The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and sixtieth eight chapters of the heroine's best mother (15)

After the school year, Zhao Chuanyu, who had been busy with a winter vacation, finally found time to go to school.

"Huh? Where's Zhou Anna? Why didn't she come?"

After half a day of class, during the lunch break, Zhao Chuanyu swept around the classroom and suddenly realized that there seemed to be one person missing today.

She grabbed Yu Er and asked in a low voice, "Where's your cousin?"

Yu Er yawned, and said condescendingly, "As I said, Zhou Anna is not my cousin."

A distant relative who can't be beaten by eight poles, should he be assigned as a "sister"?

Zhao Chuanyu rolled his eyes, this is the point, shouldn't the point be to answer her question first?

After reading the expression of his boss, Yu Er hurriedly said, "She, she was picked up by her own mother!"

Zhao Chuanyu was stunned for a moment, and after a while, she remembered, "Oh, yes. Zhou Anna's father is gone, but her mother is still there. But—"

Didn't Zhou Anna's biological mother eloped with a passing wild man, why did it suddenly appear again?

Also, is this kind of mother who abandons her daughter and goes with a wild man after her husband's death is really reliable?

She won't pick up Zhou Anna with her front feet and sell her with her back feet!

These days, it is not uncommon for people to sell their sons and daughters.

Even if she didn't sell her directly, Zhou's mother could get a lot of betrothal gifts by "marrying her" her daughter.

Zhou Anna is beautiful, young, and has attended a new school. The rich men like this kind of female student the most.

For Zhao Chuanyu to say that when Mother Zhou didn't "marry" her daughter first and then eloped, it was already her rare loving mother's heart!

However, people's hearts can change.

Last year, Mother Zhou didn't count Zhou Anna, which doesn't mean that she won't sell her daughter now.

Zhao Chuanyu did not explicitly say the following words, as well as some not-so-good guesses.

Yu Er, who is not too stupid, can think of it, he waved his hand casually, "Zhou Anna's own mother said that she didn't leave her daughter alone, but went out to make money!"

Zhao Chuanyu's eyes widened: "It's a lie."

A woman and Taoist family, who has never even gone out of the mountain village, but has the courage to go outside and venture outside?

"Who knows! Anyway, people are returning home now, looking like a rich and wealthy lady who wants to take her daughter away to enjoy her happiness. My mother is a cousin who has no blood relationship, so there is really no reason to stop her!"

Yu Er still looked unconcerned.

Saying this on the lips, but secretly whispering in my heart: My mother won't stop it!

She is the most simple old man, and she believes what others say.

Mrs. Zhou didn't see Zhou Anna's terrified look when she saw her mother, but was happy for her cheap niece from the bottom of her heart.

He personally helped Zhou Anna pack her luggage, and reminded her earnestly, "Have a good time with your mother. If there is any difficulty in the future, come to me at any time!"

Anna Zhou:  …

Her biological mother was indeed her biological mother, but the problem was that after Zhou's father passed away, her biological mother wanted to marry her to the rich man in the town.

Of course Anna Zhou didn't want to, so she sold this vicious mother who didn't take her daughter seriously.

Yes, Zhou's mother did not run away with someone, but was sold by Zhou Anna herself.

The so-called elopement was just an excuse Zhou Anna used to prevaricate the villagers and outsiders.

Zhou Anna originally thought that Zhou's mother, a woman who had nowhere to go, sold her to passers-by, and she would never see her again in her lifetime.

However, Zhou Anna never expected that General Yu would have such a means.

In just one or two months, Zhou's mother was found, and people were brought to the palace.

Zhou Anna knew the truth and that General Yu was deceiving Mrs. Zhou, but she couldn't tell.

What can she say?

Mother Zhou is indeed the mother of this body.

It is only right and proper for a mother to pick up her daughter.

Unless Zhou Anna has the face and the courage to tell all the truth.

The problem is, she can't tell.

The daughter-in-law sold her mother, hehe, let alone at the moment when filial piety is respected, even if it is left in the future, it is enough to help the hot search in the society.

Besides, apart from the fact that she sold her own mother and acted too betrayal, Zhou Anna was also afraid of General Yu.

If she dared to call for help at Mrs. Zhou, she would really die in a short time.

After Zhou's mother, Zhou Anna had a deeper understanding of General Yu's ability and power.

Forget it, let's go with Mother Zhou first.

If she can sell Zhou's mother once, there will be another time.

Compared to the more terrifying General Yu, Anna Zhou was somewhat more certain of Mother Zhou.

In this way, at the end of the year, Zhou Anna left with her own mother without caring about the Chinese New Year at Yu's house.

