The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and forty seventh chapter villain redemption plan (6)

Joanne has never seen such a high-end mobile phone, and naturally she doesn't know what "sophisticated" technology the mobile phone has.

However, when she was learning English, she got an audio tape.

So, she probably has some knowledge of recording.

For example, in the premise of not having too professional equipment, if ordinary people want to record, they should reduce noise as much as possible and stay close to the sound source.

Even with professional equipment, the recording effect will be better when there is less noise and the sound source is close.

Joanne heard the phone recording released by He Tiantian, very clear, very clear.

As if when the incident happened, this person was standing opposite them recording.

But the problem is, Joanne remembers very clearly that there were only her, the old lady, and a passing aunt at the scene.

Other more pedestrians are farther away.

It is unrealistic to want to record such clear audio.

Who is this person?

Why does she have such a recording?


Or something else?

The "evidence" in this person's hands is very likely to be fake. Bayi Chinese Website

So many thoughts suddenly popped into Joanne's mind, but what really frightened her was—

This person was obviously not at the scene, so how did she know the content of her conversation with the old lady.

After all, for counterfeiting or something, you must have seen the "authentic" in order to mix the fake with the real.

If it weren't for Joanne's excellent memory, she would remember what just happened very deeply.

When I first heard the recording, I really thought it was recorded live!

Unfortunately, no!

Otherwise it would be an insult to Joanne's IQ.

Joanne's heart panicked, she felt as if she was being targeted by something.

This sense of crisis is far more than being touched by an old lady.

However, now is not the time to think too much. Although she is extremely uneasy, Joanne will not question He Tiantian on the spot.

This strange girl may have ulterior motives or ulterior motives.

But for now, her "evidence" has cleared the suspicion of knocking down the old lady.

As for the rest, let's wait for her to get through this disaster smoothly!

In just a minute or two, Joanne's heart had already experienced a battle.

And at this time, Yao Yaoling already understood the situation.

He Tiantian hurriedly played the recording again.

have to!

Witnesses and evidence are all there, and the old lady cheated.

The old lady began to rely on the old to sell the old, anyway, she just believed that she was hit by someone.

Maybe not this little girl, but there must be someone else!

She continued to lie on the clinic bed and pretend to be sick.

As for her children, they ran out and left the old lady alone in the hospital.

Medical staff: ...

Who are these people!

Absolutely rascal!

Next, it is estimated that the hospital and the old lady's family were wrangling each other.

None of this has anything to do with Joanne.

"Okay, little girl, it's none of your business, let's go!"

Seeing Joanne's dazed and aggrieved appearance, Yao Yaoling was very sympathetic, and even more pity.

Alas, what a good boy, innocent and good-hearted.

The result is-

I just hope that this time, it won't cause too much damage to her.

If this child is disappointed with reality and starts to become extreme, that is the biggest loss.

"...There are indeed some immoral people in this world, but you have to believe that there are more good people!"

When Yao Yaoling said these words, he felt a little conflicted in his heart.

On the one hand, he hopes that Joanne can come out of the "fairy tale" and be able to understand the whole world more objectively.

On the other hand, he wanted to protect Joanne's innocence and kindness!

Alas, I just hope that this child can find a balance, that is, he can help others when he has spare energy without hurting himself!

"Well, thank you Uncle Police!"

When Joanne heard Yao Yaoling's consolation, she felt another grievance in her heart.

Tears welled up in her red eyes again.

After sniffing, Joanne wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, bowed to the demon spirit, and left the hospital.

When she left, she deliberately didn't see He Tiantian.

He Tiantian:  …

I knew that this future villain was definitely not that easy to approach.

Seeing it or not, people did not relax their vigilance at such a desperate moment.

If it were an ordinary girl, when she was slandered, someone suddenly jumped out to help her.

That person will definitely not think too much, but will only be grateful and grateful instinctively.

Joanne could still find He Tiantian's weirdness, which is enough to prove that she is cautious by nature.

Being touched by an old lady is probably one of the few "stupid" moments in her life.

Joanne can pretend to forget He Tiantian's existence, but He Tiantian can't ignore Joanne.

"Hey, miss, wait for me!"

He Tiantian went out of the emergency room after chasing Joanne.

Coming to the hospital yard, Joanne turned her head and glanced at the girl behind her.

Of course she heard He Tiantian's call, otherwise, she would not stop.

However, Joanne didn't really stop, she just paused a little, and then she quickly ran out of the hospital again.

"Oh, miss, miss! Wait for me!"

He Tiantian shouted while chasing.

Two little girls of the same age of eighteen or nineteen, one running and the other chasing.

The two quickly left the hospital.

Joanne dodged deliberately, left the crowded street, and turned into a small alley.

"Joanne, don't run away! Just wait for me!"

"Joanne! Joanne!"

Seeing that there were not too many passers-by around, He Tiantian let go.

Instead of pretending to call "Miss", she called out Joanne's name directly.

However, these three words almost made Joanne stumble and fall!

Joanne stopped abruptly, turned her head, her face was cold and dignified—

"What did you call me?"

Joanne almost gritted her teeth and squeezed such a question from her teeth.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she could even feel the blood flowing rapidly throughout her body.

what happened?

This, this is clearly the deepest plan in her heart.

She didn't tell anyone, including her closest and most trusted mother.

Why would this little girl of unknown origin and friend or foe in front of me know? !

She, who is she? !

What is she trying to do to herself?

"Joanne! Joanne! Isn't your name Joanne?"

When He Tiantian saw that Joanne was finally stopped by herself, a bright smile appeared on her face.

She deliberately said Joanne's name three times in a row, and the emphasis was not too obvious.

Joanne's face darkened.

The fear in her heart was spreading endlessly.

What exactly happened here?

