The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and sixteenth chapter emergency remedial tasks (13)

In love with, the heroine took the villain script


Whoosh! Whoosh!

A small stone leaps in the forest.

Some sank directly into the grass, and some hit tree trunks and branches, but only missed the target.

He Tiantian was not discouraged and continued to practice.

In a certain world, when she was an archer, even if she had the skills of a master archer, she had to train day after day, year after year.

Now that everything has returned to its original state, He Tiantian can only practice harder.

She walked and cast small stones all the way.

In addition to practicing the accuracy and strength of her hands, she also consciously trained her six senses.

Without inner strength, there is no cultivation method.

Even in martial arts, He Tiantian just remembered the moves. If she wanted to master it again, she needed to practice from scratch.

However, her spirit is strong.

And know how to train the six senses.

He Tiantian slowly followed the method to train her ear, vision, smell, intuition and so on.

At noon in the morning, He Tiantian climbed over the hill and came to the deeper mountain.

She found a large rock and nibbled on a leftover tortilla from last night.

Well, when she went out today, she was ready for a busy day outside.

Not only did I bring food and a kettle for myself, but when I rolled the noodles in the morning, I also made lunch for the old lady by the way.

Mrs. Qiu pressed the post in her heart, but she still didn't have a good tone on her mouth, "Be careful in the mountains, don't run around, if you encounter a wolf, my old lady can't save you!"

"I know you care about me! Don't worry, old lady. I grew up in the mountains, and I'm not afraid of these wolves and tigers!"

He Tian's sweet thanks made Mrs. Qiu uncomfortable again.

The smile lines on He Tiantian's lips deepened: what a lovely little old lady.

When Mrs. Qiu caught He Tiantian's "snickering", her face became more and more embarrassed, and she couldn't help laughing and scolding in her heart: Weird little stinky girl!

He Tiantian nibbled at the tortilla while recalling the scene of getting along with Mrs. Qiu.

Insert a spit: Cornmeal is really rough these days, even if it is mixed with white flour, it is a bit jarring!

He Tiantian could only chew in small mouthfuls, moisten the cold, rough pancake with saliva, and swallow it.

Fortunately, the old lady still has a military kettle left by her son at home. The kettle body is made of aluminum and the outer layer is military green paint.

The lid is black plastic and is attached to the body with a string.

The pot strap is also an army green canvas webbing strap, which can be adjusted to be long or short, and can be worn on the back or shoulders.

He Tiantian carried it on his back, without taking it off, he directly picked up the water bottle, unscrewed the lid, and then he could drink the cold white that he had poured in the morning.

Gudong Gudong took several sips of water, and He Tiantian's stomach instantly felt full.

After screwing on the lid and wiping her mouth, He Tiantian stood up and continued to explore in the mountains.

In the afternoon, luck, oh no, it was the training that paid off.

He Tiantian successfully hit a hare.

The rabbit is quite fat, stuffed into the basket, taking up two-thirds of the volume of the basket.

He Tiantian found another bunch of mushrooms, all of which were ordinary in color and shape.

He Tiantian knew that these were non-toxic oyster mushrooms.

She picked a lot and spread it all on the rabbit.

The back basket was full, but He Tiantian didn't rush back.

Looking up at the sun, the sun was still bright, and looking at the shade of the trees, she deduced that the time was around three o'clock.

He Tiantian estimated the time for the return trip,

I think I can go further.

Carry the bamboo basket on your back, hold the stone in one hand and the bamboo pole in the other.

Bamboo poles sweep through the grass to drive out snakes, insects, etc. that may appear.

The stones are used to continue the practice, shooting "suspicious" targets at any time.

Unfortunately, no wild animals were encountered.

Just when He Tiantian felt that today's "good luck" was exhausted and wanted to go back, the corner of her eye swept across a field of grass——

Huh? This is? !

"Ginseng? You dug this up from the mountains?"

"It's just a little bit smaller, and the year shouldn't be too long."

Mrs. Qiu is indeed an old lady who has seen the world.

When she saw He Tiantian taking out a "small radish" wrapped in fresh bark from the basket like a baby, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Well, it is estimated that thirty or forty years, less than fifty years!"

He Tiantian has lost her medical skills, but she still has the common sense to identify herbal medicines.

There will also be some simple methods of concocting herbs.

She is going to concoct this wild ginseng, and then take it to the county to sell it.

"You little stinky girl, you are lucky!"

Madam Qiu looked at the ginseng and then at the fat hare, and couldn't help but admire.