Later, Mrs. Zhou received a letter from Anna Zhou, saying that everything was fine with their mother and daughter, so Mrs. Zhou should not worry about it.

And then, there is no then.

"Maybe back home! Who knows!"

Anyway, without Zhou Anna at home, Yu Er only felt at ease!

As for where she went and what the situation is now, Yu Er didn't care at all.

Zhao Chuanyu: ... The person who thought it was very troublesome ended up "disappearing" so easily.

She always had an unreal feeling.

Moreover, Zhao Chuanyu had a hunch that the truth of the matter was definitely not what Yu Er said.

However, it doesn't matter!

Even though Zhou Anna was still in the mansion, Zhao Chuanyu felt that she had nothing to do with the other party.

Not to mention that she is not here now, and there is no danger.

Zhao Chuanyu put this matter aside, only in the depths of his heart, there is still the name "Zhou Anna".

"Hey, Chuanyu, we're going to fight again. I heard that this time it's not with those warlords, but-"

Under normal circumstances, Yu Er rarely mentioned military affairs to Zhao Chuanyu.

But this time, the "war" he was talking about was not a secret.

After all, it was published in the newspapers, and there was a fight with the ghosts in the capital.

Their city is not too far from the capital, and more than 20 years ago, they were also slaughtered by ghosts.

This time, there is war in the north, and Fucheng will fight Guizhao sooner or later.

Fucheng is the territory of the Yu Family Army, and the Yu Family will naturally not give up easily.

But the momentum of the ghost smashing is too strong, even the regular army can't resist it, let alone the little warlords like them.

Recently, the lights in the Yu family's study have been on every night, and the father and son of General Yu and General Yu also showed a rare look of embarrassment and hesitation.

"Yeah, it's going to be a mess again!"

In fact, not only in the newspapers, but also in daily life, I also clearly felt the urgency and urgency of the approaching war!

Not to mention anything else, it is the streets and alleys of Fucheng, where more and more refugees are fleeing.

There are also some industries operated by the Zhao family, which have suffered a huge blow.

Also, the war is about to start, how can the business continue?

There is no concession here. Once the city is broken, there is really no way out.

While Zhao Chuanyu was worried, her desire to become stronger became more and more urgent.

Man, she has!

Before her grandfather passed away, she left behind her.

She has money too!

After all, the Zhao family is the richest man in the city. Not to mention the factories, shops, and houses, just the liquidity on the account is enough for her to pull up a team of tens of thousands of people.

It's just that she doesn't have enough weapons.

Furthermore, this kind of private armed force is nothing compared to the entire country.

Not to mention her team that hasn't been built yet, it is the Yu family, who has been a tyrannical force for more than ten years. In the face of ghosts, they don't dare to fight easily.

There is also the general in the provincial capital, who probably does not dare to be tough.

When these warlords attacked each other, they were all brave.

But when it comes to ghosts... I really can't blame Zhao Chuanyu for being pessimistic, she really doesn't like these people.

"Cuanyu, I'm going to Hong Kong City!"

With his thoughts hidden in his heart, Zhao Chuanyu's emotions are not very high.

As soon as she entered the house, her "worry-free" mother jumped out to block her.

"What? Are you going to Hong Kong City? Where are you going and what are you going to do?"

Could it be that Fucheng is not enough for her mother to play, and she still wants to go to Xiangjiang to make a fool of herself?

Zhao Chuanyu's head is big.

"Yes, Claude said, we are going to fight in Fucheng, and it is not peaceful here. His classmate built a hospital over there in Hong Kong City, ask him to help!"

He Tiantian said in a natural tone like a willful child.

"Claude? Who is Claude?"

Zhao Chuanyu's eyes were full of question marks.

In other words, has the speed of the mother changing the man been so fast?

During the Chinese New Year, her old man kept his mouth shut. James, er, was the handsome missionary from that cathedral.

It's only been a few days, James has fallen out of favor, and Claude has taken the position quickly? !


What is out of favor, high-ranking, what is she thinking about!

Zhao Chuanyu was messed up by her own mother, and she only felt that she must have dug her mother's ancestral grave in her last life, and that she was here to repay her debts.

"Claude is a doctor I know, from the United States!"

"Oh, yes, he and James are classmates in medical school, but James is a devout believer, and Claude aspires to be a world-famous doctor!"

"Originally, Claude wanted to open a western hospital in Fucheng, but we are going to fight here, and Claude is worried that the hospital will be affected."

"Hong Kong City is different. It is safer than ours. Claude has a classmate who is in Hong Kong City. He has passed by and can open the hospital together with his classmates!"

He Tiantian rambled.

