The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and sixtieth IX The heroine's Need for Mom (16)

Zhao Chuanyu froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

That's right, my mother is not stupid, how could she not know what "the last hole card" is? !

She is just selfish.

Perhaps after being hit again and again, Zhao Chuanyu has been able to accept the fact that his mother loves no one but herself.

Feeling his mother's selfishness and indifference once again, Zhao Chuanyu not only did not feel angry or sad at all, but instead had a feeling of "it should be like this".

"The people in Zhaojiazhai are all old people who followed your grandfather to "fight the country", so there should be no such thing as loyalty!"

"However, so many years have passed, and your grandfather is gone, it's hard to say that those people can still remain loyal!"

"When you ask Uncle Jiu to pick people, pay more attention—"

He Tiantian didn't seem to see Zhao Chuanyu's wry smile, and continued talking to herself.

Zhao Chuanyu was not too surprised to hear his mother being so "transparent" suddenly.

After she has accepted the fact that her mother is just selfish, she can accept her mother's shrewdness from time to time.

Alas, listen, even my own mother knows the truth about the fickleness of people's hearts.

She is really not stupid, she knows everything!

Zhao Chuanyu sighed from the bottom of his heart for the nth time, then nodded obediently, "Mom, what you said is true. Grandpa Ninth and I will pay attention."

Zhaojiazhai was left to her by her grandfather, but it was not 100% safe.

After so many years, and there is no grandpa in charge, those people will not be "slaves bullying the master", but they will certainly not easily convince Zhao Chuanyu, a girl.

Fortunately this time, Zhao Chuanyu is not the only one from Zhaojiazhai, those people are just a choice, not Zhao Chuanyu's only one.

In this way, Zhao Chuanyu took a greater initiative.

"Oh, I just said that casually! You and Uncle Jiu must understand things outside better than I do!"

Seeing Zhao Chuanyu being so obedient, He Tiantian seemed a little embarrassed.

She waved her hands unnaturally, and then continued the topic just now, "By the way, I want to have a good time when I go to Hong Kong City this time."

"Also, on Claude's side, there is not enough money to build a hospital—"

Before He Tiantian finished speaking, Zhao Chuanyu was very used to and thoughtfully took over the words, "I'll give it!"

Still the same sentence, as long as it makes my mother happy, it really doesn't matter if I spend money or something!

Besides, this time my mother seems to be on the right track.

If it wasn't for his mother who wanted to go to Hong Kong City with the handsome foreigner he liked, Zhao Chuanyu would not have thought of Hong Kong City for a while.

...My mother, it's not just that she's just a hindrance, she's still useful, right? !

Three days later, Zhao Chuanyu, who was ready, sent his mother and housekeeper Zhao to board the ship to Hong Kong City.

Zhao Chuanyu didn't leave, she still needs to deal with the affairs of Fucheng.

Furthermore, even if he wants to move to Hong Kong City or Fucheng in the future, Zhao Chuanyu will not give up completely.

This is their root, and Zhao Chuanyu, as an aborigine who has not opened the perspective of God and does not know the plot, still has illusions about the current situation.

The magnificent Huaxia should not be easily bullied by the mere Japanese slaves of Mishima!

Retreating Zhao's family to Hong Kong City was Zhao Chuanyu's last resort, and she would not leave easily unless it was absolutely necessary.

Fucheng is not only their home, but also a site managed by Zhao Chuanyu painstakingly.

With so many industries and so many contacts, it would be a pity to give up easily.

"Chuanyu, I heard that my aunt has gone to Hong Kong City?"

At school, Yu Er leaned over to gossip with Zhao Chuanyu.

When mentioning the aunt "Zhao Wenxiu", Yu Er's eyes shone with sympathy.

Alas, my boss is also pitiful, why did he have such an unreliable mother like my aunt?

In the past few months, Zhao Wenxiu has always been a "talking figure" in their circle.

Getting rid of her son-in-law is already history.

The latest gossip is that she keeps changing men.

Moreover, people are not just playing around, they seem to meet "true love" every time.

Thirty years old,

In some traditional families, they are all at the age of grandmothers.

In the end, she still acted like a little girl, opening her mouth and shutting her mouth in love.

Not to mention men, even some women secretly envy her, but at the same time criticize her a lot.

Disobedient, shameless, self-willed and frivolous, ruining the family style...

Anyway, there are basically no positive comments on Zhao Wenxiu.

One can imagine Zhao Chuanyu's pity and hard work with such a famous mother.

Zhao Chuanyu: ...

