The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters villain redemption plan (13)

, !

"This house is so nice!"

With the help of Annie, Li Ying turned around inside and out.

Finally, she stood in the living room and sighed contentedly.

Li Ying couldn't help thinking in her heart, for a house like this, more than one million may not be enough!

Alas, she really is the most useless, she didn't have a daughter at all, she couldn't help anything, she would only be a hindrance!

"Mom, I also think this house is good. Let's live here in the future, okay?"

The aunt, Mo Ruonv, and Annie was a very sensitive and intelligent person. She noticed all the mood swings of her mother, and made accurate guesses.

However, Annie did not say anything, but reminded her mother that there was something in her words.

"..." Li Ying felt bitter in her heart, and when she heard her daughter's words, she squeezed out a smile and nodded, "Okay, we'll be fine—"

At least until her daughter starts school and adjusts to college life, and then she finds a way to kill herself!

Before that, she would perform well, cooperate actively, and never let her daughter find anything abnormal.

Annie:  …

Ahem, as long as my mother cooperates with the treatment, it will be fine.

She believes that if her mother finds that she can be cured without spending too much money, she will stop thinking about it.

The mother really does not want to drag herself down, but the mother also definitely does not want to make her daughter become a poor mother without a mother!

"Hey, auntie, and me!" He Tiantian felt that the atmosphere between the mother and daughter was a little dignified, and hurriedly jumped out to ease it.

She said cheerfully: "I have already told my mother that I want to stay in the provincial capital, I want to review, maybe I will be admitted to S University next year."

Others take their mother to college, and she goes to class with her mother!

Annie:  …

With her sharp eyes, she certainly did not ignore the deliberate winking when the cheap girl said "my mother".

What the hell is this damn girl doing?

"Xinxin, have you contacted your family? Your mother still agrees with you to stay here?" Li Ying was worried that "An Xin" was running away from home, and her parents didn't even know she was here.

Li Ying was still thinking,

Parents are not sure what to worry about.

Li Ying persuaded her intentionally, but considering the age of "An Xin", she was afraid that her words were not good enough to make the child give birth to a rebellious mentality.

Now no matter what, "An Xin" is still at their home, and safety is guaranteed.

What if I made such a rebellious girl who dared to run away from home become even more rebellious, and if she ran out of her temper for a while, it would be more troublesome and dangerous.

It's just that Li Ying always felt inappropriate that she didn't tell her parents.

Hearing what He Tiantian said at this moment, she finally felt relieved.

"Well, I already told my mother, right, Nini?" He Tiantian nodded obediently and continued to wink at Annie.

Annie:  …

This bear boy!

She complained secretly, but she had to agree with her. Annie's mood was complicated.

"Well, she and her mother agreed that she should stay in our house!"

"Okay! It's okay! It's good for your mother to know!" Li Ying didn't notice the lawsuit between Annie and He Tiantian. When she heard what her daughter said, she was completely relieved.

All things are said, the next step is to arrange the room.

The house was built in the 1990s, and in 2002, it was relatively new.

And because it is a unit dormitory, there are no messy things such as public stalls.

With the layout of two bedrooms and one living room, the actual area of ​​the house is only a lot more.

Especially the living room, which is long and square, big and regular.

The owner made a small room in the living room as a study.

When Annie came to sign the rental contract, she secretly planned:

The mother lived in the master bedroom, she lived in the second bedroom, and the cheap girl "An Xin" slept in the cubicle in the living room.

Ahem, what, An Xin is her own daughter, so don't be too polite!

He Tiantian: ...It's really my mother!

However, it can be seen from this that Annie has accepted He Tiantian in her heart and really regards her as her own.

A relatively large DNA test report is here. They are related by blood. No matter how much Annie resists, she will involuntarily believe it.

Of course, in the relationship between people, even close relatives need to get along and communicate with each other.

He Tiantian has already laid a good foundation, and then we will see her further performance.

Only her continuous efforts can truly gain the trust and dependence of Annie, the future villain!

[No hurry, take your time, give your heart and you will always be rewarded! 】

He Tiantian told herself like this in the bottom of her heart.

