The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and forty-fourth chapter villain rescue plan (3)

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"First, I want to unlock the script in advance!"

He Tiantian needs to know what world she is about to travel through.

She can prepare in advance.

The fluffy face of classmate D was filled with hesitation.

Unlock the script ahead of time?

This, this is a bit over the top.

However, this is not all of He Tiantian's conditions.

Just when Xiao D was worried about how to gossip with the system to ask for approval, He Tiantian spoke again——

"Second, I want to independently choose the method of crossing, and the role of crossing!"

He Tiantian is still a little resistant to wearing.

In the previous world, she would rashly agree to wear it because she was impulsive and dizzy.

After a lot of experience, He Tiantian was truly at ease the moment she left the world.

It's a very bad feeling to "disappear" directly in the world where you are, and throw your body into a strange and uncontrollable world!

He Tiantian doesn't like this uncontrollable unsafe state!

Classmate D: ...Ah, this, this?

He Tiantian looked at classmate Xiao D and was about to crumple herself into a walnut, not half-hearted, let alone giving in.

"I only have these two conditions. If the system agrees, I will take over this customized task!"

Otherwise, take another step back.

The principle of He Tiantian's negotiation is to ask the sky to pay back the money on the spot.

However, even though he thought in his heart that he could give in, his face showed the determination that "there is no negotiation".

Little D classmate was frightened again.


It swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then looked at He Tiantian pitifully: "Tiantian, is there really no room for negotiation?"

He Tiantian shook her head vigorously, "No!"

In order to let Xiao D understand her attitude, she pretended to say casually, "Actually, I don't want to do tasks that much!"

"As you can see, I just started school and college life has just started. It's quite interesting."

"In addition, the new film directed by Liu Meng, I want to follow."

"Also, my he entertainment technology company, which has just launched its flagship product, is at the time of its grand plans—"

Speaking of which, He Tiantian spread her hands and said, "In reality, I'm very busy! My life is very fulfilling!"

So, she didn't care that much about tasks.

And custom tasks or something, you can do it or not!

He Tiantian is so "casual", but Xiao D is very eager.

"Oh, sweet, don't make a decision in a hurry."

"Then what, no, it's just two conditions, I'll find a way!"

Little D classmate was unhappy when she saw He Tiantian's "not doing a proper job", and finally persuaded her to do the task.

And the custom task, how rare, how rich the reward!

As a close assistant, Xiao D, there are 110,000 people in the core who don't want to give up!

Don't you just go and cry with the system, Xiao D said: I am familiar with this business!

It's not that I haven't done it before, it's just another time.

Xiao D thinks that it can still be tried.

After all, its sweet little friend is a very rare "general victorious" in the system.

The record of complete victory is enough to make her qualified to raise the conditions.

He Tiantian is so awesome, and her smart assistant Xiao D suddenly has confidence.

"Yes! I'm going to negotiate with the system!"

After spitting out the word "negotiation", Xiao D suddenly had a lot of courage.

"what ever!"

He Tiantian shrugged, still looking indifferent.

There was a little more expectation in her eyes, hoping that Xiao D would be able to "splash" successfully.

Seeing a hairy ball roll to the system to "negotiate" with his own eyes, He Tiantian stayed in the library space alone in a daze.

There are already rows of books on the huge bookshelf leading to the sky.

These are all successfully written by He Tiantian.

One by one, it's all He Tiantian's record.

It was her "life".


At the moment of leaving the world, all her emotions are stripped away.

Except for the first world.

She has long lost her feelings for people in other worlds, those former relatives and friends.

Looking back on it now, it seems to be the same as ordinary.

She is a reader, not a witness.

After an unknown amount of time, He Tiantian suddenly felt a faint energy fluctuation.

She quickly regained her mind, she knew that this was the return of Xiao D.

Sure enough, He Tiantian looked up and saw a slightly "messy" hair ball rolling back.

Ahem, just looking at Xiao D's pitiful and pitiful appearance, He Tiantian can guess that Xiao D was "sprayed" by the system again.

