The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and forty-sixth chapter villain redemption plan (5)

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"It's not me, it's really not me! I just passed by and saw this grandma fell down. I, I did good deeds and helped her up!"

"Bah! You didn't bump my mother, why did you help her?"

"I said it! I'm doing good deeds!"

"Che, who do you think you are? Are you doing good deeds? I think you bumped my mother!"

"... woohoo!"

In the corridor of the emergency room, seven or eight vicious men and women surrounded a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

They condemned the girl in just a few words!

The girl wiped away her tears with grievances, she was even more deeply fearful and dazed!

What happened to this world?

She was just a good intention for a while, how could she become the bad person accused by everyone?

Before she started, she deliberately said something to the old lady: "Grandma, let's make it clear, it wasn't me who hit you, I just saw you being pitiful, and that's how I helped you up!"

Yes, that's right, Joanne is kind and kind, but she's not just a silly child.

Before doing good deeds, she made it clear to the old lady.

The old lady herself hurriedly expressed her position, "Don't worry, child, I fell myself, and I won't deceive you!"

There is also a passing middle-aged aunt around, who can also help testify.

The party made a statement, and there were witnesses around, so Joanne reached out and helped the old lady up.

As a result, the old lady's face changed as soon as she helped the person up.

She grabbed Joanne's arm and yelled, saying that the little girl hit her, and asked the people around to help call the police and call an ambulance!

And the middle-aged aunt who promised to testify just now was willing to help tell the truth at first.

But then, seeing that the old lady was unreasonable, and several of her children came to hear the news.

One of the men, with big flower arms and a face full of flesh, doesn't look like a good person.

The middle-aged aunt was frightened, and hurriedly changed her mouth, saying that she didn't see anything.

Joanne was hit by a second wave—

The first wave, of course, was to slander her old lady.

The second wave is a passer-by aunt who changed her mind and was unwilling to testify for herself.

Joanne knows that the world is not as beautiful as she imagined, but she still believes that there are more good people in this world.

But, why did she meet so many bad people all of a sudden?

The top-quality old lady who is full of lies, the onlookers who seek profit and avoid harm, and hide the truth with unconscionable conscience, and the old lady's unreasonable and vicious children!

Joanne only felt as if she was in a deep sea, with no light and water all around.

Choking, sinking, she's going to be pushed into a deeper, more desperate hell!

"Medical expenses, nutrition expenses, mental damage expenses, and lost work expenses for a few of us... You have to pay!"

"Yes! That's right! Seeing that you are still a little girl, we will send you a kind heart. We will give you a little less calculation and make up a whole number. You can give ten thousand."

"...Don't look at me like that? I'm not deceiving you! Although our old lady is over seventy years old, her body has always been tough. When you fell like this, she fell into something wrong. Sequelae—"

"That's right, if I didn't see you as a little girl, I wouldn't be able to spare you if you didn't have 30,000 to 50,000 yuan!"

Ten thousand is still a "conscience" price? !

Joanne just thought it was absurd.

Her mother works part-time in a supermarket and earns only 600 yuan a month.

Add in subsidies for overtime, meals, transportation, etc., and at the best time, you can only get 1,000 yuan.

10,000 yuan, which is equivalent to nearly a year's salary of my mother.

Or the mother and daughter can save without eating, drinking and spending.

As a result, just because of his "nosy" for a while, he got into such a big trouble.

Ten thousand dollars!

Moreover, listening to the meaning of these rogues, it seems that this matter is not over yet!

Didn't listen to the big flower arm, the old lady may still have "sequelae".


People in their seventies are already in the aging stage.

All kinds of geriatric diseases will gradually come to you.

High blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, and diabetes, they can all have the cheek to say that it is the root cause of the "fall".

And she Joanne is the biggest take advantage of!

Joanne felt a panic in her heart, and even more inexplicable grief and anger.


Why do these people bully her like this?

Just because she is kind?

Just because she is young and easy to bully? !

"Hey, little girl, don't stop talking. I tell you, don't think that you can escape all this by not saying a word!"

