The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and thirty seventh chapter anger

He Tiantian moved her fingers, but there was no special feeling.

She tried to move her feet again, still in control.

She sat up slowly, then quickly got up from the bed.

Turn on the lamp by the bedside, and the room instantly becomes bright.

She took a few steps carefully in the bedroom, shaking her arms and twisting her body.

…Everything is normal, without any sequelae of body crossing.

Her body movements completely followed the instructions of her brain.

He Tiantian's hanging heart slowly fell.

However, she did not forget one of the preparations she made before crossing.

She came to a locker opposite the bed, raised her hand, and picked up a camera from a figure ornament.

The indicator light of the camera is on, showing that it is still working, and the location is exactly the same as He Tiantian's previous placement.

He Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, no one entered, at least not found the camera.

She put the camera back in place and went back to the bed.

Found the phone on the bedside table.

Swipe the screen, find the camera app, and click on the surveillance video.

The image captured by the camera suddenly flashed on the screen. In the dark room with little light, a bed appeared impressively under the night shooting function.

Of course, there was also himself beside the bed, who also appeared on the surveillance screen.

He Tian dessert nodded, and the figures in the picture followed suit.

Then, He Tiantian started video playback.

The time was set to five minutes ago—

He Tiantian remembered very clearly that she was ready to travel through this time.

The video picture also clearly records this.

The lights in the room were still on, and He Tiantian had put on her Taoist robe, with gold ornaments in plain circles on her ears, wrists, and fingers.

She looked solemn and lay on the bed.

Before leaving, he deliberately looked at his phone, and then subconsciously looked at the direction of the camera.

Turn off the lights!

The screen instantly turns black.

The night shooting function of the camera is turned on, and in the darkness, the bed and the people on the bed can still be clearly seen.

Immediately afterwards, the screen flickered a few times, as if it was disturbed by a signal.

Almost the next second, the figure on the bed disappeared suddenly.

Really disappear!

The video does not contain any editing components, nor does it use a blindfold to change the living.

It just disappeared out of thin air!

He Tiantian repeatedly watched this video with a length of no more than 30 seconds, carefully studying whether there were traces of "high technology" in it!

Later, she slowed down the video, one time, five times, or even ten times the speed.

Doubly slowed video almost becomes a still image.

He Tiantian stared, watched, and studied without blinking.

In the end, she can be sure that her whole person has indeed disappeared from this world.

She had spent twenty years in the world of fiction, and two or three minutes had passed in reality.

He Tiantian didn't know how long she had studied the video before she was finally certain.

She deleted the video from the camera's storage and cleaned up all traces.

"Tiantian, you don't have to trouble yourself, I can help you!"

Xiao D, who knew the depths of the sea, was a little speechless when he saw He Tiantian's series of operations.

It's a smart assistant, a super-super-powerful artificial intelligence.

As long as it is related to electronics and networks, it can be handed over to it.

"Well! I see!"

He Tiantian nodded casually and agreed indiscriminately.

After processing the video and turning off the camera, He Tiantian threw the phone back on the bed.

She turned around and came to the full-length mirror, carefully observing herself through the mirror—

She was wearing the same clothes she had when she disappeared from the world of fiction, clearly in the nineties.

From the current point of view, it is called a "retro".

However, He Tiantian's appearance "restored" to the way she was before the time-travel.

Why do you say "recovery"?

The reason is simple,

He Tiantian has lived with her own body for twenty years in the novel world.

More than 20 years have been enough to turn a green and pink girl into a mature and charming middle-aged man.

Even if He Tiantian is well maintained, even if she looks much younger than her peers.

But people in their forties are still incomparable to girls who are seventeen or eighteen.

The collagen on the face has been seriously lost, the baby fat has disappeared, the flesh on the face has begun to decrease, and the bones are prominent.

Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds, sagging skin, decreased metabolism and other problems will gradually appear.

It's not that He Tiantian hasn't experienced old age, but those are not her body.

She is more just "acting".

This time, she saw herself getting older every year.

A few days before he was about to leave the novel world, when he was combing his hair, He Tiantian found a few white hairs in the blue silk on his head!

This feeling of aging is too deep, too real.

