The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and thirteenth chapter emergency remedial tasks (10)

In love with, the heroine took the villain script

The person in front of him is very different from the image he guessed.

He Tiantian was not too surprised.

Her smile was the same, sweet and distant.

"Brother Shuanzi, Grandma Qiu—"

He Tiantian saw the person and was about to repeat what he just said.

Shuanzi has already looked up and down He Tiantian.

As soon as he saw the fair-skinned and beautiful little girl, his eyes instantly lit up.

It's not lust or any intention, but human instinct.

There is no way, whether it is a man or a woman, there is the attribute of Yan control in the bones.

When you see beautiful things, your subconscious eyes glow.

And Shuanzi looked at He Tiantian's eyes, only admiration, not evil.

This is also one of the main reasons why He Tiantian can maintain a smile.

"Okay! I see, I'll go fetch water for the third grandma!"

Shuan interrupted He Tiantian's words. He raised his foot and lifted the heel of the shoe he was stepping on.

Then, without waiting for He Tiantian to say anything, he walked straight towards Mrs. Qiu's house.

Seeing this, He Tiantian hurriedly followed.

There was almost no communication between the two.

Shuan took a few steps, walked into the yard, and picked up a pole and a wooden barrel.

As for the water sprinkled around the tank, and the pitiful layer of water at the bottom of the tank, he didn't seem to see it.

Seeing Shuanzi working, Mrs. Qiu didn't say much.

It was a deal between her and Shuan—

Shuanzi did some manual work for her, such as fetching water and chopping wood, and she "exchanged" Shuanzi for some cloth tickets, meat tickets or industrial tickets.

No money, but bills are worth more than money these days.

Moreover, "free" work for the martyrs is definitely a plus.

If it spreads out, Shuan Zi's reputation will be much better.

This is also one of the main reasons why he is clearly a well-known lazy and second-rate person in the advance brigade, but the brigade captain and the village chiefs of each village do not care too much.

Mrs. Qiu refused to admit that she asked Shuanzi to work for her, not because the two families were relatives who just came out of the fifth service, nor because she saw that Shuanzi was an orphan, so she took care of it!

Well, there is no kinship, let alone her bad intentions.

She is a stubborn, hard-hearted, lonely old lady!

When He Tiantian entered, Shuan Zi had already left the yard with an empty bucket.

He Tiantian hurriedly turned sideways and let others pass.

The embolism is not a strong physique, but it is not too thin.

The key is that his white skin does not look like a honest and down-to-earth peasant.

Moreover, aside from his condescending temperament, this man's appearance is quite good.

It just doesn't quite conform to the current mainstream aesthetics: ahem, that is, it is not a angular face with a Chinese character, but a more delicate oval face.

There is no sword eyebrows and star eyes, but there are some shadows of the little fresh meat of later generations.

Of course, Shuanzi is not a mother, but it is not as masculine as today's people.

He Tiantian dares to bet that this person must have a story!

However, He Tiantian did not have the time to gossip.

She didn't even ask Mrs. Qiu curiously.

Talking right and wrong behind his back is definitely not in line with He Tiantian's character, and it is also very unkind.

Mrs. Qiu was ready to ask He Tiantian, but unexpectedly, the little stinky girl did not speak.

Mrs. Qiu glanced at He Tiantian, seeing that she was not pretending, but really didn't care.

The old man couldn't help but look at He Tiantian a little higher——

Don't chew your tongue behind your back,

The little girl's character is very good!

Carrying water and chopping wood is a problem, so He Tiantian doesn't have to suffer from this.

She took Mrs. Qiu's food bowl, and while asking what to do, she chopped up wild vegetables.

"Chop up some more and grab two more handfuls of bran. The eggs at home can be counted on these two chickens, as well as those few ducks and geese."

Mrs. Qiu saw that He Tiantian was not working, and her face was full of disgust.

However, if the juniors do not do well, there is room for the elders to "play".

Mrs. Qiu really enjoyed the feeling of this kind of discipline.

The key is that the little stinky girl is obediently aware of being scolded by her, and she is not angry, but instead agrees obediently and actively corrects it!


This sense of achievement is even more satisfying.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Qiu, He Tiantian finally mixed the chicken.

Then, the old lady taught He Tiantian how to feed the chickens and how to pick up eggs without being cut by the chickens.

"Hey, you little stinky girl, how did your master raise you when you were in the mountains?"

Mrs. Qiu was very satisfied with this feeling, but the words she said were not very pleasant.

