The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and eightieth chapters long-lost villain Yeah (5)

"As expected of the male lead, he really has a clear mind and won't be fooled by illusions!"

After He Tiantian integrated everything, she couldn't help silently giving Su Hao a thumbs up.

That's right, Su Hao is the male protagonist of this ancient text on retirement and cultivating immortals.

The wayward and domineering ex-marriage Chu Baozhu is a poisonous and stupid supporting villain.

After the male lead experienced the biggest change in his life, she didn't just sprinkle salt on his wounds, but held up a machete, and Kakaka slashed the male lead several times.

She humiliated and abused in every possible way, causing the hero to encounter crises time and time again.

Of course, Su Hao is the hero, all the pain is just a sharpening stone for him to grow.

Besides, every time he goes through a grind, he will have a small opportunity.

Relying on these opportunities, he stepped into the threshold of cultivating immortals step by step.

If that was the case, Chu Baozhu wasn't considered vicious.

The male protagonist is not the kind of narrow-minded person who will take revenge. If Chu Baozhu hadn't killed his only sister, Su Nuan, he would not have personally killed Chu Baozhu and wiped out the Chu family after he had achieved success in cultivation.

He Tiantian: ...he really is a villain, at the level of cannon fodder.

Chu Baozhu's space in the text is not large, but his influence on the hero Su Hao is far-reaching.

Until Su Hao cultivated to the Nascent Soul Stage and crossed the Heart Demon Tribulation, he still thought of this little villain who killed his own sister.

In order to break the demons, but also for complete revenge.

Su Hao used secret techniques to search for the soul of Chu Baozhu who had already been reincarnated several times, and directly crushed it to make it impossible to be reincarnated.

He Tiantian: ... so ruthless! However, from the standpoint of the hero, Chu Baozhu really deserved it.

It's just that you can't even keep your soul, isn't it too ruthless and too ruthless? !

Of course, Chu Baozhu was accompanied by her scumbag father, Patriarch Chu. This Patriarch Chu, who was comparable to a gentleman's sword, also met the end of being completely wiped out.

Up to this moment, Su Hao's inner demons have been completely broken. He practiced all the way, opened and hung all the way, and finally, ahem, there is no end!

The author eunuch.

At the most critical moment, being stabbed with a knife, the resentment of the readers simply soared into the sky.

The evil forces stepped in and sent wild writers to continue writing the script.

On Dianniang's side, she tried to "kill the virus", wrote the plot, and restored the world of the novel!

"Well, I don't know which character the wild writer has transmigrated into this time!"

He Tiantian sorted out her thoughts, rubbed her chin, thinking to herself.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now, let's think about what to do next!"

He Tiantian thought for a moment, shook her head, and decided to give up thinking about it.

This time she transmigrated into Chu Baozhu's body, which was a little troublesome.

He Tiantian's idea is to guard the protagonist and help him clean up some accidents and dangers that conflict with the original plot.

small book booth

Hmm, He Tiantian has thought about it, if this time he encounters a wild writer who wants to counterattack the male lead and replace the male lead as the new protagonist, then he will definitely use his advantage of predicting the plot to snatch the male lead in advance opportunity.

He Tiantian will not guard the male lead like a nanny, the male lead needs tempering and growth.

Necessary danger is indispensable.

If He Tiantian blocks them all for him, the hero will not grow into a real strong man, but will be turned into a giant baby and waste who only knows how to "sit and wait" by her.

If things become like this, ahem, without the need for wild writers to counterattack, the hero himself will lose the prestige of the protagonist.

He Tiantian is kicking the ball into his own goal!

Therefore, He Tiantian will not hinder any of the tempering that the male lead should have, and let him go through it all.

However, a wild writer should not snatch the opportunity that the original owner should have.

As long as he (she) dares to stand up, He Tiantian dares to make a move!

The plan is good, but this time is different from last time.

In the last novel world, He Tiantian was the mother of the heroine, no matter how top-notch or weird, she also had a constant relationship with the heroine.

But this time... ahem, the vicious villain who has been bullying the male lead all this time, who is also poisonous and stupid, suddenly becomes the male lead's guardian, and the character design doesn't agree.

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's not impossible!"

He Tiantian sorted out the plot again, combined with the character of the original owner, and gradually came up with a plan.


Chu Jin was in a bad mood after being scolded by He Tiantian.

With a dark face, he came out of Chu's house full of anger.

He stood on the street with cars coming and going, suddenly a little dazed.

Where should I go next?

Originally, when he saw Su Hao go outside the city, he probably went to the mountains to gather medicine or hunt.

There is no way, people who practice martial arts need to spend too much money.

"Poor culture and rich martial arts" is absolutely justified.

