The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters villain redemption plan (11)

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"Nini, I'm all right, let's get out of the hospital!"

Li Ying didn't know the eye contact between He Tiantian and Annie. For the past two days, she had been thinking about going home.

Gastric cancer is a terminal illness.

The moment Li Ying saw the diagnosis, her whole body seemed to be drained of all her energy.

Of course she was afraid of death, but she was even more afraid that she would die and her daughter would be alone.

She was also worried that her daughter would take on a whole body of debt in order to save herself.

An eighteen-year-old beautiful girl, without parents, still owes huge debts, how should she live?

She definitely won't be able to go to university, and she may have to pay off her debts by—

Don't dare to think, Li Ying doesn't dare to think about it at all.

She didn't live well to take care of her daughter, she was sorry enough for her child.

She must not drag her down any longer!

But Li Ying never expected that the current medicine is so ineffective.

She ate more than half of the bottle, but she still couldn't have a good time!

Bai tossed around in the hospital and spent a lot of money, which made the family who was already in a desperate situation even worse.

Li Ying almost hated herself—

It's really useless, you can't live, you can't live, you can't die!

After staying in the hospital for three days, the damage caused by taking the medicine has recovered.

Li Ying should have been discharged from the hospital.

But neither Anne nor the paramedics let her go.

What a joke, she still has a malignant tumor in her stomach.

Li Ying:  …

I just don't want to be cured.

It's just that Li Ying knew that her daughter was terrified after drinking the medicine by herself.

My daughter has been very obedient, sensible, and obedient since she was a child.

However, her own daughter understands it herself.

When Annie decides on something, she will stick to it no matter what.

The daughter wants to save herself, even if she knows that she has spent money and has a huge debt, she may lose both money and money.

However, the daughter doesn't think about that at all.

If she doesn't agree, her daughter will think of other ways.

Li Ying is very pleased to have such a filial daughter.

But she also didn't want to drag the child down.

Discharged from the hospital, must be discharged, can not stay in the hospital so confused.

Go home, find a chance, Li Ying again——

"Okay! Let's get out of the hospital!"

Li Ying made up her mind not to drag her daughter down, she had long been determined to die.

She knew that her daughter would not easily allow her to be discharged from the hospital, and she was ready with a lot of persuasion.

Li Ying did not expect that her daughter agreed quickly.

"What? Nini, you, you—" agree to my discharge?

Li Ying didn't react for a while.

"Yes! Mom, let's get out of the hospital!"

Annie has received definite news from her cheap daughter: there is still a cure for her mother's illness!

She wouldn't do that plan again.

There is no need to continue living in a hospital or something.

The mysterious arrival of her future daughter and all the things that happened during the day made Annie suffer a lot of shocks.

The moment she stepped back into the hospital ward, she had a new plan in mind.

"However, not today!"

Annie agreed first, and then said: "Mom, the community we rented is too shabby and the environment is not good, it is not conducive to your recovery!"

"Also, I will start school in two days, and I will live on campus. But if I explain the situation to the teacher, I should be able to go home often!"

"...I think it's better to rent a house near the school. The environment there is good, and it will be more convenient for me to go home!"

So, Annie decided to pick up her mother after she rented the house and made arrangements.

"..." Li Ying opened her mouth.

Subconsciously, she wanted to object—

As a result, it was a waste to change houses for her.

The community where they originally rented is indeed old and small, the environment is noisy, and the tenants are complicated, but the rent is cheap.

My daughter was admitted to S University, the best university in the provincial capital, and the old campus of S University is in the urban area, where the price level is very high.

Just one rent is several times what it used to be.

Li Ying felt that it was not worth it. She didn't want to live anymore. What good house would she live in?

Second, Li Ying was worried that what her daughter said about "renting and changing houses" was just an excuse for delaying time.

My daughter just wanted her to stay in the hospital, and she also wanted to transfer her to the oncology department to have an operation "by the way"!

Do not!

I'm not hospitalized, I, I don't do surgery.

Although their mother and daughter have no relatives, there are too many loan sharks in the society.

My daughter is young and doesn't know how terrible loan sharks are. If she falls into this abyss again in a hurry, her whole life will be ruined!

"Mom, you stay in the hospital for three more days, just three days. I'll pick you up after I rent the house!"