She all said in a murmur: "Teaching you to work is more tiring than letting my old lady do it herself-"

"Old lady, it's really hard for you! But don't worry, although I'm not very good at work, I will study hard!"

He Tiantian didn't care about the old man's dislike at all, and continued to coax Mrs. Qiu like a child.

"Hmph, I know how to say nice things! If I knew you couldn't even feed a chicken, I wouldn't let you work to pay for the house!"

"Old lady, what do we have for breakfast?"

He Tiantian let the old lady ramble, and then changed the topic directly.

"What else can I eat? I just ate the stewed chicken yesterday, and I have some chicken soup left, or make some noodles."

Mrs. Qiu spoke in a vicious voice, and she disliked He Tiantian's gluttony inside and out.

"Oh, it's our old lady who knows how to hurt people the most. White noodles, not everyone can afford it."

He Tiantian's face was moved, and she was acting like a spoiled child while holding Mrs. Qiu's arm.

Mrs. Qiu is used to being alone, how can she endure such coquettish anger and crookedness?

Her body was a little stiff.

With a straight face, Mrs. Qiu wanted to pull away He Tiantian's little paws, but she didn't dare to exert too much force.

He just kept saying, "Who hurts you? Hmph, white noodles? Think beautifully!"

After saying this, Mrs. Qiu felt a little regretful.

She said it too bluntly, the little girl won't take it seriously, right?

She, she really doesn't care about that little white face, that is, her mouth is habitually unforgiving.

Of course He Tiantian wouldn't care.

She deliberately widened her eyes, her mouth small, and grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Ah? You can't eat white noodles. You don't need white noodles, how do you roll noodles!"

Seeing that He Tiantian was just complaining, but not angry or ashamed, Mrs. Qiu secretly let out a sigh of relief and continued to say evilly, "If it's not pure white noodles, then you can't roll noodles?"

"There is also cornmeal at home, mix it with white flour!"

"Hey!" He Tian responded sweetly.

She knew that this little old lady was a arrogant and soft-hearted arrogant!

He Tiantian hurriedly went to the stove.

I scooped two bowls of white noodles from the noodle bowl in the corner, and a bowl of cornmeal from the grain bag on one side.

Cornmeal this year is not the same as modern cornmeal.

It has not undergone deep processing at all, there are obvious particles, and it will make your throat squeak when you eat it.

However, it is good to have cornmeal, at least not to eat bran.

He Tiantian is very satisfied.

She hummed a little tune and was busy in the stove.

Mrs. Qiu couldn't follow He Tiantian around in the stove, so she sat in the yard.

Looking up, I saw the smoke from the birds coming out of my chimney, and I heard the busy sound of the kitchen and the humming of the young girl.

Suddenly, Mrs. Qiu felt that her monotonous and boring life was a little more colorful.

This yard is no longer a cold, lifeless tomb of the living dead.

Of course, in the past ten years, it is not without the clever and thick-skinned clansmen who came to Mrs. Qiu to show their hospitality.

Work for free, mend clothes for cooking, wash hair and bathe before they come up, all the children and grandchildren can do, these diligent juniors have done it.

But Mrs. Qiu had never softened her heart. She would either drive people out directly, or wait for them to do their jobs, and then give them some money and food, so that the cause and effect was over.

He Tiantian is not the first person to be so "intimate", but she really came to the old lady's heart.

It can only be said that there is still a fate between people.

In addition, He Tiantian is more pure, she really regards Mrs. Qiu as her own elder.

She really wanted to use Mrs. Qiu to gain a foothold in Sujia Village, but they put it all on the spot.

She also said that she and Mrs. Qiu are two lonely people who get together to live together.

Unlike those clansmen who came from home to show their hospitality, they clearly cared about her money and the legacy left by her sons, but they still insisted on showing a "filial piety" appearance!


The grandchildren of direct relatives may not be filial to their grandparents these days, let alone those distant relatives who are separated by several rooms? !

Mrs. Qiu lived in her 70s and experienced many ups and downs. She was clear-sighted, and naturally able to see people through.

"This child Banxia is very good. To be a companion for the old lady, and to find a good family for her in the future, it is also the fate of our grandparents and grandchildren!"

"Hey, if you can have a new wife, you can continue to live with your wife... Oh, how can there be such a good thing!"

"Fortunately, this child is only eighteen this year, and he can wait two years to say kiss. By the way, the third comrade-in-arms in the provincial capital seems to have several sons—"

Madam Qiu was thinking in a mess.