Something that hasn't happened yet, but someone called it broken in person, still using this natural tone.

Joanne may grow into a villain with super psychological qualities in the future.

But for now, she's only an eighteen-year-old girl.

She did have some absurd and crazy ideas deep inside her.

However, she has not yet decided whether to implement it.

It is precisely because of her inner entanglement and guilty conscience that she, who has never been very fond of meddling, made a fool of herself today!

The old lady who was helped up by her kindness turned to blackmail, which really broke the only beauty and kindness left in Joanne's heart.

On the other hand, it also gave Joanne a reason to do evil - I was forced!

I was also kind, but the cruel reality gave me a slap in the face.

"Oh, no, you shouldn't have changed your name yet!"

Just when Joanne was in shock, He Tiantian spit out another word that made her almost jump on the spot.

He Tiantian didn't seem to see Joanne's panic and fear, she looked straight into Joanne's eyes.

He pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing eight white teeth.

He Tiantian smiled very standardly, and said softly: "Now you are still your original name - Annie. Is it right or wrong?"

Joanne pinched her palms, trying to calm herself down.

The pain in the palm does have some effect.

Joanne finally regained some sanity.

"who are you?"

She didn't ask too many questions, such as why she knew her name was Annie and was "prepared" to be Joanne.

At this point in the development of the matter, Joanne has had an epiphany——

This man came for himself.

All your doubts, this person should answer them.

At least, some less important questions, the other party will tell themselves.

After all, this person still has plans, if she doesn't say anything, Joanne will never cooperate.

"I am your daughter!"

He Tiantian looked at Joanne and gave an answer that made her almost runaway.

Joanne:  …

Ma Dan, I know you are a bad person, but you can't take me for a fool!

I, I am only 18 years old this year, not yet the legal age for marriage and childbirth.

Even if I was born early and still talented, I wouldn't be able to give birth to a "daughter" of the same age as me.

This man is insulting my IQ!

The surprise on Joanne's face was replaced by anger.

However, before she could scold her, He Tiantian added, "Mom, I'm from thirty years later!"

Joanne is even more speechless!

The gods are coming from thirty years later, so I really think this is a TV series.

Still traveling through time and space, from the future to the past? !

Anger, absurdity, panic and other emotions enveloped Joanne, so she didn't care for a while. She was such a green and pink little girl that she was actually called "Mom" by her peers.

He Tiantian took out the future phone from her trouser pocket and shook it hard in her hand.

The black and bulky body instantly turned into a transparent plastic plate.

It's just that this "plastic" is not the same as real plastic. It can still emit light, and images and videos flash.

Joanne's eyes widened, watching this magical scene in disbelief.

"Mom, did you see that this is a smartphone from thirty years later that can still perform holographic projection!"

He Tiantian had already observed the surroundings.

This is a dead end, and there is no one around except for the occasional stray cats and dogs.

As for the camera, this year, it has not reached a large area coverage.

Therefore, He Tiantian can safely show his "mother" the future black technology mobile phone.

Joanne was indeed taken aback.

She saw the "Metamorphosis" that was actually staged, and also saw the illusory image that suddenly appeared.

It's like watching a movie with special effects.

However, Joanne is wary and is not easily coaxed.

Soon, she began to tell herself: magic! Blindfolding!

This must not be true.

It's just that she doesn't know how to reveal the secret, but there must be something tricky!

They say seeing is believing, but Joanne knows that eyes can sometimes deceive people.


He Tiantian felt Joanne's questioning and rejection.

Hehe, she really guessed right, this future villain, even a teenage student, is not so easy to fool.


He Tiantian put away the holographic projection directly, she did not continue to play the photo of Joanne and An Xin.

Because Joanne has subconsciously determined that this is a scam, and Joanne will not believe any "evidence" He Tiantian provides.

Think about it too, He Tiantian has shown Joanne how to "create something out of nothing".

Joanne naturally wouldn't easily believe everything He Tiantian took out.

Recordings can be faked, and photos can also be PS.

He Tiantian simply didn't bother.

She smiled sweetly at Joanne, "Actually, there is a more direct and scientific method. Let's do a DNA test directly."

Whether it is parent-child relationship, a DNA can determine!

In the original plot, An Xin is indeed Joanne's biological daughter.

An Xin is real, but her growth is not mentioned in the plot.

He Tiantian took advantage of this and carried out "writing".

She did not fabricate it out of thin air, but had a basis, so the system approved her writing.

Even the world consciousness of the novel does not exclude, or directly expel!

The novel consciousness even cooperated with He Tiantian and made some modifications——

He Tiantian is wearing it, but her identity is An Xin, Joanne's biological daughter.

Therefore, even if you do a DNA test, there is no problem at all.

Joanne opened her mouth, she wanted to say: DNA reports can also be faked!

He Tiantian seemed to have guessed what Joanne was going to say, and said calmly, "Mom, in order to prevent me from cheating, you can choose and designate a testing agency, okay?"

Joanne looked fixedly at He Tiantian, this girl didn't look like her.

But, for some unknown reason, Joanne felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when she saw her at this moment.

Maybe, maybe, this person is really her daughter!

Do not! wrong!

Damn, what am I, what am I thinking about?

If she believed the identity of the girl in front of her, Joanne felt that the three views she had just remodeled would be smashed into scum again.


From the future back to the past!

This, is this a strange event that can happen in reality?

To put it badly, can such a "good thing" happen to her Joanne? !

Joanne continued to deny and doubt in her heart, but she still had an inexplicable impulse—

What if it were true!

The technology of the future may really develop to a level she can't imagine!

And her daughter really took a time machine, traveled through 30 years, came to her, and helped her at the most critical time...

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but it quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean the bloody smell of everyone in Zhen Mosi.

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