The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters emergency remedial tasks (20)

"Not good! Zhao Zhiqing is cutting his ankle with a sickle!"

"Oh! Captain, come quickly!"

"...What's the matter with Zhao Zhiqing? Can you cut your own feet when you cut wheat?"

"My God, why is there so much blood? Wow, don't, don't let anything happen again!"

"And! It's strange enough to cut the wheat to the feet. What else can happen?"

"Oh, you fool, I can't even tell you!"

Everyone was chatting with each other.

And quickly formed a group at the scene of the incident.

They will be like this, and they are really curious and want to watch the fun.

Second, it is also taking the opportunity to be lazy and take a breath.

It is said that Xia Shou is the most tiring. The sweat drips down from the hot people, and the sharp wheat awns will stab people into pain.

I have to bend down and work hard all day to harvest. When I look up, my whole person is dizzy.

It can be said that even the most authentic old farmers will have a headache when it comes to summer harvest.

And those educated youths from the city, not to mention, all of them gritted their teeth and held on, wishing they could pour themselves directly into the wheat field.

Now, if he didn't fall down and someone was injured, they all came to "help".

Qiu Changshun saw the chaos in the wheat field, and the people who were working also joined in the fun, and the fire in his stomach rose up!

There was also the injured female educated youth, the blood was rushing out, which made Qiu Changshun's heart skip a beat.

There was so much blood that he might have cut a blood vessel and sent it to the health center. Even at the level of the barefoot doctor, he probably couldn't stop it.

Have to send it to the county.

However, their advance production brigade was more than a hundred miles away from the county seat.

With such a bloodshed method, Zhao Zhiqing's blood may be drained when he arrives at the place.

By the time--

Qiu Changshun usually disliked these educated youths, but he never thought of letting them "disappear".

Moreover, if the educated youth had an accident in his production team, even if it was an accident, it had nothing to do with him, and his team leader would also be implicated!

Various thoughts flashed through Qiu Changshun's mind quickly, and his face became more and more embarrassed.

"It's all scattered! Leave two people to help, and the others continue to work!"

"Hurry up and find a towel or clothes to block the wound!"

"...lift Zhao Zhiqing to the ridge first—"

Qiu Changshun's face was gloomy, and he made arrangements one by one.

He has been in the brigade for more than ten years, and he still has a lot of power in the advance brigade.

And once he sank his face, like that, all the members who joined in the fun and were lazy all woke up.

Everyone knew that the captain was really in a hurry and didn't dare to hold on to the tiger's beard. If he became a punching bag, wouldn't it be too unfair?

The crowd clattered and dispersed,

The two male educated youths who were physically stronger and had been in the advance team for a long time obeyed Qiu Changshun's arrangement.

One lifted his upper body, the other hugged his legs, and quickly lifted Zhao Zhiqing, whose trousers were covered in blood, onto the ridge.

"Captain! The wound is so deep that two pieces of towel are wet, so it can't be blocked!"

The person talking was a man in his thirties. He had dark skin and a face of vicissitudes. He was no different from an old farmer working in the fields.

The only difference is that he wears black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

His name is Liu Zhiyuan, and he was the first educated youth who came to advance the production team. He has been here for more than ten years.

From a high-spirited youth to a middle-aged man whose edges and corners have been erased by society.

From confidence and pride to regret and annoyance.

After more than ten years, he has long since worn out his spirit.

A few years ago, I saw educated youth coming in batches, but almost no one went back.

Liu Zhiyuan knew that he had no hope of returning to the city.

He got married in Qiujiaping and now has two children.

He is the eldest brother in the educated youth, the most stable.

However, seeing Zhao Zhiqing's legs bleeding out at this moment, Zhao Zhiqing's face was bloodless, and he panicked!

One of the towels in his hand belonged to Zhao Zhiqing himself, and the other was contributed by a female educated youth.

But it was all soaked in blood.

For the first time seeing so much blood, Liu Zhiyuan's hands and body were covered with blood, and his hands couldn't help shaking.

Qiu Changshun:  …

The most worrying thing happened.

This has happened to their team before.

It's not that he was cut with a sickle during the summer harvest, but he went hunting in the mountains and accidentally entered the deep mountains.

Encountered a wild boar and was directly slashed in the stomach by its fangs.

The blood is flowing non-stop.

Before they can be sent to the county, the people will be gone!

Although Zhao Zhiqing's injury is not the same as that of the member, but Zhao Zhiqing's bloody appearance is just as bad.

"First, take it to the health center first!"

Gritting his posterior molars, Qiu Changshun squeezed out these few words.

He turned his head, glanced around, and saw Su Chuanxin in the crowd.