"Hey, why are you talking more and more vigorously? You're still crying? Why, are you still wronged?"

"Do you think we're asking you for money? Ha, it's funny, why don't we find someone else?"

"That's right, if you hadn't bruised my mother, we wouldn't be bothered to pay attention to you!"

"Stop pretending to be dead, hurry up, do you want to be private? If you keep silent like this, we'll call the police!"

Several men and women pointed and continued to persecute Joanne.

The medical staff in the corridor couldn't stand it any longer.

They have seen many similar things, and just by looking at the arrogance of these children, they know that the inside story is not simple.

Moreover, the old lady has done a simple examination, except for some elderly diseases, there is no fracture, fall or the like.

But the old lady was lying on the clinic bed, shouting endlessly.

Not sick pretending to be sick!

Intentional blackmail!

The medical staff already had a clear guess in their minds.

However, they can't say such words casually, and they don't even dare to explicitly say that the old lady is "all right".

Because once you open your mouth, there will be more people in trouble!

There was a little nurse who couldn't help it, and said "just right", "If it really doesn't work, call the police!"

In fact, in this scene, calling the police is better for girls.

The police may also help to adjust the surveillance to see if they can find relevant evidence.

Otherwise, if these rogues continue to intimidate, the little girl will definitely not be able to bear it.

In the end, if you are forced to lose money, that is the beginning of the trouble.

One has two, this kind of scoundrel is best at biting and not letting go.

Sure enough, as soon as the little nurse opened her mouth, the old lady's children turned their heads and stared at her very badly.

The little nurse was taken aback, but thinking that she was not wrong, she straightened her back again.

"Hey, mind your own business!"

"That's right, if you don't tell my mother to see a doctor properly, what nonsense are you going to say here?"

"...Be careful I complain to you!"

Several people muttered at the little nurse.

The little nurse was speechless, and she was indeed a group of rogues.

Oh, what a pity for this little girl.

Obviously doing good deeds, but...

When Joanne heard the little nurse's reminder, she couldn't help but be moved.

Yes, you can call the police!

The incident happened at an intersection and should be monitored.

Even if the surveillance footage is not clear, there is evidence.

If you call the police, you can ask the police to call for surveillance...

"Even if you want to call the police, you have to give money first!"

"That's right, my mother is going to be hospitalized and needs to pay hospital fees!"

"Yes! That's right! Give three thousand first, it's really not good, one thousand will do!"

Several people paused for a moment, then began to shout again.

They have one purpose: to ask for money!

Joanne pursed her lips, clutching the shoulder straps of the backpack with both hands.

There is a wallet in the bag, and there are fifteen hundred dollars in the wallet.

This is her salary plus commission for two months of summer work.

On a hot day, she didn't rest all day, and at noon with a high temperature of 40 degrees, she also handed out flyers on the street under the strong sun.

My face was sunburned, and I almost suffered from heat stroke, which is how I made this money.

This is definitely her hard-earned money.

It was also the first money she had worked so hard to earn.

Joanne didn't want to make a bunch of rascals cheap.

However, these men and women were too unreasonable. One of the women, aware of Joanne's small movements, even reached out to grab her backpack.

"What? What are you going to do?"

Joanne hurriedly dodged.

"What? What else can I do? Didn't hear what my elder brother said, give me money!"

The woman looked in her thirties, her hair was dyed yellow, and her hair was burnt into explosive corn silk.

With thick eye shadow and bright red lipstick, she outlines a big mouth.

She is a good match for her eldest brother, and they are both social people.

She continued to tug at Joanne's backpack with her hands as she said "give me the money".

Others also reacted and moved forward one after another, and the "encirclement" instantly became smaller.

Joanne is almost impossible to hide!

"Stop it! Stop it! Bandits, you are all bandits!"

Joanne was pushed and shouted at the top of her voice.

"What are you shouting? You knocked our old lady into the hospital and asked you to pay for the hospitalization, but you are still wronged?"

A few people were afraid that the people around them would come to help, so they hurriedly shouted in a louder voice.

Sure enough, after hearing their words, some enthusiastic people who didn't know the whole story suddenly stopped their steps.