Even at the moment of leaving the novel world, He Tiantian regained her 18-year-old youthful appearance, and her feelings in the novel world were also pulled away.

But she was still deeply affected.

When I touched my hair, it was still shoulder length, thick and jet black.

No matter how carefully you searched, there was no trace of white hair.

In front of the mirror, he deliberately made a laugh and squinted his eyes, and there were no fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

As for bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds... The face is full of collagen, the powder is full and tender, the skin is plump and firm, and there is no old-fashioned appearance at all.


He Tiantian often exhaled, wearing something, too tired.

She definitely experienced a different life in the novel world.

Fortunately, she is back, and everything is over!

However, there are some things, He Tiantian still wants to ask Xiao D again——

"Little D, if I encounter danger in the world of fiction, such as being injured and disabled, or dying directly, what kind of refraction will it have in reality?"

He Tiantian ran to the bathroom, and while taking a shower, "gossip" with classmate Xiao D.

"Of course there is no refraction!"

Classmate Xiao D said with a straight face, "The difference between wearing a body and wearing a soul is not that big. Everything in the fictional world will not affect reality."

"Of course, if the points are negative, but still fail, there may be some impact!"

"But, Tiantian, you don't have to worry. Your points are even better. Even if you fail a dozen times, you will be fine!"

After talking, Xiao D became proud again.

It began to bewitched hard, "Actually, the task of wearing is generally very high! It is much higher than the anti-virus task!"

"Sweet, if this time is not an emergency remedial task, you can get at least 20 points based on how well you complete the task!"

Speaking of which, Xiao D is a little pity.

Alas, it's just that the last mission failed, and Tiantian had to challenge the emergency remedial mission, otherwise, He Tiantian could get a lot of points this time.

As a sweet friend, Xiao D can also get a lot of share.

He Tiantian twitched the corners of her mouth, "If it wasn't for an emergency remedial mission, I wouldn't easily challenge 'wearing'."

There are too many difficulties in wearing, and there are more uncontrollable factors.

He Tiantian was reluctant to try it unless it was a last resort.

To be honest, He Tiantian was too impulsive this time.

She, who had never been defeated, was suddenly defeated, and she couldn't accept it.

She suddenly heard that she could still "remediate", and she had a fever for a while, and she agreed without thinking too much.

It was only after she traveled through it in person, growing up and getting old in the world of novels, that she gradually realized the dangers and difficulties.

Wearing it, there are definitely risks that she has not anticipated.

She will never try again easily.

And the wild writer, who gave He Tiantian a very subtle feeling.

In the interstellar sadomasochism text, this person is so mysterious, how can he hide, and he is so patient, he just hides from He Tiantian's eyes.

In the remedial mission, He Tiantian discovered Zhao Qingping and moved his hands and feet secretly, so that he could no longer hide.

He Tiantian is slightly better!

However, this does not mean that Zhao Qingping will fail.

Even if there is another pig teammate who disrupts the situation, depending on this person's ability to "win", he can completely deal with it.

Maybe the process is more troublesome, but it is definitely not impossible!

But this person died very easily with Qiu Xiaoxue.

At that time, He Tiantian only cared about being happy because he completed the task and pulled a game back, and temporarily ignored the weirdness in his heart.

When things passed and she "reviewed" in her spare time, she realized that something was wrong——

Zhao Qingping didn't seem to be "admit loss, stop losses in time, and start a new game", but rather like "interesting, but I won't play with you this time" casually.

He Tiantian didn't think she was sensitive, her intuition was always accurate.

That "Zhao Qingping" is definitely not a master who easily admits defeat.

This person is very powerful, difficult to deal with, and also very proud and conceited.

He is the real powerhouse.

He Tiantian secretly kept these in mind.

After taking a shower, drying my hair, I packed up my 90s clothes and hid it in the corner of the closet.

After He Tiantian was done, she lay back on the bed again.

Looking at the time, it was still very early, and drowsiness came, she yawned, then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

There was no dream all night, and in the early morning, the sun accompanied the sea breeze and gently broke into the room.

He Tiantian woke up naturally, put on a t-shirt, sweatpants, found a pair of sneakers, and walked out of the room to prepare for a day's morning exercise.