Her words didn't seem to have any point.

Zhao Chuanyu suddenly woke up, "Yes! Hong Kong City!"

The port city is safer than the inland, and the Chen family seems to be ready to move the industry to the port city.

Zhao Chuanyu was nurtured by Mr. Zhao as his heir since she was a child. In her heart, the Zhao family's industry is the most important.

She doesn't have a great sentiment for serving the country and the people. For now, she just wants to keep the wealth and stability of her family.

Before she was still thinking, if the war really broke out, what should the Zhao family's cotton mills, flour mills, pawnshops and other industries do.

Burning text

Move, you can move.

The question is, where to move?

Zhao Chuanyu had thought about going abroad because of his friendship with the envoys' wives.

However, it is difficult to leave the homeland, the people are far from home, and it is not so easy to get along abroad.

Hong Kong City is good!

Not far from the inland, but safer than the inland.

"Claude is going to Hong Kong City, and I want to go around too. I heard that Hong Kong City is prosperous, even better than the magic capital!"

"There are people all over the world, and there are many foreigners' stuff..."

He Tiantian didn't seem to see Zhao Chuanyu's intentions, and continued talking excitedly.

"Okay! Mom, you can go to Hong Kong City if you want!"

The more Zhao Chuanyu thought about it, the more feasible it became.

She hurriedly said, "By the way, let Grandpa Ninth bring more people and accompany you!"

When my mother goes to Hong Kong City, she must go to eat, drink and have fun, and by the way, fall in love with the handsome foreigner.

As for the housekeeper Zhao Jiu Zhao, he can go to Hong Kong City to investigate and determine the possibility of relocation.

In addition, Zhao Chuanyu also wanted to bring the secret hands that her grandfather left to her on the bright side.

"Bring more people? Are they the people your grandfather left to you, from Zhaojiazhai?"

He Tiantian said abruptly.

Zhao Chuanyu was startled and blurted out, "How do you know?"

Zhaojiazhai was the last trump card left to her by her grandfather, and she was also the biggest backer.

Like General Yu, Mr. Zhao was from a bandit background.

However, Mr. Zhao is a mountain bandit, occupying the mountain as the king, and recruiting hundreds of brothers under his command.

Thirty years ago, Mr. Zhao was surrounded and suppressed by officers and soldiers, and his wife, who was Zhao Wenxiu's own mother, died tragically, which awakened Mr. Zhao.

He knew that being a mountain bandit would definitely have no future.

So, Mr. Zhao took his brother down the mountain, took years of savings to open pawnshops and factories, and cleaned up little by little.

However, as a Jianghu person, Mr. Zhao believes in the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

When he went down the mountain, he did not take all of them, but left a few confidants and disabled brothers.

These people stayed on the mountain to marry and have children, and secretly received subsidies from Mr. Zhao, and gradually formed a village.

Because it is the man of the old man Zhao, and has inextricable ties with the Zhao family, this cottage is called Zhaojiazhai.

Just like Huo Mingting didn't want people to know that he used to be an actor, Mr. Zhao tried his best to deny the fact that he used to be a bandit.

Therefore, in Fucheng, everyone only knows that Mr. Zhao started from scratch, but they don't know that he was a mountain king, and there are more than 100 villagers in his "hometown".

Before Mr. Zhao died, he was afraid that his granddaughter would be bullied by Huo Mingting, so he told Zhao Chuanyu of the existence of Zhao Jiazhai.

In addition to Zhaojiazhai, Mr. Zhao also buried a few boxes of jewelry at the old site of the cottage.

These are the successors that Mr. Zhao left to his granddaughter.

In the future, even if Huo Mingting turns his face and does not recognize anyone, even if his granddaughter loses all the properties in Fucheng, he will still have a chance to make a comeback!

If He Tiantian didn't wear it, according to the original plot, Zhao Chuanyu was forced by Huo Mingting and Zhao Wenxiu to betray the Zhao family, and the Zhao family village and the boxes of jewelry were her last cards.

For a long time, Zhao Chuanyu thought that only she, grandfather, and housekeeper Zhao knew about this matter.

Unexpectedly, today she actually heard the name Zhaojiazhai from her mother's mouth.

Does your mother know that too?

But why didn't she tell the scumbag in the past?

"Of course I know! I'm my father's only daughter!"

He Tiantian took it for granted and said proudly, "I know everything about the Zhao family!"

"Then, what about you—" Didn't tell Huo Mingting?

You must know that Zhao Wenxiu was so heartfelt to Huo Mingting at the beginning that she almost sacrificed her daughter!

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, "I'm not stupid!"

Zhao Chuanyu: ...

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