The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 845th chapter villain redemption plan (4)

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"It can be done, right?"

He Tiantian ignored Xiao D's excitement, but reconfirmed.


Xiao D was choked for a moment, and then said uncertainly, "It should be possible!"

I just went to talk to the system, oh no, when I was crying, the system was so messed up, I just gave a cold word—


This should be the default of the two conditions proposed by He Tiantian.

First, unlock the script in advance! Has been completed.

Second, choose the way to travel and choose the character to travel!

Although He Tiantian's chosen character and way of crossing are slightly abnormal, they are not too outrageous!

Xiao D thinks that the system should not care too much.

Then again, this idea is really good.

Xiao D students think it is very interesting, and readers should also like it.

The readers are greatly satisfied, and the system will definitely be satisfied!

Thinking about it in this way, the slightly guilty student D suddenly raised his head.

It looked at He Tiantian firmly, and clicked forcefully.

He Tiantian got to the point, and smiled back at Xiao D with satisfaction, as if to say: Well done!

Xiao D's hair is getting stronger and stronger.

"Okay, then it's decided, I'll make preparations first!"

He Tiantian said lightly.

Xiao D began to be curious again: "Prepare? Sweet, what do you want to prepare? It's a modern urban language, you don't need to get any more robes, gold and silver jewelry!"

He Tiantian didn't answer Xiao D directly, but opened Dianniang Mall.

She started searching for "future phone".

Mmmm, in order to truly win the trust of a wary future boss, He Tiantian must be well prepared!

In the future, the mobile phone will be one of her important props.

Not to mention, there are really more than one in Dianniang Mall.

He Tiantian picked a Love Crazy 21 with suitable functions and price.

Ahem, the transparent body and cool lights are exactly the same as the fruit 20 owned by the soul ferryman of a popular web drama.

He Tiantian seriously suspects that this Love Crazy 21 in Dianniang Mall is a reference to the props of this online drama as a model.

The price is 23 points, one-time consumables, with a discount card, rounded up, only 2 points are deducted.

He Tiantian felt a little bit of a pain, but considering that the reward for the customized task is 30 points, she felt nothing in an instant!

No input, no output?

Can't bear the child, can't bear the wolf, fight!

How sweet dessert is to buy Jian!

Xiao D's eyes are full of circles, he can't understand He Tiantian's operation at all!

He Tiantian did not explain, the purchase was completed, and the goods were exchanged.

In an instant, a rectangular transparent object appeared in He Tiantian's palm.

The material looks a bit like plastic, but it is thicker and heavier than plastic.

He Tiantian's finger gently stroked the surface, and the screen was instantly lit.

Obviously it is transparent, but you can see the mobile phone interface.

Not the two systems that are popular now, but a more sci-fi minimalist system.

He Tiantian found the instructions on the product page again, looked at how to operate, and began to try to use it.

No need to know, this operation, He Tiantian discovered that the system produced is really excellent!

The mobile phone of the future lives up to its name!

Not only has artificial intelligence, but also holographic projection.

Its function is almost the same as the optical brain that He Tiantian used in the interstellar era.

This is a small and extremely practical black technology mobile phone.

He Tiantian was originally proficient in hacking technology, and possessing such advanced and sophisticated electronic products for her is simply a blessing.

He Tiantian can "create" at will.

She is already familiar with the script and clearly "sees" the characters in the play.

Therefore, she draws the scoop compared to the gourd, and can concoct the props she wants very clearly and profoundly!

holding the phone of the future,

After working in the library space for a long time, He Tiantian prepared all the props she could think of and used.

Xiao D's classmates watched silently.

After seeing it with my own eyes for so long, no matter how mentally retarded it is, I probably understand the purpose of He Tiantian.

It couldn't help giving a thumbs up deep in the core: "Awesome, my little friend!"

By the way, what is Tiantian thinking?

Why do you always think about things so thoughtfully?

In other words, its little D classmate is an omnipotent artificial intelligence.

Why can't the sweet head work well? !

Uh, this is probably the difference between a big guy and a little brother.

Xiao D was a little frustrated when he realized this cruelty.

