The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters emergency remedial tasks (24)

"Qiu Xiaoxue! Qiu Xiaoxue! Come out quickly! Come out quickly!"

With a loud voice, he shouted at the door from a distance.

Qiu Xiaoxue's hand holding the letter paper tightened instantly.

An inexplicable irritability flooded her entire body!

here we go again!

here we go again!

Another parent is here!

Which bear child is this time?

What did he, he step mother do?

Qiu Xiaoxue almost subconsciously, these thoughts that made her extremely disgusted came up in her mind.

"Qiu Xiaoxue! Qiu Xiaoxue! I know you're at home! Don't hide!"

This time, in addition to the loud voice, there was also a bang bang bang bang.

The people outside the door have a very clear attitude: I must see you today! Stop pretending to be deaf!

The suffocation in Qiu Xiaoxue's chest became stronger.

Of course she didn't mean to pretend she couldn't hear, it was, really happened almost every day.

Rao is that she boasts that her psychological quality is not bad, she will not be easily influenced by outsiders and things, and she can't help being upset and having a big head!

this day,

Is it over yet?

Her heart was choked up, but Qiu Xiaoxue couldn't pretend to be dead anymore.

Fold the letter and put it back in the envelope.

She stood up, took a deep breath, and strode out of the room.

"Qiu Xiaoxue! Qiu Xiaoxue! Come out quickly! Oh, sister-in-law Wang, it's not me making trouble, it's really the big treasure of Huo Ying's family that's outrageous!"

"Sister Wang, Sister Liu, come and see how my eggs are beaten by Dabao?"

"... At such a young age, he has such a wild temper, and he has a bad hand. They all live in a family home, but they have such a heavy hand."

When Qiu Xiaoxue came to the somewhat dilapidated courtyard, she heard the sound outside getting louder and louder.

have to!

Another boring person came to join in the fun!

The anger in Qiu Xiaoxue's chest grew stronger and stronger. She hated these nosy aunts and six grandmothers who love to join in the fun.

Really, it seems that there is nothing wrong with my family, Tian Tian is the parent of the East and the West is short!

Is it any good to talk about these gossips?

They don't give money or meat, but these people never tire of it.

Of course, what really disgusts Qiu Xiaoxue is that these people are obviously here to watch the fun, but they always have a face like "I'm here" and "I'm good for you".

Inside and outside the words, there is a "remark", and he reminds Qiu Xiaoxue again and again: You are a stepmother, what should you do!


for my good? Can't use it? !

Also, what happened to the stepmother?

Who provoked whom? !

Qiu Xiaoxue dared to touch her conscience and said that she had never treated her three children harshly.

Even when Huo Yuanzheng taught her son, she would stop her.

She takes care of the children's food, takes care of their clothes, and cares about their learning. She also keeps in mind the scientific parenting concepts of later generations.

What zero roaring mother, what love education, what not corporal punishment of children...

Anyway, Qiu Xiaoxue felt that her mother was no worse than her own mother when she did her job.

However, the effect was always difficult for her to accept.

The children were undisciplined and always looked at him with the eyes of a class enemy.

In the past, Qiu Xiaoxue did not understand what a "class enemy" was.

But when she wanted to teach Dabao and Xiaobao, she actually saw strong vigilance and hatred in the eyes of the two five- or six-year-old children!

That kind of gaze, like a wolf cub, Qiu Xiaoxue's heart trembled when she saw it!

[Unscrupulous white-eyed wolf, I treat you so well, but you still treat me like this! 】

[It’s not biological, it’s just different. 】

Qiu Xiaoxue has been on the island for two or three months. She tried to be a good mother, but failed!

Her relationship with Huo Yuanzheng did not develop as quickly as expected.

The original novel is a sweet text of love after marriage.

As for the male protagonist, Huo Yuanzheng, his temperament is calm if he is nice, and dull if he is ugly.

He is not good at expressing, he has suffered grief, and his heart has long been closed.

Reticent, he is equally cold in the face of his wife.

Not only did he not speak sweet words, but even in his daily life, he rarely spoke.

Qiu Guyu used his own actions little by little to influence Huo Yuanzheng.

Let Huo Yuanzheng gradually understand that even if they live together, they can still have real feelings.

The re-married wife is indeed not a capitalist eldest lady like her ex-wife.

She doesn't know how to play, calligraphy, painting, and social etiquette. She's not that particular and refined, and she's not really pretty and ladylike.

But she has the diligence, kindness, virtuousness and tolerance of traditional Chinese women.

Qiu Guyu is like a gentle spring breeze, and like a pool of tame water, it has captured the hearts of the three children, and slowly nourished and filled the hearts of Huo Yuanzheng!