However, the result should be good.

Because He Tiantian found out that Xiao D was pitiful, but his big eyes flashed with pride.


Xiao D coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and pretended to say to He Tiantian, "Tiantian, after my efforts to negotiate with the system, the system finally agreed!"

"You don't even know how good I was just now!"

"Sweet, let me tell you—"

Xiao D wanted to show off his achievements, but was ruthlessly interrupted by He Tiantian——

"Not bad! Classmate D, you really lived up to my expectations for you!"

"Okay, since the system has agreed to my conditions, then pass the script to me first!"

He Tiantian stretched out her right hand towards Xiao D.

Little D classmate: ...

It looked at He Tiantian resentfully, with those little eyes, don't be too aggrieved.

Woohoo, people just want to show off, why don't you cooperate?

Woohoo, what about your best friend?

Sweet, good and bad!

The little man in the depths of the core, biting his handkerchief, chirping and crying.

When He Tiantian saw Xiao D's appearance, she felt a little guilty.

Oops, it's my little friend after all. Although he is a little mentally retarded, he is better at being obedient, easy to use, and especially easy to fool!

"Little D, I knew you were the best! Thank you, my little friend!"

He Tiantian changed her tone and said to Xiao D with a smile.

Seeing He Tiantian being so "sincere", Xiao D felt that his damaged core was comforted.

"It's okay! I'm just presenting facts and reasoning to the system!"

"Besides, it's also Tiantian, you are good enough. The readers have all assigned you to complete the task, and the system will also think highly of you."

And as the tide rises, as He Tiantian's intelligent assistant, Xiao D dares to roll around in front of the system!

He Tiantian raised her hand, and rua another little D classmate's furry, which was considered to be comforted again.

Little D's fluffy fluff is really sticking up again.


Little D classmate is full of blood and resurrected!

After soothing, He Tiantian didn't waste time, but re-entered the topic.

"Little D, give me the script."


Classmate Xiao D returned to his cute appearance, and shook Xiao Yuan's body lightly.

A transparent energy wave flashed.

He Tiantian's divine soul came into contact with that energy, and was instantly flooded into a network.

This is an urban suspense revenge essay.

The heroine Qiao Anqi is the eldest miss of the Qiao Group and the only heir.

Under the arrangement of Mr. Qiao, she married Wu Zhiqian, a wealthy and powerful family leader.

Although Wu Zhiqian came from a wealthy family, his family encountered a major crisis.

It was all through the marriage with the Qiao family that the family survived the crisis and brought the Wu family back to the top.

The Qiao family helped the Wu family, but Wu Zhiqian was not much grateful.

Instead, he thought that the Qiao family took advantage of the fire and attempted to embezzle the Wu family.

Qiao Anqi, as a real eldest young lady, is arrogant and arrogant.

Even if she didn't lose her temper on purpose, her arrogance and dominance made Wu Zhiqian feel "humiliated".

Some of the best are like this. Not only are they not grateful for the favors of others, but they hate the other party for seeing their most embarrassing side.

For the so-called "dignity", Wu Zhiqian cheated.

He also tried to do something secretly, planning to kill Qiao Anqi.

With the help of the Qiao family's maid, Qiao Anqi's car lost control and rushed into the sea.

Although no body was found, in terms of the circumstances at the time, the chance of Qiao Anqi surviving was very small.

Wu Zhiqian deliberately concocted a substitute and continued to plot the entire Qiao Group.

Because of the "disappearance" of his only daughter, Mr. Qiao's whole person collapsed.

Wu Zhiqian's plan succeeded, and he actually invaded the Qiao family step by step.

Qiao Anqi didn't die, she changed her face, and with the help of the male supporting role, she killed again.

The scumbag man, Dou Xiaosan, took back everything that belonged to him little by little.

Wu Zhiqian was also attacked by his "pet" and died in a "car accident" before Qiao Anqi started.

The bad guy was punished, the heroine Qiao Anqi succeeded in revenge, and also gained her own love.


Happy ending.

The whole book is wonderfully written.

