The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and fifty fifth chapter villain redemption plan (14)

The latest website: He Tiantian and Annie looked at the girl who called herself Suna.

He Tiantian:  …

Um? There was no name that appeared in the plot, but, for some reason, seeing Su Na, she had an inexplicable feeling.

Annie: Nonsense! Don't you see her face looks familiar?

Also, there is something called ambition in her eyes!

And such eyes, the former Annie also had.

This is the breath of the same kind!

He Tiantian and Annie looked at each other and exchanged silently, and the two had a common understanding.

He Tiantian sighed slightly from the bottom of her heart: The power of the plot is so powerful.

She redeemed a villain, and as a result, in order to promote the plot, the world has spawned a new character!

He Tiantian and Annie have a strong feeling that something will happen to this girl named Su Na in the future.

Annie's eyes flickered.

He Tiantian is thoughtful.

"Mother and daughter", because of the emergence of a brand new role, began to have their own concerns again.

He Tiantian and Annie secretly observe and study Su Na, who is also a keen person.

She felt something, but when she looked at it, she found nothing.

She could only keep it in her heart, and lightly marked a symbol on the name "Annie".

Anne's assigned dormitory is a new dormitory for four people.

Quadruple room, bed and table, in 2002, it was definitely a very high-end student dormitory.

S University deserves to be one of the top universities in the provincial capital, and the dormitory level is also much higher than other universities.

As far as Annie knew, her high school classmates were studying at a university not far from S, but the dormitory was still an old eight-person room.

A room of less than 20 square meters is crowded with four bunk beds, and the writing desk and bookcase are all communal.

There is also no separate toilet, only one washroom with a row of drain taps on the first floor.

Annie's new dormitory is better, with fewer people, independent desks and wardrobes, and a small bathroom.

As for the four roommates, they may be introverted or extroverted, but they are not the best for good things.

After some chatting, the four people reported their age and lined up according to the customs at this time.

Annie's birthday was in June, and she was eighteen years old. She was neither the biggest nor the smallest in the dormitory, ranking second.

Annie didn't want to be called the second child, so her roommates jokingly called her "the second master".

With the second master, there is naturally a big master.

Annie didn't expect that Su Na, who attracted her attention from the moment she came, was actually the oldest of the four.

There is no doubt that Su Na is the boss of the 207 dormitory.

The other two roommates are ranked third and fourth respectively.

After the "Continuation of Teeth", the roommates had a simple understanding of each other, and the atmosphere in the dormitory gradually became harmonious.

He Tiantian, as the "oil bottle" brought by Annie, because he is similar in age to everyone and has a sweet and enthusiastic way of doing things, he also gets along well with 207's roommates.

She was even invited by everyone to attend the 207 dinner together.

"Oh, since it's Anne's best friend, it's also our friend!"

"That's right, it's just a 'family'!"

"Haha...Family or something, it's a bit strange. After all, we will have to find a boyfriend in the future!"

"By the way, when it comes to boyfriends, 206 next door said they want to have a friendship with the boys' dormitory..."

When school just started, colleges and universities this year have not yet implemented military training on a large scale.

After the freshmen reported, they first faced the recruitment of new students from major clubs and the "friendship" between male and female dormitories.

For freshmen who have just left the high school campus, stepping into the university campus is the first step away from their parents' control and the first step to contact the society.

Perhaps still naive, still ignorant, but has begun to yearn and chase the world of adults.

Friendship or something has become a shy but very positive thing for the freshmen.

"Really? I heard that we have dances on weekends, just over there in the cafeteria!"

"Prom? It's not the kind of park ballroom dance that my parents danced."

"Haha, it shouldn't be! Dancing, the group of demons dancing wildly, anyway, how do you come here!"

"...Sounds not bad, why don't we go and have a look?"

Several young girls of similar age were very excited when they mentioned new things about the university.

However, Annie was keenly aware that Suna was not active when everyone was eagerly discussing it.

She wanted to open her mouth to say something several times, but in the end, she endured it.