"Shuanzi, you often go to the county, and you are familiar with the road. In this way, hurry up to the brigade headquarters to drive the carriage and take Zhao Zhiqing directly to the county hospital!"

Su Chuanxin showed his face in the field when he harvested it in summer.

However, he still finds excuses to be lazy on the ridge.

Something happened at this moment, and Qiu Changshun even caught the strong man, but he did not continue to salt the fish.

He's a second-rate, but he can't see death without help.

"Hey! Captain! I'll go right now!"

Su Chuanxin agreed, then got up and rushed to the brigade.

"Captain, let me try it!"

At this moment, a sweet and soft voice sounded.

"Let you try? You, can you do it?"

Turning his head, Qiu Changshun saw He Tiantian.

He was anxious and angry at the moment, and the anger in his stomach was almost a vent.

If it wasn't for the scruples that there was an old lady Qiu behind He Tiantian, he would almost have regarded He Tiantian as a punching bag.

Even after controlling his temper, Qiu Changshun's tone was still very bad!

He Tiantian didn't seem to see his black face, let alone hear the smell of gunpowder in his words.

"Whether it works or not, I tried it, and you will know!"

He Tiantian's eyebrows and eyes were curved, her expression was natural, and she was not infected by Zhao Zhiqing's serious injury.

Her calmness made Qiu Changshun take a high look.

You know, ordinary girls will definitely be frightened if they see such a scene.

At least not so calm and stable.

This "Panxia", just for this, is a bit like a doctor.

"Besides, the situation is critical now, Zhao Zhiqing's injuries are serious, even if he is sent to the county, can he be safe?"

He Tiantian is not deliberately saying depressing words, but stating the facts.

In fact, Zhao Zhiqing's injury is far less serious.

The Naihe Forward Brigade is a mountain village, with inconvenient transportation and far from the county seat.

Delaying too long on the road will drag the trauma into a fatal injury.

He Tiantian just expressed Qiu Changshun and the worries of everyone present.

Qiu Changshun:  …

He bit his cheek.

This girl is really "upright".

Even if Zhao Zhiqing went to the county, he might not be able to save him.

Although it is true!

"Alright, alright! Just try it!"

Qiu Changshun waved his hand impatiently and asked He Tiantian to try it.

Seeing that Qiu Changshun was no longer blocking her, He Tiantian hurriedly approached.

Zhao Zhiqing was lying on the ground with one leg flat, and the other leg, the upper leg, was slightly bent.

It was his body's subconscious instinct to stop the bleeding.

He Tiantian gently rolled up his trousers for him, revealing a deep wound.

The wound is really deep, and it has drawn into the blood vessels, so it will continue to bleed.

He Tiantian looked for the acupuncture point and pressed it hard.

In fact, the effect of using a silver needle is better.

Unfortunately, in this era, it is not easy to find a perfect pair of silver needles for acupuncture.

Su Chuanxin said to He Tiantian, "I'm going to the provincial capital in a while, and then I'll help you walk around, maybe I can get it!"

Knowing Su Chuanxin's ability, He Tiantian hurriedly smiled and thanked him, not forgetting to remind him, "Brother Shuanzi, you can get the best silver needles, but if you can't get them, don't worry, safety first!"

The two of them, after a "cooperation", became more and more close.

They gradually regarded each other as family.

For example, at this moment, when Qiu Changshun named him just now, Su Chuanxin knew that Pinellia knew acupuncture, and heard that acupuncture could also stop bleeding.

However, he did not take the initiative to mention it, but followed the arrangement of the captain to drive the carriage.

It's not that he doesn't believe in He Tiantian, but he instinctively doesn't want to implicate his family.

Zhao Zhiqing's injury is too urgent. Everyone knows that even if he is sent to the county, he may not be able to survive the mountain road of more than 100 miles.

However, Zhao Zhiqing died on the road, and no one will take responsibility.

It's a surprise, no one wants it.

But once "Panxia" gets her hands on it, if Zhao Zhiqing does anything wrong again, she, a nosy person, will take responsibility!

Su Chuanxin didn't want his sister to take the blame.

"Banxia, ​​why don't you send it to the county. I'll run faster and drive the carriage over!"

Su Chuanxin paused, returned to the front, leaned into He Tiantian's ear, and whispered.

"It's okay, Brother Shuan, I can do it!"

He Tiantian continued to tap the acupuncture points while talking.

He Tiantian must be thankful that this is a novel world, and there are always some "miracles" that are impossible in reality.

In the original plot, a famous folk doctor was also mentioned, acupuncture and moxibustion to stop bleeding, he was superb.

