The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and seventeenth chapter emergency remedial tasks (14)

In love with, the heroine took the villain script

The old lady Qiu entered the bullpen.

He Tiantian lowered her head, like a well-behaved little granddaughter, following closely behind.

Although she didn't raise her head to look at anyone, she still looked around through the corners of her downcast eyes.

In the humble cowshed, three people lived.

They are all old men in their 50s and 60s.

They have gray hair, dark complexions, and thin bodies.

One of them, wearing black-rimmed glasses with a lame leg, sat cross-legged on a pile of hay.

"Huh? Is that you?"

The man saw Mrs. Qiu, although he was surprised, he was not too surprised, and said hello casually.

"It's not me or who?"

Mrs. Qiu said angrily.

That person also seemed to be used to the choking way of speaking of Mrs. Qiu.

After Mrs. Qiu said the sentence just now, she did not continue to say more, but directly took out the hare stewed mushrooms and corn paste pancakes from the basket carried by He Tiantian.

"Haha, it really is stew, I just asked for a scent!"

The speaker was another old man with a visible scar on his forehead.

He looked grim, but he was optimistic and funny.

"There are also mushrooms and vermicelli. My favorite is the vermicelli soaked in broth. Tsk, it tastes better than meat!"

The scarred old man continued to speak, and when he spoke, he was obviously swallowing saliva.

"Eat as you like!"

The old man with glasses at the beginning did not have the bluntness of rejecting that person just now.

He got up and found three pairs of chopsticks, handed them to the other two partners, and then ate a piece of meat and a piece of cake.

The scarred old man was not polite, he took the chopsticks and ate it fiercely.

As he said, he really likes to eat vermicelli.

Suck yo yo, the old man eats extra sweet.

The remaining old man hesitated for a moment.

He was not sure what Mrs. Qiu was here for.

... However, all the hesitations were no match for the greedy worms in the stomach.

Soon, he also joined the fray.

With a bowl of meat dishes and seven or eight pastries, the three of them quickly ate all the soup.

The old man with glasses wiped his greasy mouth, burped happily, and then looked at Mrs. Qiu.

He said carelessly, "Tell me, what's the matter with me? Is it uncomfortable again?"

As he spoke, he looked up and down.

Um? The old lady looks pretty good.

Although still small, it seems to be more energetic.

Not like being sick.

The old man with glasses asked directly, and Mrs. Qiu was not ambiguous.

She pulled He Tiantian in one hand and said to the old man with glasses, "This is my granddaughter, she wants to study medicine, teach her!"

The old man with glasses blurted out, "She also wants to study medicine?"

A good "also" word.

It seems that the person who was kicked out with something just now was indeed a "common man".

Not only do I want to find a boss in the bullpen, but my goal is medical skills.

Mrs. Qiu also heard Ji Feng in this sentence.

She didn't care, but said sternly, "We have always been a fair trade. If you eat my meat, you will teach my granddaughter to learn skills!"

Old Man with Glasses:  …

He touched the slightly raised belly, and then looked at the little girl with low eyebrows.

He regretted a little.

Alas, I shouldn't have eaten everything without asking.

In fact, his "deal" with Mrs. Qiu in the past has always been,

He helped Mrs. Qiu see a doctor, and Mrs. Qiu helped him get some food or quilts.

The more times the two have contacted each other, the more they have a tacit understanding.

This time, the old man with glasses also thought that Mrs. Qiu was uncomfortable, so—

How did he know that this was actually here to ask his granddaughter to apprentice.


The old man with glasses subconsciously rejected.

There are a lot of very bad memories in my mind.

He really wished he couldn't spit it out, and then just like before, he justly drove people out.


The food has been eaten in the stomach, and then spit it out, what does it look like?

The old man with glasses was annoyed and frustrated.

But Mrs. Qiu didn't seem to see the tangled appearance of the old man with glasses.

She turned her head and said to He Tiantian, "Little stinky girl, this is Jiang Yaohua, a famous old Chinese medicine doctor in our provincial capital. I heard that my ancestors also had imperial doctors."

"If you want to learn medicine, call your master quickly! Didn't you see the apprenticeship ceremony I prepared for you, but Doctor Jiang accepted it?"

He Tiantian hurriedly bowed to the old man with glasses, namely Jiang Yaohua, "I have seen Master Banxia!"

Jiang Yaohua:  …

He glanced at He Tiantian, um, he was a pure and innocent child.

The main thing is that his eyes are clean and smart, but he is a good seedling.

