The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and thirty eighth chapter guardian

"Sister Mei, what's wrong? What happened?"

He Tiantian has been with Yuan Mei for a few months, and knows that this person is a calm and forbearer.

It can't be said that happiness and anger are indistinguishable, but it is not so easy to express their emotions.

After all, for Yuan Mei, she is now "working" time.

And at work, you can't mix too many personal feelings.

However, at this moment, He Tiantian clearly felt that Yuan Mei was out of anger and was about to explode.

He Tiantian couldn't help but be a little worried, thinking that something had happened to Yuan Mei's family or friends.

"..." Yuan Mei took a deep breath and tried her best to control her emotions.

She reached out and tapped a few times on the phone screen, "I sent it to you, you can see for yourself!"

She really can't repeat it, too, too hateful, too, too outrageous!

Yuan Mei couldn't imagine that in the current state of China, there are still such demented scumbags.

The two of them had come to the living room while they were talking.

He Tiantian's phone was left on the sofa in the living room. Seeing Yuan Mei's appearance, she didn't hesitate, and hurriedly took a few steps to pick up the phone.

Open the screen and find Yuan Mei's v signal.

When you click it, you will see a large paragraph of text and a few photos that make people feel shocking.

"This, this is—"

It was too bloody, even though he had typed the code, He Tiantian was still a little flustered.

She looked at those words first—

It turned out that just yesterday morning, two little girls who were jogging in the morning were exercising in the park outside the community as usual.

When I came back, I happened to meet a few thugs who had been drinking all night.

Those gangsters who were provocative and harassing were unable to beat the two girls together.

If it wasn't for the rush of passers-by to stop them, the ending of the two girls would be unimaginable.

Even so, the girl was taken to the hospital.

Some enthusiastic passers-by took a video and uploaded it to the Internet.

In no time, the network exploded!

He Tiantian and Yuan Mei are far away on the island, and neither of them are too keen on swiping their mobile phones, so it has been almost a day since the incident, and there are several related hot searches on the list, and they are not aware of it.

If it wasn't for the two girls who also liked sports, they joined some marathon and jogging groups, and these group friends were outraged and went everywhere to help retweet, and called for severe punishment of the villains.

Yuan Mei, who is also in the marathon group, may not know until now.

"Scum! Scum!"

After reading the message Yuan Mei sent her, He Tiantian went to Weibo to read the hot search.

In the end, she couldn't say anything more than these few words.

As the object of being bullied, He Tiantian is particularly able to understand the helplessness and despair of the weak.

He Tiantian hates the theory of victim guilt.

At this moment, seeing the relevant news and recalling the "old news" that appeared on the hot list, He Tiantian felt even more inexplicable grief and anger.

Children who were kidnapped and bullied, elders who were abused, and many women who were killed in taxis, harassed in cars, and killed in morning jogging...!

The world is full of sunshine, but there are still places that the sun can't reach.

After He Tiantian was angry, she fell into deep contemplation——

I am no longer weak, but not all weak people are as lucky as I am to be able to encounter a system.

How can ordinary people who have no plug-ins and no golden fingers protect themselves?

Yes, the law will definitely punish it!

However, the damage has been done, both physically and mentally, and that "pain" will last a lifetime.

Take precautions before they happen, and protect those who are temporarily unable to reach the sun!

He Tiantian suddenly had a sense of responsibility and mission.

What is a strong man?

The strong is to protect the weak and protect the truth, goodness and beauty of the world.

He Tiantian swiped her fingers, and various related videos have already topped the Internet.

There are also some merchants who do not know whether they should be considered unscrupulous or conscientious, and have also launched various "self-defense artifacts" in a timely manner.

What anti-wolf spray,

What a needlepoint ring, and a stun stick...

These things cannot be said to be completely useless.

However, when they are in real danger, they can have little effect.

Because they are not intelligent, they need to be operated by humans.

As an ordinary person, when faced with danger, you will be afraid, you will be at a loss, and you will not know what to do!

intelligent? Automatic guard? !

He Tiantian's brain is running fast, she already has a few keywords, and starts to search for related technical support!

