The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Seven hundred and ninetieth IX sadomasochistic woman before the text (17)



A thunderbolt came in the clear sky, and a mysterious thunder suddenly appeared above Xuanyuan He's head.

At that moment, Xuanyuan He only felt that his scalp was numb, and the hairs all over his body stood up.


Danger! !

He instinctively warned.

It's just that the speed is too fast, and he has no time to dodge.

It was too late to wake up the mecha and protect him.

The only good thing was that the lightning bolt did not go straight to Xuanyuan He's head, but wiped his hair and smashed into the open space two centimeters away from his toes.


The ground was shattered by lightning, and a circle of mud debris was splashed.

Everyone was shocked!

What is this operation?


Oh, in the interstellar era of advanced technology, thunder and lightning have long ceased to be mystical.

If you want to capture thunder and lightning and use it to achieve certain goals, any imperial star who has gone to elementary school can do it.

But the problem is that the man didn't use a tool for triggering lightning, he just used a piece of paper——

and many more!

Is there something mysterious about that piece of paper?

"Fulu! It's Fulu, right?"

He Tiantian was extremely excited, her two big clear eyes were full of excitement.

Her voice was a little out of tune, "Young Master, oh no, it's a fairy, you are a fairy, right?"

"It must be, it must be immortals! My ancestors have encountered immortals. They can move mountains and fill the sea, fly with swords, and can also trigger thunderstorms..."

He Tiantian blushed and danced.

That kind of excitement, that kind of excitement, is simply indescribable in words.

Xuanyuan He and the others were stunned.

What talisman?

What fairy? !

The planets of the second-level civilization are still so backward?

Are you still superstitious about those deceiving myths and legends? !

But, what happened to the thunder and lightning just now?

Obviously, it cannot be explained by science.

Or, just a coincidence?


The people present were either princesses, princes, or sons of aristocratic families.

They have lived in a complex environment since childhood, and they are no longer naive.

coincide? !

The last thing they believe is coincidence!

But, if not coincidence, is it theology?

Even more absurd, okay? !

The people are madly complaining in their hearts,

Their three views are being challenged enormously.

The man in white didn't care about everyone's reaction at all, he was attracted by He Tiantian's words.

I saw him raise one eyebrow slightly, "Oh! Do you still know Fu Lu?"

"Does your ancestor have an immortal relationship?"

His voice is also very cold, as if not stained with a trace of mundane dust.

He sweet dessert head is like a chicken pecking at rice.

She was probably too excited, her body shook slightly, and she couldn't speak at all.

There were even tears in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, the man in white was very dull.

It seems that he is used to it.

"There is some fate!"

The man in white said softly, and then said, "This seat is the elder of Changchun Sect. The surname is Nangong, and the single name has a unique character. It is absolutely unfeeling!"

It's heartbreaking to hear something.

He Tiantian only paid attention to his surname, "Nangong? Immortal, is your surname Nangong too?"

The man in white, namely Nangong Jue, raised his eyebrows again: "Also?"

Could it be that there are other cultivators with this surname?

What he meant was too obvious.

He Tiantian nodded frantically again, with a proud look on her face, "That's right! My ancestors met a fairy, her name is Nangong Huan, known as Linghuan Fairy!"

This is not made up by He Tiantian, the Shi royal family does have such a legend.

It's just been passed on for thousands of years, and I don't know what the truth was at the time.

Perhaps, the so-called immortal spiritual pet is just a lie deliberately fabricated by the Shi royal family in order to rule its subjects.

Just like the emperors of feudal dynasties, they all called themselves "the Son of Heaven", and often produced some "auspicious signs" that were different from ordinary people.

Of course, it could also be true.

After all, after more than a thousand years, there may have been immortals at that time.

He Tiantian didn't have the heart to dialect the authenticity of this myth, but she could take advantage of it.

Spirit Beast Bag is one of them.

Nangong is definitely the second.

He Tiantian: ...cough, Nangong or something, it's really not my bad taste.

The male protagonist and male supporting cast of this novel are all compound surnames, so He Tiantian got a Nangong on a whim.

Furthermore, in the secrets of the royal family of the Shi family, there is indeed a record: the ancestors met the immortals, and the Taoist name was Linghuan!

As for the exact surname of this ghostly fairy, neither the author of the original work nor the fancier wrote it.

This also gave He Tiantian room to play at will.

"Illusory Fairy?"