Much better than the girl just now.

Just the one just now, with respectful words in his mouth, but there is always a sense of superiority.

She concealed it so well that ordinary people probably wouldn't be able to see it.

Jiang Yaohua is different. He has experienced ups and downs in life, betrayed and helped.

It is now at its lowest point.

In the past few years in the countryside, he hadn't learned his skills, but he had trained his eyes to be more vicious!

Whether it's a human or a ghost, he can see it at a glance.

However, he doesn't want to teach the good seedling.

Jiang Yaohua was really frightened. The one who betrayed him back then was an apprentice he was optimistic about.

It's just that the old lady Qiu was right. He coughed, "worshiping the teacher" or something, he has already eaten it.

If you want to go back now, you need to compensate others as they are.

"...Don't be in a hurry to call the master. I'll make a list of books for you. You can find a way to get them together and memorize them. Then come back to me!"

Jiang Yaohua couldn't refuse directly, so he simply came to "advance by retreat".

He said a long list of titles in one breath.

Mrs. Qiu's face became a little ugly. She is a fox of thousands of years, who can't see it——

Old man Jiang is deliberately setting up a problem, trying to scare away "Panxia".

At that time, whether Pinellia couldn't find all of these books or memorized the contents of the books, she would not be able to do so.

It's not that Jiang Yaohua is unwilling to teach!

This dead old man, still, really——

Madam Qiu's stomach started to burn, and she was about to have a seizure.

I heard He Tiantian say, "Okay! Master! I know!"

He Tiantian knew that Jiang Yaohua did deliberately make things difficult for He Tiantian to retreat.

However, learning Chinese medicine does require basic knowledge to lay a solid foundation.

He Tiantian studied in the systematic learning space. At that time, she also memorized Tangtou Song first, and then a series of classics such as Qianjin Fang, Tang Materia Medica, and Compendium of Materia Medica.

Identify herbs, memorize prescriptions, and wait until these foundations are solid, and then start practicing skills such as seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting with the master.

He Tiantian is going to start learning again now, and naturally he has to follow the fixed procedure, step by step.

Endorsement is the first step and the most important foundation.

Therefore, she didn't think that Mr. Jiang was deliberately embarrassing her. This was a process she had to go through to learn medical skills.

Seeing He Tiantian's serious look, Mrs. Qiu was not at all embarrassed or confused.

She knows that this little stinky girl is fine, and she probably has a plan in her heart.

In this case, Mrs. Qiu did not settle accounts with Jiang Yaohua.

"Okay, since it's settled, let's do it!"

Mrs. Qiu is a straightforward person, and she no longer hesitates when she decides.

Asking Jiang Yaohua to report the long list of book titles again, she asked He Tiantian, "Little stinky girl, have you written it all down?"

What a sweet dessert head.

She already knew some traditional Chinese medicine books, and the list of books listed by Jiang Yaohua was only professionally and systematically expanded.

He Tiantian memorized it all.

"That's good! Let's go!"

Madam Qiu turned around and walked out of the bullpen.

"Master, let's go!"

He Tiantian said goodbye politely, and then hurried to catch up with Mrs. Qiu.

Under the cover of the night, the grandparents and grandchildren quietly returned to the village.

The dishes in the cauldron were no longer so hot, but they were still warm.

He Tiantian hurriedly set the table and served the food.

"Old lady, how did you meet this doctor Jiang?"

After eating, He Tiantian started to gossip.

Mrs. Qiu was like He Tiantian, "You little stinky girl don't like to gossip behind your back!"

"Old lady, what you said is inappropriate!"

He Tiantian smiled with frowning eyebrows and raised a tender finger like green onion, "First, I didn't secretly ask you in person."

Then, she raised another middle finger, "Second, you are not an outsider, you are my family, I am asking you this, not to find out secrets, but to care about you and to understand you!"

Mrs. Qiu was slightly stunned.

In my mind, I couldn't help recalling the pictures of their mother and son sitting together and gossiping when the sons hadn't sacrificed yet.



Between family members, it is natural to know more.

When her sons got married, she also secretly went to inquire about the situation of other girls.

This is not to talk about, but from the care of the family!

Mrs. Qiu's heart was touched again.

But she still didn't want to show her vulnerable side, and continued to keep her face straight, "Hmph, you know that you are slick!"

"Hey, old lady Shengming, I just ate rabbit meat, and my mouth is really oily!"

He Tiantian licked her face, smiling innocently and brilliantly.