"It's not me! I didn't! When I saw the old grandma, she had already fallen on her own!"

"Ha! It's funny. If you didn't hit someone, why would you help them?"

"I-I'm kind!"

"Bah! If you say you are kind, you are really a good person! Who can testify for you?!"

Several people quarreled with Joanne.

It's just that when the elder brother Huaji said "who can testify for you", Joanne was choked directly.

Originally, she had a witness, but she was scared away by these fierce people.

"Aren't you talking? You've been asked by me? Hmph, I knew—"

Seeing Joanne's dejected appearance, Brother Huaji felt a burst of joy in his heart.

He was about to make persistent efforts to try to tear a piece of meat off Joanne when suddenly a clear female voice came from the corridor—

"I can!"

Brother Huaji was stunned.

The onlookers also turned their heads in unison.

At the other end of the corridor, a girl who was also seventeen or eighteen came running out of breath.

"What are you? Where did you come from?"

Brother Huaji reacted with a fierce expression, "Little girl, I can tell you, mind your own business!"

"You threaten me! I'm going to beat the demon spirit!"

He Tiantian deliberately showed the momentum of "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", and she looked a little stunned.

Big Brother Flower Arm:  …

Ma Dan, labor and management are indeed threatening you, but you can't say it directly.

He also fights demon spirits, and if he really thinks he is watching a Hong Kong drama, he calls the police at every turn. Do you still need a lawyer? !

"Little girl, you said you could help testify? Prove that the old lady was not hit by this little girl?"

Still an enthusiastic onlooker, following He Tiantian's words, earnestly asked.

Joanne also looked hopeful.

Are there really other bystanders?

She saw the whole thing, and is still willing to help testify?

"Yes! I see it!"

He Tiantian nodded firmly and said solemnly, "I saw with my own eyes that it was the old lady who fell by herself. This sister wants to do good deeds and help the old lady up!"

"Before the little sister helped her, she asked the old lady specially. The old lady herself admitted that she fell down. The little sister is a good person, she will not deceive people!"

He Tiantian's loud voice echoed throughout the corridor.

Not to mention the onlookers, even the old lady pretending to be sick in the emergency room heard it.

The groaning sound of oh oh oh was a pause.

Come on, what else do people not understand?

"You said yes? Hmph, I also said you were with this little girl!"

The old lady's children did not want to admit defeat easily.

After the trouble for a long time, they are sending people to the hospital again, and they are talking a lot. If they can't get the money, aren't they busy working in vain?

Maybe "lost money".

Just now, the old lady did several inspections, and a CT alone would cost hundreds of dollars.

If they don't take advantage of them, they will pay for their children.

They don't want to steal the chicken without losing the rice!

"I have a recording!"

He Tiantian took out her phone from her pocket.

I have to say that the future of mobile phones is really awesome, and it can actually be "deformed".

The current future mobile phone is no longer transparent, but has become the most cutting-edge and latest "smart phone" in this era.

It's just a smartphone in 2002. It's just a mobile phone. It has a camera and can only take pictures.

It is far from the convenience and versatility of a real smartphone in later generations.

However, smartphones of this era still have a recording function.

He Tiantian released the pre-constructed recording——

"Grandma, let's agree, I didn't hit you, I just wanted to learn Lei Feng, so I helped you up!"

"Don't worry, child, grandma fell by herself, grandma won't deceive you!"

In just two sentences of dialogue, the "truth" of the incident was revealed.

"Okay, it turns out that the little girl was really wronged!"

"Oh, this old lady is exactly what she said, but she still does it!"

"That's right, isn't this deliberately chilling the hearts of good people? Who would dare to do good things in the future?"

"This old lady is really confused!"

"Bah! What an old fool, it's clearly vicious!"

"...Her children are not good people. They almost forced their little girl to death just now!"

Everyone was talking about it, and at this time, the demon spirit also arrived.

The "truth" is revealed, and Joanne is also remorseful.

But she was not at all excited.

She looked at He Tiantian with suspicion, alertness, and faint unease...

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