Nangong Jue spat out the name softly, then shook his head, "I've never heard of it!"

He's just a statement and doesn't have much emotional overtones.

He Tiantian misunderstood, thinking he was questioning himself.

She hurriedly took out the spirit beast bag from her pocket and held it directly in front of Nangong Jue: "Fairy, look, this is the spirit beast bag left by the ancestors!"

"It is said that this spirit beast bag was made by Fairy Linghuan herself, and it is a very magical fairy treasure!"

He Tiantian's face was full of pride, as if to possess an artifact such as a spirit beast bag was the supreme pride of their royal family.

"Oh? Spirit Beast Bag?"

There was no movement from Nangong Jue.

The spirit beast bag that was held in He Tiantian's wounded slap and flew to Nangong Jue's hand.

Xuanyuan He and others:  …

They vaguely heard the sound of Sanguan shattering.

Is this magic?

Is there a transparent rope tied to the spirit beast bag? !

But, it's impossible, "Shi Ling'er" was the first time she saw Nangong Jue, how could she be willing to help him as a nurse.

Unless they know in advance?

Also, not impossible!

Xuanyuan He and the others looked at Shi Linger's ancient costume, and then looked at Nangong Jue, who was dressed in white.

These two people should all come from remote planets in the second-level civilization of the feudal dynasty.

What's more, they were originally from the same planet.

At such a moment, Helianyan could hardly restrain his impulse, and directly sent a message to the cheap brother——

elder brother! Nangong Jue is also from the Spirit Beast Star!

Well, forget it!

Helianyan knew very well that he and Helianhuang were only brothers in name.

The relationship between them is comparable to that of an enemy.

Even if Helian Huang knew something, he would not tell him frankly.

Instead of running to waste words with Helian Huang and looking at his face, it is better to go and find his eyeliner placed in the First Army.

Not only He Lianyan, but Xuanyuan He was also secretly thinking—

"Otherwise, ask those few people? Let them investigate the details of Nangong Jue on the Spirit Beast Star!"

Charlotte, as Shi Linger's "rival in love", did not question Nangong Jue's identity at this moment.

Instead, she was a little happy. If Shi Linger empathized with Nangong Jue, would she and Helian Huang just, just—

Charlotte's heart was pounding, and her cheeks couldn't help but get a blush.

Everyone has different thoughts, but Nangong Jue has already picked up the spirit beast bag.

"Huh? Is there a ban? The technique is not bad!"

Nangong is absolutely like a formidable teacher, commenting casually.

He said, waving his hand.

Invisibility to the naked eye was broken.

He opened the spirit beast bag with ease, looked at it carefully, and was speechless, "Do you use the spirit beast bag as a space bag?"

It's not impossible, but there is suspicion of violence.

After all, the spirit beast bag can hold living things, while the space bag can only hold some dead things.

Therefore, the level of the spirit beast bag is higher than that of the space bag.

He Tiantian was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly explained, "It has been more than a thousand years, and the inheritance of the spirit beast bag has long been broken!"

"I, our Shi clan, have not been able to open this spirit beast bag for over a hundred years!"

"It was just by chance that I somehow opened it, and I can put things in it!"

"...Furthermore, there are no more spirit beasts on the spirit beast star, only orcs or ordinary animals that have not opened their intelligence, have no value in the spirit beast bag at all!"

He Tiantian was a little lonely as he talked.

The Shi royal family claims to be the descendants of the lion, but they only talk about it.

Whether it is the inheritance of the lion, or the magic of the spirit fairy, the master family does not know.

This has to be said to be a kind of sadness. As a descendant, I also feel deeply ashamed of my ancestors.

"In this world, has Xianmen fallen to this point?"

There was a bit of loneliness in Nangong Jueqingling's voice, and a trace of daze.

Obviously, even if he has a high level of cultivation and prides himself on being extraordinary, he is a little helpless and confused when he suddenly comes to such a strange world.

However, the appearance of He Tiantian gave him some comfort.

"Since you are a descendant of spirit beasts, you can be considered to be related to my fairy gate!"

"Today, I have this cause and effect with me again, which is considered a chance. Anyway, if you want to-"

Like your ancestors, you can be a spiritual pet for me.

Nangong said very reservedly.

However, before he could finish his words, He Tiantian hurriedly agreed: "Yes! I am willing to follow the immortal!"

