The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and twentieth eight chapters emergency remedial tasks (25)

"Besides, I, I'll give you two more dollars to buy something delicious for the child, and make up for it!"

Qiu Xiaoxue knew that the rebellious Dabao would definitely not apologize to Niudan, so she didn't take that much trouble.

She pinched her nose first and apologized to the victims and their families on behalf of the bear child.

Then, enduring the pain, she took out two banknotes directly from her trouser pocket.

Alas, I don't know how expensive Chai Mi is when I'm not home.

Huo Yuanzheng is the deputy battalion commander, and one month's allowances and subsidies are not too small.

But the problem is, he has to support a wife and three children.

The children are all grown-up years, so they can dress a little bit, but they must not be vague about what they eat.

Even Qiu Xiaoxue herself, she can't stand boiled vegetables and coarse grain pancakes every day.

Half of Huo Yuanzheng's salary was used to buy meat and refined grains.

The other half, you have to deal with some accidents in daily life——

For example, at this moment, Huo Dabao beat up other children's eyes and turned them into "pandas".

Parents come to the door, not only to ask for an explanation, but also to compensate!

This is not the first time!

Compensation, Qiu Xiaoxue is extremely skilled,

Know more about "markets".

Two dollars, not much, not much.

This year, a pound of meat is only seven or eight cents.

Compensating people for more than two catties of pork is definitely considered kind.

"Humph! You still know some truth!"

The strong woman quickly grabbed the two dollars.

It was obvious that he had already received benefits, but this person was not forgiving:

"Xiaoqiu, I'm not talking about you, although you are a stepmother, but the child is too naughty, you should take care of it!"

"My child, just like a sapling, if it is not trimmed and straight, it will not grow straight or tall!"

The strong woman looked like a country shrew, but she was actually a teacher in the elementary school of the military compound.

Her man is the company's instructor.

Listening to men teaching their children every day, she also learned a lot of "big principles".

"Now Dabao is just bullying the children in our compound. If you don't discipline them strictly, he may dare to hurt or kill people in the future!"

"You can't just be accustomed to raising children, otherwise, good children will be spoiled by you!"

The strong woman said so, and did not forget to deliberately glance at Qiu Xiaoxue.

That look, it's not too obvious--

Dear, you are the stepmother! It is really distressing for a mother to shove a child!

what about you?

I'm more used to it than my mother, do you have any bad thoughts?

As an elementary school teacher who just graduated from elementary school, the strong woman has never read "Zuo Zhuan", and naturally does not know the story of "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan".

But the logic is the same.

I don't know the word to kill, but it can still be done.

Qiu Xiaoxue:  …

What are you riding horses saying?

Is it in the connotation that I am a bad stepmother with a sweet heart and a bad heart? !

Mad, is it over? !

Sorry, I got it!

I lost the money too!

What do you want to do?

It's not my own son, it's not easy enough for a stepmother of mine to do this.

you, you—

Feeling wronged and angry in her heart, Qiu Xiaoxue's face was a little ugly.

She said stiffly to the strong woman, "Sister Feng, I seem to hear Xiaoya cry. I won't tell you any more!"

"Go slow!"

Do not send!

After saying this, Qiu Xiaoxue closed the door directly.

The strong woman opened her mouth and wanted to continue to "mention" Qiu Xiaoxue, her stepmother.

As a result, he watched helplessly as others closed the courtyard door in front of him.

This, this is too arrogant, too disrespectful to people.

How can there be such a military wife? !

she, she—

Strong women are furious.

And the military wives who were watching the lively around also pointed at them.

Soon, Qiu Xiaoxue became the subject of a new round of discussion among military wives.

Another directly stated:

"Sure enough, she is a girl from the countryside. She is unruly and unreasonable! She doesn't even understand the world!"

"Oh, that's it! It's a pity Company Commander Huo, why did you marry such a daughter-in-law?"

"Isn't it for the children? But, this Qiu Xiaoxue can't even control the children, and the house is in a mess. Huo Lianchang married her, it's really a big loss!"

"Isn't it, I heard that there were several girls on our island back then..."

Qiu Xiaoxue contributed another wave of topics to the military compound on the island.

She herself did not know.

Because she had just returned to the house, and before she could sit down to catch her breath, the little girl who was taking a nap woke up.

have to!

Continue to serve the little grandfather.

Feed water, feed, change clothes, wash clothes.

I was so busy that my feet didn't touch the ground, and my waist was a little bit hard to straighten up.

