The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 843rd chapter villain redemption plan (2)

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"Customized tasks? Also assigned me to complete them?"

He Tiantian was slightly surprised.

She thought that she was an old bird who had done dozens of tasks anyway.

She didn't expect her to be so ignorant of the point mother system!

She never thought that the system actually had "customized tasks".

Classmate Xiao D shook Xiao Yuan's body and said, "Yes, it's a customized task that you are assigned to complete!"

A hair ball is very proud, "My family is sweet and cheating! You must know that this kind of writer who can be designated by readers is basically a third-level star writer."

And He Tiantian is only one star.

There are still two levels to the third level.

However, He Tiantian's record is too brilliant, there is no defeat!

The only failure was also offset by the success of the challenge emergency remediation mission.

Therefore, in He Tiantian's personal experience, her record is "total victory"!

This is a very powerful and extremely dazzling achievement.

Otherwise, readers will not designate He Tiantian to do custom tasks.

"Such a customized task should be difficult, right?"

He Tiantian is not as optimistic as Xiao D's classmates.

When she heard that a reader recognized her ability, she was naturally happy and excited.

However, it was only fleeting.

Soon she regained her original sanity and sobriety.

Classmate D nodded, "It's really a bit difficult—"

Xiao D pondered, organizing the words, thinking about how to better explain to He Tiantian.

After a while, it said slowly, "Tiantian, as you know, our Dianniang library has tens of millions of works."

"The unfinished and eunuch's web articles are only a small part, and more of them are finished articles. Some are still very classic and excellent works that are very popular with readers!"

"These works, whether it is the plot or the character setting, are perfect, and there is almost no need for rewriting!"

"However, readers have diverse tastes and different needs."

"Some plot characters, even if they are villains, are loved and even pitied by readers because of their too successful settings!"

"They feel sorry for these characters, even distressed, and want to reverse their fate—"

Xiao D tried his best to explain in clear language.

He Tiantian understood, "You mean, the so-called customized tasks are those excellent works that don't need to rewrite the plot, helping the readers greatly but wishing?"

Save the characters that the readers greatly pity, or give some compensation.

But soon, He Tiantian had doubts, "These do not need to be modified. If the fate of important plot characters is rashly changed, the entire plot will also be affected!"

Butterfly effect, not casually.

If you don't get it right, the originally perfect and complete world may collapse.

After all, some of those important characters are villains.

The existence of the villain is to highlight the protagonist, to create contradictions and promote the plot.

If the villain is "redeemed" and is no longer a villain, then, then—

He Tiantian is not a wild writer of evil forces, she is a regular contract writer of Dianniang Library.

She had to think about it from the point of view of Dianniang's library.

Xiao D was very satisfied to see that He Tiantian's "Three Views" were so correct.

It first praised He Tiantian, "Tiantian, you are worthy of being a star writer for us, and you have lived up to the system's expectations and respect for you!"

Instead of serving bowls to eat and scolding mothers, keep in mind who your "owner" is.

This is very good!

Then, Xiao D continued to shake Xiao Yuan's body, "However, don't worry, the customized tasks launched by our system will naturally not self-destruct the Great Wall!"

Those excellent works are the cash cows of the library, and the point mother system is neither crazy nor stupid, and of course it will not destroy it by itself.

"Don't worry, the custom task is actually more like a side story after the main text."

"It's a new little story developed to satisfy the readers after the main text is over!"

"Satisfy regrets, imagine the 'another fate' of the plot characters, or even change the ending..."

Extra story? !

Oh, He Tiantian got it!

This is similar to the same people, and they are all secondary creations based on the original work.

It can not only meet the great requirements of some readers, but also will not affect the original world.

Killing two birds with one stone is perfect!

"Since it's a side story, why not let the original author write it?"

He Tiantian still had doubts, she grabbed Xiao D classmate and rua it's furry.

Xiao D didn't fry his hair, and let He Tiantian's claws rub.

While enjoying Rua Mao, it did not forget to answer He Tiantian's question: "Dear, many of those classic works are the works of the authors a few years ago, or even more than ten years ago."

"After so long, the big writers have long forgotten their original inspiration and lost the passion for writing."

"It's too bad to say, some authors even forgot the important supporting characters in this book other than the protagonist!"

Human energy is limited, and memory has a shelf life!

In addition, text creation requires inspiration and passion.

Once that light flashes in your mind, even the original author will have a hard time writing the same story again.

As for the sequel?

Ha ha, if you can't get it right, it's the continuation of the dog's tail!

Many of those authors have already become gods, so they won't be so ignorant of feathers.

Also, there is another possibility.

That is, some of the original authors have retired from the circle, or Shenyin, and want to find someone to continue writing, but they may not be able to find someone in the library.

Rather than going through all that, it's better to just find a writer.

Moreover, if you change people, you have different thoughts and cognitions, and you can keep pace with the times and think about problems with three views and perspectives that are more in line with modern people.

Such writing will make the readers more satisfied.

After all, the reason why custom tasks appear is entirely because of the wishes of readers!

To make readers greatly satisfied, only by clicking on Niangshuku can get more and greater benefits.

Of course, the Dianniang library is not a stingy tradition, and the rewards for custom tasks are very generous.

When Xiao D thought of this, he was very excited: "Tiantian, let me tell you, the reward points for custom tasks all start at 30 o'clock."

"30 points! Sweet, do the math, how many antivirus tasks do you need to complete to get 30 points?"

"Also, the rewards from readers are also very, very, very impressive!"

There are a lot of readers who can customize tasks. It can’t be said that all of them are local tyrants, but they are not bad for money.

So, as long as you can satisfy them, make them feel refreshed, and reward them, it's not a problem at all!