In fact, it's not that pitiful. Compared with the good wife who "regarded her husband first", Zhao Chuanyu would rather her mother be like this now.

At least, such a mother won't cause her any trouble!

It's just such a big truth, Zhao Chuanyu definitely can't tell outsiders, even if it's his own little follower.

"Yes, my mother heard that Hong Kong City is prosperous, and wants to see the world!"

Zhao Chuanyu replied casually, with an expression of indifference.

Yu Er was still very sympathetic: Tsk, only the boss believed her mother's nonsense.

"Zhao Wenxiu" is not going to meet the world, it is clearly going to spend time and wine with a foreigner's little face.

But her boss is filial, so she pampers such an unreliable mother like a child.

Sometimes, Yu Er really doubts, is this mother and daughter turned upside down?

Mom is not like a mother, but like a wayward child;

Unlike a daughter, a daughter is an old mother who worries about everything!

Yu Er, as Zhao Chuanyu's good friend and little follower, sometimes feels wronged and wronged by Zhao Chuanyu.

Originally, Yu Er wanted to complain about Aunt Zhao's family, but he was concerned about Zhao Chuanyu's feelings, and he was afraid that if he said too much, his boss would be embarrassed and sad!

When the words came to his lips, Yu Er swallowed them back, and echoed embarrassingly, "Yes! The Hong Kong city is good! The Hong Kong city is prosperous! It's good to see the world!"

Perhaps the unreliable image of "Zhao Wenxiu" was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When he heard that she had gone to Hong Kong City, Yu Er didn't think much about it.

He even secretly persuaded Zhao Chuanyu, "The situation outside is getting more and more chaotic, my father... so what, Chuanyu, you should make more preparations."

Don't believe what the newspaper says.

Why do you swear to live and die with Fucheng?

He also said that he would fight to the death!

Although Yu Er didn't care much about his father and brother's decision, he still overheard a few words occasionally.

Father and brother are already discussing to lead troops to withdraw from Fucheng, and father also said to go to Shanghai or Hong Kong City.

The eldest brother wants to keep his own soldiers and horses, and is actively contacting Jinling.

However, even if Jinling was "recruited" by Jinling, didn't Jinling's soldiers and horses in the capital always retreat again and again?

Yu Er didn't understand those military affairs, but he had basic common sense.

And no matter how the father and brother choose, they will definitely not be able to defend Fucheng.

Once the ghosts invaded all the way south along the railway, those warlords, big and small, would be the first to run, no matter how loud their slogans were.

The Yu family is just a small warlord.

General Yu is even more of a cunning old fox. Over the past ten years, the banners have been exchanged, and the boss has recognized a lot of them, just to make a living.

General Yu has received a new type of education, and at least he has a sense of family and country in his bones.

But... a single person is weak.

With tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it's okay to be a local tyrant, but if you fight against a country, it's tantamount to nonsense!

If Fucheng falls, the Yu family can withdraw early, but what about the people in the city?

Yu Er doesn't have great sentiments for the country and the people, he can't even tell the truth to his closest boss.

But Yu Er couldn't bear Zhao Chuanyu and the Zhao family to be buried with Fucheng, so he reminded him vaguely.

"Second, thank you!"

Zhao Chuanyu thanked Yu Er earnestly.

Although Yu Er's words are convincing, but who is Zhao Chuanyu?

With her intelligence and sensitivity, she was not optimistic about the current situation. Yu Er only needed to remind her a few words to make her confirm her guess.

Fortunately, we planned ahead!

Fortunately, I have a mother who loves to play and loves to enjoy!

Zhao Chuanyu once again rejoiced in his heart.

Originally, she was going to regulate the family property, but now with Yu Er's reminder, Zhao Chuanyu can put it on the bright side.

The reasons are all ready--

"My mother fell in love with Hong Kong City, and she doesn't want to come back!"

"I still have to guard the property in Fucheng, so I can't take care of her in person."

"I'm going to open a few shops over there. Firstly, someone will take care of my mother, and secondly, I can make some money."

Zhao Chuanyu didn't mean to blame his mother on purpose.

This is indeed the case. The telegram sent back by her mother, with a few simple words, reveals her "happiness".

The letter sent back by Housekeeper Zhao was very detailed: The eldest lady was so fascinated by Claude, she said that she wanted to open a hospital and a pharmaceutical factory for him!

With such a capable mother, even if Zhao Chuanyu didn't move the property there, he would open a new shop for his mother.

