The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and forty-eighth chapter villain redemption plan (7)


Joanne took a deep breath and suppressed all the emotions in her heart.

She fixedly looked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian accepted her gaze calmly.

No dodging, no guilt.

Joanne's eyes flashed, the other party was so natural, either she was really calm, or her acting skills had reached the point of perfection.

"Okay, let's do DNA!"

The boss of Joanne's part-time job in the summer has people who work in the hospital at home.

She was going to call the boss and ask him for a favor.

Joanne subconsciously looked for convenience stores and phone booths.

He Tiantian directly stretched out her mobile phone, "Mom, use this! My mobile phone is really not a magic tool, but a black-tech mobile phone thirty years later!"

Joanne:  …

Instinct resistance.

But on second thought, if it can be confirmed that this "future mobile phone" is real and not a prop, does that mean that my cheap girl is more credible? !


what girl?

I, myself, is still a young girl, how can I become a "mom"?

Joanne scolded herself secretly, but still reached out and took the phone.

The transparent plastic plate does not feel cheap at all, but is full of cool technology.

Joanne was a little overwhelmed. She had never touched a mobile phone in this era, so how could she operate a mobile phone in the future.

Fingers touch the board inadvertently.


The screen was lit, and some icons appeared.

Joanne was curious and bewildered.

She endured the panic and excitement, and began to grope a little bit.

He Tiantian did not urge, or directly taught the other party.

She stood there, watching patiently.

Joanne was messing around on the screen, and all kinds of fresh and unfamiliar interfaces flashed one by one.

After a long while, Joanne finally found the call interface.

She looked at the blue backlit numeric keypad and took out a small phone book from her backpack.

Turning to the boss's mobile number, she dialed it.



The familiar voice of waiting for a call rang in her ears, and Joanne's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

Her hand holding the future phone was sweating.

"Hello! Who is it?"

The female voice that Joanne was familiar with really came from the microphone.

is her!

It's Sister Feng!

A kind, warm-hearted woman.

Joanne worked for her for two months, and Sister Feng took great care of her.

To be honest, she is a girl who has just taken the college entrance examination and wants to find a summer job for only two months. Few bosses are willing to accept her.

Sister Feng not only hired her, but also calculated her salary according to the normal salary standard.

Even meal allowances, transportation allowances, and high temperature allowances were taken into consideration by Sister Feng.

It was because she met a really good person like Sister Feng that Joanne didn't completely despair of the world.

"Feng, Sister Feng, it's me!"

Joanne didn't expect this "prop" to actually be able to talk.

Her mouth was dry and she stuttered.

"It's Xiao An, what, you have something to do with me? Is there a problem with the settled salary?"

Sister Feng's voice is very gentle, and she speaks slowly.

Listening to it is as comfortable as the spring breeze.

The old staff in the store once said, half touted, half joking, "Our sister Feng's voice can definitely go to the radio to be a conversational big sister!"

This is of course meant to curry favor with the boss.

However, Sister Feng's voice is indeed very good.

The key is that Sister Feng is as eloquent as she is, and she also cooks chicken tenderly.

Received a call from Joanne now,

Sister Feng's first reaction was: Is there a problem with the salary she settled for the little girl.

"No! No problem!"

Joanne shook her head quickly.

Sister Feng not only did not underestimate her salary, but also gave her some bonuses.

Rao is Joanne knowing that Sister Feng is a generous boss. When she received 1,500 yuan, she couldn't help but sigh—

Sister Feng is indeed a kind-hearted person. She is from a wealthy background, has a happy family, and does not have to worry about making a living!

"Sister Feng, I want to ask you for a favor! I, I have a friend who wants to do a DNA test, but she doesn't know where to go for a more authoritative-"

Joanne hurriedly said her request.

"Oh, this, no problem. Xiao An, remember your phone number. The other party's surname is Chang, and you say that I introduced you there!"

When Sister Feng heard that it was something else, she didn't bother to pay attention.

But very enthusiastic to help.

"Hey! Good! Good!"

Joanne tucked the phone over her shoulder and pulled a pen from her backpack.