Especially for warriors like Su Hao who need to cultivate their internal strength, they need to often use some medicinal materials that nourish qi and blood, either directly taking them or soaking them in medicinal baths.

In addition, Su Hao practiced the Chaos Fist passed down from his family.

This set of boxing is powerful, swift and domineering.

If one is not done well, it may be injured.

Moreover, even if there is no injury, doing this kind of boxing practice that breaks through the limit of the body all year round will cause certain damage to the body.

It is not obvious when you are young, but once you get older, those hidden diseases will become chronic diseases that torture people.

The Su family is a big family with inheritance. In addition to boxing and kung fu, there are also medicinal baths, medicinal diets, etc. that go with it.

These all need money!

Su Hao is a dog of a bereaved family, a shabby householder attached to the Chu family for a living.

The head of Patriarch Chu was generous on the surface, but in fact he did give Su Hao money and medicinal materials.

However, there is also a poisonous and stupid young lady Chu Baozhu in his family.

As soon as Patriarch Chu gave Su Hao the front foot, Chu Baozhu took the back foot with his legs, which was humiliating and robbing, directly turning Su Hao back into a "pauper".

After one or two such experiences, Su Hao "understood".

When Patriarch Chu gave him something again, he refused, and made a resolute appearance of "If uncle doesn't agree, I will move out with my sister".

Patriarch Chu knew how to measure and didn't dare to force him too much, so he took advantage of the situation and agreed.

Don't want the Chu family's things, Su Hao needs these, so he simply finds a way by himself.

Fortunately, Qizhou is rich in products. Not to mention the dense forests in the distance, there are many medicinal materials on the Nanshan Mountain outside the city.

Su Hao goes to Nanshan every day, either to gather medicine or to hunt.

Half of the harvest is kept for his own use, and the other half is sold to pharmacies and restaurants in the city.

I got silver money and used it to support myself and my sister.

Although the days were hard, Su Hao felt very at ease.

It would have been even better if Chu Baozhu and her henchmen didn't come to make trouble from time to time!

On the way out of the city, Su Hao saw Chu Jin.

This person was the number one dog around Chu Baozhu, and he was the most sinister and vicious.

Many of Chu Baozhu's bad deeds were caused by him being behind the scenes and making suggestions.

Su Hao could clearly feel Chu Jin's malice towards him.

There was no hatred between them, but Chu Jin seemed to hate him very much.

Regarding this, Su Hao didn't delve into it, let alone find it strange!

What's strange?

Want to know why Chu Jin hates herself? !

After experiencing the tragedy of being exterminated, Su Hao is no longer an innocent and kind boy.


Oh, how can there be so many whys in the world!

Some people are born bad, and some people don't come to hate a person.

At most, he is just a little guy, Su Hao has never put Chu Jin in his eyes, let alone wasting too much time on this kind of person.

He didn't know that according to the original plot, it was such a small person whom he had never looked down upon who instigated Chu Baozhu to kill his own sister.

Su Hao didn't know the plot, so he didn't have too many thoughts. When he saw Chu Jin, he just pretended not to see it.

Just a little more vigilance in my heart——

When he comes back, he must be careful, he is very likely to meet Chu Baozhu and his party who are blocking the way!

After all, similar things have happened many times.

Su Hao has gotten used to it.

"Do you want to block him?"

Standing at the intersection, looking towards the south of the city, Chu Jin hesitated again and again.

Of course he wanted to be like in the past, pulling the banner of Miss Chu and playing around with the former Young Master Su like a monkey.

Or trample him under his feet, making his face full of anger, but there is no way to fight back!

Every time she goes through this, Chu Jin's heart that is distorted by jealousy will be greatly satisfied.

In addition, in addition to psychological satisfaction, Chu Jin can also snatch some money or precious medicinal materials from Su Hao.

Chu Jin is not rich.

If his family was rich, they would have sent him to learn martial arts from a teacher long ago, so why would he serve Chu Baozhu humbly?

The Chu family is a martial arts family with many children.

As for the head of the Chu family, although he is a treacherous old fox, he also understands the laws of the long-term development of the family.

It is not that one family dominates, but that the family is united, and the entire Chu family is strengthened by gathering the strength of the entire family's elite.

The head of the Chu family has never relied on being a direct branch and the head of the family to suppress the collateral clans.

He will select some outstanding juniors from among the clansmen and send them to the Chu family's martial arts hall to learn the Chu family's swordsmanship.

If there is another person who performs well in the Martial Arts Hall, the head of the Chu family will bring them into the inner hall and teach martial arts in person.

These people will be the elites of the Chu family in the future and the cornerstone of the prosperity of the Chu family.

It's a pity that Chu Jin has a flexible mind but no talent for martial arts.

Chu Jin fell behind in the first round of selection in the Chu Family Martial Arts Hall.