"It doesn't matter if you open a hospital. In troubled times, treating diseases and saving lives is a good thing to accumulate merit!"

Zhao Chuanyu could only comfort himself in this way.

However, with the love of his mother, no one doubted Zhao Chuanyu's plan to move.

Everyone sympathized with Zhao Chuanyu, even the Zhao family's arch rival, the Chen family, couldn't help but sigh: Mr. Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu are both shrewd, but it's a pity that they have a daughter (mother) who doesn't live up to expectations.

The Chen family also began to move, but, like Zhao Chuanyu, they still had some illusions about the current situation.

They just transferred part of the property, and let the second and third sons of the family go to Hong Kong City, the United States and other places separately.

The main industry, as well as the real heir, remained in Fucheng.

Of course, if they knew that the Zhao family had transferred most of their properties, they might also be suspicious.

However, Zhao Chuanyu has a fine mother.

I heard that this "gentleman" was obsessed with a foreign devil, forcing his daughter to build a hospital for his lover, open a pharmaceutical factory, and donate money to Hong Kong City for the title of a gentleman...

Zhao Chuanyu was messed up by her mother, and she started to become a seller's property.

There are even more rumors in the market that "Zhao Wenxiu" is going to make another Huo Mingting, for the sake of men, they don't care about their daughters at all, let alone the factories and shops that the Zhao family has been running for 20 or 30 years.

Rumors were flying all over the sky outside, and Zhao Chuanyu once again became the object of everyone's pity.

It may not look good on the face, but when Zhao Chuanyu moved, it went very smoothly.

First, no one suspected, and there was no disturbance, so the Yu family just turned a blind eye.

Second, Xu felt that it was pitiful for a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl to clean up the mess for her own mother, and many buyers did not lower the price.

Staring at the sympathetic eyes of countless people, Zhao Chuanyu sold all the factories, fields, shops and other assets that could not be moved in just one month.

As for those machines, goods, etc., Zhao Chuanyu also successfully transferred to Hong Kong City.

On the Fucheng side, there are only a few ostensible trading houses and the Zhao family's big house left.

This can be regarded as a backhand left by Zhao Chuanyu.

If luckily Fucheng resists the invasion of Guizai and restores its former stability and prosperity, the Zhao family will still have a place to stay in Fucheng.

Soon it was November, and General Yu yelled in public several times that he would live and die with Fucheng.

It also collects all kinds of explicit donations time and time again.

Even though Zhao Chuanyu had a close relationship with the Yu family, he was cut off again and again.

"...If these people can really fight to the end, I'd be happy to donate all the remaining family property!"

Zhao Chuanyu is young, but his mind is exceptionally clear.

She also has Yu Er as the ear god, so she knows very well that the Yu family is already preparing to evacuate.

General Yu's slogans are nothing but a trick to deceive people.

And all kinds of purposeful donations are the last bit of oil and water for the Yu family to squeeze out the wealthy businessmen in Fucheng.

It's a pity that many people still have illusions about them.

There is some truth in their thinking: Fucheng is the territory of the Yu family, it is their home.

If even the family is lost, wouldn't the Yu family become a bereaved dog?

Even for their own sake, the Yu family will fight desperately!

However, they forgot that there is another saying, "If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood".

For an old warlord like the Yu family, the territory is lost, and as long as the soldiers and horses are still there, they have a chance to make a comeback.

If you lose your life, then you lose everything!

However, Zhao Chuanyu probably couldn't see it.

Before the ghosts besieged Fucheng, Zhao Chuanyu quietly fled Fucheng with his hands and headed all the way to Hong Kong City.

Not long after she left, the Yu family left Fucheng after burning down many key buildings in Fucheng.

Although they ran fast, the soldiers and horses of the Yu family were still greatly damaged.

Fortunately, the family is still in order, and all the properties that have been looted over the years have been preserved.

In the end, General Yu simply took the few remaining men and his family to Shanghai, hid in the concession, and became a so-called "apartment".

"I don't know how the boss is doing?"

On the day he left Fucheng, looking at the city besieged by ghosts, Yu Er was very concerned.

"Don't worry, that girl from the Zhao family is haunted!"

General Yu looked solemn. As a soldier who had received a new type of military academy education, fleeing the battle was definitely a great humiliation to him.

However, he is only a major general, not a general.

Although he had some prestige in the Yu family army, his own father was always the one who made the final decision.

However, with this experience, General Yu has completely awakened, and he is going to Wudu to join his old classmates.

Don't dare to say save the country and save lives, at least I am worthy of the weapon in my hand...

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