Feeling the strong rejection around her mother, Annie, who was smart and knew her mother, hurriedly raised three fingers.

"Three days?"

Li Ying was stunned for a moment, and the unease in her heart became stronger: "Nini, you promised Mom that you are not allowed to borrow money, do you hear?"

"My disease, I won't cure it! If you borrow usury, my mother will die for you!"

In order to dispel her daughter's idea of ​​saving her, Li Ying, who has always been gentle, shouted such cruel words!

Annie's heart froze. She knew that her mother would never just say harsh words. She did what she said.

"Mom, I won't take loan sharks, don't worry!"

Annie did not lie to Li Ying.

Even in her original plan, she hadn't thought about borrowing that kind of thing.

Now, with a cheap daughter and her future phone, Annie doesn't need it anymore!

Li Ying looked at Annie steadily, her daughter's eyes didn't dodge, it was still as clear and bright, and she felt a little relieved.

"Okay, then I'll stay in the hospital for another three days!"

Li Ying is not an aggressive character.

The daughter has already promised her not to borrow money, and she is not easy to "get an inch".

The mother and daughter each took a step back so that things wouldn't come to a standstill.


When Annie saw that her mother was finally discharged from the hospital, a smile appeared on her quiet little face.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to buy some food. Mom, do you have anything to eat? And you, An Xin, do you have anything to eat?"

Annie looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock.

She was afraid that her mother would be hungry, so she quickly got up and said.

In addition, Annie also has something to do, and she wants to do it together while she goes shopping for food.

"Look and buy it!"

After washing his stomach and eating liquid food for two days, Li Ying had no appetite at all.

He Tiantian ordered dishes rudely, "Nini, I want to eat dumplings."

Annie:  …

It's really strange, I feel awkward when I hear "An Xin" call her mother.

But hearing the child's name was Nini, Annie was very uncomfortable.

Shaking her head and throwing away those wild thoughts, Annie responded casually and left the ward.

After nearly an hour, Annie came back from outside again.

She bought plain noodles for Li Ying, and the clear soup was very light.

He Tiantian's dumplings were also bought.

Annie herself ate two buns.

The three of them finished their meal quickly.

Li Ying's injections were also finished, and she began to drive people: "Okay, I've finished all the injections today, so I'm just going to sleep. You and An Xin go back quickly."

"No need to accompany the bed! It's not that I can't move. Besides, there are nurses!"

Li Ying didn't want her daughter to always be in the ward.

The escort bed here is so small that my daughter can't rest at all.

"...Okay! Then I'll take An Xin home first, and I'll see you tomorrow morning!"

"By the way, Mom, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning? Shall I cook you some porridge?"

She doesn't have to go to work tomorrow, but she can cook some meals for her mother at home.

"Okay! Let's drink porridge."

As long as Li Ying doesn't involve her own illness, she is still very talkative.

She rarely says "no" to her daughter!

"However, Nini, don't be too tired. If you don't work part-time, take a good rest!"

Before leaving, Li Ying habitually warned her daughter.

Her daughter is sensible, and while Li Ying is pleased, she will also feel sad and distressed!

Alas, it was because she was a mother who was incompetent, which forced the child to be "sensible".

"Okay, Mom, I got it!"

Anne obediently agreed.

In front of Li Ying, she is a good child who is hurt.

"An Xin, Auntie won't give you away. You and Nini stay at home."

Li Ying also did not ignore He Tiantian.

She thought about it for a while, and then cautiously reminded: "And the parents at home, give them a call. Save them from worrying!"

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old girls run away from home, it is too dangerous.

They are all parents, and Li Ying saves others by herself, thinking that "An Xin"'s parents may not be in a hurry.

"..." He Tiantian glanced at Annie.

As if asking: Mom, do I want to call you? To save you worry? !

Annie:  …

What a kid?

So naughty!

Annie rolled her eyes and gave He Tiantian a warning look: Your grandmother is not well, don't tell her the "truth" yet.

The identity of "An Xin" cannot always be hidden from her own mother.

Anne also didn't know how long the cheap daughter would stay in this era.

If she can't go back, her origins must be explained.

Well, let's wait until my mother's condition is under control and their family's life stabilizes, and then tell my mother the truth.

