The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and fortieth eight chapters white moonlight VS substitute (13)

After experiencing the incident in the clubhouse, Gu Hong's feelings for Qin Anran became somewhat complicated.

He still loves her, but he is also really angry at her ignorance, arrogance and willfulness!

In Gu Hong's plan, he wanted to bankrupt the Qin family, break Qin Anran's wings, destroy her pride and dignity, and let her prostrate at his feet.

Instead of running to beg Qin Anran instead like now!


He can't do it!

He really can't do it!

Father Gu: ... Is there anything I can't do?

If you want to be a good businessman, you have to do your best.

Besides, it's not for his son to pursue an ugly and stupid old woman, but for him to pursue a girl he already likes.

This is not embarrassment, but fulfillment!

What is the reason for the unlucky son's face of resistance?

Father Gu knew that his son had a proud temper, but he still said that in the business world, being able to bend and stretch is the kingly way.

In addition, the person Gu Hong wants to submit to is not Ye Chengze, but the girl he likes.

Father Gu felt that, as a man, it was only normal for him to give in to a woman and be careful.

How did it rise to dignity and decency? !

Gu's father couldn't understand his son's brain circuit, and Gu Hong felt that his own father was embarrassing and wronging him!

"Dad, I like Qin Anran, but I can't pursue her now!"

Gu Hong said very seriously.

Father Gu: ...

Taking a deep breath, Father Gu tried to work harder, "We need the Qin family's technology!"

"Dad, our family not only has mobile phone communication, we also have other businesses!"

There's no need to make him bow down to the dignified President Gu just for a graphene battery.

Father Gu: My own, my own, this is my own.

And he is the only son!

"Graphene is not only about the mobile phone industry, it is a new energy source!"

The Gu family started out in real estate, but then began to enter the technology industry.

All of these require a certain amount of energy.

Graphene, a black technology, can definitely set off a revolution in the industry.

It is true that the Gu family can not care about a mobile phone battery, but the Gu family must not be left behind in this change!

Once thrown off, Gu's may fall into an extremely passive situation.

Obviously only need to get married with Qin's, Gu's can get the most advanced technology, why not give it a try?

"Dad, graphene is indeed a new energy source, but graphene is not the only new energy source. Gu's R\u0026D department is researching small-scale nuclear power technology. With my additional investment, I will definitely be able to make a breakthrough!"

Of course Gu Hong knew that marrying the Qin family would allow him to get twice the result with half the effort.

But, he just didn't want to sacrifice his self-esteem and pride!

Father Gu stared blankly at his son, seeing him so stubborn, he could only swallow his consolation.

Forget it, just let him hit a wall and suffer, and he will know what to do!

Gu Hong continued to clash with Qin Anran.

Qin Anran didn't care about Gu Hong at all. After launching the graphene new energy source, Qin's crisis was instantly lifted.

Shares soared, attracting more venture capital.

The Qin family's capital chain is extremely abundant, and they can even conduct new product research.

Qin Anran took advantage of the opportunity to enter the Qin Corporation as an intern, followed Qin's father, and controlled the entire group bit by bit.

She has changed from a spoiled young lady in the past to a shrewd and capable queen of shopping malls.

In just one or two months, she was approved by the board of directors of the group, and several old foxes who had contacts with the Qin family also praised her.

Qin's father was very satisfied, and gradually delegated the power to Qin Anran.

"Qin Anran?"

Ye Chengze was sitting in the study, looking at the stack of materials sent by his assistant, studying them seriously.

He found that Qin Anran's changes were a bit big!

Originally, she was a willful, selfish, vicious and cunning rich daughter.

She is proficient in eating, drinking and having fun, but she doesn't like business and management.

Study abroad,

It's just a pretense.

As a result, such a worthless person "purchased" a black technology such as graphene technology abroad.

"Hehe, did you buy it abroad, or exchanged it through the system?!"

Ye Chengze smelled "the same kind" from Qin Anran.

He is different from many "colleagues". He learned through certain channels that in the novel world, besides them, there are writers from another force!

Ye Chengze observed for a long time, except for one Qin Anran, he didn't find any other abnormal people.


Ye Chengze's eyes fell on a color photo on a pile of documents.

This photo is a candid shot, and the picture is not very high-definition.

