brighter, "I am too happy to receive your news, so why would I find you bothering me?"

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back quickly. Let's talk on the phone if we have something to do!"

Ye Chengze deliberately looked at the sky, and thoughtfully reminded.

"OK, all right!"

He Tiantian responded, then got out of the car, waved at Ye Chengze again, and walked towards her home.

Ye Chengze didn't rush to start the car, but looked at He Tiantian's back "infatuatedly".

He didn't close the car window until her back disappeared.


The engine roared, and the car quickly left the community.

He Tiantian, who had already walked a few meters away and deliberately turned to the back of the flower bed, stopped when she heard the sound.

She didn't look back, because she couldn't see anything when she looked back.

"This Ye Chengze—"

He Tiantian secretly drew a bold red line under the name.

After returning home, He Tiantian greeted her parents, then went to the bathroom to wash up, and changed into home clothes.

"Dream sweet,

How did you go out and play today? happy? "

Mother He came to He Tiantian's bedroom with a glass of milk and asked softly.

When she was speaking, she did not forget to glance at her daughter's hands with her eyes.

He Tiantian deliberately didn't see her mother's small movements, took the glass, and finished the warm milk in a few gulps.

"Well, it's good! Those friends are very good. I also watched the Marseille with them and won some money by the way."

He Tiantian returned with a smile, her tone brisk and her expression relaxed.

Mother He was a little worried, and she glanced at He Tiantian's left hand again.

On the middle finger, the little diamond ring is no longer there.

The He family's parents knew about their daughter's boyfriend.

He Mengtian didn't mention it directly, but as parents, they have a very precise grasp of their daughter's emotional changes.

The daughter began to become shy, happy, and sometimes worried about gains and losses, and nervous... All of these things were noticed by both father and mother.

"Oh, the child has grown up, and finally knows how to fall in love!"

"Yeah, that's pretty good. She's twenty-two years old this year. After talking for two or three years, she'll get married at twenty-five!"

"That's right! Doctors have said that giving birth at the age of twenty-six is ​​the best age for childbearing!"

"The key is that we are still young and can help her look after the child..."

He's father and mother guessed that their daughter had talked about her boyfriend, so they didn't interfere too much.

The couple even imagined the beautiful picture of their daughter getting married and having children very optimistically.

The old couple even discussed the name of their future grandson and which kindergarten they would go to in the future.

They never thought about the domineering president their daughter was dating, they just thought it was a boy with similar qualifications as their daughter.

Maybe it's a college classmate, or a colleague in the company.

The old couple also took an inventory of their savings by the way, thinking that when the two children confirm their relationship, the parents of both parties will meet, and then they will help the children buy a wedding house or something!

It is not unreasonable for He's father and mother to have such a guess.

After He Mengtian dated Gu Hong, she didn't suddenly become a famous brand, nor did she have too extravagant material enjoyment.

Apart from the emotional changes, He Mengtian's daily life is still similar to the past.

Especially a few days ago, Mother He keenly saw that her daughter was wearing a small diamond ring on her finger.

Mother He believed in her own judgment more and more - her daughter's boyfriend should have similar family conditions to her own.

It's not too poor, and it's not too good. It's just an ordinary family of small citizens.

"Watching horse races? Isn't it betting on horses?"

Mother He just asked casually. She is still very confident in the children she has raised.

Her family Mengtian won't touch gambling or something.

"Well, it's not a serious horse betting, but a few friends to join in the fun!"

He Tiantian was very casual, "But they are all quite rich, so I made a small fortune!"

With that said, He Tiantian showed the balance page of the mobile bank to Mother He.

Mother He also looked at it casually, but she was stunned.

"One, ten, one hundred, ten thousand, one hundred thousand..."

Seeing a long string of zeros, Mother He was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to count how many there were.

"One, more than one million?"

It's almost catching up with the savings of the old couple for most of their lives!

"Yes!" He Tiantian still didn't care.

"For your size!"

Mother He got angry and reached out to pat her daughter on the head.

"This is the small money you said? More than one million?!"

"You, who do you hang out with? Also, you, your boyfriend—"

Mother He suddenly realized that she and her husband's guess might be wrong.

The daughter went out to play with her boyfriend, and she gambled on a horse race casually, but she won millions of dollars.

If such a person is from an ordinary family, it would be a shame to He's mother's ten years of education.

"No more boyfriends!"

He Tiantian shook her head, "I broke up with him!"

Mother He was surprised again, "Break up? Aren't you—" You're all talking about marriage.

You even put on your engagement ring, it's only been a few days, and you broke up? !

Mother He's heart was on a roller coaster, going up and down for a while.

The things that surprised her were one after another, and she didn't know which one to surprise.

"...Mom, that's the way it is!"

He Tiantian did not hide the truth from He's mother, but simply revealed Gu Hong's identity and the fact that he used herself as a substitute.

Mother He's complexion became ugly. Her good upbringing and her status as a teacher prevented her from saying too harsh words.

