The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and eighteenth chapter emergency remedial tasks (15)

In love with, the heroine took the villain script

"Gu Yu, why are you still wearing this dress? Didn't I make you a new dress?"

Mother Qiu worked in the kitchen all morning, and took time to run to see her daughter, only to find that the child was still wearing her usual clothes.

He was all grey and had visible patches on his knees and elbows.

His hair was neatly combed, but there was no rouge on his face.

Oops, what the hell is going on with this kid?

No new clothes, no rouge?

Does she still remember what day it is?

People from the Huo family came to propose marriage at noon, although this marriage was already a certainty.

However, if the girl is too careless, it will make her mother-in-law unhappy.

At that time, it will be your own children who will suffer.

Mother Qiu muttered in her mouth, but her hands kept going, and she dug out a newly-made red gown and a pair of black trousers from Qiu Guyu's kang cabinet.

"Change it! Hurry up! They'll be here later!"

Mother Qiu threw her clothes on the bed, and then began to play with rouge again.

Tsk tsk, just such a small box cost her nearly a dollar. These days, a pound of pork is only 80 cents.

This bit of rouge is enough to buy a pound of pork!

Mother Qiu recalled the makeup of the salesperson in the county department store in her mind. She carefully dipped her rouge on her face, and reached out to draw Qiu Guyu two red cheeks.

Qiu Guyu hurriedly flashed past.

For the past few days, she has been recalling that dream.

Aside from the bad memories of her own life in the dream, the development of the whole society and the rich material enjoyment really made her extremely novel and eager.

It turned out that China, thirty years later, is so prosperous.

People no longer have enough food and clothing, no food stamps and meat stamps. As long as they are willing to work, they will be able to eat and wear warmly and have meat.

There are also those full-featured home appliances, as well as those dazzling clothes and cosmetics!

Before he knew it, Qiu Guyu had already believed all the things in his dreams and began to accept those new things.

It's not that she's not firm enough, it's just that the dream is too real.

In retrospect, the details were still clear.

It's not like she had a dream, it's more like she has experienced a life and then started all over again!


It was a word she knew in a dream.

Her dream seemed to have brought her back to life.

With these experiences, Qiu Guyu was a little uncomfortable with everything now.

For example, the red gown her mother made for her is a cheesy red, and the style is very old.

Wearing it on the body, not only will it not be very festive, but it looks very earthy.

And that rouge!

Tsk, she also went to the department store in the county.

Everyone praised it as a foreign and good-looking salesman's makeup. In Qiu Guyu's view, it was simply hot eyes.

Rouge smeared all over his face, abrupt and eye-catching, just like a monkey's butt.

And the mouth that was so red that it was outrageous, as if it had eaten a dead child.

Oh yes, and the black-burned matchsticks painted into the caterpillar's eyebrows, it's really hard to describe.

If it wasn't for that dream, she would have felt that those salespeople were very foreign, just like her mother.

But she had a dream of "future", Qiu Guyu really couldn't accept those clothes and makeup!

"You bastard, what are you hiding! Hurry up and put on your rouge!"

"...such an expensive thing,

I finally bought it, you still dislike it? You girl, what are you trying to do? "

Mother Qiu finally found out that something was wrong with her daughter.

She took the rouge box and tossed it for a while, but she just couldn't put it on her daughter.

She couldn't help listening, and looked up and down at Qiu Guyu. Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and blurted out, "Gu Yu, are you not happy with the Huo family's marriage?"

At first, she asked her daughter.

Although the girl did not nod her head, she did not refuse.

Mother Qiu knew that she was really aggrieved to be a stepmother to the three children when she walked in the door.

However, the conditions of the Huo family are good.

The deputy battalion commander in his twenties still has connections at home.

It will definitely go up in the future.

The daughter followed the army. Although the island was a little bit harder, she had Huo Yuanzheng's salary and allowances. The daughter only needed to take care of the family.

No need to go to the ground to work, no need to be exposed to wind and rain, how wonderful!

Even if Huo Yuanzheng becomes a major in the future, he will be able to return to the capital and arrange work.

At that time, her family, Gu Yu, was a serious urbanite.

Isn't it a hundred times better than shaving food in the rural soil? !

Compared with these, the stepmother is nothing!

Isn't it just three children, the eldest is only six years old.

Even if he is not familiar with it, Huo Yuanzheng is not very big, and his daughter will have several children by herself, and she will depend on it in the future.

Mother Qiu and Father Qiu had secretly discussed how many times.

