The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters emergency remedial tasks (21)

The swaying carriage ran carefully on the bumpy road.

He Tiantian glanced at Zhao Zhiqing from time to time while looking at the delicate surroundings.

Ahem, mainly the acupuncture needles on his legs and the drip needles on the back of his hands.

The carriage was bumping so badly that He Tiantian was worried that the needles would be misplaced or simply pulled out.

The carriage went all the way, and she watched carefully all the way.

Along with it, He Tiantian's eyes can always inadvertently swept to Zhao Zhiqing's face.

Well, just now I only cared about saving people, and didn't pay attention to what this person looked like.

The most critical moment has passed, and now I am idle again, but He Tiantian can take a closer look at people——

He was in his early twenties, with short hair and fair skin, except for some sunburn and peeling.

Eyes were tightly closed, unable to see the size.

A pair of eyebrows are very thick black.

If you have big eyes, you can say "Jianmei Xingmu".

The bridge of the nose is not too high, but it is not collapsed.

There is no blood in the mouth, but the lip shape is still good, not too big...

Zhao Zhiqing's appearance is not very handsome, nor is he a handsome man admired in this era.

He looks like Zhou Zheng, and he has a bit of a scholar's delicacy.

This appearance is not offensive, just like the big brother next door.

He Tiantian glanced at it, and also felt that this person was not annoying.

Of course, it's really unfair to say "hate" when we meet for the first time and haven't dealt with others yet.

"Zhao Zhiqing, don't worry, we'll be in the county soon!"

Liu Zhiyuan held Zhao Zhiqing's upper body, while Su accounting helped hold the bottle.

Liu Zhiyuan is the eldest brother of the educated youth. Although he got married, he moved out of the educated youth spot.

But he is still quite prestigious among the educated youth.

In addition to his qualifications, the main thing is that he is a kind person and takes great care of the educated youth.

This time Zhao Zhiqing was injured, and he was the most anxious and worried.

and many more!

He Tiantian remained calm, but suddenly found a problem in her heart—

As the big brother, Liu Zhiyuan should have a good relationship with Zhao Zhiqing.

Because the concern on Liu Zhiyuan's face came from the heart.

This, at least, is what a friend looks like.

However, why did he always call each other "Zhao Zhiqing".

Yes, the word educated youth is like a comrade.

In order to show respect, or to greet unfamiliar people, they will use the surname + educated youth to address each other.

The people in the production brigade call the educated youth of the educated youth point like this.

However, if you are familiar with it, you will also call it by name.

Liu Zhiyuan married a girl from Qiu Jiaping and took root in the advance team, but he was still an educated youth in essence.

He is very familiar with the younger generation of the educated youth.

Logically, he should have called Zhao Zhiqing by his first name.

He Tiantian suppressed the doubts and guesses in her heart, and asked casually, "Liu Zhiqing, you must have a good relationship with Zhao Zhiqing, right?"

When Liu Zhiyuan heard the question, he subconsciously replied, "Yes, Zhao and Zhao Zhiqing are both fellow villagers, we are all from the capital—"

Obviously, Liu Zhiyuan paused when he said the word "Zhao".

And according to people's habits, when someone asks "you must have a good relationship with xx".

In order to show closeness, or to emphasize that my relationship with xx is really good.

That person will subconsciously say the other person's name.

When Liu Zhiyuan mentioned the word "Zhao", there was an obvious pause, which was a bit weird.

It was as if he couldn't remember the other party's name for a while.

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, Oh Huo, there are indeed some problems.

Although there is no evidence, although it seems absurd, He Tiantian has such an intuition.

And she, trust her intuition!

It took more than an hour for the carriage to drive out of the mountain.

After another hour, He Tiantian finally saw the old city wall of the county seat.

"It's here! It's finally here!"

Accounting Su saw the city wall and shouted excitedly.

Madd, he was really exhausted along the way.

It is to help lift the bottle, and when encountering a pothole, get off the cart.

He is also in his fifties. Because he is an accountant, he rarely works in the fields.

When I got home, I would throw my hands off the shopkeeper, and even have my wife or daughter-in-law to put it in front of me for dinner.

Today is definitely his most tiring day!

Liu Zhiyuan was also very happy.

When he arrived at the county seat, he went to a regular county hospital, and Zhao Zhiqing was saved.

Although along the way, Zhao Zhiqing's situation is very stable.

However, he did not receive formal treatment in the end, and there were more than a dozen silver needles stuck in his injured leg...