"Ma De, I knew that I wouldn't need to exchange points for 'Dream-making Pills'. Saving points and exchanging them for a cleansing pill, or simply having a small space, can also make my life better!"

Qiu Xiaoxue held her sore old waist, and finally coaxed the crying little girl to play in the car.

She had so little time to regret it.

"Xiaoqiu! Is Xiaoqiu at home?"

Qiu Xiaoxue just picked up the teacup and wanted to take a sip of water and take a breath.

There was another knock on the door.

Qiu Xiaoxue closed her eyes.


It's really endless!

Who is it this time?

Big or little?

"Xiaoqiu, you have to take care of your little treasure, how can you smash the glass?"

"Fortunately, I wasn't by the window, otherwise, I would have been scratched by glass slag!"

"...Even if I'm not injured, two pieces of glass are still a lot of money. The point is, right now, in the situation of the island, even if you have money, you can't buy suitable glass!"

This is the neighbor from the east, and his attitude is not as tyrannical as that of a strong woman.

But there are dissatisfaction and complaints inside and outside the words.

After biting her back molars hard, Qiu Xiaoxue squeezed out a smile, "Pay! Sister Cao, how much will we pay!"

After taking out another ten yuan, Qiu Xiaoxue was almost numb.

It's not even afternoon, and before the day is over, the two bear children have already caused two waves of trouble.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Qiu Xiaoxue leaned against the door frame tiredly, but as a result, Xiaoya's heart-wrenching cry came from the room behind her!


There is no way to pass this day!


Qiu Xiaoxue robbed the heroine of her life, but failed to live a satisfying life like the heroine.

And the former heroine Qiu Guyu now ushered in the most important event in her life.


She is married to Su Chuanxin, a famous second-rate son in Sujia Village next door.

Not to mention the outsiders, even Qiu's father and Qiu's mother are very disapproving.

Su Chuanxin came to propose a marriage in person, and directly paid the second old one thousand yuan.

"This is a dowry gift! In addition, the village has already approved a homestead for me. I found some bricks and tiles from a friend, and I am going to build a large tile house with five rooms!"

To be rich is to be so arrogant!

Whether it was the sky-high dowry gift of 1,000 yuan, or the wedding room with five large tile-roofed houses, the two elders of the Qiu family were stunned.

"One, one thousand dollars?"

"And five new large tile-roofed houses?"

Father Qiu, Mother Qiu, look at me, I look at you, and then, the eyes of the two of them were glued to the big pile of unity.

"This, this isn't you, you—" Did you get it from breaking the law?

Finally, Father Qiu took his eyes off the pile of banknotes.

Money really moved his heart.

But he still has some love for his daughter.

These days, working hard, definitely can't get so much money.

Father Qiu was afraid that Su Chuanxin would not act properly.

Now he is rich, but if he is caught, won't his daughter's life be ruined? !

"Over the years, I have helped the third grandma to do things outside and made some money."

When Su Chuanxin saw that Father Qiu couldn't hold back a complete sentence, he knew what he was worried about.

In fact, in the past, when he went outside to seek a living, he was forced to be helpless.

He also doesn't want to go to the black market if possible.

Not to mention the last time I met Qiu Guyu, even in the past few years, he was almost caught several times.

To be honest, Su Chuanxin was a little scared himself.

Money, he has earned almost.

Now, there is a girl they like, and they are willing to marry him.

Su Chuanxin was reluctant to take any chances.

Of course, he won't come back to farm either.

For the future, he already has his own plans.

For the past few years, he earned not only money, but also experience and control over business conditions.

However, in the past, he did make money by reselling.

Now facing his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he can only try to confuse this matter.

"Oh? You mean Mrs. Qiu from your village?"

When it comes to the girl that Qiu Jiaping married, Father Qiu still has some understanding.

First the man died, then the son, and finally, the only granddaughter.

To say that life is hard is really hard enough, to say that life is hard, ahem, it is really hard!

Over the years, the advance brigade has never stopped talking about Mrs. Qiu.

However, everyone gossip is gossip, but they all know in their hearts: This old lady can't be provoked!

Full of loyalty!

The point is that even though their son is dead, comrades-in-arms, old friends, and many others still miss their old mother.

Gifts for New Year's and festivals, money remitted regularly, and care from the county.

While everyone was envious, they couldn't help but feel jealous.

And in their consciousness, Mrs. Qiu knew the real talented people.

Su Chuanxin has been taking care of Mrs. Qiu all these years, carrying water and doing heavy work for her.