After all the calculations, they all felt that it was best to marry Huo Yuanzheng.

The marriage has been settled. The Huo family came to propose marriage today, but it was just a passing scene to give the woman the dignity she deserved.

At this time, Gu Yu had a face of resistance, what the hell was she thinking? !

"Mom, I-I don't want to be a stepmother!"

Qiu Guyu waited for two days, and finally got the same scene as in the dream——

The Huo family proposes a marriage!

Her own mother also made her a red gown that was rubbish.

Even if Qiu Guyu resisted everything in his dream, he had to think about it.

Perhaps, the ancestors really took pity on her and asked the Bodhisattva specially to give her a warning in a dream.

Moreover, aside from this dream, the original Qiu Guyu was somewhat resistant to being a stepmother.

It's just that she was too sensible and obedient in the past, and was used to letting her elders arrange everything.

The feudal dross of obeying the father at home and the husband at marriage have long been eliminated.

And this concept is still deeply engraved in the bones of the indigenous Qiu Guyu.

She is a tame traditional Chinese woman!

However, everything in the dream is too real and too tragic.

It gave Qiu Guyu, who was not very happy, finally a reason to object.

"I-I haven't given birth to a child myself, and after passing the door, I will be a mother to three children!"

"Mom, I'm afraid! I don't know what to do! As the saying goes, it's hard to be a stepmother. It's not my own, so what I do is wrong!"

Qiu Guyu recalled the scene in his dream, and said sadly, "I'm sure I don't have bad intentions, but people outside don't think so!"

"Let's not talk about outsiders, it's Huo Yuanzheng's mother, my future mother-in-law, who is probably also guarding against me!"

"They've decided that I'm a stepmother and I'm definitely going to abuse my three children."

"The child made a mistake, I don't care, I don't care! No matter what I do, they can pick out the fault!"

"Mom, I, I'm only 19 years old this year. If I go to the island, I will be surrounded by military wives I don't know. They, I—"

The more Qiu Guyu thought about it, the more sad he became, and the more inexplicable fear he felt.

She doesn't want to!

She really didn't want to pay for more than ten years, but she raised three white-eyed wolves, and in the end, she ended up betraying her relatives and being lonely.

"...You child, just talk when you talk, why are you crying?"

Although Mother Qiu was very concerned about the conditions of the Huo family, she was not someone who didn't care about her daughter.

Qiu Guyu is still her first child, and for their husband and wife, this eldest daughter still has some status.

Seeing her daughter's face full of grief and tears falling like broken beads, Mother Qiu felt a little distressed.

"Huo's family, it shouldn't be like this! Your grandfather and Mr. Huo are old friends!"

Qiu's mother was upset, and she found excuses to comfort her indiscriminately.

Just after saying these words, Mother Qiu shook her head secretly.

Grandpa Qiu and Grandpa Huo said they were old friends, but their identities were too unequal.

Over the years, the Huo family has helped the Qiu family a lot.

Eat people with short mouths and take people softly.

It is really difficult for Grandpa Qiu and the entire Qiu family to stand upright in front of the Huo family.

Alas, there is no way, people are poor and short-minded.

The same is true for this marriage.

It stands to reason that Huo Yuanzheng's conditions are not very good.

Even without the "friendship" of the Qiu family, he dragged three children and wanted to find another daughter-in-law, but he could only find it in the countryside.

Qiu Guyu's conditions were absolutely worthy of Huo Yuanzheng.

But when Mother Huo came to Qiu's house, she was still so aloof.

Looking at Qiu Guyu's gaze, it was also critical in looking down.

It was as if marrying the second-married son who had three oil bottles in his own family was a blessing that Qiu Guyu had cultivated in eight lifetimes.

Qiu Guyu should be grateful to Dade, and he should obediently be a bull and a horse for the Huo family!

Huo's mother didn't say it to the public. After all, the identity of the family is here, and it requires at least restraint.

However, the contempt that Mother Huo revealed from her eyes was still very obvious.

Not to mention Qiu Guyu's party, even Qiu's father and Qiu's mother were aware of it.

Although the Qiu family felt awkward, but the reality is like this——

The Huo family is in good condition, and their Qiu family will still count on the Huo family in the future!

In front of Mother Huo, they naturally have no confidence.

Furthermore, Mother Huo was arrogant and arrogant, but she didn't say it clearly, anyway, it gave the Qiu family dignity.

The Qiu family also endured.

At this moment, Qiu Guyu cried and deliberately mentioned Mother Huo.

Qiu's mother also felt uneasy.

