The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and fifty first chapter villain redemption plan (10)

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He Tiantian did not lie, in the original plot, thirty years later, the medical level is indeed highly developed.

Several terminal illnesses such as cancer have been overcome.

In fact, there is a pharmaceutical company in the home of the heroine Qiao Anqi.

And she was able to counterattack gorgeously at the beginning, but also relied on a secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine.

This recipe is specifically designed to combat malignant tumors.

Using this secret recipe, Qiao Anqi cooperated with the national Baba, and there was a male supporting role to help, and then successfully regained the Qiao Group.

In the last remedial task world, He Tiantian studied Chinese medicine systematically and comprehensively.

She is wearing clothes, so the skill of traditional Chinese medicine is firmly mastered by her.

In reality, she consciously combined the skills she learned in the task world with the skills she learned in the system learning space.

Her Chinese medicine level has been further improved.

Come to this world, because the plot has the blessing of Chinese medicine plot.

He Tiantian found that the level of Chinese medicine in this world is very high and magical.

He Tiantian has not studied it carefully, but she is confident to reach the level of the heroine's secret recipe!

So, cancer or something is not really difficult to overcome.

Even if it cannot be completely cured now, He Tiantian can use conservative methods to delay the spread of cancer cells and save Li Ying's life!


Joanne's voice trembled.

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, "Of course! I wore it thirty years later."

Has advanced technology beyond this era, and all the "prophets"!

"Okay! As long as you can save my mother, I, I will trust you!"

The trust between people is not only a blood relationship, but also has a certain cause and effect.

Anyway, as far as Joanne is concerned, she will not simply trust a piece of paper.

If the cheap daughter can't bring her anything, even if DNA can confirm the relationship between the two, she will not treat "An Xin" like her mother.

As for salvation?


Let's dream, there is everything in a dream.

After dinner, Joanne took He Tiantian to the hospital.

Li Ying didn't want to drag her daughter down, so she secretly drank sleeping pills.

However, the dose of medicine was not enough, Li Ying not only failed to die, but was sent to the hospital for a lot of tossing.

Li Ying's mood is very low, and she feels distressed and guilty for her only daughter.

She didn't want to see her daughter, and was avoiding it all the time.

Worrying that it would irritate her mother, Joanne didn't dare to stay in front of the hospital bed, but would sneak into the hospital during her lunch break or after work in the evening.

Today is the third day of my mother's hospitalization, and it just so happens that Joanne has also completely ended her summer job.

If there was no accident in the morning, she would go to visit her mother secretly at noon.

Missed noon, it's not too late now.

He ran to the bus station again, changed to the bus, and arrived at the hospital where Li Ying lived.

Li Ying had already eaten lunch and fell asleep alone.

Looking at her mother's thin appearance, Joanne felt very distressed.

Her always strong heart is also a little weak at this moment.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, watching her mother carefully, listening to her subtle snoring, Joanne felt inexplicably at ease.

With a mother, she is still a family child.

If even her mother was gone, she would really be alone!

Feeling Joanne's slight fragility, He Tiantian was slightly touched.

She was even more sure of her previous guesses. If she wanted to redeem Joanne, she had to make her feel loved.

Joanne always said that she was not short of love, but in fact she was still short of love.

Growing up in a single-parent family left her with a lack of character.

She thought she had realized her own shortcomings, but it was far from enough.

He Tiantian feels that she still needs to make Joanne feel the real love and warmth of family!

Uh, well, He Tiantian felt that she was taking it for granted.

Joanne is not really weak, and her weakness at the moment is only a moment.


Just when He Tiantian secretly pondered and studied Joanne, she raised her head.

The distress and reluctance on his face slowly receded, replaced by sobriety and calmness.

"Okay, it's almost time, we'll get the report later!"

Joanne has to get that DNA test report.

In this way, she can really believe in He Tiantian.

And that's a big deal about whether Joanne is going to go ahead with that plan.

"Okay!" He Tian dessert nodded and followed Joanne out of the ward.

When they came to the corridor, Joanne found the nurse who was in charge of the bed, and politely asked the other party to help take care of her mother, and then left the hospital.

