The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and fortieth IX White Moonlight VS Stand (14)

Qin Anran and Ye Chengze encircled and suppressed Gu Hong together.

It stands to reason that the Ye family is the richest man in the provincial capital, and their comprehensive family strength far exceeds that of the Gu family.

Now that the Qin family is added, even if 1+1 cannot be \u003e 2, it can still be = 2.

However, in the face of Qin and Ye's joint efforts to encircle and suppress, Gu Hong survived without any danger.

"Damn it! It's all due to the damn protagonist's halo!"

Ye Chengze has been traveling for so long, but the task has not made much progress.

His goal is very clear: counterattack the male patron, Gu Hong, and replace him as the lucky child of this small world.

In order to achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to risk offending Zhao Qingming, a snake spirit, to cooperate with Qin Anran.

You know, Zhao Qingming is like a ticking time bomb, you don't know where to provoke him, and then you will bang, and he will be counted!

Although Ye Chengze was not as "low-key" as He Tiantian, he acted very cautiously.

If it wasn't a last resort, he really didn't want to have any misleading involvement with Qin Anran.

Alas, there is no way, Gu Hong is the hero, before Ye Chengze was recognized by the world consciousness, he could not bring down Gu Hong on his own without external help.

The only person who can make Gu Hong suffer is probably the other protagonist, He Mengtian.

That's why Ye Chengze pursued He Mengtian according to the setting of the plot.

For one thing, Ye Chengze can't destroy the character design, let alone attract the suspicion of the world consciousness;

Second, Ye Chengze thought of "using the other's spear and attacking the other's shield"!

Both Gu Hong and He Mengtian are the protagonists, and their luck is comparable.

Moreover, this book is a romance novel with a female perspective.

On the surface, the male protagonist seems to be very strong, and has always been aloof and controlling the female protagonist.

In fact, the heroine is more important.

The later chasing wife crematorium is a concrete manifestation of the heroine suppressing the hero in turn.

Ye Chengze knew that in the novel world, the protagonist's halo is really domineering.

If only relying on strength and IQ, the male supporting role would definitely not lose to the male lead, and he could even kill him back.

But luck is a little bit close.

With only the identity of a "male protagonist", he can be auspicious in the event of a disaster and get out of the predicament smoothly.

And if the male supporting role is always against the male protagonist, it is very likely that he will be judged as a "villain" by the world consciousness, and will be backlashed by the protagonist's luck.

However, if Ye Chengze catches up with the heroine He Mengtian and pulls her into his camp.

Using her heroine halo to counter the male protagonist's halo should be able to get excellent results!

It would be even better if both sides could be hurt!

Ye Chengze had such thoughts, so he actively pursued He Mengtian.

It's a pity that the heroine is not easy to chase, and Ye Chengze is eager to plunder the luck of the hero——

Alas, things have fallen into an endless loop that is not easy to solve!

When Ye Chengze and Qin Anran strangled with all their strength, Gu Hong was like a little strong who couldn't be beaten to death.

Unexpectedly, he got in touch with the richest man somehow, and got investment from overseas. The crisis of Gu's was not resolved immediately, but it became less critical.

Ye and Qin's investment in the early stage seems to have been useless.

How is Ye Chengze not angry?

On the contrary, Qin Anran was relieved a lot: "There is no way, this is the consequence that you must bear if you refuse to take shortcuts."

"Besides, shortcuts are not so easy!"

How can it be that simple to attack the heroine?

If Qin Anran's visit is not correct, in order to deal with the heroine, he can use any means.

She might still have a chance to hurt He Mengtian.

Not to mention anything else, Zhao Qingming is a big killer.

Although he may not be able to resist the halo of the heroine of "He Mengtian", he is indeed the third male who is considered crazy in this novel world.

In the original plot, Zhao Qingming was only one step away from killing He Mengtian.

Qin Anran felt that she only needed to be an assistant next to Zhao Qingming, and give him some "reminders" at critical times.

Perhaps Zhao Qingming could really kill He Mengtian.

Even if it is not a unilateral massacre,

It can also be a lose-lose situation.

If Qin Anran instigates Gu Hong, the male protagonist, to make up the knife in time, He Mengtian will undoubtedly die.

Ahem, at this moment, Gu Hong has not noticed his love for the heroine, he is full of hatred.

Using the male protagonist to deal with the female protagonist can definitely achieve unexpected results.

Just like in the original plot, all the substantial injuries suffered by the heroine were given by the hero.