For such a mediocre person, Patriarch Chu would not waste any family resources.

Chu Jin's family had to pay for it and find a way to find an ordinary martial arts gym for Chu Jin to learn from a teacher.

After studying for several years, Chu Jin learned some basic martial arts.

If you want to learn advanced internal skills, you need to spend a lot of money to find famous teachers.

Of course, through the relationship of Patriarch Chu, he can also find ways to sneak into the inner hall.

Chu Jin ran to Chu Baozhu's side to flatter her, initially with this idea in mind - to please Miss Chu, and through her, learn the inner skills of the Chu family.

Unfortunately, Chu Jin overestimated Chu Baozhu's status.

Patriarch Chu really dotes on Chu Baozhu and basically responds to her every request.

However, this kind of "obedience and obedience" is limited to money and enjoyment, and the scope is also limited to the inner house.

Once the core interests of the Chu family are involved, such as the inner hall, Chu Baozhu can't easily get involved, let alone inserting her own dog legs.

The inner hall is the root of the Chu family, and it is the guarantee that the Chu family can stand tall in the martial arts world.

Patriarch Chu would not refuse directly, but would throw money directly or divert Chu Baozhu's attention with jewelry, clothes and other things.

As for Chu Baozhu, she was spoiled and simple-minded, only caring about her own luxury and comfort.

Having plenty of silver, rare jewellery, and nice dresses... It's much better than being stuck in some shit.

Chu Baozhu didn't take Chu Jin seriously, so naturally she wouldn't argue with her father because of him.

So, this matter is over!

Chu Jin could only settle for the next best thing. He didn't expect Chu Baozhu to help him enter the inner hall, but only hoped that he could find more oil and water from Chu Baozhu.

There are always benefits to being a dog, right?

Otherwise, who wants to grovel? !

Chu Baozhu's biggest advantage is that his hands are loose and generous.

Chu Jin said a few more compliments, and when Chu Baozhu was in a good mood, he would give some money or things as a reward.

In addition, Chu Jin can also pretend to be a tiger, secretly extorting and blackmailing some merchants, or "offending" Miss Chu.

Among the crowd blackmailed by Chu Jin, Su Hao was not considered the richest.

But, Chu Jin is jealous of Su Hao, under his distorted mentality, he only wants to humiliate and torture Su Hao as much as he can.

Stealing the medicinal materials he dug up at his risk, taking away his hard-earned money, and enjoying the aggrieved appearance of the other party who "dare not speak out" is simply one of the greatest enjoyments in Chu Jin's life!

However, today, Chu Jin could no longer enjoy this.

"Chu Baozhu, this idiot, is really capricious. He loses his temper every now and then!"

Chu Jin not only needs Chu Baozhu as a banner, but also needs Chu Baozhu to help him sweep the formation.

Without Chu Baozhu and the slaves beside her, Chu Jin wouldn't have dared to provoke Su Hao.

Don't forget, Su Hao is the young master of the Su family, and he learned the Su family's Chaos Fist from an early age.

When he punched out, there was a force of hundreds of catties.

As far as Chu Jin's three-legged cat tricks are concerned, he has no resistance at all.

It is considered lucky not to be beaten to death by a single punch. Even if he does not die, he will probably suffer serious internal injuries.

Su Hao was jealous of the Chu family and did not dare to do anything to Chu Baozhu, so he could only let Chu Baozhu's henchmen bully him.

And Chu Jin and his like are just offshoots of the Chu family, or the kind of useless people who have no talent for martial arts.

No matter how tolerant Su Hao is, no matter how much he needs to hide his strength and bide his time, he will not tolerate the provocation of such a small person as Chu Jin!

"...It's really cheap for you this time!"

Chu Jin gritted her teeth, stomped her feet vigorously, and returned home bitterly.

Chu family.

After He Tiantian sorted out her plan, she changed into her clothes and went out in a very flamboyant manner with a few maids who were proficient in martial arts.

She went straight to the courtyard of the Su brothers and sisters.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a few servants sitting on the porch, eating melon seeds leisurely, pointing and cursing at the same time.

He Tiantian glanced at these people.

Well, on the surface, they are all Miss Chu's people, and they came to humiliate and treat the Su brothers and sisters harshly after following Chu Baozhu's orders.

In fact, they are all Xue's confidantes.

He Tiantian sneered: What a Mrs. Xue, what a Patriarch Chu!

Chu Baozhu did the evil thing, and Chu Baozhu was notorious. They achieved their goals, but they were all as innocent and kind as white lotuses.

The maids scolded so happily that they didn't see He Tiantian's arrival for a while.

He Tiantian immediately seized this opportunity, and cursed arrogantly: "What a bunch of slaves, they don't even pay attention to Miss Ben!"

"Come on, call me!"

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