The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and forty-ninth chapter villain redemption plan (8)

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He Tiantian was talking about "salvation", but she didn't use it.

The latter is too high.

He Tiantian pays great attention to her words, lest it arouse Joanne's disgust.

However, even so, when Joanne heard the word "save", she couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha! Rescue? Hahaha!"

"Save me from what? Tell me not to lie?"

"But if I don't lie, how can I get enough money?"

"Without money, what should I do if my mother is sick?"

Joanne laughed and burst into tears.

Who wants to do bad things if given the chance?

But Joanne really had no other way.

The cheap father died early, and the mother raised her alone.

How hard is it to be a single mother?

Joanne knows better than anyone what she's seen with her own eyes.

It's hard to make it through until Joanne is admitted to the university, and after four years, she can have a bright future.

At this time, my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Fortunately, my mother's illness was discovered earlier.

With surgery, there is still hope for a cure.

Maybe there will be a relapse in the future, but at least for now, she is still alive.

However, the family did not have much money.

The house is rented, and the savings in the family are only enough to cover the tuition and living expenses for the first year of Joanne University.

In less than two months, Joanne has earned 1,500 yuan, which is no more than a drop in the bucket.

When Joanne saw the diagnosis report in the hospital, she was in disbelief and despair at the same time.

How to do?

The saddest thing in the world is not incurable.

But there is a way to cure, but because there is no money, and have to give up.

Yes, Joanne's mother, Li Ying, refused to receive treatment and secretly committed suicide once.

She doesn't want to drag her daughter down!

Joanne was reluctant to give up Li Ying, who was her only relative.

It was also the only existence that could make her feel like a normal person.

Joanne had a hunch that once her mother was gone, she would be very scary.

There is a fierce beast buried in her heart, and her mother Li Ying is the only shackle.

Once this bondage is gone—

Joanne didn't want to lose her only relative, and she didn't want to lose control!

However, if you want to keep Li Ying, you can't do it with an open mouth.


Joanne needs money.

In the early stage of the operation, it will cost 100,000 yuan.

There are many treatments later.

In the event of recurrence, surgery is required.

Joanne consulted several doctors, and they all estimated a number—200,000!

If you want to save Li Ying's life, at least 200,000 is required.

And Joanne, not even 20,000 yuan.

For Li Ying's suicide, she stayed in the hospital for a week and spent the only 6,000 yuan left at home.

Joanne's mother and daughter have really reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

In a hurry, Joanne suddenly thought that it is not that there is no way to go!

When I was a child, when my father was still alive, he joked with Li Ying.

The young couple mentioned some interesting anecdotes when they were in love.

Joanne remembered a name.

And after Li Ying was hospitalized, Joanne saw the same name on TV.

She hurriedly searched the Internet and found that this person was the person mentioned by her parents back then.

Qiao Zesheng, the richest man in this province, a proper wealthy and nobleman.

He also has another identity, that is, Li Ying's high school classmate.

Both are educated youths who went to the countryside.

Qiao Zesheng also pursued Li Ying.

However, Li Ying finally married a local villager and stayed in the countryside.

Qiao Zesheng returned to the city by taking the college entrance examination.

Later, after graduation, Qiao Zesheng went to sea to do business and made a huge fortune.

But Li Ying had to go to the city to work because she paid her husband's medical bills.

By a coincidence, Li Ying and Qiao Zesheng reunited.

old classmate + first love,

Even if you haven't been in touch for a few years, the love is still there.

Knowing that Li Ying was in a bad situation, Qiao Zesheng helped introduce a job.

Li Ying was very grateful and always wanted to return this favor to the other party.

After going back and forth, the two gradually began to communicate.

There may be ambiguous moments, but no substantial relationship.

Li Ying was really moved, but she finally chose her husband.

With a sum of money earned in the city, Li Ying returned to the countryside.

The husband's illness is cured, and they have a child.

But the good times didn't last long. When Joanne was six years old, An's father left.

Li Ying and her children couldn't stay in the countryside. It was also for the children's education, so Li Ying took her daughter to the city.

While working, she raised and taught her daughter.

The mother and daughter barely survived in the city.