As a child who suffered from the same hardships, Annie experienced the embarrassment of poverty firsthand.

She is mentally strong and will not feel inferior because of her family's difficulties.

However, I can feel this feeling very much.

And Su Na, not only the ambition in her eyes made Annie feel the atmosphere of "the same kind".

In the face of innocent and carefree classmates, Su Na's hesitant speech and dilemma also made Annie very familiar.

She, Suna, should not be wealthy at home, and even have some difficulties.

Otherwise, when her roommates were discussing some projects that cost money, she would not have troubles and entanglements in her eyes.

If it wasn't for worrying about ruining the atmosphere, Su Na would have already spoken.

However, Suna didn't endure too long...

Because whether it's a social or dance party, or to participate in some group activities in the dormitory, it costs money.

Maybe not a lot, only five or ten each time.

But in 2002, when the price level was not too high, if you only ate in the cafeteria, Su Na's food cost for a week was only 20 yuan!

If she participates in two more dormitory activities, her monthly living expenses will be spent!

"...I-I'm not going! I have something to do this weekend!"

Cooperating with participating in group activities, after only half a month, Su Na couldn't hold it.

When the third child mentioned going skating together on the weekend, Suna declined slightly embarrassedly.

"Ah? Boss, are you not going?"

The third is a little disappointed.

However, in the end, he is a top student admitted to S University, and his personality is not so squeamish and willful.

The third child was just disappointed, but didn't ask the reason, let alone accuse Su Na of being incompatible with the group or destroying the atmosphere.

"Well! I'm sorry, I won't participate this time, you can go play."

Su Na tried her best to smile, hiding her inferiority complex and discomfort.

She also wants to go ice skating with her roommates and experience true youth wantonly.

But she can't!

To go to the ice skating rink, the ticket alone costs fifteen yuan.

Fifteen dollars is enough for her to eat in the cafeteria for a few days.

And everyone goes out to play together, can't just play, have a drink, or simply have a meal in the nearby business district.

Miscellaneous, at least 20 dollars.

There are also tolls to and from, even if it's just a bus ride, it costs a few dollars.

If you come across any trinkets and gadgets that everyone likes again... Add it up, fifty dollars will be gone for a weekend!

Suna really can't afford it.

If she doesn't participate in group activities, she may not seem so gregarious, but her wallet can be kept!

"I'm not going either. My mother is going to the hospital for a checkup this week, and I'm going to accompany her!"

Annie saw Suna's embarrassment, she understood him too well.

In the past, she was helpless and sighed because of money.

In fact, if it weren't for a cheap daughter, she would not be as good as Su Na now!

"Isn't it, the second master, even you are not going?"

The third child whimpered and lay down on the desk.

She comes from a small city, but her family is very good.

When the average monthly living cost of an ordinary college student was around three or four hundred, her parents gave her one thousand.

And it's still the kind of continuous state that you can replenish when you spend it.

Therefore, the third child is not poor at all, and has never experienced the helplessness and despair of not having money.

However, although the third child was raised by his family, he was not someone who would wantonly hurt others just because he had money.

She just whimpered and nodded understandingly, "However, it's a serious business to accompany Auntie to the hospital, skating or something. You can go again in the future, but you can't delay the business!"

"And boss, if you need any help, don't be polite!"

Sitting on the bed and listening to the campus radio with headphones, the fourth child also vaguely heard their conversation.

He took off his earphones, leaned down halfway, and the fourth child echoed with a smile: "Yes! I have something to say. If we can help, we will definitely help!"

They all live in the same dormitory, and they will spend four years together in the future, and they will become good friends and best friends for life in the future.

They have the most sincere and eager hearts towards each other!

"Well, the third, the fourth, thank you!"

Feeling the kindness of her roommates, Su Na smiled and apologized.

And in her heart, she also silently thanked the second head Annie.

Perhaps, Annie really wanted to take her mother to see a doctor, but in the scene just now, Annie's "rejection" made Su Na no longer an "exception".

In a team, always being special, always being out of place, and still not very good.