Hearing Sister Feng read a series of numbers, she quickly recorded them.

"Sister Feng, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Joanne finished memorizing the phone number and thanked her.

"You're welcome! If you have anything in the future, call me again!"

Sister Feng smiled softly and said a few more polite words before hanging up the phone.

Hanging up the phone, Joanne tried to dial the phone number she just recorded.

He Tiantian hurriedly interjected, "Mom, don't be so troublesome, this phone of mine is super smart, it can judge your needs through the call log, and then dial the phone number mentioned in the call log on your own!"

Joanne's fingers that were about to press a button twitched slightly.

Then, she tried to say something to the phone, "Call Dr. Chang!"

As a result, the next second, the call interface flashed on the phone screen.

The number that was dialed was exactly the set of numbers recorded in her phone book.

so amazing!

Good, very smart!

Joanne already believed in He Tiantian with five or six points in her heart.

Not to mention anything else, just such a mobile phone is not a high-tech that can be used in this era!

However, DNA testing is still to be done!

Dr. Chang on the other end of the phone quickly picked up the phone. Hearing Joanne mentioning Sister Feng and explaining his request, he enthusiastically expressed—

"No problem, let your friend come over. If your friend is inconvenient, you can also bring the relevant samples!"

Then, he introduced in detail what is the standard sample.

Hair with follicles, nails, or a regular toothbrush will do!

"Okay! Okay, I got it!"

Joanne nodded in agreement while listening.

After a few minutes, Joanne hung up.

She looked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian directly stretched her head over, "Mom, you can pull it out!"

Joanne:  …

Although she already believed in He Tiantian's identity, it was always strange for Joanne to be called Mom by a girl of the same age who opened her mouth and shut her mouth.

Forget it!

I don't want these anymore.

Ahem, although she felt awkward, Joanne felt more and more close to He Tiantian.

Maybe this is the call of blood.

He Tiantian: ...then what, this is actually the power of the plot.

But, no matter what, He Tiantian felt that Joanne's rejection and defense against her were not so strong anymore!

The two left the alley and went straight to the bus stop.

Joanne helped the penniless "daughter" to swipe the bus card, and according to the address given by Dr. Chang, the two went straight to the testing center.

Joanne played a trick and plucked a hair from an aunt's head while she was crowding the bus.

After arriving at the testing center, she memorized the marks and handed over herself, He Tiantian, and the aunt's hair to Dr. Chang.

Normally, it takes seven days to get the report.

But Joanne was introduced by Sister Feng, and this testing center is also a private institution.

Dr. Chang simply expedited it.

"Four hours at the earliest. It's two o'clock at noon. Come and get the report at six o'clock!"

Doctor Chang said.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Joanne thanks again.

It's best to be able to rush.

Joanne is desperate to know the "truth".

She had a hunch that this cheap girl from the future must have a secret she didn't know.

Perhaps, the arrival of a cheap girl can change her fate!



When he was done, the tense nerves were relieved.

Joanne finally felt a strong hunger.

In the morning, she went to Sister Feng to settle her salary. On the way back, she met the old lady who fell to the ground.

One toss and a half day passed.

Lunch was naturally missed!

"Mom, I'm hungry!"

Before Joanne could think about where to eat, He Tiantian pulled her arm and acted like a spoiled child, "I want to eat beef noodles."

"In the past, you always told me that you liked to eat beef noodles from a ramen restaurant when you were a child. Unfortunately, the boss quit and you left your hometown, so you never tried it again!"

Joanne was touched again.

"I even told you this?"

Yes, Joanne does like beef noodles from a noodle shop near high school.

The three or four slices of beef cut into transparent pieces were a luxury she would only eat in ten days and a half months.

It's also the food she's most craving for!

It's just that Joanne rarely mentions it to outsiders.

Even my mother didn't know that Joanne had such a preference.

No way, it's not that Joanne deliberately hides it from her mother.

But, according to the love of my mother, if I know that she likes beef, she will definitely give her the money she saves and give her a "tooth sacrifice"!

