The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and fiftieth chapter villain redemption plan (9)

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"I really want to kill Wu Zhiqian! There is someone who knows his details, but he can't make people feel at ease!"

Hearing this, Joanne nodded approvingly.

If it's her, cough, it seems that the future she does indeed do this.

But, for now, Joanne is just deducing the plan and making the same choice-

Kill Wu Zhiqian!

It's just that Joanne had a hunch that even if she defeated Wu Zhiqian, she would not end well in the future.

Otherwise, the mysterious girl who claimed to be her daughter in front of her would not "travel through time and space" to find her!

Joanne opened her mouth and was about to speak when the boss came over with a tray, "Okay, the face is ready!"

The boss enthusiastically took the two bowls of noodles out of the tray, and pointed to a corner of the store with his backhand, "Chopsticks and spoons are in the disinfection cabinet, take them yourself!"

"Hey, okay, thank you boss!"

Joanne hurriedly restrained her emotions and changed to a simple and bright smile.

"You're welcome!"

The boss waved his hand casually and continued to work with the tray.

Joanne came to the disinfection cabinet, which was not opened at all, and took two pairs of chopsticks and two spoons.

"Here, eat! If you have anything to say, let's talk after dinner!"

After finally eating beef noodles, Joanne didn't want to be in a bad mood because she heard a "tragic story".

Handing the chopsticks and spoon to He Tiantian, she picked up her own chopsticks and ate.

The noodles are very thin and glutinous, the soup base is translucent, and there is a layer of oily flowers floating.

The only thing that is criticized is that the beef is too little and too thin.

Pick up a piece, trembling, and it can transmit light when held in mid-air.

Joanne didn't know whether to complain about the boss's stinginess or to praise their knife skills!

Still, three bucks can get you a big bowl, and you can't ask for too much.

Joanne ate with her head down and said nothing. She didn't even look up at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian didn't care, just like Joanne, she ate with big mouthfuls.

After tossing for a long time, she was already hungry.

Moreover, the owner of this ramen restaurant is a little stingy, but his craftsmanship is really good.

He Tiantian snorted and ate, and after a while, the soup bowl had bottomed out.

After swallowing the last mouthful of noodles and taking a big mouthful of soup, He Tiantian only felt satisfied.

"Delicious, right?"

Seeing her favorite food being appreciated makes Joanne feel much better.

While eating, Joanne didn't seem to care about He Tiantian.

But she still inadvertently caught a glimpse of what He Tiantian looked like when she was eating.

Joanne found that her cheap girl seemed to have the same habit as herself.

Three or four pieces of beef were not eaten up as soon as they came up.

Instead eat a slice of beef and suck up a small portion of the noodles.

At the end of the meal, there is still a piece of beef left to match the last bowl of noodle soup.

Don't be in a hurry to eat the delicious food first, because you are not afraid of being robbed.

Either an only child, or a well-loved grown-up.

Joanne felt that she had both.

Maybe her family is not very good, but her parents gave her the most complete love.

After her father passed away, her mother treated herself doubled, lest she be a little wronged.

Of course, this kind of good is only relative.

The family is too poor, all my mother can do is not eat it by herself and leave all the good things to Joanne.

Joanne is not short of love, but she is short of money, and she has big ambitions.

Seeing that her "daughter" is just like her now, she is not afraid of being robbed of food, so she knows that her future daughter seems to be doing well.

"Delicious! Mom, it's no wonder you're always thinking about it! Especially after being imprisoned, it's even more—"

He Tiantian put down her rice bowl and said something that almost made Joanne squirt.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Joanne choked on the noodle soup and kept coughing.

He Tiantian hurriedly handed her a glass of water, "Mom, are you alright?"

Joanne took a sip of water,

Suppressed cough.

When I heard He Tiantian ask her "Are you all right?", she couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Damn girl, didn't you see that she almost coughed up tears?

And asked her if she was okay?

This is not intentional.

"Okay, let's go!"

Joanne's good mood just after eating beef noodles was destroyed in an instant.


Gee, that's a good ending.