As long as Qin Anran abandons her visit, regardless of her conscience and bottom line, she should be able to kill He Mengtian.

Qin Anran: ... No way!

The old lady really wanted to complete the task, but the old lady had her own persistence.

Her visit will never allow her to hurt an innocent person for no reason.

"Forget it, let's take it slowly."

Qin Anran didn't believe it, Gu Hong gradually revealed his scumbag nature, and became more and more dependent on luck instead of his ability, and the world consciousness would still recognize him as the hero.

The world consciousness will be disappointed too, okay?

The son of luck I chose is too useless, and I have to rely on it for escort every time, and it will get tired of it.

Qin Anran decided to calm down and confront Gu Hong to the end.

Besides, she still has He Mengtian.

The current plot has been messed up by the butterfly.

He Mengtian's feelings for Gu Hong are not as deep as in the original plot.

So what, the relationship between the male lead and the female lead needs to be sharpened, and the existence of the male lead and the female lead is to deepen the relationship between the male and female leads.

And the female supporting role, Qin Anran, is no longer vicious, instead of actively helping Gu and He to create opportunities and sharpen their relationship, she started to fight against the male lead and became best friends with the female lead.

The male supporting role is also very good, just like the female supporting role, aiming at the male lead, poaching the female lead...

Under such circumstances, He Mengtian and Gu Hong had almost no chance to meet each other, let alone deepen their relationship.

Therefore, when "He Mengtian" said that he broke up with Gu Hong, he really threw him aside.

She started to actively start a business, from a love brain to a strong woman who is dedicated to her career.

Since she wants to do business, the heroine will inevitably have a conflict of interest with Gu Hong.

Not to mention, Qin Anran also got involved in the heroine's career and became her partner.

Qin Anran didn't really use the heroine sincerely, at the beginning, she even wanted to "support" the heroine.

No matter what the reason is, the result is that the relationship between Qin Anran and the heroine is getting closer and closer.

She may not be able to borrow the heroine's luck protection, but Qin Anran feels that with "He Mengtian", she will be able to pull down Gu Hong, a scumbag, sooner or later!

Qin Anran's mentality was good, and after hearing that Gu's had a new partner and got a new technology project, she didn't get too irritable.

She continued to run the Qin Corporation steadily, and in her spare time, she would pay attention to He Tiantian's small company.

Qin Anran's schedule is very full, and she is no longer a dandy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, and the gatherings with those rich second generations have become less and less.

Others are fine, if Qin Anran doesn't come, it won't affect them.

Zhao Qingming, who hadn't seen Qin Anran for many days, became more and more irritable.

"An Ran didn't come again? Why?"

"Is she really so busy? Or, she, she fell in love with another man again!"

Like that Ye Chengze!

Zhao Qingming was originally a snake spirit, and he was more likely to go to extremes than anyone else.

"Ye Chengze, you forced me to do this!"

"Why are you robbing me of Enron?"

"Damn! You, like Gu Hong, deserve to die!"

In the dark room, Zhao Qingming frantically bit his fingers.

The wound that had just scabbed was once again bloody from his bite.

"Ye Dong, it's bad! Someone is going to jump off the building!"

On this day, Ye Chengze had just arrived at the office, and before he had dealt with too many official duties, his special assistant rushed in.

"Jump off?"

Ye Chengze stopped holding the pen, raised his head, and asked in surprise, "Who? Who wants to jump off the building?"

As for the location where he jumped off the building, Ye Chengze didn't ask.

Because obviously, if that person hadn't run to the roof of Ye's Group clamoring to jump off the building, his special assistant would certainly not have come to report in such a hurry.

"A new employee in the technology department! He said that he was responsible for the programming of the new program developed by the company before, but the supervisor took the credit..."

The young man was young and energetic, and couldn't bear such unspoken rules in the workplace, so he ran to the top floor of the company in a rage.

He said he was going to jump off a building, but he called the police and the media, and he even took a fucking mobile phone to do a "suicide live broadcast".

In less than half an hour, this matter became a hot search.

Now, the downstairs of Ye's Group is full of people. They are either holding up their mobile phones, taking pictures and posting them on Moments, or pointing at the people on the top of the building, and some people take the opportunity to make a fuss.

There were also many reporters who came after hearing the news. They all pointed their guns and short guns at the figure on Ye's top floor.

This battle... Tsk, if one is not handled well, the Ye Group will be deeply involved in the vortex of public opinion.


When Ye Chengze heard this, he slapped the pen on the table vigorously.

A few drops of ink splattered and stained the document.