On the other side, Shuan picked up a few back and forth, filling the two large water tanks.

"Third grandma, today's work is done!"

Shuan lifted up his shirt and wiped his sweat.

Mrs. Qiu is illiterate, but she can count.

She saw that Shuanzi didn't leave as usual, but stood there with a smile on his face, and she made the calculations secretly in her heart.

have to!

Today is exactly one month.

The old lady didn't hesitate, turned around and went to the East Room.

She took out a small bag wrapped in a handkerchief from the kang cabinet, opened it gently, and found a pile of bills.

She has a subsidy from the county, ten yuan a month and some cloth tickets and other bills.

The old lady makes a living by herself, and she rarely uses these things.

Save some every month.

According to her agreement with Shuanzi, they settle accounts once a month.

Two catties of food stamps, or six taels of meat stamps, or an industrial stamp.

The old lady has never treated Shuan Zi badly, and when she is working, she is very dedicated.

This time Shuanzi didn't ask for any special requests, so Mrs. Qiu gave him two catties of food stamps.

"Grandma San, I'm going to the county today. Do you have anything to buy?"

After receiving the food stamps, Shuanzi said to Mrs. Qiu with a smile.

"Go to the county again?"

Mrs. Qiu opened her mouth and subconsciously wanted to reprimand.

But looking at Shuanzi's dignified appearance, and looking at his patched clothes, thinking of his background, the old lady swallowed it again.

Alas, this is also a poor child.

She lost her parents since she was a child, and lived with her grandmother and uncle.

It's not easy to live under the fence.

Even the grandson of the blood relative, the nephew of the blood relative, cannot withstand the cruel reality.

Shuanzi was obedient when he was a child and worked hard.

However, at the age of 20, the family has not yet told him about his relatives, and his younger cousin has embraced a big fat boy, but he is still alone.

No matter how simple, honest and honest people are, they can't help it.

The embolism went from one extreme to the other, and directly became a famous second-rate in the entire production team.

If I don’t go to work every day, I know to run to the county.

Messing around with a group of fox and dog friends, the Su family's face was about to be disgraced by him.

In the past, the villagers thought him pitiful.

But when he really "fallen", he felt that he deserved it--just such a bastard, no wonder the family didn't care about him!


He doesn't care about the gossip of outsiders.

Because he understood a truth from his uncle and aunt: as long as people are shameless, they can live well!

Just like his uncle, when he treated him harshly, the people in the village talked a lot.

But so what?

The uncle didn't hurt or itch, swallowed the compensation from his parents, sold his house, and the family still lived a good life!

Shuanzi is now imitating his uncle. Outsiders call him a second-rate, call him a bastard, and he doesn't care at all.

Anyway, he lived a good life when he was young, and he didn't need to be a cow or a horse for his uncle and the others——

Even, seeing the uncle, aunt and the others, who were so angry that they were so "jerk", they were so angry that they ascended to heaven, and Shuanzi felt an inexplicable pleasure!

Of course, a bad reputation isn't really without harm.

For example, he is almost thirty years old, but he has not been able to say a daughter-in-law.

There is a lot of money in his small treasury. If he takes it out, it will definitely be enough for him to pay the bride price, build a house, and raise a daughter-in-law.

But outsiders don't believe it.

As long as it is a family who cares for their daughter, they don't want to marry their good girl to a lazy second-rate.

And those who don't care about their daughters and want a high betrothal gift will not choose Shuanzi.

This kid doesn't even have a family, he's almost 30 years old, and he has to rely on his uncle to live.

He didn't go to the ground or work on weekdays. If the uncle was not willing to give him a bite of food, this kid would probably starve to death.

With such a broken house, how can one afford a daughter-in-law?


I have money, really!

I also have a way to make money, really!

However, these words, he can not say!

As a result, it may cause big trouble;

Second, he didn't want to take advantage of the uncle's family!

If you want to drive him out of this second-rate idiot who doesn't work and eats leisurely, there is no door!

At least give him back the yard that uncle swallowed back then.


Hmm, let's spend it together.

Shuanzi felt that his life was pretty good now. He would go home after dinner time. He was a young and middle-aged man in his 30s, and his aunt didn't dare to beat him or scold him like he did when he was a child.

Plus, a bad reputation has its benefits.

Ordinary people who beat their elders must be afraid of the rejection and guidance of outsiders.

But a notorious second-rate, hehe, he does everything normal!

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