However, thinking about what she might do, Joanne suddenly felt that it was normal that she would be imprisoned.

"Attempted murder, fraud, embezzlement of public funds..."

He Tiantian broke her fingers and pointed to Joanne's crime.

Every time she said something, Joanne's face darkened by a point or two.

In the end, Joanne's face was completely black.

"How many years have I been sentenced?" Joanne went straight to the point.

"Thirty years!"

He Tiantian raised three fingers, and then said with a bit of disappointment, "I was only one year old when you were in prison. I was sent to the orphanage!"

Joanne:  …

Inexplicably so distressed, and there is a vague sense of guilt!

Damn, the dna report hasn't come out yet.

This dead girl may not be her own daughter.

Maybe everything she said was a lie.

What scam, what plastic surgery, what impostor...

She did plan it secretly, but she hasn't yet officially implemented it.

Moreover, what happens in the future may change at any time.

What, just-

Joanne's heart was a little confused.

With a sullen face, she suddenly asked, "I made you an orphan, so you want to 'save' me?"

Not so much to save Joanne, but for herself!

Well, Joanne is just so selfish.

She can always speculate on others with the greatest malice.

"Mom, are you out of your mind?"

He Tiantian was not hurt by the words of "mother".

She rolled her eyes and said coldly, "I'll save you, so that you don't take the old path you were destined to take, and you may not have me in the future!"

"So! I came here through time, for you, not for myself!"

Joanne: ...that makes sense!

I-I didn't even think of that!

It turns out that there are people who will be like their own mothers, unreserved and purposeless for their own good!

Just for her Annie, without any interest mixed in!

The guilt and distress that had just receded resurfaced in Joanne's heart.

"Of course, I'm thinking about myself too!"

"If you and my cheap dad, who I don't know who it is, are destined for fate, even if you change your fate, it won't change the fact that you want to give birth to me, I still hope you don't go to jail!"

"Mom, I still want to take the exam! If you have a criminal record, it will greatly affect my future!"

Joanne:  …

Damn, Bai was moved, this dead girl was really for herself.

But what the heck is a "test editor"?

Joanne knew that she was not a good person. From the time she began to understand the complexity of society and the darkness of human nature, she had an inexplicable unease.

She will be a criminal, if not a liar, in the future.

Her ambitions are too big and her background is too poor.

And all the ways to get rich are written in the criminal law.

He is so uncontrollable that he actually has a daughter who wants to take the exam?

This, doesn't it seem like a cat has been raised in a rat's den? !

"Okay, okay, the test report hasn't come out yet, don't call me a mother!"

Joanne knew that she shouldn't scold the cheap girl for being motivated, so she had to throw other things on fire.

"Okay, Mom!"

He Tiantian "obediently" agreed.

Joanne couldn't help rolling her eyes again.

The two were walking and bickering.

During the conversation, He Tiantian spoiled Joanne's future life.

Joanne didn't have that panic or bewilderment.

Because she knows what kind of thoughts she has in her heart, and what consequences such thoughts will have if they are implemented.

And, even knowing she might end up bleak, Joanne wasn't about to change her plans!

No way, the reality is in front of you.

Her mother is still in the hospital, and she needs money. Even if the money cheated by breaking the bottom line can only keep her mother alive for nine months, Joanne is willing.

"Mom, I've stopped you from being corrupted by that old lady, you—"

He Tiantian has actually figured out Joanne's character.

After chatting with her for so long, she also confirmed her guess: Joanne is definitely not as kind and pure as readers think!

Kindness to help people but being blackmailed in turn is not the reason for forcing her to fall.

What's more, He Tiantian seriously suspected that this old lady who touched porcelain was also one of Joanne's plans!

My mother's cancer, what is it without money for treatment?

Not bad enough!

Haven't reached the deepest desperation yet!

If there is another rogue who corrupts his own house, it will be really miserable.

Moreover, it is also more conducive to the possible "whitewashing" in the future——

She is not like this by nature, but has a last resort reason, which is forced to fall!

Although Joanne failed to clean up in the later period, it was precisely because of her series of operations that He Tiantian's "customized task" this time.