Joanne didn't want her mother to work so hard, and she didn't want her mother to feel useless—

Even beef can't satisfy the child, she is the most useless mother!

Joanne does not agree with some of her mother's actions, but she truly respects and loves her mother.

In this world, there is only this woman who loves herself unreservedly and without purpose.

It is a pity that such a only relative is about to leave him!

"Of course, I'm your only daughter, your most beloved baby!"

He Tiantian pouted and said proudly.

Joanne froze slightly.

She is a person who is almost cold-hearted.

It's hard to build trust with people, let alone the kind of hard work.

She loves her mother because her mother loved her first and gave her everything first.

It was hard for Joanne to imagine that she would love anyone other than her mother.

daughter? !

Maybe it is possible.

In the end, it was a part that was peeled off from his body, bred and raised by himself, and paid for more than ten years or even longer.

Joanne can love no one, but she should love her own daughter!

Looking at He Tiantian's coquettish appearance, only eighteen-year-old Joanne actually had the comfort and satisfaction of an old mother.

...that's weird! Do you have?

Joanne felt inexplicably divided.

In order to prevent herself from becoming more divided, she suppressed all the wild thoughts in her heart.

"Let's go and eat beef noodles!"

Joanne took He Tiantian to the bus sign again, and after two trips, she came to the ramen restaurant.

"Boss, two bowls of beef noodles—"

"No coriander!"

Joanne and He Tiantian spoke almost simultaneously.

Hearing He Tiantian snatched her own phrase "don't need coriander", Joanne turned her head subconsciously.

He Tiantian spread her hands and said helplessly, "No way, you don't like coriander, and neither do I!"

This is damn genetics!

Joanne raised an eyebrow.

Genetic or not, it is hard to say now.

After all, the results of the DNA report have not yet come out.

However, if I don't eat coriander myself, the little girl in front of me knows that.

Tsk tsk, it seems that the other party has a very deep understanding of himself.

"Yes! No coriander in both bowls!"

Joanne said to the boss, then took out a hundred dollar bill from her wallet.

The boss found change and repeated Joanne's request, "Two bowls of beef noodles, no coriander!"

Joanne nodded, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

"Okay, let's find a seat. Beef noodles will be ready in a while!"

It's not meal time now, and the ramen restaurant is relatively empty.

The boss made a random stroke and motioned for Joanne and He Tiantian to sit casually.

Joanne pulled He Tiantian to a position by the window, and the two sat opposite each other.

The boss was busy making noodles in the operation room. There were no other diners in the small noodle restaurant. The big fan was blowing, bringing a little cool breeze.

Amidst the noise of the fan, Joanne asked abruptly, "Well, what are you doing here with me?"

In fact, Joanne already had guesses in her heart.

She is too smart, and He Tiantian's performance is also very obvious.

"I'll believe your rhetoric for now, and treat you as me, my daughter!"

Joanne stared into He Tiantian's eyes and said slowly, "But, even my daughter, I believe, you won't travel through time and space for no reason."

"Over thirty years, you must have a purpose to find me at this time."

"An Xin!"

He Tiantian didn't answer, but said a name.

Joanne froze for a moment, "What?"

What peace of mind?

What does she feel at ease?

"I mean, my name is An Xin! The name you gave me!"

He Tiantian said seriously.

Joanne was stunned again, "An Xin? You, your surname is An?"

Is it because of her future husband and daughter's father's surname An, or because her daughter took her surname? !

"Yeah, my surname is Ann, my father is unknown! You asked me to take your surname. It's not the fake 'Joe', but your original surname - Ann!"

He Tiantian deliberately said the word "counterfeit".

Joanne's heart trembled again.

counterfeit? !

Sure enough, this child really came for this matter!

If Joanne guessed correctly, the child should have chosen today on purpose.

Because if there is no one to "help", Joanne will be corrupted by the scoundrel.

Her three views will be changed because of this incident, and her life will also take a different path.

"That's right! Mom, it looks like you guessed it! You guessed it right, I'm here to save you!"

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the bloody Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but it quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean the bloody smell of everyone in Zhen Mosi.

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