Mrs. Qiu rolled her eyes, but in the end she couldn't hold back, and was amused by He Tiantian's small appearance.

After laughing, Mrs. Qiu did not forget the main topic. She thought about it and said, "That year, I went to the back mountain to pick up firewood and accidentally fell."

"It just so happened that the old man Jiang passed by, he was very hesitant, but he finally rescued me!"

"Afterwards, I learned that he is a great Chinese medicine practitioner, and he also knew that I sent all three sons to the battlefield."

After so many years, Mrs. Qiu has come out of the shadow of "bereavement".

She could calmly mention the sacrifices of her three sons.

"I have more money on hand, and Shuanzi helps me, so I occasionally give old man Jiang some food, cotton, or urgently needed medicines."

"And the old man Jiang will give me a pulse and see a doctor!"

Mrs. Qiu has been alone for more than ten years, and her body has not completely collapsed, thanks to Jiang Yaohua, a famous doctor.

"So this is ah!"

He Tian Dessert nodded.

The old lady and Jiang Yaohua have been in friendship for several years, and they can be considered happy "cooperation".

Therefore, even Jiang Yaohua of Cup Bow Snake Shadow was not too defensive about Mrs. Qiu.

Not like the girl from before.

That's right, just now next to the bullpen, although some distance away.

He Tiantian's eyesight was not as perverted as when she had internal strength, but she still vaguely saw something.

Without looking at anything else, just looking at the slender figure, He Tiantian dared to conclude that it must be a woman.

In addition, she also saw that when the girl turned around, the two big braids flicked.

He Tiantian decided that the other party was very young, at least not married.

Because according to the rules of the countryside, when a girl gets married, girls have to tie up their hair.

Or tie it into a big braid.

That girl is wearing two cotton and hemp braids.

Nor did she walk like a married woman with children.

Therefore, He Tiantian made a rough guess about this person's situation——

Those who advance to the production brigade, young unmarried girls;

She knew that Jiang Yaohua was a famous doctor and wanted to learn from a teacher.

What's more, she can "predict" the future, knowing that Jiang Yaohua and the others will be able to return to the city in a few years!

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, very good, she can initially target the wild writers!

"Old man Jiang is a good guy, but he was scared out of his wits. He didn't dare to reveal his true abilities easily, for fear of getting into big trouble again!"

"However, he has real skills. As soon as he relaxes, you should study hard!"

The words that Mrs. Qiu said immediately further proved He Tiantian's guess.

Jiang Yaohua is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and the people in the advance brigade do not know.

It is estimated that only one old lady Qiu knows the details.

This is also a coincidence.

And that young girl, why did she come to apprentice or invest in advance?

Ha ha!


He Tiantian's mood instantly cheered up.

Once she finds her goal, she can do her job better!

Moreover, aside from the wild writers, just being able to worship a good teacher and learn a skill professionally and systematically is a great thing for her.

He Tiantian was full of joy from the inside out.

Mrs. Qiu was infected, and until she fell asleep, she lay on the bed with the corners of her mouth raised upwards.

The next day, early in the morning.

Shuanzi hadn't returned from the county, his little brother Goudaner came running to fetch water and firewood for Mrs. Qiu.

He Tiantian went to feed the chickens and cook.

Just like yesterday, He Tiantian not only made breakfast, but also prepared lunch for the old lady in advance.

As for her, she continued to fill a pot of water and took two steamed sanhe noodle buns.

"Old lady, I'll go to the mountains again!"

There are more than a dozen books on the book list given by Jiang Yaohua. Even if you go to the waste recycling station to collect them, it will cost a lot of money.

Maybe you have to find Shuanzi, through the black market and other means, to get the books together.

Money, can not be less!

A wild ginseng is less than fifty years old, and if you sell it, it will cost only a few dozen yuan at most, which is far from enough.

He Tiantian also needs to find a way to make money.

Mrs. Qiu is very mature, so she understands He Tiantian's thoughts.

She nodded, "Be careful, money is more important, people are more important!"

"Hey! Got it! You always pay more attention at home. What's the job, don't fight it yourself, wait for me to come back!"

He Tiantian put the basket on her back and repeatedly explained to Mrs. Qiu.

Under the impatient white eyes of the old man, He Tiantian left with a smile.

After leaving Sujia Village, He Tiantian did not rush up the mountain, but took a detour to Qiujiaping.

She didn't forget that today is a big day for the male and female protagonists to meet...

------off topic-----

Dear, monthly pass, monthly pass, e=e=e=

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