The sadomasochistic texts of the last world, wearing the cloak of interstellar.

Although there is suspicion of selling dog meat with a sheep's head, but in the end, it involves many high-tech fields.

He Tiantian hurriedly called out her system panel.

The transparent system page that only He Tiantian can see, clearly records a few lines of numbers——

Points: 137 points;

Achievement points: 7300 points;

Reward: 115,000 Points Coins.

He Tiantian looked at the points and then at the reward amount.

According to the regulations of the system, if she has more than 100,000 points, she can exchange for an intermediate treasure chest.

The prizes from the intermediate treasure chests are basically VIP products in the Dianniang mall.

He Tiantian also discovered a hidden law, that is, the treasure box prizes she opened have a high probability of being related to the world she just experienced.

The last task is an emergency remediation task and can be ignored.

Therefore, the last mission is the latest novel world that He Tiantian normally experiences!

He Tiantian exchanges treasure chests at this time, and it is very likely that he will win products related to interstellar sadomasochism.

For example, a certain black technology, or some kind of exercise that expands the brain and stimulates the spiritual power.

Of course, the lottery is random, and it is far more accurate than direct purchase.

However, if you buy it directly, it will consume her precious points.

He Tiantian has always been a winner in the past, and doesn't really care about points.

After a failure, He Tiantian finally felt the importance of points.

She has enough points to have the confidence to accept failure.

Otherwise, she will definitely become eager for quick success and uncompromising means.

Because at some point, points = life!

Now He Tiantian cherishes her points very much.

She hesitated, two little people arguing in her heart.

One said: just use the reward amount to exchange for the intermediate treasure chest, the probability of opening the black technology is very high;

The other shook his head: No, you said that there is a probability, that is to say, there is a possibility of not winning. Or exchange points directly, anyway, you have a discount card.

One went on to say: Even if you have a discount card, you can start with at least 100 points for ordering VIP products.

And a dozen points are enough for He Tiantian to endure two or three failures.

The other was silent for a long time, and then cautiously said: After all, it is about saving people, just spend some points.

Good people are rewarded, and there is no harm in doing more good deeds!

"Yes! It's about saving people, and good deeds are rewarded!"

He Tiantian grabbed a few key words and finally made up her mind.

She clicked on the system mall and started searching for the black technology she wanted.

Soon, several eligible products were listed.

He Tiantian carefully studied and compared repeatedly, and finally selected the "energy bracelet" with a price that is neither high nor low!

The price is 169 points, and He Tiantian used a discount card, and it was rounded up, and 17 points were directly deducted.

Seeing that the points on the personal panel directly turned into 120 points, He Tiantian felt a little distressed.

However, this energy bracelet is also really cheating.

It is not just a bracelet, it also contains many black technologies.

When He Tiantian got the finished product, relevant information flooded into He Tiantian's brain instantly.


He Tiantian stood up and walked straight to the experimental building behind the courtyard.

"Sweet, you, you—"

Yuan Mei was still reposting indignantly, thinking about how she could help those two poor girls.

Suddenly seeing He Tiantian's reaction, she remembered her responsibility.

She quickly stood up and followed closely behind He Tiantian.

He Tiantian waved her hand, indicating that she didn't need to follow: "Sister Mei, I'm going to the laboratory!"

Yuan Mei was stunned, "Go to the laboratory?"

at this time?

Shouldn't you help find a lawyer or provide some financial aid?

"Yes, I'm going to make a gadget!"

He Tiantian said in her mouth, but her feet didn't stop.

"Make a gadget?"

Until this moment, Yuan Mei completely reacted.

She suddenly thought that He Tiantian in front of her was not an ordinary 18-year-old girl.

He is a genius, a national treasure that even the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences value.

The "gadgets" mentioned by He Tiantian must not be ordinary things, but maybe some great black technology.

Such as the drones some time ago.

Yuan Mei saw with her own eyes that she was just tinkering with her at will, and was "borrowed" by the relevant departments excitedly.

This time, what kind of creation will He Tiantian have? !

Somehow, Yuan Mei thought of the news she forwarded to He Tiantian, and she had a vague guess in her heart...

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