Joanne's failure to win the sympathy of the world consciousness has left readers with a lot of grief.

This should be regarded as a success of her villain!

Joanne didn't speak, she turned her head to look at He Tiantian.

Her eyes were so straightforward, as if to say: If you were really my daughter, you shouldn't be too stupid.

Among smart people, there is no need to speak so thoroughly.

Joanne didn't speak or admit it, but her eyes had already answered everything.

He Tiantian guessed right!

This cheap mother of hers is indeed a deep-minded and ambitious villain.

Perhaps, Joanne also "stimulated" her blackening reasons, but it is definitely not the fact that this time the helper was corrupted.

Maybe it's something in my childhood, or it's the perennial poverty and hard life...

There are too many incentives, let's talk about Tiantian slowly, it is estimated that Joanne herself does not know when she became so selfish and ambitious!

"Since you are from the future, you should know that my biggest problem now is money, money!"

Joanne saw He Tiantian's face was clear, and she had no scruples when she spoke.

She frankly expressed her truest thoughts.

He Tiantian knew that this task would not be so simple.

A person with tough personality and strong psychological quality like Joanne is not so easy to be "redeemed" at all.

Her only weakness, or in other words, her only warmth is her mother Li Ying.

Once Li Ying is gone, Joanne has nothing to care about.

Even if it is his own "daughter"!

In the plot, Joanne turned herself in at the end, and some readers discussed that she should be for the children.

Yeah, she can't run away with the baby.

This is estimated to be Joanne's most tenderness towards her own flesh and blood.

He Tiantian also took advantage of An Xin's identity because of these considerations.

However, I saw Joanne with my own eyes and had this conversation with her.

He Tiantian found that she still overestimated Joanne's feelings for her daughter.

No, the plan must be revised!

"Mom, you are wrong!"

He Tiantian sorted out her thoughts and said firmly to Joanne.


What a mistake!

Of course it's not right to lie to Qiao Zesheng.

It may even rise to the level of fraud, which is a proper crime.

However, this kind of thing is nothing compared to Joanne's series of operations in the future.

Wrong or right, Joanne really doesn't care.

What she really wondered was not why He Tiantian said she was "wrong".

But he was puzzled by He Tiantian: You already know what kind of thing Joanne is, yet she still tries to judge her right or wrong with moral standards? !

"No, Mom, I'm not judging you. I really think you're thinking in the wrong direction!"

"What you lack most right now is not money, but a way to treat grandma!"

He Tiantian looked into Joanne's eyes and said seriously.

Joanne was startled.

Well, at first glance, this seems to make sense.

But, for now, money = life!

Without money, Joanne couldn't even perform an operation on her own mother!

Without surgery, without removing those cancer cells, how can my mother talk about "extended life"? !

and many more--

Joanne's mind was spinning fast, and she realized something very quickly.

Yes, right now, the only way to treat cancer is to remove it with surgery.

But what about thirty years later!

Technology will continue to advance, and medicine will also develop rapidly.

The mobile phone can become so magical, and the medical level should also have a qualitative leap!

Perhaps, thirty years later, cancer will no longer be a terminal illness, just like the cold and epidemics of the past.


Joanne swallowed nervously and stared at He Tiantian, "What, girl, do you, do you know any good way to help your grandmother?"

A cheap girl can travel over from thirty years later, so she must be well prepared.

The daughter knows everything she has, and naturally knows what her biggest regret is.

To be honest, if you really want to "save" her, you should save Li Ying's life first.

As long as Li Ying's mother is alive and well, Joanne is still ambitious, but she will not be so unscrupulous.

She will make a fortune and become rich within the framework permitted by the law, and allow herself and her mother to live a comfortable and prosperous life!

The cheap girl is so smart, she should be able to think of this, right?

There was a strong hope in Joanne's heart.

He Tiantian:  …

She was not allowed to call her mother just now, but now she calls her "girl" directly.

However, it doesn't matter!

In this small world, He Tiantian is An Xin, and An Xin is Joanne's own flesh and blood.

Facing Joanne's gaze, He Tiantian nodded slowly...

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