In the end, she could only comfort her daughter, "It's all over! It's good to break up. Such a man is too selfish and arrogant, and he is not suitable for you!"

What a shitty man, it's simply too disgusting.

Fortunately, their daughter was self-loving and strong, so she was not coaxed by him.

It doesn't matter if you get cheated, what really kills you is being obsessed with obsession, staying in the quagmire and refusing to come out!

Their daughter came out and broke up with the other party very decisively!

That's great!

Anyway, Mengtian is still young, and they can find better partners in the future!

Mother He set up one without knowing Ye Chengze's existence. Later, seeing Ye Chengze pursuing her daughter so diligently, Mother He only felt happy and satisfied!

Of course, these are things for later.

Mother He comforted her daughter softly, then got up and went back to their husband and wife's bedroom.

After closing the door, Mother He and Father He fought again.

He Tiantian went to the bathroom to brush her teeth again, threw herself on the bed, and brushed her phone instead of rushing to sleep.

"Are you home?" This is the gentle and considerate Ye Chengze.

He Tiantian replied, "It's here! How about you?"

"I'm home too. I had a lot of fun today, and it's nice to meet you!" Ye Chengze seemed to have learned the lesson from "Senior Brothers and Sisters", he didn't pretend to be close, but started to get closer gradually.

He Tiantian replied politely: "I am also very happy!"

You can chat so well today, you can chat to death!

Ye Chengze didn't take it seriously, starting today, he would send He Tiantian a message every day.

Either just to say hello, or to see something interesting, and actively share it with He Tiantian.

In addition, without He Tiantian's "knowledge", he also forcefully helped her and the He family take revenge from Gu Hong.

Why do you put double quotation marks on the three words of ignorance?

Because Ye Chengze won't take the initiative to ask for credit, but He Tiantian has several rich second generation contact information.

They will come to tell He Tiantian: "Mengtian, you have to be careful, Lao Gu is a person who can 'distinguish between grievances and grievances'!"

The clear grievances are definitely based on the face of the other party's boss and friend, and they deliberately say it in a pleasant direction.

A more precise adjective should be vengeance.

"I heard that you resigned, so don't rush to find a job!" Gu Hong spread the word in the circle, not to hire "He Mengtian".

The second generation who came to inform He Tiantian didn't say anything about the latter, but everyone can understand the hidden meaning!

"Mengtian, if you want to work, you can come to my Ye's for an interview!"

After Gu Hong banned "He Mengtian", Ye Chengze took the initiative to invite her to Ye's.

Ye Chengze didn't act very deliberately, but he could always let He Tiantian feel his "sincerity" without minding it.

"Second Young Master Ye, thank you! But I don't want to look for a job right now!"

He Tiantian politely and detachedly refused.

She knew very well that Ye Chengze wanted to chase her.

And Ye Chengze's performance was much better than Gu Hong's, he didn't bully others, and he didn't deliberately show off his family background.

She is simply pursuing her as a man.

Ye Chengze's performance was perfect, and He Tiantian could feel his sincerity.

However, He Tiantian just felt that something was missing.

However, He Tiantian is still very grateful to Ye Chengze.

No matter what his reasons were, because of his existence, Gu Hong really restrained himself a lot.

In addition, Gu Hong was a little bit ignorant of He Tiantian.

Because Qin Anran made a move——

"The Qin Group has launched a new type of graphene energy, which can not only be applied to new energy vehicles, but also to the field of smartphones!"

"Tsk tsk, Lao Gu is going to be in trouble!"

"Fuck, yes, I almost forgot, Lao Gu has focused on the field of mobile communication in recent years, and his family just launched a smartphone with a super lithium battery last month—"

If there is no graphene battery of Qin Group, the super lithium battery of Gu Group should be very marketable.

However, the Qin family has launched this black technology, and the new mobile phones that Gu's mass-produces are likely to fall into their hands.

This is not a small loss!

Although it won't hurt Gu's muscles, it will definitely have a big impact.

Not to mention anything else, only in the stock market, there is a very obvious manifestation——

On the day Qin Group announced the production of graphene mobile phones, the stock price of the famous mobile phone brand under Gu Group plummeted.

In just three days, the stock market value evaporated by 200 million.

The Gu family is not the richest man in the country or the world, and he is only the second child in the whole province.

A loss of hundreds of millions is really not small for their family!

The meeting room on the top floor of Gu's Group was brightly lit for several days in a row.

Executives and directors take turns to hold meetings.

Gu Hong is so busy, how can he care about the little He Mengtian?

He Tiantian: ... was insulted again.

However, she believed that the humiliation that Gu Hong suffered at this moment must be even greater.

"What? Dad, you want me to pursue Qin Anran?" Gu Hong looked at his father in disbelief.

"Yes! Don't you really like An Ran very much?"

"I do like her, but I can't—" Gu Hong's pride and self-esteem did not allow him to pursue Qin Anran for some external reasons at this time!

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