They are all close relatives. My mother may find it absurd and incredible, but she will believe it in the end!

but not now.

The most important thing right now:

First, the mother's illness;

Second, make money!

On these two points, Annie has eyes on her.

"Okay, Auntie, I got it!"

He Tiantian didn't care too much about getting a big white eye from his "mother".

When she turned her head to look at Li Ying, He Tiantian returned to her well-behaved appearance.

He nodded obediently, and agreed softly.

Li Ying's "elderly" heart was instantly satisfied.

With a smile, Li Ying's mood became extraordinarily relaxed as she looked at the two little girls who were about the same age, about the same size, and both looked good.

"Mom, what did you do?"

On the bus, it was already more than eight o'clock.

There were not many passengers on the bus.

The two sat at the back, surrounded by empty seats.

Grabbing Annie's shoulder, He Tiantian bit her ear.

Annie raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean by 'what did I do'?"

This cheap daughter is really smart.

Did she find out so soon?

"Okay, let me change the question! You told your grandma just now that it will take three days to pick her up from the hospital!"

He Tiantian looked into Annie's eyes and asked seriously, "Why three days?"

Looking for a house, it is easy and simple to say that it is troublesome.

With Annie's character of taking one step and three steps, when she received the admission letter from S University, she was probably thinking about "moving".

Now, Li Ying is ill and needs close care of her relatives.

It becomes more necessary to rent a house near s.

He Tiantian estimates that Annie must have thought a lot about Li Ying's hospitalization in the past few days—

Make money!

Find a house!

Plans were made in advance. At this time, Annie must have a spectrum in her heart.

But she still stayed for three days, and He Tiantian seriously doubted that she not only wanted to rent and move, but also other things.

for example--

"Of course, get the money first!"

Annie continued to give the cheap girl a big white eye.

Although the most important thing at the moment is my mother's illness, money is also the top priority.

A cheap girl can learn Chinese medicine, so she doesn't need money for medical treatment.

What about medicinal herbs?

It won't fall from the sky.

There is also a good environment and nutritious food needed to support the body, all of which cost money!

Fortunately, the cheap girl came and brought a black-tech mobile phone thirty years later.

Thinking of this, Annie glanced at He Tiantian's shorts pocket involuntarily.

The future mobile phone that looked like a plastic plate was put in his pocket by He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was keenly aware of Annie's sight, and she subconsciously reached out and touched the phone.

cell phone?

Does my mother want to make money from future mobile phones?

However, her phone only stores some photos, videos, and commonly used apps.

With the clever brain of Annie's villain, you should be able to see "business opportunities" from the video materials shot in the future.

However, doing business requires cycles.

No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to recover the cost in three days and make huge profits.

Also, doing business has costs.

If He Tiantian remembered correctly, Annie only had the 1,500 yuan in her hand.

There is not enough capital, and huge profits will be obtained in a short period of time...

Gee, you should be buying a lottery ticket.

and many more!

Lottery? !

He Tiantian's mind flashed, and she quickly took out her mobile phone.

Flicking the phone, she opened the browser.

Sure enough, the search records contained words related to the 2002 Welfare Lottery winning results.

What surprised He Tiantian even more was that this mobile phone from the future could still search the Internet in 2002 when 3G technology had not been used.

The point is, the default time for future phones is 2032.

That is, it can search for "the past".

Namely, the current year 2002!

This is a bug, it is estimated that neither the system nor the world consciousness has found it.

But Annie thought of it and took advantage of this loophole.

Seeing that He Tiantian's expression changed greatly, her eyes were full of surprise, and Annie felt a little guilty.

She reached out and patted He Tiantian's arm, "Then what, don't worry, I didn't do much to disrupt the progress of the times!"

"I just found a first prize, and this first prize has indeed been won in history, but for some reason, that person did not go to claim the prize!"

Therefore, Annie did not come up with a first prize out of thin air, nor did she snatch the opportunity of others.

She just asked for a bonus that others didn't want to use in an emergency!

In the future, she will never do such a thing again.

Ahem, Annie also suspects that she shouldn't have the chance to exploit such a loophole in the future.

Sure enough, at this time, the future mobile phone in He Tiantian's hand changed, and the browser app disappeared.

The 8g logo at the top of the screen is also gone...

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