The more rewards you earn, the more advanced treasure chests can be exchanged.

More advanced treasure chests have a greater chance of opening rare high-level prizes!

No matter what, the writers make a lot of money!

He Tiantian is not a person who is carried away by the "big cake".

Suddenly, He Tiantian asked, "It shouldn't be too easy to order a task."

Suddenly thinking of something, He Tiantian asked again, "Do you want to wear it?"

Although the custom task is more like a side story after the end of the main text, it is completely possible to add a few characters, or make some originally transparent minor characters become important ones.

However, the extras are closely related to the main text, and there cannot be too abrupt characters!

Especially for those who have been redeemed and recovered, a character who is too "weird" can easily arouse their suspicion.

Once the characters in "Awakening" are "awakened", not only will the world of the extra chapter collapse, but it may also affect the world of the original!

And listening to the meaning of Xiao D's words, He Tiantian's customized mission this time should be to redeem the villain.

The villain or something, being able to fight to the death with the protagonist who has the aura of the protagonist, and only lose one move, is enough to prove that they are not ordinary people.

Such people are wary, cunning enough, and instinctively reject everything and question everything!

If the character problem of crossing can not be solved better.

As soon as He Tiantian "wears" it, she will reveal her stuffing.

Points from 30 points are not so easy to get.

He Tiantian believes in the principle of high return = high risk.

She won't be lucky or fantasized, thinking that she is an exception, a special existence different from other people!

Little D classmate: ...

Uh, I know that its friends are the most cautious.

They also cooperated for a period of time. During this period, only He Tiantian fooled him as a mentally retarded assistant, and his little d never succeeded in "Amway" He Tiantian.

"It's really difficult! But, sweet, it's really hard to customize the task!"

Classmate Xiao D avoided the key points and continued to praise the benefits of custom tasks—

"The point is, this is the recognition of you from the readers!"

"One more thing, if you successfully complete the customized task, your star level may increase."

"Once you become a Samsung writer, you can unlock the script ahead of time, choose your character freely, and have immunity for failure..."

Xiao D said that its intention to want He Tiantian to take over the customized task is not too obvious.

He Tiantian was actually moved.

She has an adventurous gene in her bones, and she is willing to try all kinds of new things.

Customized tasks?

It sounds challenging.

The point is, as Xiao D said, the rewards are really generous.

Many things are not impossible to do, not impossible, but "money" is not enough.

As long as the "money" is enough, He Tiantian feels that even if she wears another dress, it is not impossible!

However, there is already an intentional movement in his heart, but He Tiantian will not show it.

She also needs to get some benefits from classmate D. If she exposes her thoughts too early, she will change from active to passive!

The advantages that you have obviously will be lost.

"Do you still want to wear it?"

He Tiantian didn't seem to hear the benefits that Xiao D's classmates advocated, but was entangled in the problem of her own embarrassment.

Xiao D was choked for a moment, "Also, you don't have to wear it! However, for this kind of extra story, the new role actually has more room to play than the original role of Soul Wear!"

After all, those original characters have their own character settings.

Once the soul passes through, the original owner's character must be maintained.

This, for writers, is like an extra layer of shackles.

Anyway, you can wear it, so why not have a new character with no burden and no restraints?

Wearing is the best choice!

He Tiantian was somewhat repulsive, and gave a reasonable explanation, "You also said that this time is the task of saving the villain."

"And the villain or something, it's not so easy to fool!"

A stranger who appeared out of thin air, let's not talk about the identity issue.

It is definitely a big problem to gain the trust of a very wary villain.

Moreover, even if they become "friends", they cannot interfere in other people's lives at will.


To put it nicely, it is help.

But if it is harsher, it is to correct the fault of the other party and let him go from the crooked path to the right path!

Ahem, isn't this just like the parents that many children detest?

"I'm good for you!"

"I'm helping you!"

"If you don't listen to me, you will fall, become a scum, a criminal..."

Even the parents and children of the closest relatives may not be able to handle this kind of conflict well.

Not to mention "friends" who are not related by any blood!

Are villains really stupid?

Give him a little warmth, and show your understanding and support to him, so that he can be regarded as a friend of life and death? !

I really think I am writing the ancient redemption text of dog blood!

Little D classmate: ...

Sweet, don't be so calm, let alone sober, okay!

You are so transparent and almost "pessimistic", it is easy to miss the opportunity!

And this custom task, in the eyes of Xiao D, is an excellent opportunity for He Tiantian.

It would be a pity to refuse such a task because of looking ahead and being afraid of the east and the west.

In the future, He Tiantian is very likely to regret it!

As He Tiantian's close friend, Xiao D feels that she has a responsibility to "remind" her.

However, before Xiao D could speak again, it heard He Tiantian's voice——

"This custom task, the readers have appointed me to complete it, right or not?"

Xiao D was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes! Yes! Sweet, do you see how much readers like and trust you?"

"Even if it's for the sake of readers, you should take this task!"

He Tiantian simply ignored Xiao D's low-level "sensation".

She continued to ask, "Since it is only me who can do it, should the system give me certain preferential treatment?"

As "the only", it is so confident.

He Tiantian will not miss the opportunity to raise conditions.

Little D classmate: ...

By the way, it really is the He Tiantian that I am familiar with!

I really want to negotiate conditions with the system at any time.

However, He Tiantian is right, this custom task is indeed only able to be completed by her.

As a writer designated by readers, you can indeed mention several conditions.

Of course, the proposed conditions cannot be too outrageous.

After all, the system has its own insistence and principles.

He Tiantian can't make an exception!

He Tiantian curled her lips and began to put forward her own conditions...

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