The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and eightieth chapters long-lost villain Yeah (6)

The dog leg raised by the wayward lady is "obedient"!

No matter how unreasonable and weird the order of "Chu Baozhu" was, they would agree without hesitation, and then rushed up like a tiger descending a mountain.

All I saw was that a group of maids with martial arts skills rushed to the corridor, and in the blink of an eye, they arrested three or four servant girls who were pointing and cursing at the window.

The maids pushed the servants down on the spot, used the benches as sticks, and started fighting.

Three or four servants were dumbfounded. They didn't seem to react until they were pushed down and felt severe pain in their hips.

While wailing in pain, they tried to raise their heads, just in time to see a figure slowly walking in.


When they saw that it was "Chu Baozhu", they all exclaimed in surprise.

Then, they seemed to react, and shouted at He Tiantian for grievances: "You are wronged, miss, the slaves never dare not be disrespectful to miss!"

Someone even seemed to be reminding He Tiantian, and yelled aggrievedly: "Wuuuu, miss, this servant, this servant has obeyed your order—"

"My order?"

He Tiantian stopped a few steps away from the maid.

She was condescending, staring at them coldly.

"That's right, you said that the brothers and sisters of the Su family didn't know how to measure and taste, and you said—"

One of them, about forty years old, looked like the leader of several people.

She was in so much pain that tears and snot flowed down her nose, but she could still maintain a certain amount of reason to "state" the facts.

He Tiantian spat, "I really don't like the Su brothers and sisters, and I even despise them for not knowing themselves!"

"But, what does my disgust have to do with you slaves?"

As soon as He Tiantian's words fell, the leading woman froze.

No, what does Missy mean?

She can hate the brothers and sisters of the Su family, find fault with them face to face, and even bully them.

But the servants are not allowed to do it secretly, harshly treat, torture, and humiliate Su Hao and Su Nuan? !

It's like a child willfully expressing that a certain person can only be bullied by me, and others can bully him, that's no good!

The mother-in-law was a little dumbfounded, and she couldn't understand He Tiantian's brain circuit for a while.

He Tiantian added another sentence, she looked at the woman coldly, "Also, you said that Su Hao is a shameless little bastard just now?"

The mother-in-law was confused by her own guess, and now she couldn't turn her head when she heard He Tiantian's question.

She replied instinctively, "Yes. But—" Don't you always keep these words on your lips, miss.

What's more, in front of Su Hao several times, he called him a toad who couldn't see his identity clearly, and even called him a shabby settler, relying on the benevolence and righteousness of the Chu family, deliberately staying in the Chu family with the cheek and not leaving. wait.

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... The eldest lady scolded much more than her, and it was much uglier.

She, she just wanted to help the master "relieve worries" according to the eldest lady's wishes.

Why, could it be that he flattered the horse's leg and made the eldest lady unhappy again?

Yes, yes, why? !

The mother-in-law wanted to break her head, but she couldn't keep up with Miss Chu's train of thought.

Sure enough, he is the most difficult master of the Chu family, not as kind and generous as Miss Qingqing!

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

"Bao Zhu, are these servants making you angry again?"

Chu Qingqing walked in from the outside in a graceful manner, looking like a weak willow supporting the wind.

Not only does she have a fragile beauty, she is also considerate, she is also considerate and thoughtful.

Seeing her step-sister started to "play around" again, her soft eyes were full of connivance to the bear child and compassion for the victim.

He Tiantian: ... so contrived! Nausea!

She ignored Chu Qingqing at all.

This little white flower, like her mother Xue's old white flower, is a sweet-faced and bitter-hearted product.

For more than ten years, what their mother and daughter are best at is stepping on the original owner Chu Baozhu to the top.

Every time Chu Baozhu wanted to be a monster or do bad things, Xue's mother and daughter seemed to have set a position on the original owner.

Always arrive at the right time.

When Chu Baozhu offended someone, Xue Shi and Chu Qingqing just said empty words as favors.

Pretend to dissuade a few words, help others with a few good words to beg for mercy, no matter whether they succeed or not, a good reputation will fall on them.

As for Chu Baozhu, this is a vicious villain who doesn't listen to anyone's advice!

Chu Baozhu is indeed not a good thing, but they are definitely not kind people.

For such a scheming girl, He Tiantian played on the basis of the original owner's design-ignore her!


It's fine if Chu Qingqing doesn't come or speak. She just opened her mouth, as if she was about to intercede for a few servants.