Wearing it once, He Tiantian deeply realized the truth of "what you learn in reality is yourself".

She didn't dare to slack off at all, and she didn't dare to be lazy and cheat by relying on the learning space provided by the system.

When he walked out of the room, he bumped into Yuan Mei, who was in the same early stage and who was also trying to exercise.

"Huh? Sweet, are you going to run today too?"

Yuan Mei moved her wrists and ankles while walking.

Seeing He Tiantian, he was a little new and blurted out a question.

"Well! Activities! School will start in half a month, and there will be military training!"

He Tiantian replied with a smile, the reasons are ready-made, "I exercise more, so I won't be able to stand it during military training!"

Yuan Mei couldn't help but rolled her eyes in her heart after hearing this.

"Can't stand military training"?

Ha, what a liar!

He worked as an "assistant" for He Tiantian for several months, and watched her filming action scenes in the crew without a double.

Yuan Mei doesn't know He Tiantian's "details".

This girl has actually practiced a good martial arts.

Although it is not the kind of killing technique with full lethality, it is also a kind of ancient martial arts.

Yuan Mei even suspected that He Tiantian had cultivated her inner strength.

Although at the moment, internal force or something is just a fiction in film and television works and literary works.

However, Yuan Mei's identity and her experience told her that there are secrets in this world that ordinary people don't know.

Such as ancient martial arts, such as internal strength, such as - many, many.

Even Yuan Mei only knows some fur.

As for why He Tiantian, a little girl who grew up in a small county, suddenly took up ancient martial arts, the relevant departments have also investigated.

Before Yuan Mei came to help He Tiantian, she had read this document.

There is no indication on the data, but there are guesses by the relevant personnel—

The mysterious heir of a hidden family.

Yuan Mei:  …

Are you sure you're not writing online urban fantasy novels?

Even the hidden family who stepped on the horse came out!

Will there be a spiritual recovery in the future? Doomsday invasion? Alien creatures rampant? !

Yuan Mei's mind was full of messy thoughts.

However, it is a fact that He Tiantian knows martial arts.

As a special female soldier, Yuan Mei was not sure that she could knock down the opponent.

It's just that He Tiantian is very low-key.

Yuan Mei has been by her side for several months, and she is rarely seen practicing martial arts.

At most, run and run, do some simple stretches or throw punches and kicks.

Even this kind of basic exercise, He Tiantian only does it occasionally.

Therefore, she was somewhat surprised to see He Tiantian looking like she was going to exercise.

As for He Tiantian's explanation, Yuan Mei only regarded the other party as "humble".

"The military training in the university is not difficult, Tiantian, you must have no problem!"

Although Yuan Mei rolled her eyes in her heart, she still followed He Tiantian's words and said, "However, it's not a bad thing to exercise more!"

"Well, that's what I thought too!"

Skills are not overwhelming, and the body is the capital of everything.

He Tiantian wears it once, so she doesn't have too many insights about life.

"Let's go! Let's go together!" Yuan Mei's invitation with a smile had a fighting spirit in her bones.

"Okay!" Let's be together.

If possible, He Tiantian would also like to play against this amazing looking special forces soldier.

The two went out of the yard together, warmed up and stretched, and then Yuan Mei shouted "start", and the two flew out like arrows from the string.

After running around the island for more than half a lap, and running a full marathon, the breath of both of them was a little unstable.

He Tiantian is better, she has internal strength to protect her body.

Yuan Mei is not too far behind, after all, she has been training all the year round.

"Haha, sweet, your physical strength and endurance are good, you can try a marathon."

Yuan Mei likes sports and fighting. In the past, she was in the military camp, and it was difficult to participate in some social competitions.

After coming to be an assistant to He Tiantian, she has more opportunities.

While talking, Yuan Mei took out her mobile phone from her sports pocket. She found out several sports groups she had joined and wanted Amway to give He Tiantian.

However, as soon as I opened a marathon group, I was shocked by the general information on the screen.

She glanced at ten lines, and read the long paragraphs of the text, and the angry expression on her face full of sweat——

"Scum! Scum!

A bunch of beasts! "

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