Qiu Xiaoxue didn't want to follow Qiu Guyu's old path!

Too humble!

Too, too dignified!

In matters between men and women, even if it is not a two-way run, men should be more active.

Asking her, a woman, to behave like a man, the proud and reserved Qiu Xiaoxue said that she couldn't do it!

And she and Qiu Guyu were not the same kind of people.

She's a writer, she's from a more prosperous, advanced afterlife, and even if she's not deliberately arrogant, she's unique.

Qiu Guyu is very confident, her knowledge and knowledge are better than Huo Yuanzheng's ex-wife.

She has a unique temperament that her ex-wife does not have.

In fact, Qiu Guyu found out when she was alone with Huo Yuanzheng.

When she showed her unique charm, Huo Yuanzheng's deep eyes flashed with light.

He likes it too!

It's just that the time they spend alone is too short!

The strange men and women who were originally married on a blind date had no emotional foundation. If it wasn't for Qiu Xiaoxue's graceful nature, the two would only become more estranged.

Alas, if there are no three bear children, let her spend half a year with Huo Yuanzheng alone, oh no, even if only for two months.

Qiu Xiaoxue is also confident that Huo Yuanzheng will be moved.

As long as the man is on her side, she can really stand firm in the Huo family.

The three bear children are nothing to be afraid of.

But, in order not to be manipulated by Mother Huo, she did not want to be laughed at by the people around her like Qiu Guyu, and insisted on picking up the three children.

She and Huo Yuanzheng, a newly married couple, have three children, and she has no time to tease Huo Yuanzheng at all.

Dabao and Xiaobao are wary of her, and every day looks like "you are a stepmother, you will abuse me".

No matter how good-tempered Qiu Xiaoxue was, she couldn't help but break out when she saw such two arrogant children.

Xiaoya is not so naughty, but she is small.

The virtual age is three years old, but the first year is actually less than two years old.

If you can't eat by yourself, you will pee in your pants if you are not careful.

Qiu Xiaoxue is not a rookie for the first time on a mission, she has already experienced two or three novel worlds.

It's just, perhaps lucky, that her two crossings were all dressed in the role of Bai Fumei.

And the so-called Bai Fumei, no matter ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, does not need to bring their own children.

There were nursing mothers in ancient times, and baby nurses in modern times.

Qiu Xiaoxue only needs to hug and kiss the children when they are clean and fragrant!

Like this time, everything needs to be done by yourself.

In other words, the first time Xiaoya washed her panties stained with Baba, she vomited several times and almost vomited.

And this kind of thing happens every day.

Qiu Xiaoxue wanted to be a mother in the new era of scientific parenting, and implemented zero yelling and no corporal punishment for the two bad boys, Dabao and Xiaobao.

Not to mention Xiaoya, a two-year-old baby girl who doesn't understand anything.

If there is fire, you can't send it out, you can only hold it in your heart.

I have to pinch my nose and pee my little girl crookedly——

With all kinds of sadness, Qiu Xiaoxue only felt that she had paid too much.

Of course, what annoyed her the most was the two bear children.

They paid with sincerity, but they didn't appreciate it. Except staring at themselves with hatred and alert eyes, opening and closing their mouths is "hello" and "stepmother"!

After arriving on the island, the military wives in the family area saw their appearance and heard their "exclusive title" for Qiu Xiaoxue, and their eyes were strange.

Qiu Xiaoxue quickly became the focus of discussion on the entire island.

The military wives also pointed at her.

Qiu Xiaoxue:  …

Mad, these people are really full.

She was full of resentment and anger, and she was willing to deal with these people.

As a result, in addition to being a "stepmother", Qiu Xiaoxue also became the "eyes above the top" and "separate from the masses" in the mouths of military wives!

Qiu Xiaoxue didn't even realize it, and unknowingly, her counter-attack female supporting role, who claimed to steal the heroine's halo, has become the best in the eyes of everyone.

If this novel is written about a military sister-in-law, and there is another military sister-in-law who is virtuous, good at raising children, and good at dealing with military sister-in-law, Qiu Xiaoxue will be the control group!

Qiu Xiaoxue couldn't care about this anymore.

Because her island life is a real mess—

With her husband, she has not reached the point of having feelings for each other, and until now, she has not even been able to consummate the marriage with Huo Yuanzheng;

With two naughty step-sons, the power is like fire and water, the step-daughter doesn't understand anything, it will only make Qiu Xiaoxue all kinds of irritable;

I didn't get along well with the neighbors and the military wives of the same company;

Even their small courtyard was in a state of dilapidation.