But it can still be seen that the person in the picture is wearing a famous brand, with heavy makeup on his face, and domineering eyebrows and eyes.

That kind of arrogance, that kind of willfulness, seems to be able to come out from the bones.

Ye Chengze took out another photo, which was also taken secretly.

However, the date should be closer.

Qin Anran in the photo is wearing a decent professional dress, with exquisite makeup and simple yet elegant accessories.

No matter from which angle you look at it, she is a dignified and majestic female elite in the workplace.

This photo is clearly the same person as the one on the information, but it has a completely different temperament.

If Qin Anran suffered a huge blow like "He Mengtian" and suddenly had a "transformation", Ye Chengze would not be too suspicious.

But Qin Anran became like this for no reason, Ye Chengze locked her in!

However, although Ye Chengze suspected that he had fallen in love with Qin Anran, he would not directly target her.

Because there is no conflict of interest between them.

Rather than expending energy to deal with Qin Anran, it is better to save these and concentrate on attacking Gu Hong and He Mengtian.

The hero and the heroine, they all have the halo of the protagonist.

And his task is to plunder, to replace!

Gu Hong!

Now that Qin Anran has made his head covered, Ye Chengze feels that he can add fuel to the flames and completely crush Gu Hong into mud!

With a plan in mind, Ye Chengze began to cooperate with Qin Anran to deal with Gu's Group.

Qin Anran was assisted, but she was not happy at all.

Ye Chengze was suspicious of her, why didn't she think Ye Chengze was weird? !

"It's not right! This Ye Chengze is not right!"

Qin Anran was sitting in the office. She didn't read the documents or search for information, but leaned back in the chair, closed her eyes and meditated.

At the clubhouse that day, Ye Chengze really fell in love with "He Mengtian" at first sight.

Qin Anran was like a melon-eating crowd, watching and eating melons happily.

But soon, Qin Anran discovered something unusual—afterwards, Ye Chengze's pursuit of "He Mengtian" was too routine!

Yes, programmatic!

He seems to be going through the process, whether it is the daily concern for He Tiantian, or the occasional invitation to her party, they are all so rigid and so step by step.

Without a true relationship, it doesn't seem like a normal pursuit!

Why did Qin Anran understand this?

Ahem, Qin Anran and "He Mengtian" seem to have become best friends after slapping Gu scumbag in the face together.

As for girlfriends, besides eating and drinking together, they often share their thoughts.

What was wrong with Ye Chengze was what Qin Anran felt from the chat of "He Mengtian".

"He Mengtian" is ignorance, a kind of ignorance and ignorance in the situation. As for Qin Anran, as a bystander, he can see certain things more rationally and soberly.

After a long time, this strange feeling has accumulated, and now he encountered a node in the original plot, Qin Anran gradually confirmed his guess - Ye Chengze is "the same kind"!

Maybe it's still an enemy!

"If I remember correctly, Ye Chengze and Gu Hong were indeed on the same page. But when Gu Hong is not in a relationship, his mind is still normal!"

Therefore, in the original plot, facing Ye Chengze's provocation, Gu Hong backhandedly dug a hole, which made Ye Chengze suffer a lot.

But this time, as if Ye Chengze had foreseen it in advance, he bypassed the trick and used the trick to trick Gu Hong.

"Precognition"? !

Haha, what a prediction.

He is clearly familiar with the plot, so he can prepare in advance.

Actually, speaking of it, there is no conflict of interest between Qin Anran and Ye Chengze.

However, the system has said that there can only be one writer in the same novel world.

If a second one comes, it's easy to spoil the plot.

Qin Anran has given up the shortcut of counterattacking the heroine and replacing the heroine, and she is going to start a new storyline.

If there is no "similar", Qin Anran doesn't have to worry about problems with the story line he developed.

But now, there is one more uncontrollable factor, and his mission is dangerous.

Of course, Qin Anran will not take the initiative to fight with "similars", but she must be on guard and control this "similar" at the right time.

With preparedness in mind, when Ye Chengze proposed to cooperate, Qin Anran held back.

The two suspected "similar" people made small movements secretly, but they relaxed their attention to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...Sure enough, you still have to keep a low profile and develop insignificantly.

She used the three million yuan she got from Gu Hong to make her first pot of gold in the stock market.