Yes, Mother Huo didn't look down on their Guyu.

When Gu Yu passed the door, with three children in between, it was not a simple conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law!

Qiu's mother is also a daughter-in-law, and she will marry a daughter-in-law in the future. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is clear to her!

So, just thinking about it, she can predict everything that her daughter will suffer when marrying into the Huo family.

"But, the marriage has been decided, and they will bring a matchmaker to officially get married at noon-"

Mother Qiu said hesitantly.

She was actually a little shaken.

Just because of the form, I had to continue to persuade my daughter.

Qiu Guyu almost blurted out, "Isn't there Xiaoxue?".

However, her reason and three views finally made her swallow her words.

Do unto others, do not impose on others!

Qiu Guyu knew that he was not some kind of hero who sacrificed others, but he was not a villain who deliberately cheated others.

She felt that the Huo family was a fire pit, and she didn't want to jump in.

Why let someone else do it for her?

"Come to get married, that is, not yet engaged!"

Even if you are engaged, but you don't have a banquet or get a certificate, you can go back on it.

Qiu Guyu made up his mind: "Mom, I don't want to be a stepmother, I, I don't want to marry Huo Yuanzheng!"

She didn't say anything harsh.

But Mother Qiu knew her daughter, she usually looked sensible and obedient, but if she was too stubborn, she would be stubborn and stubborn!

If you are in a hurry, the daughter will not be looking for death, but she will definitely make trouble for today's engagement.

At that time, he really offended the Huo family!

"...You child! You, you, ah!"

Seeing her daughter's quiet but stubborn appearance, Mother Qiu raised her hand and put it down again.

She dropped the rouge box, went out the door in a hurry, went to the field and called Father Qiu back.

The two of them chatted together for a long time.

Father Qiu's face was very ugly, he turned his head to look at Qiu Guyu's closed door, and wanted to rush over and scold him.

Finally, he held back.

"Alas! Children are all debts! They are all debts!"

Father Qiu let out a long sigh, and shrugged his shoulders and ran to find Father Qiu.

Qiu Xiaoxue hid in the backyard, looking like chopping chicken, but in fact, she was eavesdropping with her ears erect.

She heard the movement in the front yard.

Father Qiu came back and went out again. Later, even Grandpa Qiu was called back, and Grandpa Qiu's scolding could be heard from the yard.

"It's done!"

Qiu Xiaoxue clenched her fist.

She dared to conclude that Qiu Guyu must have been frightened by that dream and refused to marry Huo Yuanzheng again.

Perhaps, her cheap cousin wants to exchange with her—

After all, in the dream built by Qiu Xiaoxue for Qiu Guyu, Su Chuangui was the richest man in the provincial capital.

No one will refuse to actively embrace the big golden legs after being able to predict the future.

What if Qiu Guyu is the heroine?

After all, she is a normal person.

And people, regardless of gender, are actually greedy for vanity in their bones.

Knowing that there is a person who will become the richest man in the future, with inexhaustible wealth and high social status, the world will be moved.

It's not about character, it's about human nature.

A sneer flashed in Qiu Xiaoxue's eyes.

She deliberately set up such a plot in her dream.

She wanted to test whether the noble heroine could withstand the temptation of money.

Qiu Xiaoxue was full of anticipation, waiting for a new round of good dramas to be staged.

On Qiu Guyu's side, even in the face of Grandpa Qiu's black face, she was very persistent—

"Grandpa, I know that you are for my good and want me to live a good life, so you deliberately left the Huo family's marriage to me!"

"But I really don't want to be a stepmother. It's not thankful to work hard, and I can't get the report I deserve."

"...I'd rather not marry than marry Huo Yuanzheng!"

Qiu Guyu held her neck and still didn't say anything harsh, but her attitude was very firm.

Grandpa Qiu stared at Qiu Guyu for a long time before he sneered, "Okay! You don't want to! I won't force you either!"

"As long as you don't regret it in the future!"

Their old Qiu family does not have only one granddaughter.

He also has Xiaoxue, who is still a high school student, with better conditions than Gu Yu!

The Huo family just wanted to find a daughter-in-law who would take care of the children and serve the man, not Qiu Guyu!

"I don't regret it! Grandpa, the choice I made was wrong, and I don't regret it!"

When Qiu Guyu saw that his grandfather was finally relieved, his tense nerves eased.

On Qiu Xiaoxue's side, he saw his task progress bar——

Hey, ten percent forward!

It seems that the marriage between the male lead and the female lead was successfully torn off by her!

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