When He Tiantian finished her busy work, she turned her head and saw the small appearance of Xiao D's classmate.

Without asking why, He Tiantian directly stretched out her hand.

Little D classmate: ...

So perfunctory, but, in the end, it was comforted a little.

When He Tiantian was ready, she drew out her soul, and she was still in the dormitory.

He Tiantian looked at the bed curtain——

Well, if at night, the curtain of the bed is drawn, it can be regarded as a relatively private space.

However, the dormitory is no better than the home.

In case there is an unexpected situation, someone pulls the curtain of the bed only to find that she is not on the bed, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

He Tiantian thought about it, but was prepared to wait two more days.

In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend, and Dong Shiyu, who lives in the capital, went straight home.

He Tiantian also left the dormitory, but the relevant department rewarded her with a small courtyard.

During the school year, Yuan Mei lived here.

Originally, Yuan Mei wanted to go to school with He Tiantian.

Beijing University can arrange it.

He Tiantian refused. She said that if she wanted to enjoy the real university life, she didn't want to be so special.

Having roommates and living a collective life is what college students should be like.

Yuan Mei followed her, but for safety.

Now He Tiantian has invented a smart bracelet. As long as the hot weapon is not used, under normal circumstances, she will not be in danger.

Uh, well, even if he uses a hot weapon, He Tiantian is still an "ancient warrior", and he still has the ability to protect himself.

Therefore, Yuan Mei's tight protection is not so necessary.

If one gets it wrong, it will have the opposite effect—

An ordinary female college student, even a small star, did not go to school with a bodyguard.

This is not to tell certain forces that she Tiantian is "not ordinary".

He Tiantian didn't want to cause unwarranted suspicion and attention.

Not to mention, in this real world, there is also a wild writer with unknown friends and enemies.

He Tiantian must hide herself.

After all, Yuan Mei consulted her superiors again, and then reluctantly agreed to He Tiantian's request.

Yuan Mei guards He Tiantian's small courtyard, and will go to He's company or Beijing University to perform her duties as a "star assistant".

On weekends, Yuan Mei will wait for He Tiantian in the small courtyard.

"Tiantian, I have already contacted Director Liu Meng, and he invited you to audition tomorrow!"

Seeing He Tiantian come back, Yuan Mei hurriedly told her some "official business".

"Okay, I know!"

He Tian dessert nodded, and talked about something with Yuan Mei.

In the evening, after dinner, He Tiantian said "good night" to Yuan Mei and went back to her bedroom.

Close the door, lock it back.

After changing clothes and bringing prepared things, He Tiantian lay on the bed.

After turning off the lights, and after the surroundings became calm, He Tiantian began to "write" with consciousness——

"In 2032, the time machine will finally be developed."

"An Xin sneaked into the research institute and secretly opened the time machine!"

"...She brought her belongings (mobile phone) back to thirty years ago..."

In the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness, just as these words appeared, she felt a violent shaking.

Divine Soul was torn apart by a huge force.


He Tiantian disappeared instantly.

On the other side of the book world, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl appeared out of thin air in a remote alley.

"Not bad! I haven't been thrown into trouble, otherwise, it will definitely attract onlookers. Maybe it will cause a commotion!"

He Tiantian opened her eyes, looked left and right, and found that it was a dead end.

She muttered to herself with satisfaction.

He Tiantian was talking to herself while not forgetting to check her "equipment".

Not bad!

The future mobile phone was also brought by her.

Sure enough, using consciousness to "write" the plot or something is really useful!

Of course, it may also be because the future mobile phone is an item purchased by He Tiantian in the Dianniang mall.

Belongs to point girl mall.

When the system performs "security inspection", it will not filter out "own things"!

Although I don't know what the reason is, the result is good, that is, He Tiantian really brought the future mobile phone.

With the future mobile phone, He Tiantian's plan was half successful.

Next, according to the plot, find the future villain Joanne who is about to face a fork in life!

After He Tiantian checked her own situation and determined that there was nothing wrong, she slowly walked out of the small alley.

Walking to the alley, it is a busy road.

It's just that China in 2002 was not as prosperous as later generations.