Then, she took the money from betting horses with the rich second generation and said that she wanted to start a business.

He Tiantian has a very good personality, and on the basis of maintaining the original owner's design, she has made a little play.

Therefore, she has a very good relationship with the rich second generations. When you come and go, you really become friends.

Qin Anran also took part in this start-up. No matter what "He Mengtian" Zhao Qingming said, he would have recognized Qin Anran.

As long as it was something Qin Anran wanted to do, he would respond positively.

As a result, Zhao Qingming became He Tiantian's partner.

Through Zhao Qingming, He Tiantian got to know the relevant official departments.

"What? When He Mengtian was planning to start a business, he stumbled into a genius chat room by mistake and got a black technology invention?"

Hearing He Tiantian's recent situation from Zhao Qingming, Qin Anran, who "loved and killed each other" with Ye Chengze, couldn't help being a little stunned.

She didn't doubt the good luck of "He Mengtian", but sighed: "As expected of the heroine, this luck is against the sky!"

Ordinary characters must go through all kinds of difficulties and dangers if they want to succeed.

As for the heroine, with the aura of the protagonist, it is almost a dream come true.

Sometimes they don't have to work hard, just lift their feet, and suitable steps will appear under their feet.

"Well, my uncle said that that black technology is very beneficial to the military industry, and relevant departments have already credited He Mengtian!"

Zhao Qingming still had a feminine appearance, only when he saw Qin Anran, the slender, cold eyes would light up.

"With the official attention, even if Gu Hong makes a move in the future, someone will protect He Mengtian."

When Zhao Qingming said this, he definitely meant something.

Qin Anran is such a smart person, he understood immediately.

She was stunned for a while, no wonder, no wonder Zhao Qingming, who was almost autistic, would cooperate with "He Mengtian".

He didn't really want to do business with the other party, but wanted to help her find a backer.

Now that He Mengtian has a backer, she no longer has to fear Gu Hong's revenge.

In this way, Qin Anran doesn't have to worry about He Mengtian all the time.

Without He Mengtian to distract Qin Anran's attention, Qin Anran can be friends with Zhao Qingming wholeheartedly, right? !

Thinking of this, Zhao Qingming's eyes were filled with madness of determination.

Qin Anran panicked for a while.

To be honest, when I read novels, I feel very moved when I see sickness, madness, paranoia and so on.

However, when she really gets along with such a snake spirit, Qin Anran only feels fear.

Snake spirit disease, uncontrollable, no one knew that he would make such a crazy move next.

In order to monopolize someone, he may imprison them or kill them outright.

Burn it to ashes and wear it on your body, or eat it in your stomach even more perverted...

Thinking of the plots described in some perverted horror novels, Qin Anran couldn't help being terrified.


She can no longer be entangled with Zhao Qingming.

But she can't refuse directly, or be too extreme.

Otherwise, Zhao Qingming would definitely explode immediately after being stimulated.

"Oh, the original owner is really capable of killing people, why did he provoke such a snake spirit like Zhao Qingming?"

It's not that Qin Anran has no way to deal with Zhao Qingming, but in all fairness, Zhao Qingming hasn't hurt her so far.

Instead, he has been her most loyal lick dog.

As long as it is what she likes and what she wants to do, Zhao Qingming will actively cooperate.

As long as it's something she's tired of... Wait, maybe, she can take advantage of it.

Ye Chengze is also an uncontrollable factor.

Qin Anran didn't mean to hurt others, and Ye Chengze wasn't really innocent either.

He is different from the original heroine. He also used some disgraceful tricks when targeting Gu Hong and uniting with the Qin family.

... Well, Qin Anran knew that she seemed to be deliberately making excuses.

However, the existence of Ye Chengze was indeed dangerous to her, so she had no choice but to act.

With a plan in mind, Qin Anran began to implement it quietly.

In fact, she didn't do anything on purpose, she just brought her cooperation with Ye Chengze to the surface.

With the commercial cooperation, the two also had some contacts in private.

It can't be called a "date", but it's normal to have a meal together, or meet in a public place, and say a few words of greeting to each other.

Zhao Qingming: ...not normal! Ye Chengze wants to steal An Ran from me!

In the dark room, Zhao Qingming seemed to be unable to feel the pain, biting his fingers until the blood was dripping...

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