"Hey, old lady, you are lucky. I walked out of the mountains the day before yesterday, and after walking so far, I only hit a small hare."

"I slept with you last night, and I got so much from your old blessings today!"

He Tiantian's rhetoric has definitely reached a certain level.

Coaxing people has reached the point of madness.

Mrs. Qiu was dumbfounded.

She never knew that she had something to do with "luck".

In fact, over the years, she has been secretly pointed at by those around her.

Said she was slaughtered and killed a good man.

She also said that she was kezi, otherwise, why are all three sons gone? !

Even the only granddaughter died unexpectedly!

gram six relatives.

A proper Scorpio Lone Star.

Sometimes, even Mrs. Qiu herself couldn't help but wonder—

Is my wife's life really hard?

Why are all my relatives gone? !

When the "relatives" of her family and her husband's family were arguing about adopting her, some people said sour words——

"You can be careful, this old lady's life is too hard, the child is adopted to her, and she won't live for a few years!"

If it weren't for the policy of these years, those people would not dare to spread feudal superstitions.

Mrs. Qiu will definitely be called a broom star.

Rao is so, everyone is secretly discussing, it is simply not too much.

Today, it was definitely the first time that Mrs. Qiu heard someone praise her for being lucky.

If it wasn't for the understanding of "Panxia", I knew that this child was sweet-mouthed, would coax people, and had no bad intentions.

Mrs. Qiu couldn't help but wonder, was this child deliberately speaking ironically? !

Thinking of this, Mrs. Qiu's expression was a little unsightly.

Inexplicably, the air pressure around the whole person became abnormal.

He Tiantian didn't seem to feel it, and continued with a smile, "I'm not trying to coax you with good words!"

"Old lady, you don't know, when I was on the mountain in the afternoon, I wanted to go back."

"I suddenly think of you, you are good to me, and let me use cooking to pay for food, but I can't really lick my face and eat free food!"

"You also said that the Shuanzi next door has a connection in the county. I just thought, if I can find wild ginseng, I can ask Big Brother Shuanzi to help me replace it with food and meat—"

"And guess what? I turned my head and saw a few leaves with a small red flower on top. I dug it out and took a look. Isn't it ginseng?"

He Tiantian said something real.

She wasn't all lying either, just exaggerating a little.

And all the credit goes to Mrs. Qiu.

Mrs. Qiu:  …

Annoyed and funny, this little stinky girl is coaxing her as a child.

However, in the bottom of her heart, the old lady was still a little moved.

Her life is not good, and her temperament is even worse. She is the most unpopular old lady in the countryside.

All the children in the village walked around her.

It is estimated that in the hearts of these children, her old lady Qiu is no different from grandma wolf and old monster.

Even when the children grow up, they will not be too close to Mrs. Qiu.

Young people, with thin skin, can't stand Mrs. Qiu's vicious tongue at all.

And those who are older, care about "keliu relatives, broom stars"...

There are definitely objective and subjective reasons for Mrs. Qiu's loneliness.

Only this little stinky girl in front of her doesn't despise herself and is willing to make up nonsense to coax her.

Knowing that this little girl is cunning and a villain, and maybe she still has the intention to use her, Mrs. Qiu couldn't help but want to "get into the trap".

"Bah! Just know nonsense."

"If you really think I'm a child, if you say something nice, I'll believe it?"

Mrs. Qiu sternly reprimanded.

He Tiantian heard her "insincere words".

"Who said you were a child? I said it all, you are the ancestor of our family!"

"By the way, Old Ancestor, come and see, how should this hare eat? Stewed mushrooms, or spicy fried?"

He Tiantian deliberately played tricks, and Mrs. Qiu's serious mask was about to crack.

"What do I see? I said it all, it's up to you to cook! Why, you little stinky girl, do you want to be lazy?"

Mrs. Qiu tried her best to keep her wicked appearance.

He Tiantian didn't care at all, she hurriedly shook her head, and said obediently, "No! I'm not trying to be lazy. I just wanted to ask you if you have anything to avoid!"

"Hmph, the Zhuang family, it's good to have enough to eat. Back then, when it was difficult, I even gnawed on the bark of a tree!"

"Still taboo? That is, you kids who haven't endured hardship are so hypocritical! Let me see, it's just that you're less hungry!"

Mrs. Qiu is indeed an older generation, and when she opens her mouth, she "thinks of the past".

He Tiantian was not impatient at all, but asked curiously, "Old lady, have you ever eaten tree bark? Can you eat it? How can you eat it!"