As for that old woman, the moment she saw Chu Qingqing's figure, excitement flashed in her eyes: I'm saved! Miss Qingqing is here, and they will be saved!

Before the light in his eyes disappeared, he received all kinds of blows on his face.

He Tiantian dropped a piece of board that she picked up casually, with satisfaction on her arrogant face, she muttered, "Sure enough, it saves more effort than using your hands directly!"

It's really cool to slap someone or something.

The effect of Keli is mutual.

The face of the beaten person hurts;

The person who beats someone has a sore hand.

Therefore, it is best to find a tool.

It can hit people without hurting yourself.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

He Tiantian continued to lose her temper with her mother-in-law willfully.

Mother-in-law: ...

No, Miss Qingqing is here, why did the eldest lady——

It's not that Chu Baozhu is afraid of Chu Qingqing, but that Chu Baozhu can't stand the "teaching" of so many little white flowers.

Besides, Chu Qingqing is very good at crying, if she can't "persuade" Chu Baozhu, she will cry like pear blossoms and rain, her miserable appearance is even more pitiful than the victim who was beaten and bullied.

Once Chu Qingqing cried and things broke out, Patriarch Chu would naturally not punish Chu Baozhu, but would say a few words to her.

The servants of the Chu family, and even some ordinary people outside, praised Chu Qingqing for her kindness and compassion, and at the same time cursed Chu Baozhu for being savage and vicious.

Of course, the same sentence, Chu Baozhu is not afraid of these things.

She is so willful and arrogant, why would she care about other people's comments?

But, sometimes, Chu Baozhu would be affected a little bit.

Besides, this kind of thing should be avoided as much as possible.

Anyway, it's not too much trouble, she just doesn't care about Chu Qingqing.

He Tiantian: ...

Silly boy, Chu Qingqing, mother and daughter, are sure that you are annoying and don't care about it.

That's why they dare to step on your head and use you to build their own reputation!

The original owner is stupid, but He Tiantian is not stupid!

She will not be used to this pair of white flowers mother and daughter.

He Tiantian continued to ignore Chu Qingqing, and yelled at her mother-in-law in a cold voice, "Speak up, have you become dumb?"

While speaking, He Tiantian glanced at the board she had just thrown to her feet.

That expression seemed to be hesitating: Do you want to pick it up and give it to the mother-in-law a few more times?

The mother-in-law shivered when she saw He Tiantian's little movements.

She didn't dare to pin her hopes on her "Miss Qingqing", but quickly recalled what He Tiantian said just now.

Uh, the eldest lady seems to be angry because she pointed at Sang and scolded Huai to the brothers and sisters of the Su family.

Oh, by the way, the eldest lady said just now, "You said that Su Hao is a shameless little bastard"!


The mother-in-law swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

She seemed to understand why the eldest lady was angry, but she didn't seem to figure it out.

But, now is not the time to figure it out, she has to speak up quickly, otherwise, when the eldest lady gets angry, she will pick up the wooden board and slap her face a few times.

Woohoo, it hurts so much!

Hitting the face with a board is much more painful than hitting with a slap!

Half of her face was numb, with a dull pain, and the back molars began to loosen, and it felt like the teeth could fly out when she opened her mouth.

"Miss, spare me! Miss, I, I was wrong!"

The mother-in-law didn't dare to repeat what she said just now, for fear that she would anger the eldest lady again.

But if she didn't say anything, she was also afraid that the eldest lady would be angry, so she could only desperately beg for mercy.

"Wrong, where did you go wrong?"

He Tiantian was clearly looking for faults, she looked like a mess, grabbed the voice of the old woman, and continued to ask.

The mother-in-law was stuck, how did she know that she had provoked this evil star? !

In a moment of anxiety, the mother-in-law looked at Chu Qingqing who was standing aside with a sullen face.

Chu Qingqing: ...

I have been ignored by "Chu Baozhu", and I am angry.

Moreover, for some reason, Chu Qingqing had a bad premonition in her heart, as if something had been out of her control.

She naturally saw her mother-in-law's eyes asking for help, and subconsciously, Chu Qingqing squirmed her lower lip, imagining to intercede for the "victim" as usual.

However, the words rushed to her lips, and Chu Qingqing swallowed them back forcefully.

Just now, I received a report from a servant, saying that Chu Baozhu led someone to the courtyard of the Su brothers and sisters.

Chu Qingqing knew that her mindless step-sister was running to trouble her again.

To be honest, Chu Qingqing also despises the Su family brothers and sisters who settled down.

But she is a kind and beautiful little fairy.

