The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 800 Sadomasochism of the former heroine (18)

In a sense, today's Nangong Jue is very similar to Helian Huang a year ago.

To Shi Linger, they were all people from another world.

Everything they have mastered is brand new and unfamiliar to Shi Linger, er, advanced!

In Shi Linger's view, they stand out from the crowd because of their outstanding appearance, unique temperament, and profound knowledge.

The last point is particularly important. Shi Linger has an unprecedented novelty, surprise and natural affection for them.

What Shi Linger loved was never Helian Huang, but the feeling of grace that surpassed the ordinary people around him.

A year ago, she could love Helian Huang, the young admiral from the super-technical Empire Star, to the death.

A year later, she can also fall in love with Nangong Jue, an immortal who only exists in the fantasy of her ancestors, and she can't extricate herself from love.

Of course, the original owner may not have such an opinion.

He Tiantian carries out certain "magic changes".

But, love brain, can give up the entire family for a man who has only known each other for less than a few months.

Naturally, she can also fall in love with a new lover who is better and more in line with her dreams.

He Tiantian just performed an exaggerated and in-depth interpretation on the basis of the original owner's temperament.

The people around didn't seem to be surprised, let alone questioned.

For normal people, it's definitely not so fast.

But for a man who can even give up hatred of his country and his family for the sake of a man, this is all too normal!

Not to mention Helianyan and others, even Helianhuang, was not surprised when he heard the news.

What he was really annoyed about was that "Shi Ling'er" became too fast, and he hadn't discovered all the secrets of this stupid woman.

"Admiral, that Nangong definitely has some means to make the third prince honored as a guest!"

The lieutenant bowed and stood in front of Helian Huang, and replied in a low voice.

There was a little surprise in his tone.

Also, according to the thinking of normal people, the third prince "favored" Shi Ling'er, and he would not hesitate to fight with Helian Huang, but also tried his best to please Shi Ling'er.

As a result, Shi Linger followed him out for a circle, and brought back a man who looked like "love at first sight".

If you change to any man, you must be subconsciously hostile to this man.

Rival, dear!

The male junior who seduces his own woman, kiss!

How can you bear it?

But Xuanyuan He endured it.

Not only did he not let Shi Linger move out of the Third Prince's Mansion, but he also warmly invited Nangong Jue to live with him.

It even helped Nangong Jue of unknown origin to arrange the identity.

Of course, before that, the third prince secretly ordered someone to test Nangong Jue for genetic factors.

Make sure he's not a bugman, but a pure human,

This allowed him to enter the identity of the resident of the Empire Star.

"Xuanyuan He, this fellow has always been unprofitable!"

Speaking of his old enemy, Helian Huang's voice became very cold.

In fact, the two of them are the same kind of people who can abandon everything for the sake of profit.

However, they are arrogant and domineering.

Some things they can do themselves, but if someone does it, they will instinctively reject it.

Between him and Xuanyuan He, in addition to the conflict of interests, there is also a discord in character——

Both Shengyu and He Shengliang!

Therefore, Helian Huang knew Xuanyuan He best, but he felt disgusted and hated because of this understanding.

"Oh, Admiral, I have inquired about it. It is said that Nangong Jue's spiritual power is very strange. In his words, what kind of spiritual consciousness is it called."

"In addition, he is proficient in the manufacture of mechas, and proposed an ancient technique of quenching alloys. Even without red lanthanum, the quality of mechas can be improved!"

The lieutenant continued to respond.

Helian Huang's expression became more and more solemn after hearing the word "red lanthanum".

Red Lan = Spirit Beast Star = Shi Linger = Space New = More secrets!

The original smugness and victory were in hand, but it was ruined by a little white face who didn't know which wormhole to drill out.

How can Helian Huang not be annoyed?

Moreover, he has a very strong bad premonition.

The appearance of Nangong Jue is destined to make him lose the most important thing in his life!

"……there's one more thing,"

The lieutenant said here and paused.

He glanced at Helian Huang's face, and said cautiously, "The Ninth Legion moves frequently, and the third prince seems to have a big plan!"

Xuanyuan He infiltrated the first legion led by Helian Huang, and Helian Huang had already placed staff in the ninth legion.

Therefore, Helian Huang and Xuanyuan He, neither of them should call anyone despicable, both of them are the same.

"What else can be done?!"

Helian Huang laughed in anger, and said coldly, "He has long been eyeing the Spirit Beast Star and wants to take the red lanthanum ore from me."