On Qiao Zesheng's side, he has become a well-known rich man in the country, and his only daughter's wedding was directly on the news in the provincial capital!

Looking at the wedding of the century on the TV screen, while Joanne was envious, a crazy idea popped up in her mind——

"...You secretly called Qiao Zesheng and told him that your mother's name was Li Ying, and you moved your birth date forward by a month!"

He Tiantian looked at Joanne who was caught in her memory, and slowly said Joanne's plan.

Joanne woke up and stared at He Tiantian, "You really know it!"

Impersonating the daughter of the Qiao family is a plan that Joanne has pondered over the past two days.

She hasn't done it yet, and she hasn't told anyone.

The girl on the opposite side said it accurately.

Or, she did come from the future and so knew everything about Joanne.

Either, this person was reborn, or he used some strange means to know the future development!

But no matter what the possibility is, it is so incredible.

Compared with the latter, Joanne is more willing to believe the former.

At least, kissing a daughter or something is more reliable than strangers with ulterior motives!

"Yes, I know that you deceived Qiao Zesheng and made him mistakenly think that you were his daughter!"

He Tiantian lowered her voice, and in the clamor of the big fan, she said slowly, "It's just that Qiao Zesheng was busy talking about business abroad at that time, and he couldn't come back for a while, so he couldn't meet you in person."

"You told him again that your mother was ill, and you were corrupted by the rogue old lady..."

It can be said that Joanne in the original plot was desperate.

Across the microphone, Qiao Zesheng could feel the collapse of a young girl.

In such an atmosphere, Qiao Zesheng couldn't say anything suspicious of Joanne's identity.

Moreover, Joanne didn't directly say that she was Qiao Zesheng's daughter, she deliberately made things vague.

Joanne wanted to be safe, and even if it was exposed in the future, she could confidently say—

I was just suspicious, so I called to ask Qiao Zesheng.

As for the truth, shouldn't Qiao Zesheng, the party involved, know better?

Qiao Zesheng:  …

What will happen in the future, he can't predict at this moment.

He still remembered Li Ying. When the two of them were in the city, they also spent time alone together.

It's just that more than ten years have passed, and Qiao Zesheng himself is not quite sure whether they have crossed the line at that time.

However, now that all the children are coming, Li Ying is also terminally ill.

Not for the children, just considering the relationship between the two, Qiao Zesheng would not be too heartless.

He directly transferred half a million to Joanne.

Joanne took the money and paid Li Ying's hospital fees.

However, Xu Shi's plot was arranged like this. Joanne finally got the money, but Li Ying still couldn't save it.

After the operation, within three months, it was found that other organs also had cancer cells.

Six months later, Li Ying passed away.

Without her mother, Joanne really no longer suppressed herself.

During this time, in addition to accompanying her mother, she also tried every means to investigate the Qiao family.

Qiao Zesheng is the richest man, and his son-in-law Wu Zhiqian for his only daughter is also a wealthy family.

Ordinary people do not know the crisis of the Wu family, even those so-called detectives have only found a little bit of wind.

However, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse.

No matter how decayed the Wu family is, they are stronger than ordinary upstarts.

Therefore, in Joanne's view, Wu Zhiqian is definitely the fifth king of diamonds.

"You are very envious of Qiao Anqi, even a little jealous!"

He Tiantian continued to tell Joanne about the future, "You can't help but think, why are they all girls, someone was born in Rome, and you may not be able to reach their starting point if you work thousands of times."

Jealousy twists the heart.

And Joanne was not a holy white lotus.

Saving people was deceived, and my mother maintained her life for less than a year with the money she cheated on...

It seems reasonable that Joanne would go the wrong way.

She took the rest of the money and went for plastic surgery.

"...Mom, in order to convince Qiao Zesheng, you directly follow Qiao Anqi's appearance."

And Qiao Anqi looks like her father. Joanne, who has seven or eight similarities to Qiao Anqi through plastic surgery, is naturally very similar to Qiao Zesheng.

"It's useless! It's not that there is no DNA these days!"

Listening to He Tiantian's narration, Joanne couldn't hold back and interrupted directly.

She tapped He Tiantian with her chin and didn't say anything, but she understood the meaning-

Don't talk about others, just talk about the two of us, we're just waiting for the DNA test report right now.