It doesn't look reliable, it needs good sutures and good treatment.

Su Chuanxin, who was driving the car, was about to come to the county town every three or five minutes.

So, he knows a lot about it here.

Without having to ask someone for directions, he threw the whip and drove the carriage to the door of the county hospital.

After parking the carriage and placing the big animals, Su Chuanxin helped Accountant Su and Liu Zhiyuan to carry Zhao Zhiqing in.

"Huh? Is this a silver needle?"

An old doctor in the emergency room helped Zhao Zhiqing check the wound and found those silver needles.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he couldn't help but ask: "The hygienist at your place still has acupuncture?"

"The skill is good, and it can really stop bleeding with acupuncture!"

"It should be an old doctor, or specializing in acupuncture?"

The old man was talking raggedly.

Accountant Su's eyes lit up and subconsciously looked at He Tiantian:

Oh, I can't see it, this little girl really has some skills!

Even the doctor of the county hospital praised it.

He Tiantian didn't seem to see Accountant Su's gaze.

She smiled shyly and said to the old doctor, "I pierced the needle. I, I grew up in the mountains, and my master is an old Taoist who is proficient in art!"

He Tiantian is still the same rhetoric.

Lies repeated too much, that is the truth.

As a senior second-generation cheater, He Tiantian believes in a principle: the highest level of cheating is not half-truths, but wanting to hypnotize yourself!

In order to keep herself from showing her flaws, when He Tiantian said that set of "life experience" rhetoric, she had already recognized her identity in her heart——

A baby girl who was abandoned in the mountains was rescued by an old Taoist priest who happened to pass by.

She grew up with her master in the mountains since she was a child, and when the master became a fairy, she had to go down the mountain to find her relatives.

Her name is Pinellia!

"You?" The old doctor didn't believe it.

He Tiantian didn't say anything. Seeing this kind of thing is believing.

No matter how much she says, no matter how nice it sounds, people should believe it or not!

"It's really me. However, it's normal for you not to believe it, after all, you're not there!"

He Tiantian did not forcibly argue, but spoke from the opponent's position.

When she said this, the old doctor would not be able to continue to be suspicious.

"Doctor, hurry up and sew it up."

He Tiantian urged.

The best way to prove yourself is to speak with facts.

However, if you want to pull out the needle, you must first suture Zhao Zhiqing's wound.

Otherwise, Zhao Zhiqing would bleed again.

This not only adds trouble, but also adds pain to the patient.

The old doctor asked He Tiantian to remind him, and then he reacted——

It doesn't matter who made the silver needle!

His duty is to treat the wounds of the patients and save lives!

The old doctor was also unequivocal, picked up the tool, and quickly sutured Zhao Zhiqing's wound.

At the same time, the blood type was confirmed, and the old doctor asked the nurse to bring plasma to Zhao Zhiqing.

After dealing with this, He Tiantian took the opportunity and twitched her fingers quickly.

More than a dozen silver needles were pulled out by her within a minute.

The old doctor looked carefully and nodded slowly.

have to!

He believed it!

This little girl is really proficient in acupuncture.

Just don't know how medical skills work?

The old doctor was interested, and took the opportunity to continue the examination for Zhao Zhiqing, and asked He Tiantian a lot of medical knowledge.

"...Banxia, ​​your master gave you a very good foundation!"

"Our county hospital has a short-term training course for barefoot doctors. Would you like to try it?"

"I can recommend a spot for you!"

The old doctor is an old-fashioned serious doctor who values ​​the professionalism of the medical staff the most.

Seeing such a good seedling He Tiantian, he couldn't help but give birth to the idea of ​​loving talent.

In fact, even if it is not for talent, it is just for the villagers who advance to the production brigade, and "Banxia" should be trained.

Only after receiving the training of the county hospital can you get a medical certificate and become a barefoot doctor.

In a remote mountain village, having a doctor with good medical skills is definitely very beneficial to the villagers.

Just look at this injured young man today.

If it weren't for "Panxia" to help him stop the bleeding in time.

It was such a ten-centimeter wound, but the bleeding continued, and he was very likely to die on the way to the county seat.

"Can I? Omg, that would be great!"

Feeling the unselfish kindness of the old doctor, He Tiantian is very grateful.

There was a look of joy and gratitude on her delicate little face, "Thank you, Doctor Chen, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, I also see that you have a good foundation, and you are a good material for studying medicine!"

Seeing He Tiantian's sincerity, the old doctor felt happy.