Mrs. Qiu choked.

Did this little stinky girl do it on purpose? !

The grandparents and grandchildren talked and laughed, one cursed, the other coaxed, and the atmosphere was incomparably harmonious.

In the huge yard, there was finally laughter and hilarity.

Fortunately, the old lady was far away from her neighbors, so no one would climb the wall.

It won't attract neighbors' peeps because of laughter and noise, let alone worry about killing a hare or stewing meat at home, which will attract the attention of neighbors.

After concocting good ginseng, He Tiantian came to deal with this rabbit again.

The old lady Qiu was holding the sole of the shoe, and she was working on the surface, but she was really looking at He Tiantian busy.

There was a tinkling noise in the stove, and the smoke from the chimney curled up.

Mrs. Qiu's heart also became alive.

When He Tiantian was busy, he did not forget to chat with Mrs. Qiu:

"By the way, old lady, I went to see the captain today. He said that I should learn to recognize herbal medicine. If I can learn to see a doctor, he can also arrange for me to be a hygienist!"

Hearing the captain, Mrs. Qiu's smile subsided slightly.

Then, she secretly sighed and said slowly, "Changshun, although he is a little selfish, he is not bad in general!"

It's just that things were too turbulent back then, and she didn't go back to Qiujiaping for many years.

There are also some criticisms of Qiu Changshun, the captain.

Because Mrs. Qiu could never forget that Qiu Changshun relied on being the captain and "reminds" her overtly and secretly that if she wants to adopt or adopt a child, she should choose from "my own family"!


Shit's own family!

These people, said to be her family relatives, were actually staring at the pension that her son had exchanged for his life.

He was clamoring for her to be her grandson, but he secretly disliked her for being hard-hearted and forgiving six relatives!

At that time, Mrs. Qiu had just lost her only granddaughter, and she had to face the persecution of her husband's family and her parents' family.

She collapsed immediately and made a scene on the spot.

The scene was very chaotic, and everyone was scolded by the old lady Qiu.

Even Qiu Changshun was not spared.

They are the captains of the three villages.

But Mrs. Qiu spit it on her face, she lost all her dignity and dignity!

If it weren't for Gu Nian, Mrs. Qiu was a martyr, her son's comrades would send her things every year, and they would come to visit her during the festivals. Mrs. Qiu might have been crowded out by the entire production team.

It has gotten better over the years, and Qiu Changshun also "rewarded" the embolism for taking care of Mrs. Qiu.

However, Mrs. Qiu always had a thorn buried in her heart.

She and those people are destined to be unable to reconcile in this life.

"Just listen to what he said!"

Hygienists are not so good.

All three villages are staring at it.

"Banxia", an outsider, although it may be a local person, will still be treated differently by everyone.

"However, it is indeed a way for you to learn to see a doctor!"

Mrs. Qiu woke up from her memory and looked at He Tiantian who was busy in front of the stove.

After pondering for a moment, he said slowly, "Well, you can go somewhere with me later!"

He Tiantian's heart skipped a beat.

go somewhere?

Could it be that the old lady wants to help her learn art from a teacher?

But Sujia Village is a remote small mountain village, and there is only one barefoot doctor in the three villages.

and many more--

There is another place, indeed, hiding the dragon and crouching tiger.

He Tiantian probably had a guess, but didn't show it.

She was still naive.

The rabbit was stewed neatly, sprinkled with a handful of vermicelli, and side dishes such as mushrooms and peppers.

Lift the lid of the pot, and with the steaming white heat, there is also the fragrance that hits the skull.

"Let's not eat it first, you can take out a bowl, then take two corn tortillas and put them in the basket together!"

The old lady Qiu stood in the hands, directing them one by one.

Then, taking advantage of the night, the grandfather and grandson went out, bypassed the village, and came to the brigade on the other side.

There are warehouses for the production brigade, barns, and educated youth spots.

Mrs. Qiu led He Tiantian straight to the barn.

"You don't bring anything! I don't need it!"

"I don't understand what you said, I don't know anything, you go!"

As soon as he entered the barn, he heard a hoarse but determined voice.

After a while, a young and slender figure left the barn dodgingly with something.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows: Oh Huo, "a fellow man"?

It's just that this person has been rejected, can he succeed in apprenticeship?

"What are you still doing, hurry up!"

However, Mrs. Qiu didn't seem to see the figure flashing quickly on the side road. After urging He Tiantian, she tipped her feet into the bullpen...

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