Xuanyuan He: ...Ma De, after a month of digging, the corner of the wall actually ran away?

Helianyan: ... Haha, Shi Linger is really empathetic.

Looking at her obsessed appearance, it seems that she has long regarded this divine stick named Nangong Jue as a god!

It's a pity that Helian Huang was not there. If he saw with his own eyes the woman who had been in love and hate with him the day before, but was so diligent with a pretentious little white face today, he might not be so irritable.

Charlotte: ... This man looks good, but he's actually a liar.

Spiritual beasts and immortals are all savage and ignorant people.

Even with that, Charlotte looked at He Tiantian with a little contempt:

Also the princess!


Sure enough, the low-level royal family of the second-class civilization is not as noble and wise as the royal family of their Tianlong Galaxy!


"Just call me son."

"Yes! Son, where are we going now? By the way, you don't have a mecha, I, I have points, I can order one for you!"

"What mecha? Is that the puppet?"

"Puppet? Oh, that's right, it was mentioned in the ancestor's manuscript that Fairy Linghuan would also make puppets!"

"I don't need any puppets! I have a spirit sword!"

Nangong Jue said, and swung a long sword.

Then, a scene that made Xuanyuan He and others feel that the three views were broken even more happened:

That long sword was suspended in mid-air in violation of Newton's law.

This is a gravitational planet, not the kind of weightless planet, and there is no weightless simulation device.

It, how did it fly.

Nangong Jue jumped lightly and stood on Feijian.

He Tiantian was extremely excited, "I know, I know! This is Yujian Fei! Oh my God, ancestors, have you seen it, I really met an immortal!"

Xuanyuan He and a group of people were completely torn apart!

They didn't care how excited He Tiantian was at all.

They just want to study: Could it be that this sword also has an anti-gravity device.

But, but it is such a slender and long strip, without any high-tech factors.

Or, it's made from some new material they don't know about.

After all, the universe is too big, with countless wonderful materials.

Like a magnet, it is inherently magnetic.

And this material, naturally has the anti-gravity factor.

...Everyone thought about many possibilities, but refused to believe in theology.

However, Nangong Jue continued to shatter everyone's three views.

His robe fluttered in mid-air, and he stood with his hands behind his back, like an immortal aloof.

He seemed to be delighted by He Tiantian's excitement, hooked his lips, and said to He Tiantian, "Want to come up? Feel the beauty of Yu Jian's flight softly?"

"Think! Think!!"

He Tiantian nodded frantically.

Nangong Jue raised his hand slightly, and He Tiantian seemed to be held up by something.

He Tiantian subconsciously wanted to struggle, but her limbs were a little out of balance.

She hurriedly controlled her body.

Shaking from side to side, everyone couldn't help but worry: she won't fall off.

No, that's not the point!

The point is, why is she, why is she "floating"?

He Tiantian not only floated up, she also stood tremblingly on the long sword.


Unable to control her balance, He Tiantian exclaimed and hurriedly grabbed Nangong Jue's sleeve.

Nangong Jue frowned slightly, as if he was not used to being in contact with people.

However, considering that they are all on Feijian, and "Shi Ling'er" is related to Xianmen.

The most important thing is that Nangong Jue still needs "Shi Ling'er".

He resisted the urge to pull back his sleeve and pinched it with his other hand. He Tiantian was held up by an invisible thing again.

Obviously, the naked eye can't see it, but everyone in the air just knows that there is something holding He Tiantian like a handrail.

"It's just weird!"

"Are all the myths and stories of the ancient Blue Star era true?"

"Impossible, we have entered the era of the big universe, and there is no fairyland in the sky!"

"K-Ke, what's the matter with Shi Ling'er?!"

Helianyan, Xuanyuanhe, Charlotte and a few men and women looked at each other.

They were speechless and could only communicate frantically with their eyes.

Their three views have been hit again and again.

On He Tiantian's side, Nangong absolutely helped He Tiantian to stabilize her figure, so she activated her spiritual power, and a long sword carried the two of them into the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Flyed? They just flew away?"

"Without a mask, no protective clothing, just, just directly exposed to the stars?"

"...I suddenly believed their words a little bit. That Nangong Jue is really an immortal!"

In a trance, the three views are broken all over the ground.

Suddenly, one of the girls muttered, "No wonder Shi Ling'er is empathetic!"

Immortal, he is much more powerful than an admiral Helian Huang!

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