Then, she did the same—

According to Annie's idea, the three of them were assigned rooms. He Tiantian and Annie tidy up and clean together.

Li Ying tried to help several times, but was discouraged by He Tiantian or Annie, but she kept waiting, and Li Ying couldn't sit still.

She wanted to make a meal, so that the children could have a hot meal after their busy work.

"Mom, you have just been discharged from the hospital and need a good rest, but you don't dare to be so tired!" Annie was always patient with her mother.

He Tiantian was different. After all, she was more rational and objective than Annie.

Seeing that Li Ying didn't listen to her daughter's persuasion at all, and was still eager to work, He Tiantian deliberately said to Annie: "Auntie also wants to help us share the burden, and can't bear to make us too tired. However, Nini's worries It also makes sense-"

He Tiantian looked at Li Ying, who had hope in her eyes, and pretended to ponder: "How about we find a nanny, who can not only help with work, but also take care of auntie!"

Li Ying:  …

What kind of people dare to hire a nanny?

In order to leave more money for her daughter, Li Ying can even give up her own life, a typical "money not life".

How could she be willing to spend thousands of dollars a month to find someone to work? !

Li Ying is not as smart as Annie, but she is not stupid either.

Soon, she realized that "An Xin" said that on purpose.

The little girl's meaning is very clear: either stay still, or pay to hire someone!

And spending money or something is too much to hit Li Ying's life. She conceded defeat directly: "I won't help, you can do it yourself, nanny or something, and you are not allowed to ask for it!"

After saying this, Li Ying simply sat down on the sofa left by the landlord in order to prove her words.

Seeing that her mother finally stopped, Annie could feel at ease, and she gave He Tiantian a "well done" look.

Annie suddenly found that her cheap girl is getting better and better and more considerate!

There was an idea in her heart: It seems very good to have such a "good boy"!

While Annie was thinking about it, she cleaned up quickly.

He Tiantian is also powerful here.

In less than two hours, the newly rented house was in order.

Looking at the time, she found that it was noon, and Annie suggested, "Let's go out to eat, not only to greet my mother, but also to celebrate the housewarming!"

The group left the staff dormitory and went to the street restaurant outside, a rare luxury.

Although Li Ying hurts her flesh, she also really loves her daughter and can't bear to pour cold water all the time.

Alas, it's hard to have a good meal, but it's not like this every day, and it's just a matter of spending a few hundred dollars.

After dinner, the family walked around again at Annie's suggestion.

I have to say that the supporting facilities around the S University are very complete: a tertiary hospital, a supermarket, a convenience food market, and a shopping mall.

It was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and the street began to become lively. In the large window of the shopping mall facing the street, there were rows of the latest large color TVs.

On TV, either the news is broadcast, or some color pictures with high color saturation are shown.

In a dazzling color map, a TV screen was broadcasting local news from the provincial capital.

Li Ying was full of food and drink, and was a little tired after walking for a long time, so she stopped in front of the window to read the news.

At this moment, the picture flashed, showing a luxurious and dreamy wedding scene——

He Tiantian:  …

This should be the wedding of the century of the heroine Qiao Anqi.

In the original plot, Annie, the female supporting villain in this period, whose mother was seriously ill and committed suicide, she kindly helped others but was blackmailed...

Annie was in the most desperate and darkest moment in her life, but she saw such a grand wedding of Qiao Anqi, which made her not very pure and began to be jealous, unfair, and twisted.

The official plot begins here!

This time, He Tiantian came.

Although she finally knew that the so-called "helping people with good intentions was blackmailed", it is estimated that there is another hidden reason.

However, He Tiantian still organized the process of Annie's "blackening".

Especially He Tiantian's future mobile phone made Annie discover and exploit a bug, tsk tsk, directly giving Annie no reason to "do evil"!

Just like at the moment, standing in front of the window, watching the news anchor commenting on the wedding of the century, Annie just took a few more glances like a curious audience, and didn't have too many other thoughts.

"It's great to have a wedding on a small island abroad!" Li Ying's face flashed with envy.

She is not only envious of "rich people are self-willed", but also envies the bride's parents being able to send their daughters to marry in person.