"Otherwise, our noble third prince, His Royal Highness, would never go to court a princess of a subjugated country!"

"Hmph, what kind of love do you think he is for?"

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, who doesn't know who?

Helian Huang used love as bait, and obtained the location of the wormhole of the beast star from Shi Linger's mouth.

The current Xuanyuan He just wanted to replicate his success.

A month ago, Shi Ling'er left because of the third lady's anger and anger.

But she still loves Helian Huang in her heart.

In other words, Shi Linger had no better choice, and she could only rely on Helian Huang in the end.

Living in the Third Prince's Mansion, he just wanted to take anger with Helian Huang and increase his worth in disguise.

But now there is one more Nangong Jue, Shi Linger empathizes and leaves love——

Things get in trouble!

Without the fetters of "love", God knows what Shi Linger, an idiot who is "crazy for love", will do.

At first, she was able to lead wolves into the room.

Now, she can lead Xuanyuan He to lead the way, and help Xuanyuan He deal with Helian Huang!

Helian Huang is worthy of being sober in the world, and he quickly thought of this.

He didn't give up, or in other words, he couldn't accept that the woman he controlled suddenly lost control.

He tried every means to appear in front of "Shi Ling'er", trying to reawaken the love of the other party.

He Tiantian:  …

Scumbag, come to play again!

Oh, who can't act?

He Tiantian showed a painful expression, "Helian, we really can't be together!"

"The third lady is right, there is a national hatred between you and me!"

"There are more than 100 members of the teacher's family, and they are all watching from under Jiuquan. Originally, I thought that as long as I love you enough, I can overcome all this!"

"But I found out, I can't! In Spirit Beast Star, Shi Nineteen killed me because I 'recognized a thief as a husband'; when you came to Empire Star, your family also spurned me and killed the whole family for one man!"

He Tiantian cried until the pear blossoms rained.

The words he said made Helian Huang's forehead bulge.

Hemp, you put it nicely on your lips, you slut, you are a slutty, and you can change your mind!

He Tiantian: ... so what?

I am for "love".

Do you understand love?

The true love party can sacrifice everything for love.

In the past, Helian Huang did not feel resentful because the one who was sacrificed and betrayed was not him.

He is the profiteer of "love".

Now, the reason why Helian Huang is burning with anger is because he has changed from a profiter to a "victim".

But he couldn't refute He Tiantian's words.

How to refute?

Say love, right?

Isn't that punching yourself in the face?

Or is it that "Shi Ling'er" betrayed love? !

Ha, if you say that, you don't know much about love.

Love is inherently impulsive, it is meant to break through the shackles of the world, and it is inherently rebellious.

"Shi Ling'er" is not a betrayal, she just suddenly discovered that the person she really loves is not Helian Huang, but Nangong Jue!

"Hey, how does it taste like defeating magic with magic, and dealing with the best with the best?!"

He Tiantian looked at Helian Huang's dark face with ice cubes, and she felt so refreshed in her heart!

"Helian, I'm in too much pain! I-I really can't take it anymore."

"...It's not that I don't love you enough, it's not that you're not good enough, it's just good luck making people."

"I can't hate you, but I really can't continue to love you as if nothing happened!"

"I'm sorry, Helian, let's stop here."

He Tiantian wiped away her tears while hurricane acting.

She was in pain, she was tangled, she seemed to have been tortured like deboning and heart-breaking.

Helian Huang:  …

Bah, no matter how nice you say it, it can't cover up your "loving the new and hating the old" and irresponsible scumbag essence!

"Helian, I'm going back. I found the immortal whom my ancestors admired, and the immortal also wants to go to the spirit beast star..."

"You belong to the Empire Star, and I will always be the little princess of the Spirit Beast Star."

"...let's say goodbye, let's never see each other again."

After He Tiantian cried and said this, she took advantage of Helian Huang's chance to sway her mind and quickly flashed.

Helian Huang Xu was so angry that he finally tasted the resentment of "using the spear and the shield to attack the enemy", but he didn't even react.

It wasn't until He Tiantian's back disappeared that Helian Huang suddenly woke up: "They are going to Spirit Beast Star!"

What goes home, what belongs to the spirit beast star?

Riding the horse, this stupid woman is clearly going to lead the way for Xuanyuan He!

"No! I can't let Xuanyuan He and his Ninth Corps encroach on the Spirit Beast Star. Those red lanthanum mines can only belong to me!"