He cherishes talent, so he is willing to help a stranger he does not know.

He also asked for something in return.

However, the other party can appreciate and know gratitude, which makes the old doctor feel that his contribution is more valuable.

"In this way, the next training class will start after the summer admission. I will get you a place first, and then you can come directly to the county hospital to find me!"

The old doctor explained the process and main details of the training course in detail.

"Okay, okay! I'll listen to you!"

He Tiantian's head is like a chicken pecking at rice, and there is a sense of joy from the inside out.

Seeing this scene, Su Chuanxin couldn't help but be happy for the girl.

Su Ji's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Next, he helped Zhao Zhiqing go through the hospitalization procedures.

Accountant Su, who was in charge of the money bag, was in charge of the whole process.

Zhao Zhiqing's side had been pushed into the ward, and Accounting Su walked in with a stack of lists and the cases filled by the doctor.

He Tiantian pretended to be curious and took the medical record book. In the doctor's unique scribbles, He Tiantian recognized Zhao Zhiqing's name——

Zhao Qingping!

No "ye" word? !

Did you guess wrong? !

He Tiantian was lost in confusion.


In the afternoon, Zhao Zhiqing and Zhao Qingping woke up.

The old doctor from the emergency room came to examine him further.

"The blood loss is serious, but the wound is not a big problem, and it still needs hospitalization!"

Old Doctor Chen said so.

Accountant Su hurriedly asked, "Doctor, how many days are you going to stay?"

"Then what, you know, it's Xia Shou now, our brigade is busy in the field, and those of us are not good to stay here!"

Accountant Su wanted to accompany him.

How good it is to stay in the ward, without the wind or the rain, let alone work.

You can also mix a sick meal.

The problem is that he is an accountant and needs to consider the issue of expenses.

To pay Zhao Zhiqing's hospital fees, he has already spent fifty yuan.

So many people eat and drink in the county town, and they must also spend money.

Accounting Su is not very distressed, but he has to pay attention to the impact.

It was not just the result of the negotiation between the three villages that he was able to secure a position as the accountant of the Qianjin Brigade, and it was not just that he knew the text and hyphenated words and could settle accounts.

More importantly, he is cautious, he can do things, and he can be a man!

"Two or three days, give some blood, and add some nutrition. If the wound doesn't worsen, you can be discharged from the hospital to recuperate!"

Old Doctor Chen looked at Zhao Qingping again and said with an estimate.

"Okay, then let's go back first and leave only one person to accompany you. If there is any problem, just call the brigade!"

Their forward production brigade is one of the few mountain villages that has electricity.

Ahem, thank you Mrs. Qiu.

When a comrade of her son came to visit her, he saw that there was not even a phone in the village, so he helped to pull a wire.

When the electricity was turned on, the people in the village were reluctant. Only the brigade headquarters and a few villagers in Qiujiaping used the electric lights.

And the electricity of the forward production brigade, the biggest use, is to answer calls and broadcast loudspeakers.

The person who stayed to escort was naturally Liu Zhiyuan.

He is both Qiu Jiaping's son-in-law and the eldest brother of the educated youth point. People on both sides are quite at ease with him.

Accountant Su gave Liu Zhiyuan a few dollars and a few food stamps, and told him to take good care of Zhao Qingping. He also hinted that he "saved a little bit of money. Although it was the brigade, Zhao Zhiqing would still have to pay it back in the future."

Liu Zhiyuan:  …

He is a kind person, and he was worried about Zhao Qingping, so he would naturally take good care of him.

Furthermore, if he is not afraid of being scolded for selfishness, if he can stay as an escort, he can avoid harvesting in the fields.

It is also a disguised hiding of leisure.

In a sense, he should thank Zhao Qingping.

Just at this point, he can't cheat others!

After making arrangements, Accounting Su was relieved to leave the hospital.

It was past noon now, and the whole group had eaten in the hospital.

So, there is no more place to eat.

Su Chuanxin was driving the carriage, while He Tiantian and Accountant Su sat on the back of the carriage.

"This is the county seat? It looks so lively!"

"Banxia" is a deep mountain turtle who has never seen the world. When he comes to the "prosperous" county, he will naturally be amazed and dizzy.

However, just as He Tiantian was amazed and looked around, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure——

"Huh? Qiu Guyu? Why is she in the county seat?"

Not only did He Tiantian see the former heroine Qiu Guyu, but even Su Chuanxin, who was driving the car, also saw the beautiful image that had been haunting in his mind...

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