Everyone in the three villages knew this.

Now Su Chuanxin told Father Qiu that he not only helped the old lady with the farm work, but also helped the old lady to do some things outside.

What exactly happened, Su Chuanxin didn't say.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother made up a lot of their own brains.

However, no matter what kind of plot they made up in their minds, they no longer rejected or distrusted Su Chuanxin.

Mrs. Qiu is a well-known heroic mother in the county. With her as her "backer", Su Chuanxin will definitely not be in trouble.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother eased a lot.

Seeing this, Su Chuanxin breathed a sigh of relief. He continued to add weight, "In addition, I also know a few friends in the county!"

"If Xiao Er wants to go to work as a worker in the county, I can help, but I can't be a formal one, so I can only try a temporary worker first—"

Xiao Er is Qiu Guyu's younger brother. He is seventeen this year and just graduated from junior high school.

The big house is worrying about his future.

At the beginning, Father Qiu would be so rude about the Huo family's marriage, that is, when Qiu Guyu married Huo Yuanzheng, he would ask the Huo family to send his son to serve as a soldier.

It's a pity that Qiu Guyu didn't want to be a stepmother, so she pushed the marriage.

Xiao Er's future is also gone.

During this time, Xiao Er has been working in the fields with his parents.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother have not complained about Qiu Guyu in their hearts, or the younger brother, Xiao Er, has a slight criticism of his sister.

Therefore, Qiu Guyu went to the county to be a "nanny" for his cousin, not only because he couldn't stand the rumors in the village.

It's the family--

Alas, Qiu Guyu understands!

She blames herself too!

However, people are selfish.

She really is not a filial good daughter, a good sister who is devoted to her younger brother.

She can't sacrifice herself for others!

Fortunately, she went to the county and encountered emboli.

This man, although he looks indifferent, is very real.

As soon as he agreed to his marriage, he threw himself several passbooks.

Seeing the money on the booklet, Qiu Guyu was dumbfounded.

God, this guy is so awesome.

When the per capita wage of workers was only thirty or forty, he had already saved tens of thousands of yuan!

Qiu Guyu wasn't greedy for money, she was more concerned about Su Chuanxin's attitude.

Through his eyes, Qiu Guyu saw eagerness and joy, and he was also very thoughtful and trusting in himself.

Unlike the Huo Yuanzheng in the dream.

He married a new wife, but he was on guard in every possible way.

Not to mention that all the savings were given to her, and even half of the salary was given to her.

Also need to keep her accountable.

There must be a clear record of how every penny is spent.

Of course, Qiu Guyu would not lose the Huo family's money, and instead subsidize his parents' family.

Now that she is married, she will run her own small family wholeheartedly.

She can record the household accounts very clearly.

But this kind of thing, being willing to do it yourself, and being forced to do it, are definitely two different things!

In the dream, at Huo's house, Qiu Guyu was very aggrieved.

Huo Yuanzheng and his three children did not have the least respect for her, as if she were a free nanny.

Su Chuanxin was the best. With this man, Qiu Guyu felt respected and loved!

This is the wife, not the outsider who is used to watch the children and do the housework.

Qiu Guyu had already identified with Su Chuanxin, but when he heard that he could help his younger brother go to the county as a temporary worker, his whole heart melted happily!

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother were simply happy and silly.

"Shuanzi, you, can you send Xiao Er to the county to be a worker?" Father Qiu stuttered.

"Temporary workers! Regular workers are not easy to operate, but temporary workers should be fine!"

Su Chuanxin said confidently.

"Good! Haha! Good son-in-law!"

Father Qiu fixedly looked at Su Chuanxin, and after a long time, he laughed happily.

First, there is a dowry gift of one thousand yuan, and then there are arrangements for the son's future.

Such a son-in-law is not a good son-in-law, then there will be no good son-in-law in this world.

Father Qiu agreed on the spot.

Soon, the news came out.

While everyone was laughing at Qiu Guyu's "self-deprecation", news came out from Qiu's family that he and Qiu's second brother went to the county paper mill as temporary workers.

In fact, even if there is no such news, no one will laugh at Qiu Guyu anymore just by looking at the five large tile-roofed houses built with great fanfare by Su Chuanxin and the bicycles pushed back from the county seat.

What's the joke?

You are married well, men are not second-rate.

But can your in-laws give you a dowry of 1,000 yuan, or can they build a new house for you, or can they arrange a job for your natal brother? !

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