It's just that this genius doctor flashed by in the plot and was not written about.

He Tiantian, he studied with Jiang Yaohua for a month.

She is knowledgeable and knows that Jiang Yaohua's medical skills are very clever.

Even if he is not the genius doctor mentioned in the plot, it should not be much worse.

After all, her master can also stop bleeding with acupuncture!

"Huh? The blood, the blood seems to have stopped."

Liu Zhiyuan exclaimed with surprise and excitement in his tone.

"No, is this little girl really capable?"

There was a lot of discussion.

There are always one or two villagers on the ridge who are lazy by drinking water, going to the toilet, etc.

There are also one or two big-bellied women, who still have to go to the ground, but they will always get a little preferential treatment.

Xia Shou is important, but it is really impossible to treat a pregnant woman who is about to give birth as a horse.

These people came over and watched the fun.

They witnessed the whole process firsthand.

Hearing Liu Zhiyuan's words, everyone endured the discomfort and went to see Zhao Zhiqing's injured leg.

The entire trouser leg was wet with blood, and the shoes were also covered in blood.

At a glance, the dazzling scarlet makes people panic.

They couldn't even see if the bleeding had been stopped.

However, there are other criteria for judging -

Liu Zhiyuan endured the pain and wrapped the half-new towel hanging around his neck around the wound.

The towel was quickly soaked with blood, and then it didn't spread further.

This will cause such a result, it should be that the blood has been stopped.

He Tiantian let out a long sigh and sighed regretfully: "Oh, it would be great if there was a needle, even a steel needle."

"Yes! I have it here!"

The barefoot doctor who received the news came running out of breath.

Carrying a white clinic box with a red cross on his back, he rushed to the front and heard He Tiantian's sigh.

He shouted repeatedly, "I, I have a pair of acupuncture needles."

Saying that, he opened the box and pulled out a small bag from inside.

Gently unfold, it is a row of acupuncture needles.

Seeing this, He Tiantian was very pleasantly surprised, and quickly thanked him, picked up the silver needle, and tied it to Zhao Zhiqing again.

The silver needle is very soft, but He Tiantian's hand is very stable.

The acupuncture point is not bad, and the strength is sufficient.

Zhao Zhiqing's blood was completely stopped!

Seeing this, the barefoot doctor couldn't help but nodded secretly: This little girl really has some skills.

He is in his fifties this year and can't run anymore.

In the three villages of the advance brigade, there may not be many seriously ill patients, but minor illnesses such as colds, fever and bumps occur every day.

He couldn't even care about it.

The barefoot doctor had already made a request to Qiu Changshun: let's find another hygienist in the clinic.

However, their place is too remote, and people outside are not willing to be assigned.

And the people in the three villages really don't have any good seedlings.

That's how things got delayed.

In the heart of the barefoot doctor, he still hopes to have another colleague.

So, seeing a little girl with very good medical skills at this moment, not only will he not be jealous or ostracized, but he is also very happy!

And that's why he helped so enthusiastically and donated all his ancestral acupuncture needles.

Seeing that He Tiantian really had the ability, the barefoot doctor couldn't help being excited.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, and there were still patients at the scene, he would have run to Qiu Changshun and eagerly reminded him—

Captain, it's her!

Let this girl come to the clinic.

The barefoot doctor has been a doctor for 20 to 30 years, and naturally believes in the principle of "taking the patient first".

No matter how excited he was at the moment, he would press it down and start examining Zhao Zhiqing.

Zhao Zhiqing bleeds too much and needs blood.

But the problem is that the conditions of their clinics are poor, and there is no plasma at all.

Not even a few bottles of saline.

The barefoot doctor carefully took out a bottle, clapped the back of his hand, and inserted the needle.

Zhao Zhiqing's situation stabilized slightly, and the barefoot doctor said to Qiu Changshun, "Hurry up and take it to the county hospital."

Whether it is to continue to stop bleeding, suture, or replenish blood and nutrition, the county hospitals are better equipped.

At this time, Su Chuanxin had already rushed over with the carriage.

A few people helped and lifted Zhao Zhiqing up.

Qiu Changshun was still staring at Xia Shou, and it was difficult to leave, so he simply sent Accountant Su to follow.

One, on behalf of the brigade;

Second, it is also convenient to pay for it.

Educated youths don’t have much money, and even if they have money, it may not be enough to go to the hospital.

In the end, the brigade still has to pay in advance.

In this case, it is better to let Accountant Su bring the money directly.

As an old educated youth and a representative of the educated youth point, Liu Zhiyuan also followed.

There is another He Tiantian, cough, she is responsible for pulling the needle...

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