Because of her own reasons, Suna cannot always participate in group activities, and she is also subconsciously worried that she will be "isolated".

With Anne's "concurrence", she is no longer a special case, nor the only exception.

"Oh, it's all a dormitory, so you're welcome!"

"Yes yes yes!"

If you can be admitted to the S major, everyone's IQ will be no problem.

Maybe it's just a lack of human sophistication.

However, seeing Su Na's relieved look, the third and fourth still realized something.

In fact, they are not so keen on having fun.

It's just that I just got out of the hellish senior year and finally entered a more open, free, and exciting university campus. I couldn't stop for a while, and I was a little indulgent.

When their excitement is over, they will play all the entertainment activities that they did not have or rarely touched in middle school, and they will naturally calm down.

It is estimated that within two months, they will all return to the state of studying hard.

After all, getting into college is not the end of your studies.

Daily exams, competition for scholarships, and even future graduation and postgraduate entrance exams—

If they always indulge in "enjoying youth" and neglect their studies, they will surely regret it.

And their hard work in the past ten years has been in vain.

Their self-discipline, their pride, their sense of responsibility, will not allow this day.

Su Na's refusal woke them up from the excitement of getting out of the cage in advance——

University is not the point, and they can't think about eating, drinking, and having fun every day.

In addition to not squandering youth, we must also consider the feelings of others.

For example, their roommates may have their own difficulties, and they cannot live as carefree and smooth as they are.

Over time, the roommates gained a better understanding of each other's situation.

Only then did the third and fourth suddenly realize that not all classmates were as lucky as they were—

Annie, the second head of the family, grew up in a single-parent family, and her only mother was seriously ill.

I have to take traditional Chinese medicine every day, and every once in a while, I have to go to the hospital for follow-up.

In order to take better care of her mother, Annie not only rented a house in the staff dormitory of S University, but also went home often.

The eldest, Suna, is a local, and her family is still a famous urban village.

It is said that the old households here have one or two buildings, and they can collect tens of thousands of yuan per month for rent.

But Su Na's house is an exception.

Her father seemed to have some bad habits, and he ruined the whole family.

Su Na's tuition and living expenses for university are all earned by her own way of working.

After entering university, Su Na has been using her spare time or vacation to make money.

Perhaps because of vanity, or perhaps because of poor self-esteem, Su Na has been hiding her family situation.

When the counselor asked the classmates to apply for the subsidy for extremely poor students, Su Na also gritted her teeth and did not speak.

She was also a high school classmate of Su Na, who was also admitted to S University. She ran into Su Na in the cafeteria. She couldn't hold back and said something about the Su family.

"...Originally, their family had two buildings. Even if their parents didn't do anything, they could earn 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a month."

"Unfortunately, Su Na's father was obsessed with investing, was coaxed to do a project, lost all his savings, and even mortgaged and auctioned off his self-built building."

"Su Na's sophomore and senior three tuition fees are almost unaffordable, and our school has also organized donations..."

The gossip spread quickly.

Su Na has also become a well-known little pitiful - falling from a princess to a Cinderella!

Annie:  …

She heard the gossip outside and suddenly had a bad premonition.

If it was her, maybe she would take this as an opportunity to directly "blacken"!

Ahem, the word blackening was also given to her by the cheap girl, Science.

Oh, yes, there is the word kope.

In other words, there are a lot of Internet terms in later generations.

Unlike now, the Internet has just emerged, and some new words on the Internet are only circulating in a small area, and have not become a popular stalk known to the whole people!

When it comes to cheap girls, Annie can't help but think about family matters.

It is said that the Chinese medicine secret recipe of the cheap girl is really useful. My mother took it for two months. The last time I went to the hospital for an examination, I found that the cancer cells were really decreasing.

My mother cried directly, and her spirit also changed—

It is no longer a single-minded desire to "relieve", but a more active cooperation with treatment.

My mother's situation is developing in a very good direction.

Annie's dangling heart can finally be put down completely.

But, about Suna—

"Mom, let me give you the latest news, Su Na went to Jiuzhongtian to do a part-time job..."

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