Helian Huang didn't care about entanglement with "love, hatred and hatred", he just wanted to keep his vested interests on the spirit beast star.

He didn't dare to delay, hurriedly ran to talk to Helian Jin, and then hurried back to Spirit Beast Star with his confidants.

His speed is fast enough, and he is familiar with the road, and he is indeed in front of Xuanyuanhe's starship.

But, not much faster!

Helian Huang had just returned to the base of the Spirit Beast Star, and before he could start making arrangements, Xuanyuan He's men had already arrived.

Helian Huang vs Xuanyuan He!

The first army pk ninth army!

They are also super-powerful teams of the fourth-level civilization, and the battle between them is much more "wonderful" than when the First Legion crushed the Lion Dynasty.

Shi 19, who had just tangled up with some remnants of the dynasty:...

what's going on?

The people of the Empire Star have fought with themselves? !

Those remaining imperial guards, Shi's side branches, etc., were also stunned.

There was still an orc who infiltrated the base and secretly brought back news——

"It's the third prince of the Empire Star. He was originally Helian Huang's nemesis."

"Our Empire Star has a huge red lanthanum ore, which is a very scarce and precious resource in the interstellar space, and the third prince naturally covets it!"

For the sake of profit, by the way, a little personal hatred, two fierce tigers, can't they just do it? !

Teacher Nineteen:  …

In the original plot of the same people, the original owner did take advantage of the conflict between the royal family and the Helian family to drive away tigers and swallow wolves, and let the people of the Empire Star kill each other.

The original owner has not reached the point where he can take advantage of the fisherman, but he also used their battle to save the Empire Star.

When Helian and Xuanyuan were fighting, the original owner vigorously developed technology, which gave the spirit beast star the ability to resist.

After struggling for decades, they finally expelled all the forces of the Empire Star from the Spirit Beast Star.

Finally, destroy the "Teleportation Array" and let the spirit beast star continue to hide in the vast universe.

Shi 19 is a self-proclaimed writer, and she feels that the original owner's plan was successful in the end.

But it was too hard and too long.

Moreover, it is really humiliating to let two foreign enemies fight back and forth on their own territory.

Shi Nineteen replaced the original owner, and she instinctively wanted to surpass.

In addition to the pride and self-confidence of the writer, she also has a system to do plug-ins.

No, in the past month or so, Shi Nineteen gathered his hands and took the things exchanged from the system mall.

Making gunpowder and refining steel, the spirit beast star has successfully entered the era of hot weapons with a big stride from the era of cold weapons.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before the fourth-level civilization of Imperial Star.

Shi Nineteen was confident that as long as she was given some more time, she would be able to speed up the process.

Let the spirit beast star break through the third-level civilization this morning.

At that time, they will have the power to fight against the Empire Star.

At that time, taking advantage of the internal contradictions of the Empire Star, she will definitely surpass the original owner and become the greatest queen of the Empire Star!

It's just that the plan has only taken the first step. Why did Xuanyuan He find it first?

You know, in the original plot, it took nearly a year for Xuanyuan He to find the coordinates of the spirit beast star.

"...In addition, the little princess is back!"

The orc secretly glanced at Eye Master Nineteen and added in a low voice.

The orcs of the Spirit Beast Star did not actually have too much resentment towards this little princess who led wolves into the house and communicated with enemies both inside and outside.

Because the first legion only slaughtered the royal family of Shi clan, and did not slaughter ordinary orcs.

In the eyes of the orcs, they simply changed their rulers.

And the lion dynasty ruled for thousands of years, and the orcs instinctively revered the royal family.

Just like the original teacher nineteen in the fan literature, he wanted to gather the remnants and call on the orcs, but also in the name of the royal family.

She fabricated the identity of a commoner princess for herself, and thought that the slogan of the Shi royal family was revenge, which was supported by the majority of orcs.

Helianhuang would marry Shi Linger because of her princess name, which is beneficial to appease the orcs and stabilize the stability of the spirit beast star.

The status and appeal of the Shi royal family in the spirit beast star is definitely not a joke.

And Shi Ling'er, as the last bloodline of the Shi family's royal family, the orcs instinctively revere and look up!

Teacher Nineteen:  …

When Helian Huang came back, Shi Linger's love brain would naturally come back.

What a fuss about this!

However, soon, the orcs told a news that was enough to "make a fuss" for Shi XIX——

"The little princess met the immortal outside, and she followed the immortal back to our spirit beast star!"

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