[Hey, if I could live a few more years, how good would it be to see Nini marry? ! 】

Li Ying only had her daughter in her eyes, and she didn't even realize that the bride's father was the object of her crush. In the early years, she had an affair with him!

"Well, when Nini gets married in the future, it will be grand and beautiful."

He Tiantian has been secretly observing the mother and daughter.

She didn't find anything unusual, so she knew that the plot seemed to be "corrected" by her. The big villain Annie seems to have no connection with the Qiao family!

Very good, help Annie stay away from the big quagmire of the Qiao family, pursue her own business, and stick to the three views and bottom line... Mission accomplished!

"Nonsense again!" Just as He Tian sweetly imagined the future, Annie, who felt teased by the cheap girl, rolled her eyes at He Tiantian.

"Oh, Xinxin said it well, why did you talk nonsense?"

As a mother, Li Ying also hopes that her daughter will be able to marry beautifully.

He Tiantian's words just touched Li Ying's heart. Of course Li Ying wanted to help He Tiantian speak.

"That's it!" He Tiantian beat the snake and followed the stick, and sang with Li Ying one by one.

Annie:  …

Why does it suddenly feel like "the two of them are a team"?

"Why isn't it nonsense? How old am I? What about getting married or not?" Annie pretended to be embarrassed.

Li Ying was okay, she just smiled lovingly and condoningly.

He Tiantian, but winked at Annie on purpose. She seemed to be saying, "Mom, you already have a daughter as big as me. What's wrong with the topic of marriage? !

Annie:  …

No matter what the future holds, the old lady is now a green and pink girl.

The shyness, shyness and restraint that a girl should have, uh, well, Annie thinks she really doesn't have it.

But, isn't this kind of thing seen and unspoken!

It's like "An Xin", the arrogant child, who is not a filial daughter and knows that he has a big mouth!

"Okay, our family Nini is still a little girl!" Li Ying was amused by Annie's interaction with He Tiantian, and while laughing, she comforted her in a perfunctory manner.

"Mom~~" Annie felt her mother's good mood, and she was happy to cooperate.

Ahem, Caiyi entertains relatives, don't be ashamed!

The three of them were talking and laughing, no longer paying attention to the news of the richest man, but holding hands with each other and starting to walk back!

On the other side of the city, in a small store in a large urban village, a dilapidated 21-inch color TV was placed on the counter, and the screen with snowflakes was also playing the wedding of the only daughter of the richest man in the provincial capital.

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old young girl, holding a pack of instant noodles in her hand, was about to check out when she saw a wedding-related picture.

【What a nice view! What a grand wedding! 】

[As expected of the richest man's daughter, there is such a battle to get married! 】

[The bride is so beautiful and noble, just like a princess in a fairy tale! 】

【bridegroom? The groom is also very handsome and handsome. Prince Charming is someone like the groom! 】

The girl's beautiful peach eyes are full of envy!

"Hey, Xiaona, why do I see that this bride looks a bit like you?"

The owner of the small store knew the young girl and chatted with her with a smile while checking out the merchandise.

The boss just said it casually, but the girl took it seriously.

Surprise flashed on her beautiful face with a little baby fat, but she said modestly, "No? I'm just an ordinary person, but she's the little princess of the richest family, I, I—"

The young girl's modesty made the boss interested. After finding the change, he lay down in front of the TV and looked at it carefully, then nodded seriously: "It really seems that if we weren't neighbors, I would have hugged you when we were young. Just looking at this appearance, I would mistakenly think that you and her are sisters!"

"Oh, how can it be so similar? Well, Uncle Six, I won't tell you, I'll go back first."

The young girl held the instant noodles and walked out while talking.

However, she walked a few steps away and couldn't help but look back.

The TV screen had already switched to other news, but the noble bride in a custom-made wedding dress and the boss's words were deeply imprinted in the girl's memory.

The day when the new school started in two days, Annie declined her mother's offer to send her to school, and came to the dormitory with only a small bag and the "oil bottle" He Tiantian that couldn't be thrown away—

"Hello, my name is Annie! This is my best friend An Xin!"

"Hello, my name is Suna..."

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