Outsiders all said that Camp Commander Huo was pitiful and married a lazy wife.

Qiu Xiaoxue was still aggrieved.

A woman with three children, two naughty, one urinating in her trousers, was so busy cooking and washing clothes that she was so busy hitting the back of her head that she couldn't take care of the rest.

There is also Dabao and Xiaobao, who occasionally make troubles and need her to take care of the aftermath.

Like today-

Qiu Xiaoxue gritted her teeth and walked to the door.


She pulled the latch and opened the courtyard door.

In fact, in the military compound, few people lock the door in broad daylight.

Qiu Xiaoxue was accustomed to paying attention to privacy and distance in later generations. Moreover, after she came to the island, she did not get along well with the military wives.

She was afraid of being disturbed, and she didn't want those good people to come to watch the fun, so she simply closed the door and lived by herself.

... This has become another proof that she is different from the military wives!

"Qiu Xiaoxue, you can figure it out!"

A sturdy woman outside the door was slamming the door with her fist raised.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and under the action of inertia, the woman almost threw herself into the yard.

Fortunately, she got her body under control in time.

"Humph! I thought you were deaf!"

"Come and see how my cow's egg was beaten by your big treasure?"

While speaking, the strong woman pulled the child behind her.

At the age of seven or eight, the child is a head taller than Huo Dabao.

However, it is obviously not as "lively" as Huo Dabao.

He lowered his head, flinched, dodged, and his small body twitched from time to time.

Obviously, the little guy has been crying for a while, and he is still wiping his tears.

Qiu Xiaoxue endured the annoyance and looked at the little boy named Niudan.

Niu Dan felt an icy gaze and shivered even more.

He didn't dare look up at all.

Woohoo, Huo Dabao hates people to come and complain.

Next time, he will definitely beat himself even worse!

He clearly told his mother that he accidentally fell.

Mom can't believe it!

"Cow eggs, look up!"

The strong woman has a quick temper. Seeing that her son is like a useless person, she is annoyed, and at the same time she reprimands, she directly lifts her son's chin with her hand.


On a small face, there are two large dark circles under the eyes, one on each side, quite symmetrical.

The corners of Qiu Xiaoxue's mouth twitched, she felt pitiful for the egg, but she also wanted to laugh inexplicably.

But in the end, he was still annoyed by the troubled level of the bear child.

Taking a deep breath, Qiu Xiaoxue didn't bother to call Huo Dabao to confront him, and said to the strong woman unnaturally—

"Sister Feng, I'm really sorry! Well, when Dabao comes back, I will teach him a good lesson. I, I apologize to you and the child on his behalf!"

After getting along with Huo Dabao for more than two months, Qiu Xiaoxue can be considered to have an understanding of this bear child.

Therefore, Qiu Xiaoxue did not dare to say "I asked Dabao to apologize to Niudan".

Because it's just nonsense.

Huo Dabao doesn't listen to her at all, let alone apologize and admit his mistakes!

Huo Yuanzheng was able to take care of him, and he could be ruthless.

Ahem, when it comes to this, Qiu Xiaoxue has the illusion of "disillusionment"——

Huo Yuanzheng is the male protagonist, and the male protagonist should be beautiful and elegant.

Treating children should also be as gentle as wind and drizzle, talk heart-to-heart and reason.

Marrying Huo Yuanzheng, Qiu Xiaoxue was really surprised when he saw Huo Yuanzheng educating his son for the first time.

Huo Yuanzheng's method of educating bear children is not to preach patiently, but to pick up a feather duster or untie his wide leather belt!


The male protagonist actually punishes the child!

Dabao and Xiaobao are indeed very bears, causing a lot of trouble.

But the two of them, one is six years old and the other is less than five years old.

With such a small child, the male protagonist Huo Yuanzheng can actually fight hard enough!

It's still that kind of hard beating.

Seeing Huo Yuanzheng's cold and fierce appearance, Qiu Xiaoxue almost mistakenly thought that he was the stepfather!

Too cruel!

Too, too do not know how to teach children.

Experts in later generations have said that a good boy is not played, but exaggerated!

Although, the various bad deeds of Dabao and Xiaobao, there is really no shining point that can be praised.

But, can't be so brutally beaten and scolded?

Qiu Xiaoxue hurriedly stopped him, except that he did not agree with this rude education model.

She also has the intention of taking the opportunity to sell well.

It's a pity that the big treasure and Xiaobao, who can only be spared from a violent beating thanks to her, do not appreciate it.

Qiu Xiaoxue is still the stepmother they hate and hate!

Qiu Xiaoxue: should have your father beat you to death!

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