The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters emergency remedial tasks (23)

When leaving the county hospital and preparing to leave the city, He Tiantian accidentally caught a glimpse of Qiu Guyu on the way.

However, she didn't take it too seriously.

The principle of her tasks has always been to not mix the male and female protagonists!

What happened to Qiu Guyu, He Tiantian didn't care.

She even felt that in the future, she should not have much interaction with Qiu Guyu.

However, the "slap in the face" came so quickly——

"What? You brat is finally getting married?"

Mrs. Qiu sat leisurely on the lounge chair in the yard.

Ever since He Tiantian came to her house, the old lady's life has become more nourishing day by day.

People get fat and have energy, and the meanness and loneliness seem to be less serious.

The current Mrs. Qiu has a comfortable life, a comfortable body and mind, and is more nourishing than those old ladies in the village who have children and grandchildren around their knees.

Hehe, those old ladies have sons, daughters and grandchildren, but how are their days with my old lady?

Not to mention that there are meat and fish every day, it is the daily care, and the child "Panxia" is also doing his best.

Shampoo every other day and shower every other day.

The clothes on the body and the bedding were also washed clean.

The old lady has long lost that "old man smell\

,"But with a light soap fragrance.

The most comforting thing for the old lady was that He Tiantian began to collect her money and tickets.

[Little stinky girl is taking me as her own family! 】

Relatives of Qiu and Su:  …

What's the meaning?

In the past, when we came to recognize our relatives, you drove us out with a big broom, for fear that we would lose a penny of your money.

Now this stinky girl who came out of nowhere is asking you for money and tickets in a grand manner. Instead of being angry, you are very happy? !

What's the point of this?

Mrs. Qiu: ...of course it's the old lady's reasoning!

Between people, whether they are sincere or not, only the parties can know best.

Going back 10,000 steps, even if "Banxia" was not sincere, she just wanted to fool the old lady and cheated the money, and Mrs. Qiu gave it willingly.

The same is for her money, at least people "Panxia" are still willing to play.

Unlike those wealthy wolves who claim to be their relatives, one by one, they are almost robbed.

It's still the same sentence, if she can achieve the level of "Banxia", even if she is a liar, the old lady will recognize her!

She is even more hopeful that the little stinky girl can lie to her for a few more years. If she can lie to her for a lifetime, it will also be a blessing for the old lady.

The reclining chair that she was lying on at the moment was also ordered by the stinky girl who found a carpenter in the village to help her.

Resting in the shade, lying on it, shaking, shaking, the old lady can slowly fall asleep.

On this day, tsk tsk, the former landlord's wife is like this.

Of course, this cannot be said.

Mrs. Qiu could only secretly be happy in her heart.

Therefore, when the embolism next door came to her, the corners of the old lady's mouth were all upturned.

After listening to Shuanzi's words, the old lady was even more surprised: "Which girl? What's her name? How old are you? How did you meet?"

The old lady always regarded Shuanzi as her grandchildren.

As an elder, the most important thing is the marriage of the child.

But Shuanzi was miserable by his ruthless uncle. In order to fight with the uncle, he ruined his reputation.

These are almost thirty people, not even a daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Qiu knew that Shuanzi was a good boy and had some ways to make money.

Over the years, Mrs. Qiu has secretly settled accounts for Shuanzi.

This stinky boy, he doesn't look like a mountain or water leaks, and he has some wealth in his pocket.

He is the most cunning, the proper steamed buns have meat not on the pleats.

However, the origin of this money is somewhat obscure.

Embolism simply cannot show off.

Therefore, people from eight villages in ten miles and eight villages, even if they don't care about their daughters and daughters for money, will not choose Shuanzi to be the big one, oh no, they are sons-in-law!

A good family who loves their daughter, not to mention!

Shuanzi's marriage really made Mrs. Qiu sad.

Just when the old lady was worried that he would become an old bachelor, she didn't expect this kid to come to announce the good news.

Under the concern of the old lady, she asked a series of questions.

"Hey, third grandma, don't worry, listen to me slowly!"

"That girl, you should also know her. She is from Qiu Jiaping, your mother's family."

"Her grandfather seems to be your cousin who came out of five clothes. His name is Qiu Yongzhi, nicknamed Old Abacus."

"Her father is the eldest of the Qiu family... Her name is Gu Yu, she is nineteen years old this year..."

Su Chuanxin squatted beside Mrs. Qiu's reclining chair and introduced Qiu Guyu's situation one by one.