After tossing around for a long time, I returned to the testing center again, it was almost six o'clock.

Dr. Chang got the report and gave it to Joanne.

Joanne hurriedly opened it, and there were two in total—

The first is unrelated by blood;

For the second copy, the relative probability is 99.999%.

Seeing the series of 9s, the last doubt in Joanne's heart disappeared.

Although it is absurd and bizarre, it is the truth——

The girl in front of me who is the same age as me is really my own daughter!

"..." Opening her mouth, Joanne wanted to say something.

But in the end, not a word could be uttered.

say what?

Called the other party's daughter, and said it was a pleasure to meet her? !

Joanne still can't fully adjust to the fact that she has "liked being a mother".

Wuwu, people are still a child, how can they become the mother of the child?

"Mom, this time you believe me!"

He Tiantian seemed to see Joanne's embarrassment, and smiled and leaned closer to her ear and said something.

Joanne:  …

Called "Mom" again.

However, listening to it, I seem to be getting used to it.

"Cough! Cough!"

Joanne cleared her throat unnaturally and said awkwardly, "Well! I believe in your identity!"

"By the way, when you came back this time, did you bring anything else besides the phone?"

Like what valuable stuff?

Everyone knows that they are going back to the past, so they should prepare something good anyway.

Even if there is no gold or silver, you should remember a few lottery winning numbers...

Joanne couldn't help but think about it.

This time, He Tiantian is speechless!

She was silent for a long time before she said helplessly, "Mom, when I came, the time machine had just been successfully developed, and it was still in the experimental stage!"

"I'm secretly, oh no, it's a risky attempt. If I can't get it right, I may encounter turbulence in time and space, and I will die directly."

"It's this phone, and it's because I hold it tightly, otherwise it would have been swept away by the turbulence of time and space!"

He Tiantian did not exaggerate.

Her transmigration this time belongs to half of her clothes.

The body is her own, but the identity is written by her through the plot.

The time and space turbulence to be suffered and the dangers that may be encountered cannot be completely avoided.

"Also, no time and space have their own rules of operation. I sneaked here, trying to change the trajectory of your life, and it's a bit of a foul."

"If I change too many things, the whole small world may be in chaos, and if I don't get it right, it will collapse directly!"

"Mom, I'm just a filial child who wants to change my mother's fate, don't put too much pressure on me, okay?!"

He Tiantian was a little aggrieved at the end.

Joanne's mouth twitched.

"filial piety paper"?

Uh, why does this word sound so awkward?

Joanne suddenly felt that she was getting a little old, sigh, can you not be old? There is an eighteen- or nineteen-year-old daughter who has traveled 30 years to filial piety to her!

"Okay, it's me who made things too simple! I'm wronged you!"

Joanne is a mother after all.

I can't bear to see my cheap girl so wronged.

Reaching out and rubbing He Tiantian's hair, um, it feels pretty good.

The little girl should be doing fine in thirty years.

"...Hmph, I forgive you!"

He Tiantian pouted and acted coquettishly.

Then, she seemed to think of something and hurriedly said, "Although I only brought a mobile phone, I have a lot of things stored in my mobile phone!"

"For example, many photos in 2032, such as my school, as well as welfare homes, parks, etc., have photos or videos."

Photos and videos are the most intuitive things.

People in the past can learn about the future through them.

Joanne immediately became interested after hearing He Tiantian's words.

The photos and videos after 30 years are interesting to think about.

Moreover, there may be other opportunities to discover from it.

Sitting on the bus, He Tiantian and Joanne were head-to-head. They blocked the sight of the people around them with their arms, and carefully looked at the stock in the phone.


Joanne shouted "Wow" in her heart. She never thought that thirty years later, society has developed into such an advanced and developed state.

Artificial intelligence, holographic projection, robot housekeeper.

The whole world seems to have entered the era of full intelligence.

And people's life has become more convenient and faster.

A mobile phone can solve everything, at this moment, it is hard to imagine.

But thirty years later, it is normal.

I heard that there are interstellar immigrants, and human beings have already stepped into space.

I believe that it will not be long before we can enter the Great Interstellar Era.