The villain is vicious and the scumbag is shameless, while Qiao Anqi has transformed from a wealthy daughter of a wealthy family who is precious and petite into an independent and strong heroine!

There is suspense, reversal, good and evil, and no flaws.

The only controversial character is one of the big villains - Joanne!

She is really bad and hurts a lot of people.

But she was not born like this, she was forced to be like this by cruel reality.

Some readers feel pity for such a hateful and pitiful character, and feel that if someone had helped her, she would definitely not have gone to a point of no return.

As a result, there was a custom task that Tiantian He was assigned to complete.

"Redemption villain Joanne?"

After He Tiantian received the script, he also knew the specific task.

She was lost in thought.

Readers are not wrong, Joanne is not born bad.

Her "fallen" was deliberate.

However, He Tiantian carefully studied the script, but still felt that most of the readers were suspected of wearing filters.

Even if Joanne is not a natural villain, she has a certain "foundation".

Her character is a bit extreme, and she also has a side of greed and vanity in her bones.

It can be said that she has her own shortcomings.

Of course, as ordinary people, everyone has flaws.

The biggest difference between good and evil is that good people can restrain their desires, recognize their shortcomings, and regulate themselves not to make mistakes!

The wicked, on the other hand, will magnify the greed in their hearts, use the grievances and setbacks they have received as an excuse, and let themselves be reckless.

Well, it's a bit of "if someone hurts me, I'm going to hurt someone else".

Can't say how bad it is, certainly not good enough!

"Yes, yes, it is to redeem Joanne!"

"She actually repented, otherwise, with her plan, she would never have been caught!"

"She has every opportunity to fly away, but she still can't stand the condemnation of her conscience—"

Little D classmates rambled on.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, noncommittal to what Xiao D said.

Is Joanne "turning herself in" really just because she's remorseful?

He Tiantian drew a question mark in her heart.

"If Joanne had fled abroad, readers might not feel so pity."

"Well, it can be seen from this that Joanne's nature is not bad, she is just in the most desperate time, no one pulls her up!"

Xiao D said with emotion.

It does not play by itself, but uses comments from readers.

He Tiantian still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Xiao D had no choice but to stop commenting, but went to the topic——

"By the way, sweet, have you thought about the way to travel?"

Still wear it!

The brand new character, even if Joanne is wary, with He Tiantian's ability, she can slowly win the trust of the other party.

Become a good girlfriend, a logical redemption, and let the villain start a new beautiful life!

The task is successfully completed!

When Xiao D thought about this, there was a burst of excitement deep inside his core.

He Tiantian:  …

Feeling the excitement of classmate Xiao D, she was a little speechless!

The former Joanne was indeed pitiful, but she was not an ordinary pitiful person.

She is a boss-level character who can grow into a big villain!

He Tiantian doesn't think that after she wears it, she can easily deceive a "liar expert" by making up lies!

Of course, it's not that He Tiantian can't do it, but it's too laborious.

She has a better way-

"What? You, are you going to dress as 'her'?"

After listening to He Tiantian's request, Xiao D's whole hair ball is not good.

It had no idea that He Tiantian would actually wear such a character.

"What? Can't do it? Probably not. This character exists in Yuan."

"Although she was only taken for granted, her existence is reasonable!"

And a reasonable existence can win Joanne's trust.

Besides, He Tiantian feels that such "writing" is unexpected and can arouse the interest of readers.

The customized task must be completed, but the reading sense of the readers must also be considered.

He Tiantian has a hunch that as long as she can make readers feel refreshed, even if the task is not completed perfectly, she will get their support and appreciation!

that's enough!

After all, the greatest value of Dianniangshuku's works is to satisfy readers.

He Tiantian did it, that is, to complete the most fundamental and core task.

"...It should be possible!"

Xiao D reacted slowly, and he also realized that He Tiantian's idea was absolutely novel.

There may be movies and works involving similar ideas, but they are still relatively rare in Dianniang Library.

At least the little D classmates were very interested when they heard it.

"Yes! Just do it! Sweet, you have too many ideas..."

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