Hearing that Shuanzi's object was a girl from Qiu Jiaping, a complexion flashed in Mrs. Qiu's eyes.

Alas, back then, she even spat on the face of the captain Qiu Changshun, not to mention Qiu Jiaping's "relatives".

Over the years, the old lady has been withdrawn and mean, and seldom communicated with people from Qiujiaping.

However, these are over.

Qiu Changshun began to reconcile with the old lady, and those villagers dared not continue to plot against the old lady.

Even on Mrs. Qiu's side, she has the granddaughter "Panxia", and she has forgotten everything in the past.

She didn't really want to reconcile, but felt that there was no need to waste time with some unimportant people.

Shuanzi was the one she grew up watching and grew up with.

He has traveled all over the world over the years, and he has cultivated a pair of vicious eyes.

Mrs. Qiu believed in Shuanzi's vision, and the girl he liked shouldn't be too bad.

Besides, what if she doesn't like it?

Slowly speaking, she is just Shuanzi's neighbor, and even the grandmother of her first cousin, she can't take care of her grandson's marriage.

"I don't go out much these years, and the young people in the village can't recognize it, let alone the girl from Qiujiaping!"

Madam Qiu looked at Su Chuanxin and said slowly, "However, I believe in your vision, that girl named Gu Yu must be very good!"

Hearing this, Su Chuan nodded with confidence, and the stone that was slightly suspended in his heart also fell to the ground.

He does not have any blood relationship with Mrs. Qiu, but over the years, he has really regarded the old lady as his direct elder.

It's hard to find the person you like and win the consent of the other party.

Su Chuanxin still hopes that his marriage can be blessed by the elders.

Uncle Su Guochang does not count, he is not worthy of being his elder at all.

The few "relatives" that Su Chuanxin cared about were the old lady Qiu, sister Banxia, ​​and three or five good brothers next door.

"Gu Yu is very good! Just a while ago, because of a marriage, there were always some rumors in the team!"

"Now that she agrees to marry me, it is estimated that she will be pointed at by others, and maybe some people will laugh at her!"

Yes, let the battalion commander with a good background and a promising future do not want to marry a second-rate son who is famous in every mile and eight townships.

This is a proper self-deprecation.

"So, I must let Gu Yufeng marry me!"

"...I've 'discussed' with Su Guochang. He will pay 100 yuan. I will build a yard next to you and build five large tile-roofed houses!"

When Su Chuanxin said this, he did not forget to pay attention to Mrs. Qiu's expression.

He knew that the old lady liked quietness, so she deliberately chose to live in the outermost part of the village.

But Su Chuanxin didn't worry about the old lady, even if she got married, she wanted to take care of her nearby.

On the other hand, Su Chuanxin was also selfish.

He is used to being alone and doesn't care if he has neighbors or relatives.

Gu Yu is different.

She is a young daughter-in-law, married, and without a mother-in-law, she will not be challenged, but there is no one to help her.

There is a neighbor who is reliable and has a good relationship. Gu Yu is at home alone, so there is no need to take care of him.

However, if you want to be neighbors with the old lady, it is best to get the consent of the old lady.

Therefore, Su Chuanxin did not rush to ask the village chief for a homestead, but first came to discuss with Mrs. Qiu.

"Yes, it's right next door to me! Banxia and I can't do heavy work, and I still need your help!"

Mrs. Qiu did not refuse, but agreed with her face.

Cough cough, that is to say, it is quite rude.

Su Chuanxin didn't care, he knew that the old lady said that on purpose.

He, the old lady, and Pinellia had already become relatives without blood.

They are all people who were lonely in the past. Now they take care of each other and help each other, so that they can live a better life!

"Okay! Third grandma, don't worry, everything is up to me! And Gu Yu, she is also a capable girl. She can also help with the cleaning on weekdays!"

Su Chuanxin finally got the letter from Mrs. Qiu, and the whole person was filled with joy from the inside out.

Soon, the story of Su Chuanxin and Qiu Guyu spread.

The people in the three villages were all talking about it, and some people were secretly gloating.

All kinds of strange words were flying all over the sky, and they were all waiting to see the jokes of the Qiu family and the Su family.

Even Qiu Xiaoxue, who was far away on the island, received the news——

"What? Qiu Guyu is going to marry Su Chuanxin?"

Su Chuanxin, but the real richest man in the original plot.

Unlike Su Chuangui, Qiu Xiaoxue deliberately concocted it, trying to induce and coax Qiu Guyu's scumbag cannon fodder...

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