Just joined the WTO, not yet a famous infrastructure maniac, the world's second largest economy has begun to take shape.

Everything has just begun.

Whether it is the country or the plot of this book.

He Tiantian didn't dare to take out her future mobile phone easily. She bought a newspaper at the newsstand by the roadside.

She has already selected the crossing node. According to her choice, it should now be—

"Damn it! The Dogecoin system pits me!"

He Tiantian's eyes fell on the date in the newspaper, and she was instantly furious.

She cursed bitterly in her heart: "I knew it! I knew the system wouldn't speak so well!"

"So! So it's waiting for me here!"

According to He Tiantian's plan, she was going to wear it the day before the event.

Then, she will find the location of the incident, ambush in advance, wait for the incident to happen, and jump out in time to stop it!

As a result, the system placed her with her at a critical moment!

This bullshit system was fine when it promised, but it deliberately delayed the crossing node for a day!

Today is the most critical day to change Joanne's fate and destroy her three views!

He Tiantian raised her head and looked at the sun, it was already afternoon.

What should have happened, it has happened!

Joanne has been slandered and has been accused by thousands of people for a long time, and she has personally experienced the desperation of being deceived and hurt!

Her kindness and perseverance have also been broken by shameless excellence.

He Tiantian:  …

Ma Dan, you know that the system is not a good thing!

It's deliberately setting up obstacles for me.

However, He Tiantian is not a person who can only blame others.

Finding that "reality" was different from the plan, after she scolded her, she actively tried to find a way.

"Boss, how do you get to Renmin Road?"

He Tiantian closed the newspaper and politely asked the newsstand owner for directions.

"Renmin Road? Oh, you go east along this road, pass three traffic lights, then turn right and walk four or five hundred meters, which is Renmin Road."

Newsstand owners have set up stalls in this area all the year round, and they are very aware of the surrounding terrain.

After a little thought, he gave He Tiantian a direction.

In the end, he also enthusiastically suggested: "Girl, the road is a little far, or you can take the bus, the stop sign is opposite, and you can get there in three or four stops."

"Either you can just take a taxi and pay the starting price and send you there directly. It saves you having to ask for directions and walk by yourself on a hot day."

"Oh ok, thank you!"

Feeling the boss's kindness, He Tiantian hurriedly thanked him.

She stood on the side of the road, looked left and right, but did not reach for a taxi.

Ahem, she has no money!

Dressed up, she didn't have anything else except the t-shirt, shorts she was wearing, and the futuristic mobile phone produced by the Dianniang mall.

Coins, jewelry, etc. are all gone.

In this era, mobile payment has not yet emerged in China, and people can't travel the country with a mobile phone.

He Tiantian didn't have a cent of cash on her body, so she could only walk.

After crossing three intersections, turning a corner, and walking a few hundred meters, He Tiantian saw the sign of "Renmin Road" on the side of the road.

And, the crowd slowly dispersed.

He Tiantian hurriedly grabbed a forty or fifty-year-old aunt and asked curiously, "Auntie, what happened? I saw a lot of people surrounded here just now?"

Although there is speculation, He Tiantian still wants to make sure that it has happened.

"Oh, little girl, you don't know, there was an accident here just now—"

"Let me tell you, I was a little girl just now, about the same age as you, who helped an old lady who fell down."

"The little girl said she was doing good deeds, but the old lady said that the little girl hit her."

"The little girl was crying, and the old lady was crying and screaming for a while. No, she was just dragged away by the demon 20, so she should have gone to the second hospital."

"Oh, I don't know what the situation is. It's pitiful to see that little girl, but the old lady is also kind!"

So, who is lying?

Auntie eagerly shared the gossip with He Tiantian, while guessing curiously.

He Tiantian lowered her face.

Of course the old lady is lying!

She fell herself, and was helped up by the kind Joanne.

Not only did she not thank others, but she also grabbed Joanne who was about to leave.

Oops groaned, saying that he was uncomfortable here and there, and asked Joanne to take her to the hospital.

If you don't want to go, you can go private.

Five thousand yuan, the old lady is entitled to compensation, but for Joanne, it is the tuition fee for the university she managed to collect...

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