As a poor student with little money, she can think of using this kind of scientific method to verify her identity.

Not to mention Qiao Zesheng, such a rich man.

Even if they don't pay much attention to illegitimate daughters, they will investigate and confirm a series of procedures first, and then decide whether to recognize Joanne or not!

"There is indeed DNA, but you also have 'helpers'!"

He Tiantian curled the corners of her lips and said slowly.


Joanne was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and blurted out a name: "Wu Zhiqian?!"

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, her face full of approval.

As expected of the future villain, he is so smart.

Or, only the wicked can find out the thoughts and tricks of the wicked?

Seeing He Tiantian's approving eyes, Joanne didn't feel there was anything to be proud of.

Because that's ugly human nature.

Even if it is a wealthy family, they don't mind eating out!

Qiao Zesheng has only one daughter, Qiao Anqi, and he knows with his toes that Qiao Anqi must be very favored.

Even if she's not spoiled, she's still a young lady Jiaojiao who is used to all kinds of enjoyment and pursuit.

And a man, unless it is true love, or his own daughter, basically no one wants to lower his body and carefully serve a woman.

Wu Zhiqian and Qiao Anqi are more like a commercial marriage, and he himself is from a wealthy family, not a little white face or a phoenix man who relies on women.

As a wealthy boy, he must have a minimum of arrogance.

Live with the coddled Xiao Gongzhu...

Qiao Anqi would bet that Wu Zhiqian would not be able to be consistent with Qiao Anqi.

Even if you have feelings, you can't match the real benefits.

Qiao Group, how big an industry?

If Joanne is Wu Zhiqian, he will definitely take advantage of his husband and wife relationship with Qiao Anqi to annex the entire Qiao family.

And the quickest way is to let Qiao Zesheng and Qiao Anqi "disappear" one after another.

However, doing so will leave traces too easily, and it is also a serious violation of law and discipline.

Wu Zhiqian is not stupid, he will not take risks easily.

Even if you do, you will use others.

And suddenly the "illegitimate daughter" Joanne is the best candidate.

Therefore, Wu Zhiqian should help Joanne to be the illegitimate daughter of the Qiao family for herself.

He is the son-in-law of the Qiao family, and it is not too simple to help Joanne cheat.

He doesn't even have to do too much, just replace the sampled specimens with Joanne's, and Joanne can easily pass the test!

After listening to Joanne's analysis, He Tiantian silently gave a thumbs up.

As expected of a big, boss-level villain, even if she is only eighteen years old, even if she has not been pushed to that point step by step, she can still make plans clearly and comprehensively.

And this plan is almost the same as what happened in the original plot.

Wu Zhiqian helped Joanne and let Joanne successfully enter Qiao's house.

Later, he encouraged Joanne to do something on Joanne's car.

Qiao Anqi rushed into the sea because the car lost control, and her whereabouts are unknown.

Wu Zhiqian asked Joanne to replace Joanne directly.

No way, although Qiao Anqi is an eldest lady who only knows how to enjoy.

But she also has a few good girlfriends.

One of the people who had the best relationship with her was married to a foreign heir of a consortium.

Wu Zhiqian happened to want to do business with this consortium.

Negotiations have reached the most critical moment.

Wu Zhiqian did not want to affect the entire cooperation plan because of Qiao Anqi's death.

Joanne herself is plastic surgery done in the shape of Joanne.

Because of her original appearance, she couldn't be exactly the same as Qiao Anqi.

The similarity between the two is only seven points.

But if you put on makeup and wear Qiao Anqi's clothes, you basically can't see much difference.

The key is that Wu Zhiqian is standing beside Joanne, he is the best proof.

At first, even Qiao Zesheng was deceived.

Not to mention old friends who haven't seen each other for several years because of their marriage!

Joanne successfully helped Wu Zhiqian to get the contract, and she also successfully replaced Joan Qi step by step.

She became the eldest lady of the Qiao family, she began to get in touch with business, and placed eyeliner beside Wu Zhiqian.

Later, Qiao Anqi came back with a makeover, and Wu Zhiqian was able to be destroyed so quickly.

In addition to Qiao Anqi's ability and the full support of the male supporting cast, Joanne also helped secretly...

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