Ye Chengze didn't care about these, stood up abruptly, "Go! I'll go and have a look!"

When something like this happened, he, as the executive president of Ye's, must have to show his face.

"By the way, call that supervisor for me too!"

What a waste, if you want to engage in this kind of unspoken workplace rules, yes, you can clean your ass clean.

If you don't have the ability to deal with the aftermath, just don't engage in such shady things.

It's all right now, I met a stunned young man who directly revealed the matter, leaving Mrs. Ye in such a passive situation!

When things calm down, I will definitely make you look good!

Ye Chengze didn't have such an irritable temperament originally, he was able to act so much like the gentle and gentle Ye Chengze, and he himself was very good at controlling his emotions.

It's just that there are too many things that don't go well recently, and the task has not made any progress, so he is a little anxious to get angry.

But at this time, there is such an idiot in my company again, I really can't blame Ye Chengze for secretly getting mad!

Suppressing his anger and controlling his emotions, Ye Chengze tried his best to make himself look calm and calm.

He led a group of people up to the top floor of the company.

"Guys, this is the twenty-ninth floor, more than a hundred meters above the ground, I'm about to jump off!"

"...Unspoken rules in the workplace? Shit! Don't try to take away my credit!"

"What's wrong with Ye's? Yes, it's awesome, and it's the industry's most popular. But no matter how powerful it is, it must be reasonable, right!"

"I don't want to steam the steamed buns to fight for my breath. I'm not doing it for the project bonus, I just want justice!"

"Thank you for the rockets sent by '4721'! Thank you for the yachts sent by 'Zhenxiang will never be absent'..."

"Jump! Definitely jump! Veterans, don't worry, boss, the boss hasn't arrived yet!"

When Ye Chengze came to the top floor and walked into the figure holding the mobile phone, he happened to hear him yelling into the mobile phone camera.


Is this going to jump off a building, or is he just trying to show off?

"Thank you old iron six six six"!

This is definitely the rhythm of things.

The veins on Ye Chengze's forehead twitched, and his originally gentle face finally showed a cold and serious expression.

"Oh, old men, boss, the boss is here!"

"Look quickly, that gentleman-looking man in a casual suit is the CEO of the Ye family. He is the second child in the family, and people in the world call him Second Young Master Ye!"

Before Ye Chengze could adjust his mood, he took the lead to "consolate" the employees who jumped off the building.

The ancestor had already spotted Ye Chengze and the others, so he turned his phone around, patted Ye Chengze, and introduced loudly.

Ye Chengze: ...Ma Dan! Do you know what you are doing?

However, facing the live broadcast camera, Ye Chengze couldn't get mad.

Taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed the surging anger in his chest.

Ye Chengze didn't avoid the camera, nor did he show dissatisfaction, he continued to look gentle and handsome, and said softly: "I'm Ye Chengze, the executive president of the Ye family!"

"I heard that you have been treated unfairly, and I am deeply sorry for that. No matter what the matter is, it must be that the relevant management personnel have not done enough to make you go to the top of the building to complain."

"This is really not a place to talk, how about it, let's go to the conference room and have a good talk!"

Ye Chengze tried his best to appease the employees, but there was still a hint of dissatisfaction in his words.

"Do not hesitate to go to the top of the building to complain", which defines the behavior of the employees who jumped from the building - not being forced to complain with their lives, but taking the opportunity to make trouble, or even hype!

that's the truth.

That employee didn't really want to commit suicide, he just wanted to make things worse.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been rambunctious on the roof for so long, let alone broadcast any live broadcast.

However, this kind of thing, see it through but not tell it through.

Ye Chengze didn't say it clearly, but his words revealed such meaning inside and out.

The employee was not stupid, so he naturally heard it.

Even if he can't hear it, the netizens in his live broadcast room will help him "analyze".

"Haha, did the anchor hear that, President Ye said you deliberately caused trouble!"

"... Hurry up and jump down, so that those rich people can see, the young master is not scaring people!"

"Yes, yes, let's dance, otherwise, you will really be a troublemaker!"

"Jump, hurry up! I'm still in a hurry to go to work, so I took advantage of the time to go to the toilet to watch the live broadcast, but the anchor didn't dare to dance at all!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and some people really made a fuss.

The employee was young and impulsive, and he found that the firefighters were already in place, and the inflatable air mattress was also set up downstairs.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, this buddy actually pretended to jump down.

He quietly touched the firefighter in front of him, and quickly kicked that person off from the other side...

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