The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 812 Emergency Remedial Tasks (9)

The latest website: He Tiantian has never carried water. Even when she needs to work in the mission world, she has internal strength to protect her body.

But this time, she had nothing.

What are you wearing, it's too cruel.

In modern times, even if she is not a child spoiled by her parents, she has never really suffered.

What she suffered was more cold violence.

After she bound the system, she made a contribution to the country. Under the protection of the country, she lived a more comfortable and comfortable life.

To put it mildly, for He Tiantian in reality, cooking and working is a kind of pastime and enjoyment.

However, the remedial task this time deserves a "challenge".

Just working like this is enough to make He Tiantian suffer.

The hard shoulder pole rested on the soft shoulder, and the two wooden barrels were already heavy.

Filled with water again, He Tiantian almost didn't pick it up.

When the posterior molars were urgent, she forced herself to stand up with all her strength.

Take two steps, crooked, staggered.

And the big well in the middle of the village is more than 1,000 meters away from Mrs. Qiu's home.

He Tiantian felt that it was difficult to walk one meter by herself.

However, the experience of many tasks has made He Tiantian tough, and she is particularly unwilling to admit defeat.

[Others can do it, so can I! 】

He Tiantian gritted her teeth, thinking about the essentials of picking things in her mind, trying to control her body.

Slowly, she really found the trick.

The shoulders were still aching, and the whole person was still as tired as if she had picked a mountain, but at least she no longer stumbled and stumbled.

The figure may still be a little shaky, but it's much better than it was at first.

The water in the two wooden barrels was not sprinkled, but a small half of it remained.

He Tiantian:  …

A small part is not bad, at least she has learned to carry water.

Enduring the pain in her shoulders, He Tiantian insisted on walking to Mrs. Qiu's house.

It seemed that after walking 18,000 miles, I finally saw the small courtyard where I stayed for one night.

persist in! Hold on!

It's just over a hundred meters away, He Tiantian, hold on!

He Tiantian desperately encouraged herself.

She didn't forget to pay attention to her feet, she didn't want to fail again at the last minute!

He Tiantian thought she had done a good job.

But in the eyes of those who have been working on the farm, it is awkward and almost funny.

"Huh? Is this the girl who came to find her relatives?"

"You're skinny, you look like a little chicken, and you don't work like that!"

"...Fortunately, I didn't recognize him and went home. Otherwise, who can't even pick water, which in-law's family would want?"

"That's right, this girl is good-looking, but she's useless. It's not as good as those female educated youths!"

At this time, although it was early, the brisk peasant women were already up.

The water-carrying water, the hogweed-cutting hogweed, the cooking, the chicken feeding...

The small mountain village seemed to be awakened in an instant.

Some people's chimneys are already smoking.

He Tiantian was secretly observed by many people along the way.

Point and point, talk a lot.

There are no recreational activities in the countryside these days.

Anything as big as a fart can be hotly debated by the villagers for days.

Suddenly, a 17- or 18-year-old girl came to recognize her relatives, which was much more exciting than the three-round quarrel with the Western family when the owner lost a green onion.

It was too late last night, and everyone was in awe of Mrs. Qiu, so they didn't dare to go to the door easily.

Originally, I wanted to take a good look at the little girl while I was working during the day.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up in the morning, I saw such a "Western landscape".

"Oh, too thin, no luck!"

"...It's really white, people are also good-looking, and they are prettier than the female educated youth who are educated youth!"

"What's the use of being beautiful? Can you eat or drink? Let me tell you, stinky boy, you should be blessed and able to work when you marry a daughter-in-law!"

"Mom, but I just want to marry someone beautiful..."

Some villagers came to watch the fun.

The content of their discussions also began to enrich.

He Tiantian doesn't have the blessing of inner strength, so the six senses are naturally not so defiant.

He Tiantian could only hear the buzzing of those whispering discussions hiding in the dark, but couldn't hear the specific content.

However, He Tiantian didn't care.

She never wanted to live in someone else's mouth.

Furthermore, even if someone jokes, it is normal.

She really did a bad job.

Therefore, when he finally got to Mrs. Qiu's house, when He Tiantian saw Mrs. Qiu who was sitting in the yard mixing chicken food, her delicate but embarrassed face was full of embarrassment.

Mrs. Qiu felt He Tiantian's cramps, dropped the rice bowl, stood up, and came to the front.

She looked down at the less than half of the water left in the wooden bucket, pouted her lips, and said with disgust, "It's okay, I finally didn't spill all the water!"

"Hey, old lady, it's my first time to carry water, and I'm inexperienced. But don't worry, I'll work hard in the future!"

Mrs. Qiu still had a look of disgust on her face, "Forget it, don't let it go. You have thin arms and thin legs, don't break my bucket!"

"Forget it, let me call the embolism next door."

The old lady is the standard hard-mouthed and soft-hearted.

He was clearly distressed for He Tiantian, worried that she would fall on her, but she still said something for her own bucket with a cold face.

He Tiantian knows such a duplicitous old man too well.

Not to mention her own experience in the mission world, that is, in the first world, she and her liar parents deal with all kinds of old people every day.

It can be said that He Tiantian is not too familiar with the thoughts of these old men and old ladies.

"Old lady, it's not good to ask someone to help you?"

He Tiantian didn't say anything, but asked curiously.

The emboli from the house next door?

Who is it, an enthusiastic neighbor, a relative of the old lady, or a martyr like the old lady Qiu who was arranged by the village to take care of it? !

When He Tiantian went out from Mrs. Qiu's house yesterday, she watched and paid attention to the neighbors around her.

The old lady lives at the end of the village and has two households from the nearest neighbors:

One is a house on the east side. The yard is very large, with thatched yellow mud walls, and there seem to be a lot of people inside.

One is the person in front, who can only see the back wall. If you want to see the main entrance of the person, you need to go around the street in front.

The back wall of this family is a bit dilapidated, and a section even collapsed in half.

The back wall was overgrown with weeds, as if no one lived there.

However, at night, there was a light from the windows on the back wall.

"What's wrong. According to the seniority of the clan, Shuanzi is my grand-nephew, and I don't let him work for nothing. I'll give him some cloth tickets and industrial tickets every month!"

Mrs. Qiu said angrily.

"Okay, don't waste time, hurry up and call someone, just the one in the east, don't go wrong!"

He Tiantian pointed a finger at herself, "I'm going?"

"If you don't go, do you want me to be an old woman?"

"Okay! Good! I'll go!" Seeing the "arrogant" look of the old lady, He Tiantian knew that the old lady really accepted her and regarded her as her own family.

Pour the water in the bucket into the water tank, He Tiantian put down the bucket, and turned around and walked out of the yard.

After walking 20 to 30 meters, I came to the nearest house.

"Brother Shuanzi, is Brother Shuanzi here?"

He Tiantian thought, Mrs. Qiu said that Shuanzi was her grand-nephew, and she could still help the old man, so she should be a young man.

She didn't want to call people's names directly, so she added a big brother.

"Who! Who is outside?"

A male voice greeted him while shouting.

"My name is Banxia, ​​and I live at Grandma Qiu's house now. There's no water at home. Grandma Qiu asked me to ask you a favor!"

In front of outsiders, He Tiantian didn't call him "old lady", but called Grandma Qiu.

It's more cordial.

"Oh, so it's you!"

Contrary to what He Tiantian had guessed, Shuanzi was not an honest and loyal young man.

In his thirties, he looks like a second-rate boy in the countryside...

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