Joanne watched with enthusiasm, what a good time, with too many opportunities.

"It's a pity that you were imprisoned and sentenced to 30 years!" Even if you live in the interstellar era, you can't experience it yourself.

He Tiantian knows the essence of splashing cold water very well.

Just when Joanne saw that she was on the rise, she said this faintly.

Joanne: ...she's really a "filial" girl.

What a filial piety!

I know to pour cold water on my mother.

"Don't worry, as long as you can cure your grandmother, I won't be too lazy to lie!"

She really thinks that she is willing to be the illegitimate daughter of the Qiao family, and willing to be a substitute for Wu Zhiqian.

Not forced by reality.

As long as she has other ways, she will not recognize her father casually.

Although the cheap father died early, he still loved himself very much.

If it wasn't to save her mother, she wouldn't recognize her father casually.

And the name "Joanne", which she also disliked very much.

Her surname is An, and her single name is Ni. She is the little Nini that her parents love most.

Her surname is not Qiao, and she didn't come with Qiao Anqi's name.

"And don't call me Joanne! My name is Anne!"

Joanne, oh no, there won't be a name for Joanne anymore.

It's Annie!

The surname is An Mingni, the daughter of An Xiangqian and Liu Ying, and a legitimately married daughter!

"Okay, Mom!"

He Tiantian obediently agreed.

In fact, she wanted to remind Annie that, as her "daughter", it was unlikely that she would have the opportunity to call her mother by her first name.

"By the way, I'll see your grandma later, you, you are smart!"

Annie is young, has strong receptivity, and has a scientific test report.

No matter how awkward she was, she still believed in He Tiantian.

But Li Ying is different.

She's an old, self-proclaimed adult with a lot of knowledge to not believe the nonsense of "little liars".

He Little Liar Tiantian: "Mom, don't worry, I will tell grandma that I am your best friend, and I have a conflict with my family, so I came to join you on purpose!"

In this way, she will be able to live in the Anjia logically.

Annie:  …

She is indeed very clever, and she is indeed my own daughter!

and many more!

Why did you kiss your daughter? !

I'm really used to being a mother.

Annie muttered to herself, but did not show it on her face.

Back at the hospital again, Li Ying has woken up.

It has been three days since Xu Shi, Li Ying slowly got used to it, and was no longer emotionally desperate.

When she saw Annie, she didn't react violently.

"Nini is here!"

Li Ying greeted softly.

Later, when she saw He Tiantian, she asked curiously, "This is—"

Before Annie could speak, He Tiantian eagerly approached the hospital bed and said affectionately to Li Ying, "Auntie, hello! I'm An Xin, and Annie is a good friend..."

It was obviously his own name, and he was used to being called.

But at this moment, from He Tiantian's mouth, Annie felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

As if, as if I had been offended!


"Yes, Mom, this is An Xin. There is no place to live, so she came to join me on purpose!"

"Mom, it just so happens that my summer job is over, and there are still a few days before school starts, so let An Xin accompany me at our house."

Following He Tiantian's words, Annie explained to Li Ying half-truth.

"Hey, okay, just be happy!"

For her daughter, Li Ying felt extremely guilty and distressed.

She really drags her daughter down again and again.

Now, her daughter finally has a good friend who can talk to each other, and Li Ying also hopes that they can get along well.

If she is gone and has a good friend, Nini will not be too lonely.

Thinking like this, Li Ying's attitude towards He Tiantian became more cordial.

She also grabbed He Tiantian's hand and stroked it tenderly, "Child, don't be angry with your family, your parents, no matter what you do, it's for your own good!"


He Tiantian responded indiscriminately and touched Li Ying's wrist with a backhand.

Annie's eyes flashed and she keenly caught He Tiantian's movements.

Oh wow!

My cheap daughter, does she still know Chinese medicine?

Is she taking her mother's pulse?

Annie cast an inquiring look at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian mistakenly thought that Annie was asking her "can it be cured".

Li Ying is in the early stage of gastric cancer, and it has not spread yet. She can also be treated with Chinese medicine who has been blessed by the plot!

She nodded slowly...

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