Naturally, it should be noble and compassionate, and it should be in stark contrast to the evil girl Chu Baozhu.

She is fourteen years old this year, and she is about to start getting engaged.

Although her surname is Chu, she is honored as "Miss" in the Chu family.

But all the people in Qizhou City knew that she was just a drag bottle brought by Mrs. Xue to the Chu family.

She, Miss Chu, is too watery.

It's not easy to marry someone from a family comparable to the Chu family.

But marrying someone who is not popular, Chu Qingqing is not reconciled.

After ten years of rich life in the Chu family, it was really difficult for her to adapt to the life of ordinary people.

If the identity is not enough, then the fame will come!

Back then, in order to get a foothold in the Chu family, Mrs. Xue used Chu Baozhu as a tool to gain fame and used it a lot.

Now, Chu Qingqing wanted to marry a good man, so she followed the template created by her mother and continued to treat Chu Baozhu as a tool.

He Tiantian: ... The original owner is indeed a big wronged species.

Being used by Xue's mother and daughter is so thorough.

The original owner is indeed bad, so it is not too unfair to get a bad name.

As for hypocrites like Xue's mother and daughter, they are full of scheming without reason, but they can still be as white and innocent as a white lotus.

This is unfair. Since they are not good people, they all bear the same infamy.

He Tiantian had already made plans, so naturally she would not show any kindness to Chu Qingqing.

Chu Qingqing was very keen. She didn't suspect that the core of "Chu Baozhu" had been changed, but she keenly noticed that this idiot seemed to have changed.

It's not that he has become smarter, but that he has become more self-willed and unreasonable.

There is a vague precursor to a madman.

And such bad and crazy people are often the most dangerous.

Chu Qingqing couldn't figure out the "rule" for a while, so she didn't dare to try it lightly.

She suppressed those words of comfort, and quietly hid aside, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

Chu Qingqing pretended to be dead, and the glimmer of hope raised in the mother-in-law's heart was instantly annihilated.

Without foreign aid, she, she can only try to save herself.

"Slaves, servants shouldn't insult Young Master Su!"

In desperation, the mother-in-law has unleashed her potential and her mind has become extraordinarily clear.

As she spoke, she peeked at He Tiantian's face.

Seeing that the eldest lady was not angry, the mother-in-law dared to continue to say: "Who is this servant? It's just a lowly servant!"

"Young Master Su is our Missy's fiancé. Whether he is good or bad can only be judged by you, Missy!"

"It's not something that lowly servant girls like us can humiliate at will!"

This should be the reason why the eldest lady is angry.

Just like their family, they can despise their own family members as shameful, but they cannot tolerate bullying from outsiders.

As for their servants, they are not ordinary "outsiders", they are servants of the Chu family.

It's like, the person I don't like is bitten by a wild dog.

If it were them, they would be angry too!

Yes, that should be it!

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, um, the reaction was good, and what she said made some sense.

He Tiantian was in a good mood, and felt that although this woman was not in the right mind, she still had a bit of quick wit.

Her remarks made a good foreshadowing for why Tiantian will "wash white" in the future.

"Hmph! It's good to know you're wrong!"

He Tiantian snorted coldly, and temporarily spared the woman.

The mother-in-law saw that she had guessed correctly, and her hanging heart finally fell.

However, before she could rejoice that she had escaped, she was hit hard on her butt a few times.

The mother-in-law screamed in pain, she raised her head with difficulty, her face was puzzled, and there was even a trace of grievance: Miss, the old slave admitted it wrong!

Why are you still beating me?

Woohoo, wronged!

She is so wronged!

He Tiantian said to her coldly, "These few times are to remind you, to let you remember, whose family you are eating and taking money from!"

Chu Qingqing squeezed the veil tightly, she knew that the words "Chu Baozhu" were aimed at her.

The mother-in-law is not a fool, and immediately understood what He Tiantian meant.

She peeked at Chu Qingqing who was huddled in the corner, and a look of complexity flashed in her eyes.

Actually, Miss Qingqing is really kind, and she is also very generous to these servants.

It's a pity it wasn't the Patriarch's own birth!

Besides, when she asked for help just now, Chu Qingqing pretended not to see it.

From that moment on, the mother-in-law knew that her Miss Qingqing was unreliable!

Not to mention Chu Qingqing, even the nominal Mrs. Xue, once she meets the eldest lady, she has no choice but to back down.

Forget it, these matters between the masters are beyond the reach of these slaves.

In the future, they will still eat and listen to someone else's food.

They don't get involved in those messy things...

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